
时间:2023-03-17 14:53:01 兴亮 家乡 我要投稿
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  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇1

  My hometown is in Sichuan, where not only the scenery is good, but also there are a lot of delicious, today, I will introduce a kind of delicious to you - orange.

  Outside the gate of my hometown, planted two orange trees, these two orange trees were planted when my father was a child, when they opened white flowers, to the intermediate stage, on the open make the orange. Every year during the Spring Festival, we will go back to our hometown, to taste the yellow and golden oranges.

  Listen to the mother said, the orange is the whole body is treasure, its pulp, skin, stone can be medicated. The skin of an orange is called "tangerine peel" after it is dried. And the white network above the orange flesh, called "orange", contains a certain amount of vitamin P, has the effect of regulating collaterals, phlegm, qi, stagnation and so on. Orange pit bitter taste, non-toxic, has the effect of regulating qi and relieving pain, can be used to treat hernia, lumbago and other diseases. Even tangerine root, tangerine leaves can also be used as medicine, with different functions such as soothing the liver, strengthening the spleen and stomach.

  Orange is a common kind of fruit, orange is not only delicious, there are many nutrition, listen to my introduction, is it want to eat? Hurry up and taste it!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇2

  My hometown is Suichang. Although it is a small mountain town, it is also rich in products and many special products.

  After the spring rain, small bamboo shoots emerged from the ground. We all know that bamboo shoots are delicious, but do we know what bamboo can do when it grows up? Let me introduce you.

  After we burn bamboo into bamboo charcoal, we can make many things. For example, bamboo charcoal car cushion, it can decompose the odor in the car, release the far infrared ray, can eliminate fatigue, has the effect of anti-mildew sterilization. Bamboo charcoal can also make insoles. Wind chimes, very popular with Japanese people. Therefore, Suichang is also known as the "hometown of bamboo charcoal in China".

  Suichang is one of the one hundred tea bases in the country. "High Mountain Cloud Tea", "Maofeng" and "Taixu Miao Lu", which are made by nature, have been the tribute since the Ming Dynasty. The famous tea "Longgu Liren" also won the gold medal! Therefore, Suichang is also known as the "hometown of tea".

  Suichang also has many special products! For example, stone chrysanthemum rice, yellow sand waist dried potato...... They're all people's favorites.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇3

  Wind grass low see cattle and sheep, temple river mountain apple famous. My home is located in the temple river mountain this beautiful place, hometown specialty apple, today I will introduce you to introduce apple!

  In spring, an apple sucks the nectar given to them by the spring girl. They stretch their long leaves, and the dew smiles on their leaves. In summer, apple trees bloom in clusters of pink and milky apple flowers, and industrious little bees come from all directions to spread the nectar.

  Not overripe apple green, about the size of a glass ball, sour taste, as time goes on, the apple a little bit red, want to eat? No, it's not. It'll be months before you want it. First the apples were green, then half red and half yellow, and finally all red.

  No ripe apple bitter and astringent, ripe apple crisp and sweet, call people eat more want to eat, eat more love to eat, the harvest season is coming, my parents and I returned to temple river mountain to help grandma and grandpa pick apples, looking at a basket, big and red apple, I picked one of the most red to eat up, ah, really sweet ah, apple juice from my mouth flow out. Grandma called me a "glutton."

  If you come to my hometown as a guest, I will take out the best apple to receive you.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇4

  My hometown is in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province. It is not only a good place with green mountains and beautiful waters, but also rich in products. We can be proud of our specialties all year round.

  In spring, the fragrant strawberry with its freckled face beckons to us among the green leaves. More famous than strawberries is Xianju's bayberry, which can only be tasted in May every year.

  Summer, crisp and sweet watermelon is our hometown specialty, listen to my father said, Wenling watermelon is the most famous in the country. And there are many people living in Wenling watermelon expert also go to all over the country to plant watermelon, so that more people know Taizhou.

  In autumn, the golden tangerine is a famous specialty in our hometown. The most famous tangerine is Huangyan Tangerine and Yongquan tangerine. Tell you, Yongquan tangerine peel can also eat it!

  Winter, Yuhuan Wendan is also a specialty of our hometown, its thin skin wrapped in the delicious pulp let you eat a forget!

