初中英语作文:How to Deal With Star-worship

时间:2021-12-10 15:59:47 初中作文 我要投稿

初中英语作文:How to Deal With Star-worship

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初中英语作文:How to Deal With Star-worship

  Worshiping stars is general now. But what I want to say is that what kinds of stars we should worship. Not only can he or she be a singer, an actor, but also a general worker, a farmer or a teacher. Stars should be a symbol of a spirit. This spirit for us is worth learning.

  The most beautiful teacher, Tan Qianqiu, organized his students to run away when the earthquake was coming. When the last minute, four students were still in the classroom. He rushed into the classroom without thinking twice. He stretched out his arms and covered the four students with his body. The students were saved, but he lost his life. His great spirit has a great influence on us. So I think, we should worship stars who are like him.

  Stars' spirits that will influence us should be active, they can make us work hard, and help us achieve our dreams, face to life actively.

  Worship spirits, worship wisely.

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