
时间:2024-01-30 14:54:15 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  Spring sister left, the hot summer came. All people sweat, in the street, there are a variety of "shirt" walked in the street back and forth. Once, the weather was 42 degrees hot. Most people in the air conditioning room, few people dare to walk in the street wearing short sleeved pants even if some people walk in the street, you can still dare to very hot. It's really tough in summer!

英语作文300字 篇2

Almost every child has seen the things about Disney, such as the Disneyland, the classic cartoon character-Mickey Mouse and the Disney films. Disney company creates a lot of interesting images, most of them have companied the kids to grow up, these lovely creatures are imaginary friends. They appear in the screen every day. Disney company is a dream factory.


英语作文300字 篇3

  My neighbour, Uncle Wang, is a teacher. He teaches P. E in No. 8 Middle School. It is one of the key schools in Shanghai.He has taught there for 4 years.His teaching ishighly appreciated and he is loved by all his students. He often tells his students to pay attention to their health.Sometimes he plays football with them after school. In summer, he always takes us to the swimming pool. He's a good teacher.

英语作文300字 篇4

  Benny was just one month old when we Bought him home. When we spoke to him, he always looked at us with his big intelligent eyes and wagged his tail. As he got older he spent longer hours outside. He would often sit or lie down next to a large evergreen tree in the front yard watching the traffic and people go by. He was a quite dog most of the time except when he saw a stranger. Just a few years ago, Benny died in his sleep at the age of fourteen. In many ways he was one of us.

英语作文300字 篇5



  一二两节课上完了。第三节开始上英语课,英语老师首先作了自我介绍,接着讲了如何学习英语,然后教了我们书写英语的`顺口溜,什么“字字要相连,词词要分开,开头要大写,句末有标点。”这个我感兴趣记下来了,最后MISS ZHANG 开始给我们上UNIT 1。我糊里糊涂地上了这节英语课,老师布置英语作业的时候,我根本一句也没听。

  回到家以后,我根本不知道英语作业写什么。我想:既然今天上的是UNIT 1 ,那今天的作业肯定和UNIT 1 有关,我就写了UNIT 1 的单词。

  第二天,我把作业交给组长,组长说:“你怎么写错作业啦?”我听了组长的话,准备拿我的英语本回去补,可是组长却不还给我。我沮丧地回到了座位。等MISS ZHANG 改作业的时候,我提心吊胆。不过老师没有批评我,叫我以后不能再犯同样的错误了。