  With all this talk, is your mouth watering already? Then come to my hometown as a guest!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇5

  My hometown in Lingnan, here the fruit can be rich! There are papaya, banana, lychee, longan, pineapple and star fruit. Every year in April to June, my favorite bananas come into the market.

  Whether by the river, the field, the vegetable garden, the orchard, the roadside... You can see the shadow of the banana tree, which also proves that the banana tree is very strong!

  The leaves of the banana tree are very big, so that they can be sheltered from wind and rain. It's funny how a banana looks like a gun when it's still unpeeled. Underripe bananas are green and hard when pinched. Ripe bananas are golden and soft when pinched. There are also little black spots on the banana skin called plum spots. I can't wait to peel the banana peel, taste a bite, the taste is sweet and sweet, take a closer look, the flesh some thin stripes, white flesh with a hint of yellow, so that people can not help but to gently eat a bite.

  In fact, the use of banana peel can be a lot of it, it is said to be able to treat foot odor, banana can also be cut into pieces for beauty!

  Bananas are delicious and useful. Welcome to my hometown to taste!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇6

  My mother's hometown is in Hubei, Hubei is a famous "hometown of fish and rice", famous specialty, rich varieties, among them, my favorite is "dragon dish".

  Flat dragon cuisine is the imperial food of the Ming Dynasty. Flat dragon cuisine is what flat dragons eat. It was founded during the reign of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty. According to legend, before Emperor Jiajing ascended the throne, he ordered the chef to make a dish that could not be eaten without being eaten. If he could not make it, the chef's life would be in danger. A skilful cook named Jandao made a delicious new dish that looked like sweet potatoes with fish, meat and eggs. The emperor of Jiajing liked it very much. Later, the dish was named "Flat Dragon Dish".

  Now, Flat dragon dish has become a kind of public food, I like it very much. When the fried dragon dish was done, it was golden and shiny. Put a piece in your mouth and eat it. At first, it felt like an inexpressible taste, like eggs and meat, and at last, there was a smell of fish.

  This is my hometown specialty -- Flat dragon dish, rich in nutrition and delicious taste.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇7

  My hometown is not only beautiful scenery, but also rich in products. The people here are industrious and capable, rich and delicious fruit throughout the year. There are yellow peaches, oranges, dragon fruit, strawberries and so on. Today I will introduce my hometown specialty strawberry bar!

  The strawberries here are early in the market, long in fruit, big in fruit and beautiful in appearance.

  The strawberry it has a bright red coat, the bright red coat inlaid with a lot of yellow seeds, very bright. When the strawberry is ripe, it will give off an attractive fragrance.

  Strawberry ingredients are: sugar, sucrose, glucose, citric acid, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. It AIDS digestion and stimulates appetite. Of course, it is still a good medicine, sex flat, taste sweet acid, with the spleen, invigoration, spleen, stomach, alcohol, blood and other effects.

  If you take it off and bite into it, a lot of juice will run out. Strawberry flesh is soft, the old people do not have to be afraid of biting, babies do not have to be afraid of choking, so it is a suitable fruit for all ages.

  Read my introduction, do you think strawberry is a good thing, then come to Jiande to taste my hometown specialty bar!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇8

  My hometown in Zhuji, the most famous specialty is Torreya.

  Torreya has pointy ends, similar to olive pits. Its flesh is yellow, the fruit coat is black, coated with a brown shell. The meat inside tastes delicious and crunchy.

  In fact, we eat Torreya seeds. The fruit picked from the tree is like a big jujube, and after a very complex processing, it became what we see now. Torreya's shell is very hard, the first time to eat Torreya do not know how to peel, bite directly with teeth, the result even a piece of shell and meat are broken. It turned out that Torreya torreya has two "eyes" at one end. As long as you press the eyes with your thumb and forefinger, the hard shell will crack. Then you can use the peeled hard shell to remove the black fruit coat.

  After all I've said, are you hungry? Welcome to my hometown to have a taste.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇9

  I love my hometown peach, because peach sweet to eat a want to eat.

