
时间:2022-09-27 05:52:01 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




旅游英语作文 篇1

  Nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about the ways people spend their holidays. It is reported that in recent yiars several new holiday habits have been developed. Among them, the most interesting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps.

  From the report we can see that in 20xx,40 percent of people stayed at home for holidays. But now the proportion has reduced to 9 percent. More people go out for fun. The proportion of camping and traveling abroad was increasing steadily, from 10 percent in 20xx to 38 percent in 20xx, and 12 percent in 20xx to 26 percent in 20xx respectively. People enjoy the fresh air, clean Water and green hills when they go camping in the suburbs. In 20xx,38 percent people enjoyed going to the seaside while in 20xx only 27 percent prefer to go there. What great changes!

  Why did those changes appear? I think there are several reasons. First, it' s because people can afford traveling. Second, people prefer to pursue a high-quality and colorful life. Third, their attitudes to relaxation have changed. Less people want to save much money by leading a simple life. In short, people's living standard today has been rising greatly.

  d happy holiday.

旅游英语作文 篇2

  I like to travel,it's really fun.You can go to any places you want,beautiful landscape,clearly blue sky,different cultures and lots more you can met if you go travel.Landscape shape most people's desiry,what I mean is,there are lots of places that they're famous because of the pretty landscape.Cultures are another.You can met different groups of people if you go travel,it's really cool.

  I like it not only because of these several different reason,I also likes to hang out with my friends to go together and play around those beautiful places.My dream is to travel around the whole world,which,well,might not be true,because I have so many other things to do in my life,but I'll try to achieve it.I have read a story about a person named Gorden,who actually went almost all of the places in the world.I kind of like that and admire of him.I like travel,seriously I do.Another reason is that I like adventures.

  Adventures are cool,it gives you more experiences and,as I mentioned that Gorden,he met lots of difficulties when he went travel.He went to Amazon,which there're so many snakes and aligators.A friend of his actually died in that trip!It's sometimes a bad thing for travel,too.Anyway,I just like to travel!I like to met all those sorts of difficulties (I didn't mean to die!).Mountain biking is also a kind of travel,and that,I dreamed of doing it!Mountain biking is so cool!One sentence at last,I love travelling and trips!

旅游英语作文 篇3

  untai Mountain -- experience of three steps a spring, five step ten step waterfall,lake scenery

  Located in Henan Xinxiang, Qijue landscape, UNESCO was named the first global world geological park, the first national 5A level scenic spots, and the highest waterfall in Asia -- Haeundae grand waterfall.




英语作文 旅游01-27






