
时间:2023-04-29 18:59:14 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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旅游英语作文 篇1

  I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.

  It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes.

  On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday.

旅游英语作文 篇2

  Situated in the river valley along the lower part of Xiang River, Changsha is the capital city of Hunan Province. The recorded history of Changsha can be traced back 3000 years. Tomb relics from the primitive periods witnessing the earliest human of activities have been discovered in this region. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C. - 476 B.C.), the area developed into an important town within the State of Chu, (one of the seven warring states that existed before China's unification by Emperor Qin). After Emperor Qin (the first feudal emperor in China's history) unified the country, the town was set up as a county and later became the capital city of a state in the early Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 220). The tomb excavation site of Mawangdui found in the eastern suburb of the city is a family graveyard from that period. The most fantastic historical relic should be the well-preserved mummified remains of a Western Han Dynasty woman excavated from the tombs. Some of thousands of relics unearthed include silk products, paintings, lacquer works, potteries, bamboo slips used for writing, weapons and herbs, all of which are exhibited in Hunan Provincial Museum.

  In the dynasties that followed, the city experienced several expansions and during China's Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), it has developed into the political, economic and cultural center of Hunan Province.

  Although not as ancient a capital city as Beijing, Nanjing or Xian, Changsha also has rich historical heritages including old wall remains, tomb sites, religious temples and buildings. What earns the city its reputation among tourists are two things. One is a great man in China's recent history, Chairman Mao Zedong and the other is Yuelu Academy, a time-honored academic school perched on the scenic Yuelu Mountain. Originally built in 976 during the Song Dynasty, the academy school survived through the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties and is considered to be the cradle of Huxiang Culture. (simply means the culture school in Hunan Province)

  The village of Shaoshan, about 130 kilometers south-west of Changsha is the hometown of Chairman Mao Zedong. Today, the village has become a memorial place for Chinese people to remember this extraordinary man. People erected a statue of the Chairman and have preserved the houses he lived as a tourist site. A museum and other memorial spots in the scenic area create a kind of solemn atmosphere. Many Chinese come to pay respect and visit here during the memorial days.

  In addition, the city was home to other revolutionary leaders including Liu Shaoqi, Huyaobang and former Chinese prime minister, Zhu Rongji. Therefore, it acts as a good place to learn more about China's recent history.

  Changsha people boast to be the best gourmand of China and here people spend a lot of time eating. Xiang Cuisine is one of the Eight Cuisines in China and has a fine and delicate appearance and a hot & sour taste and the heavy and hot taste is an equal competitor to the spicy food of Sichuan. Street dining and restaurants in the city make every visitor's mouth hot. No matter the featured snacks - 'Stinky Tofu' and 'Sisters'Rice Balls' in Huogongdian (Fire Palace) or the famous spicy shrimps at Nanmenkou, the many types of delicious local food will not disappoint any guests.

  Changsha people are also renowned for their acting and have created various traditional folk art performances of their own including the local operas, storytelling, drum opera, acrobatics and other dramatic styles. Everyone can feel their hospitalities and enthusiasm by their vigorous dances. Today, most of the entertainment houses in the city present dynamic and entertaining performances featuring a blend of the traditional essence and the modern flare. The neon lights of KTV squares, disco parlors, clubs and dancing squares illuminate the city at night. Dotted with all sorts of bars and pubs, Jiefang Xilu, although not as prosperous as Sanlitun Pub Street in Beijing, has its own styles. Romantic and quiet bars, dynamic show bars, teahouses, western style restaurants...People of all ages can find their ideal place to spend their leisure time.

旅游英语作文 篇3

  旅游业----“无烟的工业”----正在中国迅速发展。随着改革开放政策的贯彻执行, 数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个具有5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

  旅游业作为一种商业活动给中国带来许多好处。首先,在经济上它有利于我国经济的发展。正如你们所知道的,中国需要大量的外汇来执行现代化建设计划。旅游业是获得外汇的最重要的渠道之一。其次,旅游业是中国人民更多地了解外界。另一方面,访问过中国的外国人对我国的最新发展和我国人民的`友好和殷勤留下了深刻的印象。世界各国的报纸经常刊登访问过中国的外国人所写的报道, 介绍中国人如何彬彬有礼、助人为乐。显然,旅游业大大促进了中国人民和世界人民之间的友谊和了解。



  Tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in China. With the reform and opening –up policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5, 000 years.

  Tourism as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of benefits. In the fires place, it is financially beneficial to the economic development of China. As our know, China needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization program. Tourism is one of the most important channels to obtain currencies. Secondly, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world. On the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and the friendliness and hospitality of our people. Reports by visitors to China about how courteous and helpful most Chinese were to them are often printed in newspapers of many different countries. It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world.

  Everything, however, has two sides. Tourism gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country.

  As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us. (287 words)

旅游英语作文 篇4

  Away from the books to bring me heavy, away from the results brought me the blow, running, toward the field, enjoy nature, return to nature.

  The golden fields are filled with this year's grain bumper harvest. May be in this calm field, but came a uninvited guest: grasshopper. It is also known as locusts, will change the color of rice and change their own color, eating crops in the field. So the National Day holiday, I and my brother can not wait to come to the edge of the fields, line up sleeves, rolled up pants, rushed into the field, began to rectify the "pest".