  Spring comes peach trees bloom peach blossoms, full of branches are peach blossoms, a string of pink peach blossoms like spring girl's bells. People see that peach blossom really beautiful ah! Suddenly a gust of wind blows, the peach trees in the river, above the peach blossoms are blown flying in all directions, blowing into the river petals it like dispersing in the river.

  Early summer arrived and the peach trees grew green leaves. In the middle of the leaves, when people do not notice, has grown out, round peach, emerald green, like a green gem. But they are not ripe for some time before they can be eaten ripe peaches, ripe peaches are also round, the red red ones are as cute as being red by the sun, they are also like shy faces eating a lot of hot peppers. Tear it thin skin, bite a mouthful, a sweet taste immediately ran into my mouth.

  Ah! I love my hometown peach is really delicious, very red you will want to eat more and more.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇10

  Chongqing people love to eat hot pot, can be said to be loved by everyone. Chongqing hotpot is famous for old hotpot and new hotpot, which are popular all over the country.

  My father is a loyal customer of hot pot, every time my father came back from Beijing said to eat hot pot, I do not know why my father like to eat so much, maybe because the color of hot pot, incense, taste is too let people linger!

  Remember once, my father said our family to eat hot pot, I happily go with my father. Into the store, saw the next uncle and aunt while drinking beer, while eating hot pot, all eat sweating. After a while, the bottom of our pan came up. I saw the red soup, full of chili and Sichuan pepper, the smell of the smell really let me saliva, I can't wait to eat. Dad said: "Don't worry, wait for a while can eat." I took the chopsticks and began to burn them. After a few minutes, I picked up a dish and took a bite. "Wow! From the mouth has been spicy to the stomach, but I feel very fragrant, can not help but to clip my favorite dishes to eat. In this way, I ate a lot of food at once, belly full of round.

  I finally know why my father likes hot pot so much, because I fell in love with it, too.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇11

  Who doesn't have a hometown? For hometown souvenir, is often caused by some small things, a special - tofu, cabbage, melon......

  When it comes to cantaloupe, the cantaloupe in our hometown is very refreshing and sweet because it is planted by ourselves. It is well-known in the local people.

  Cantaloupes are not very big like other cantaloupes. On the contrary, they are very small, about the size of my fist. People might think it's weird, but I think that's what I remember about cantaloupes, so when I see my fist, I think of cantaloupes.

  Cantaloupe although small, but its meat is very sweet, the seeds inside is also very fragrant, refreshing! When eating generally just cut off the top of the pedicle, wash, you can eat.

  The sweetness of cantaloupe stays in the mouth for a long time, making it particularly memorable. Sour taste, for people is very easy, the acid of life, the acid of grievance. Sweet is very difficult to learn sweet, uncles and aunts praise sweet, in my heart for a long time can not go away.

  Hometown melon is soon to go on the market time, then, the villagers must be a group of a group of picking up the burden, carrying baskets to the market to trade.

  I love the hometown of melon, more love the hometown of melon.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇12

  My hometown is in Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province, where there are many famous specialties. Today I would like to introduce Xiuyan's special dish: Mountain show!

  Canned food and drinks are at the mountain show. It is very popular in China because it is a natural and green food. There are canned yellow peach, canned white peach, canned hawthorn, etc. It is found in remote mountainous areas covering 3,353 square kilometers. Whenever the fruit goes on sale, canneries buy large quantities of high quality fresh fruit and process it into cans. And no chemical fertilizers or pesticides, no colors, sweeteners or preservatives.

  My sister-in-law works in a cannery. The boss is very strict and doesn't allow mistakes to be made together. The boss said: quality is life. If you want great products and great brands, you have to turn off good quality.

  Shenshanxiu canned food taste sweet and sour. Every festival, people always buy boxes of alpine performances to show their respect. Canned yellow peach tastes sweet and delicious. They're delicious. They taste better than fresh fruit. They are both appetizing and appetizing.

  About what? Are you salivating over my introduction? If you come to my house, I'll make sure you try canned mountain goods. When you're done, you're sure to think about it and admire it. If you want one, go get a bottle. It's the best selling book in the country!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇13

  My hometown is in Fujian. I love longan in my hometown.

