初中英语作文:Views on Star-worshiping

时间:2021-12-12 16:09:48 初中作文 我要投稿

初中英语作文:Views on Star-worshiping

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初中英语作文:Views on Star-worshiping

  When it comes to star-worshipping, some students think it is very popular,we can know more culture about music and movies,but other students think that study is the most important thing for students.When they spend more time on star-worshipping, they will neglect their studies.

  From my point of view,I think star-worshipping is a good thing. First, most stars have many excellent personalities and characters.For example,my idol,Yang Mi,she is a very hard-working star and she has strong responsibility sense.I can learn from her.So I become more hard-working. I am a super fan of Jay Zhou,too. He is very cool. His songs are very beautiful. I can sing many of his songs.Second,I become more out-going. I can talk songs and moves with my friends after school. We have the same interests and topics .

  In short,I think star-worshipping help me grow up. It make me more hard-working and outgoing.My idols make a big difference to my life.