  The fields are bouncing grasshopper everywhere, Gu got this only, and refused to take that only. Soon we will be exhausted. Helpless, I and my brother had to sit on the ridge, to discuss countermeasures. After the footsteps, we began to work together: I refer to the grasshopper where my brother caught the grasshopper, caught the grasshopper by me pulling off the spring-like legs, and then to watch. With a specific program, grasshopper immediately planted. Blink of an eye, a few grasshopper has become my playing things. I am leisurely to play, my brother struggling to catch the grasshopper in the field, he slowly unconvinced, sitting on the ridge, that must be with me to catch grasshopper. I can not say that he had to catch the grasshopper with him.

  I looked at a grasshopper, quietly walked over, suddenly a beat, grasshopper has jumped to my head, my brother called me do not move, a slap on my head, but the grasshopper jumped to the His head, I retaliated for him, suddenly a beat, the grasshopper suddenly jumped into the field, blink of an eye, gone. But I and my brother's "hatred" but also offset.

  Perhaps my mind is too narrow, God determined to give me a retribution: when we once again into the "war", my feet were "hidden" up the soil stumbled twisted, I fell on the thick straw People all right, but the straw is down a large. Perhaps my screams alerted the owner, the owner flew out from the house, we turned and ran, and finally hid in a pile of weeds, escaped, but the mosquito bite a few packets.

  This happened during the National Day is really interesting, I remember the golden river from the addition of a brilliant luster!

旅游英语作文 篇5

  Today is a special day. We must know it! Today is the National Day, how are you going? I am very good, especially those three things, so I will never forget.

  Funny one: my father and mother a meal, on the pedestrian street. Along the way, the pedestrian street is crowded. If the father reminds me, I have long been unable to recognize the pedestrian street. Full of lush trees. Did not expect only a few days did not come, the pedestrian street has such a big change. Really so-called Liu grandmother into the Grand View Garden, this to go, really let me an eye-opener. Hey, how are there so many people around you! Look at the past. Wow! The original is the drums in order to celebrate the National Day, give us cheer. I saw the old ladies full of energy, rhythm of the drums. It is also a hot spot in the pedestrian street.

  Interesting two: afternoon, our family, plus my grandfather together to the world fishing village to eat. There is a characteristic here, that is, what to eat now to cook now I heard, said: "Today, Lai by my master." Then he went to the point of the Lai. Wow! Where the fish is so much ah! There are eel, Chinese sturgeon, and sea holy ... everything. Or else how to call the world fishing village! I ordered a bit of bitter, I heard that you can lose weight. Also ordered a braised fish, iron plate beef ... we all boast my point is very good.

  Interesting three: finished, my father and mother went straight to Phoenix Phoenix Hill Park. I did not play well, but the audience who played for their accompaniment to the erhu old people, saw them concentrate on pulling the erhu. I looked from the audience, he pulled the finger is not a place is inconsistent, the head straight sweat. It seems to be completely into the inside to go, pull so well, so I envy dead. I am also determined in this, a good learning erhu, after growing up as they are so prestige.

  I was so happy at the National Day.

旅游英语作文 篇6

  Our class to Guangzhou Beach Park to travel, I and my good friend Lin Wei Hao can be happy, the first day ready to take away things, know the day to travel, we frantically singing songs The

  We were crazy to spend a pleasant time in the car, but I do not know we have to hit our destination, we ordered the car. But with a cheerful mood, to our dream of the beach park.

  We have a good team directly with the captain of the fast to the entertainment, where there are "haunted house", "flying sky", "pirate ship", and I like the "bumper car" and so on entertainment, although I, every one play But I am not happy, because Lin Wei Hao and his old classmates to play, did not come to play with me, I also put him as my best friend, he did not come with me Play these games.

  Because today is a special day, I am not too unhappy, or resolutely continue to play about the terrorist point, relax about the mood.

  Until the time to go, Lin Wei Hao see I am not happy look, as if I am not happy to know the reason seems to have come, said: "Today did not play with you I am sorry, I just forgot your agreement the day before yesterday, said To play with the time to play, but I did not mean that. "I said to him:" nothing I play a very happy. "

  Since that day I and my good friend Lin Wei Hao not so good before, although still in a class, our communication is less and less. The first tour turned out to be such a result, leading us to become ordinary students

旅游英语作文 篇7

  With the general standard of living improving and the working week becoming shorter, more and more people are able to make a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours fro convenience, I prefer to travel on my own.

  I like travelling on may own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Travelling on my own, I’m my own boss; and can decide when to start on my way, where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. I can always adjust my plan. On the contrary, in a package tour you‘re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle, you have to jump up from a sound sleep and, with heavy-lidded eyes, hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving, you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to him strict schedule, regardless of the weather or your health condition.

  True,you may encounter inconveniences if you travel inpidually,for instance, getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from constraints of his routine life.


旅游英语作文 篇8

  It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.


  The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.


  Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you are a careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book


旅游英语作文 篇9

  Los Angeles,city in southern California,the most populous city in the state and the second most populous city and metropolitan region in the United States,after New York City.Located on the Pacific Ocean near the U.S.border with Mexico,the metropolis is noted for its pleasant climate and scenic setting.It is situated on a hilly coastal plain surrounded by beaches in the west and mountains and deserts in other directions.Referred to casually as “LA,” Los Angeles is one of the major industrial,commercial,and financial centers of the United States.

  It is known especially for its motion-picture,aeronautics,and aerospace industries.This international,multicultural city is also home to the largest Mexican,Korean,Salvadoran,and Guatemalan populations outside of those countries.Los Angeles has grown at a phenomenal rate since the late 19th century.Since the 1920s it has been the leading city of California as well as the most important metropolis west of the Mississippi River.