  Longan's skin is brown, the meat is white, longan is round, far from the past, also thought is a small brown ball, don't look at the appearance of longan skin is not good, but as long as you peel the brown skin, you can see the pearl-like white flesh, looking at the crystal clear flesh, people can't help but want to put into the mouth. Put a longan into your mouth, you feel the whole mouth is sweet, when I was a child, the first time I saw longan, I put it in the collection, but not a few days later, longan rotten, I wanted to cry, but I saw that kind of longan, I want to cry also can't cry, can't laugh, just can't cry. Since then, I particularly like to eat longan, my mother called me longan fan, I can like this nickname. We must eat more fruit, because fruit has a lot of water and nutrition, only often eat fruit we won't get sick oh!

  I love hometown, also love hometown longan!

  Do you know why it's called pork cake? It gets its name because freshly steamed pork cakes are as white and shiny as freshly cooked pigs. As long as you think of Luzhou to travel friends to taste my hometown's specialty - pork cake oh!

  I love my hometown, I love my hometown pig cake!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇14

  In my beautiful hometown Shaoxing, there are many delicious specialties. Today I'd like to introduce you!

  First, the first specialty I want to introduce is small and smelly. Some love it, some fear it. I don't have to tell you! That's the "notorious" stinky tofu, by the way. The stinky tofu, steamed or fried, always leaves a lasting taste. When tourists come to Shaoxing, they always want to buy boxes of stinky tofu.

  Then, the second one is going to introduce you to a special product, which looks clear and transparent, but smells sweet and intoxicating. ... How is it? Of course don't say you guessed right! That is Shaoxing Yellow Rice wine, famous at home and abroad. Yellow rice wine has a history of 5,000 years. It is carefully brewed with clear Jianhu water. Mellow fragrance, excellent color and fragrance. It is also known as the "crown of Oriental famous wine".

  Now I'd like to introduce the third feature. That's what every family needs, dark, fresh, dried vegetables. On the summer table, there is always a bowl of soup made of dried moldy vegetables, which can quench thirst and prevent summer heat!

  My hometown has a lot of specialty, such as beans in grayling, incense cakes, beancurd. How's it going? Drool? Then come to my hometown and try it! Come, don't leave!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇15

  My hometown "Jiangjin" is rich in natural and natural resources. There are sweet and delicious mandarin oranges, delicious ocean peanuts, and numbing and spicy Sichuan pepper...... Among them, rice candy is famous far and near. Let me introduce the rice candy in my hometown.

  Rice candy is made from rice, peanuts, sesame and other raw materials. There's salt and pepper, there's rose, there's hot. The method is: first, the rice is boiled and dried in the sun, then the rice bubbles are made at high temperature, and then the peanuts and sesame seeds are put into the oil and crisp. Then the rice candy, which is mixed with the rice bubbles, peanuts and sesame seeds, is poured into the utensils and pressed flat. Then the rice candy is cut into different sizes according to the size of the wrapping paper and wrapped in the packaging paper. The rice Krispies made in this way are crisp, crisp and delicious. Rice Krispies can be eaten either straight or in open water. Now in the market to see the most is "lotus brand rice candy" and "rose brand rice candy".

  Now our rice candy has a lot of varieties and flavors, best-selling markets at home and abroad, the old, young, children like to eat. Friends, listen to my introduction, I believe you have salivated, then hurry up to Jiangjin to taste it!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇16

  My hometown is in Linhai, which is a small village with beautiful scenery and rich products. There are many specialties in the village, such as oranges, bayberry, grapes, seafood and so on. The most famous are oranges and grapes.

  The grapes are ripe in July and August. Clusters of grapes, purple, white, red, pale green, hang under the green leaves. White grapes hanging under the green leaves like a string of pearls, red grapes hanging on the ivy like a ruby, green grapes like a dinosaur eggs, colorful, crystal clear, very beautiful. To the vineyard picked a grape into the mouth sour sweet, really delicious.

  Linhai not only delicious grapes, oranges better taste, more famous. Oranges are ripe in October of the lunar calendar. When they are ripe, they hang on trees like small lanterns. Orange peel thin red, rich fruit juice, vitamin C content, eat a few every day, let a person healthy, orange peel can do traditional Chinese medicine, orange whole body is treasure, no wonder Linhai has "Tangerine hometown" said.

  If you travel to Linhai, you must try these specialties.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇17

  My hometown is Beijing, sugar fried chestnut is a specialty of my hometown, especially from Huairou chestnut fried into sugar, is thin skin, sweet taste.

  In the early winter of each year, a large iron pot would be set up in front of a small shop selling stir-fried goods on the street. Many brown chestnuts and numerous black stones, accompanied by sugar, would be slowly turned over in the pot by two iron leaves in a rhythm. As the pot was heated continuously, the color of the chestnuts changed from light to dark. At this time, the peculiar aroma of chestnuts floated out. Without the boss's special call, smell this greedy aroma, many people stop, buy a bag, eat with relish. At this time, I can't wait to buy a big bag and eat it. Fried chestnuts are bright and steaming, bringing us warmth in the cold winter. Eat while it's hot. Take a bite, break the skin, and then peel the shell in addition to the film, put the golden chestnut into the mouth, feeling hot, fragrant, sweet. What a wonderful taste! What are you waiting for? One more!

  Now, I follow my parents to live in Shanghai, every winter, I will miss the Beijing sugar fried chestnut, because, it is the taste of home.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇18

  My hometown in Shandong, where the production of specialty is really rich ah! There are sweet and sour delicious China everbright apple, yellow pear, golden wheat...... One of my favorite is Shandong jujube, it is rich in vitamins, known as "natural vitamin pills", let a person full of praise!

  Listen to my grandfather said, his hometown in front of the house planted a tall jujube tree, has been more than one hundred years old! When spring comes, new buds sprout on the bare trees; In summer, the branches and leaves luxuriant, jujube trees grow a jujube. Home people with a long pole, the jujube down, eat in the mouth, issued a crisp sound. In autumn, jujube mature, a red small fruit covered with the whole jujube tree, like a ruby shining in the sun, lovely! People put the favorite red dates down, make it into red dates sugar, dates cake, dried dates and other food.

  Shandong is a good place with beautiful scenery and abundant products. Welcome to Shandong!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇19

  My hometown is Meizhou, Guangdong Province, where the climate is mild, the land is fertile, rich in specialty. Special products are stuffed tofu, stuffed bitter gourd, chrysanthemum cake, maltose and other flavor food, today I will introduce to you one of them - stuffed bitter gourd.

  Stuffed bitter gourd looks green and shiny, inside the meat aroma attractive, is a color, flavor and perfect Hakka cuisine. Practice: bitter melon 5 or so, pork belly (minced pork), salt, glutinous rice, light soy sauce, mushroom amount. Glutinous rice should be soaked until the rice becomes soft. Remove the flesh of bitter melon and wash it, cut 10 ~ 15 cm round pier; Meat and mushroom, glutinous rice mix together; Then fill the hollow bitter melon with glutinous rice filling, placed in the pan, into the pot can be steamed. You can also put it directly in the rice cooker.

  Look, this simple bitter gourd is ready!

  Stuffed bitter melon, stuffed bean curd and stuffed eggplant are known as the "three treasures of fried gourd". Steamed bitter melon is light and refreshing, slightly bitter and fragrant, making you want to eat a bite. Bitter melon has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, brightening eyes and losing fire, but also because it is steamed vegetables, eating can warm the stomach and qi.

  This is the specialty of my hometown. How about that? Not bad! Welcome to Meizhou, Guangdong Province.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇20

  My hometown is in southern Fujian, southern Fujian specialty is not much, and my favorite is - food.

  Fried vegetable is a popular traditional snack of Han nationality in southern Fujian Province. Every Chinese New Year festival, families will fry something, vegetables is one of them.

  The main ingredients of the dish are rice milk and white radish, which are first steamed, then cut into chunks, and finally fried.

  The fried dish is golden brown on the outside and slightly burnt on the inside. The dishes are usually cut into small triangular shapes, and some people are clumsy. The fried dishes come in a variety of shapes, big and small. Different sizes and shapes of the dishes put together will lead to the overall appearance is not very beautiful.

  The food not only looks attractive but also tastes delicious.

  The dish is hot and steaming right out of the pot, but it's best when you eat it while it's hot. Bite down, the outside is crispy, the inside is soft waxy waxy, fragrant and delicious people can not help but eat one piece after another. But don't eat too much! Once, I ate too many vegetables and got sick as a result.

  After reading so many introductions about cuisine, you should know the reason why cuisine is one of the favorite foods of Fujian people. If you are tempted, come to my hometown and taste the Hokkien fried vegetables!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇21

  My hometown is Hunan, where there are many special products, such as Hunan embroidery and chili... But it's chili that I love.

  There are many kinds of pepper: "millet pepper, devil pepper, green pepper, color pepper."

  Pepper is red all over his body, wearing a narrow "green hat" on his head. It has higher vitamins than other vegetables and fruits. It has a high potency. It's good for chilling and appetizing, but for people who can't eat spicy food, it can be very spicy and painful. Some peppers bite hot, some swallow hot, some eat hot, some mouth is hot, some throat is hot, some have a spicy taste.

  Every time I go back to Hunan, I ask, "What's for dinner tonight?" I'm not giving up until I'm sure I have chili.

  Once, I said to grandpa, "I wish I could eat chili every day." Grandpa said: "Grandpa taught you today to put garlic, chili, ginger together, then put some red oil and salt in the bottle, put it on the lid, leave it for a few days, ready to eat. It's delicious!" Hearing Grandpa's words, I jumped three feet high for joy.

  When you come to Hunan, I will treat you to taste!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇22

  My hometown in Longxi County Fuxing town, a remote little rain mountain village, our hometown specialty is potatoes, in our there almost every household have dozens of acres or even more potatoes.

  Potato is also called "potato", "potato egg". It is relatively drought-tolerant, sowing around the Qingming Festival and harvesting around the National Day. Flowers are white, its shape and size are different, some oval, some like a small ball, and some say round is not round, say long is not long, here convex, there concave, big one has two catties weight! Potatoes come in all shapes and sizes. The shape of the potato is not beautiful, not to mention the color of the potato, bright earth white clothes draped on the body, and with dirt, looks like a "hillbilly".

  Potatoes are not only delicious, but there are many ways to eat them. You can eat them steamed, baked, fried and so on. Potatoes contain starch, its calories are several times that of flour, is one of the indispensable vegetables in people's life. Its starch can be made into a variety of vermicelli, sold across the country. It is also one of the main economic sources of farmers uncle in his hometown. It is cheap, suitable for the public taste, popular with people, including me!

  How about, my hometown potatoes are not bad! Would you like to try it?

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇23

  There are many specialties in our hometown, such as scrambled eggs, roast chicken, lamb kebabs... I'm just gonna pick one of my favorites to talk about!

  Braised fish is my favorite and our specialty. It tastes good and looks good. Brown soy sauce sprinkled on the cooked fish, with a knife in the middle of a few cracks, and add the jade like vegetables. The smell it emits is even more mouth-watering!

  When there are visitors in the house, if there is an aunt among them, it is a blessing. Because my aunt's braised fish is more delicious than people in five-star hotels. In fact, the practice of braised fish is very simple, first scrape the scales, then wash the fish, put into the pot, and respectively put sugar, soy sauce, salt and other materials, and then turn for a while, a bowl of delicious braised fish is good.

  I like to eat the tail first, because the juice on the tail is very delicious, after eating the tail to eat the body of the fish, the taste is very beautiful, sweet, as long as the guests have eaten.

  What do you think? You want some?

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇24

  My hometown in Yongquan, here beautiful scenery, my favorite hometown specialty - orange.

  Spring comes, everything comes back to life, flowers bloom. Waves of fragrance came, the original is the orange blossom, the tree full of white and flawless orange flowers clusters, like a lovely smiling face. Emitting a charming aroma, attracting a colorful butterfly dancing in the flowers. A small bee smelled the fragrance of orange flower, hurriedly called his partner to color honey, a swarm of bees piled on, as if who picked honey.

  In the hot summer, the orange trees are full of green, unripe oranges, and if you want to eat them now, it will make your teeth ache.

  In the crisp autumn air, the branches of yellow oranges bend. Some of them huddled together in threes and fives, as if they were talking quietly, and some basked in the sun on the branches, basking their bodies in golden yellow. Greedy I picked an orange, peel the orange peel a look, eight or nine small orange petals, like the crescent, different sizes, they one by one, can be really interesting!

  The orange tastes wonderful, sweet and sour. If you have time to come to my hometown, I will treat you to oranges.

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇25

  My hometown is Zhoukou, where there are Hu spicy soup, fried dough sticks, watermelon, mutton soup and wild vegetable noodles.

  Let's talk about Hu spicy soup first. It is perfect in color, aroma and taste. The unique spicy taste of pepper makes people have an appetite. Fried dough sticks are the best partner for Hu spicy soup, and it couldn't be better. Churros, although just and noodles, fried these two simple steps, but in the hands of the big chef can also let his delicious all show up, let you eat still want to eat, has been not enough.

  Big watermelon but summer essential fruit, after cutting, bright red melon flesh crystal clear, taste a cooler than air conditioning, sweet than dense sugar, watermelon has a small, some seedless, some seeds, are very delicious.

  Mutton soup is my favorite kind of soup, cold winter, drink a few mouth of mutton soup, eat a few mouth of mutton, both warm the body and fill the stomach, so winter mother always often stew mutton soup at home, every time I drink all.

  Wild vegetable noodles, 100% natural dried wild vegetable noodles. I'm not really a fan of noodles, but I could eat two big bowls under the strong aroma of the cabbage soup. How's that? Through my introduction, do you want to taste all kinds of delicious food in my hometown?

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇26

  My hometown is in Sichuan, where is known as the "land of abundance", beautiful mountains and rivers, outstanding people, rich products, specialty types are very many, I would like to introduce a it!

  Sichuan pickled cabbage, this is a well-known appetizer in Sichuan, eat taste is very good, if the time is not long, when eating a little "crispy", can be said to be "crispy" with acid, is also called delicious, sometimes grandparents from home, brought a lot of pickled cabbage to our home, dad often said, pickled cabbage has a variety of ways to eat it, Can be fried to eat, can also do fish to eat pickled cabbage fish, the following called "pickled cabbage noodles", I have eaten pickled cabbage, give me the feeling in addition to acid, other I did not taste what taste, but every time do pickled cabbage noodles, dad eat the most vigorous, also eat the most.

  Among the specialties of Sichuan food, there are a variety of delicious dishes, such as Sichuan preserved pork, fermented black beans, and so on. Welcome to my hometown if you have the opportunity to visit me!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇27

  My hometown is in Shandong Province, where the scenery is beautiful and pleasant. Also rich in a familiar local product - peanuts.

  Peanuts are the most famous local product in our hometown. Every year in autumn, when the peanuts mature, every family yard, the roof of the sun is all peanuts. In my hometown, the peanut was also named "Luo Shen", which means that the peanut is very rich in nutrition. The peanuts in my hometown have two colored shells: earthy yellow and dark brown. In these two different colors of shell, there are two colors of peanuts, very interesting! When you peel a peanut like a fat baby, put the peanut kernel in your mouth will feel crispy very delicious.

  In my hometown, you can also taste the peanut cake, which is also delicious and crispy. I believe you will like it.

  How's that? My hometown is good! By the way, the people in my hometown are very hospitable, if you go, will bring out delicious peanuts to entertain you, to my hometown to be a guest!

  我爱家乡的特产英语作文 篇28

  My hometown is the hometown of longan. I love the grass and trees of my hometown, more hometown specialty - longan.

  My hometown is covered with longan, lush, like a green ocean, Longan tree appearance is not surprising, but its fruit quality is good, sweet full. I got an early taste of this sweet but not cloying, waxy but refreshing character.

  In summer, the fruit is hanging all over the branches, the branches are bent. Looking closely at longan, I saw that it was round, the thin one was only as big as a soybean, and the big one had a thumb

  That's so big. Longan has different flavors at different stages: overripe longan is sweet, while underripe longan has a bitter taste. As long as you gently peel the skin, you can smell the unique fragrance of longan. The brown and black pits are embedded in the translucent, round flesh.

  If you come to my hometown at this time, you can see a busy scene: pick up the pick up the pick up the basket basket, running back and forth on the country road, villagers are picking a bunch of large mature longan from the longan tree, a basket basket, loaded onto the car exported to all over the country. At this time, you don't busy looking, eat enough, every family of people are competing to let you taste the fruits of their labor.









