
时间:2023-06-29 12:36:06 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  When the school begins, students need to start their new semester, the first thing they do is to buy the text books, most students will buy the new books, while it has become popular that students choose to buy the second-hand text books.

  It is good that text books are recycled, it can save the resource and reduce the waste, thus leaving more resources to the next generation.

  What’s more, it also saves students a lot of money. Students can buy the second-hand book at a very low price, students use the book only for a semester, it will become useless after they reading it, so there is no need for them to spend so much money on the contemporary book.


英语作文600字 篇2

  I have a good friend, her name is Lily. We met each other since we were five years old. At that time, I moved next to her house, because of my father’s work. I felt so lonely when I facing the new environment.


  Then someday, Lily played in her yard and when she saw me, she smiled at me and asked me to play with her. I was shy at first, but then I was affected by her kindness. We became good friends soon. When I meet difficulties, she will help me without hesitation. I am so thankful to her, I am so lucky to have her as my friend. Our friendship is precious.


英语作文600字 篇3





英语作文600字 篇4





  小学生作文容易结构缺失,常见写着写着,突然结束没有结尾;或者没有开头,让读者莫名其妙…… 小学生作文通常逻辑混乱,思维跳跃,东一句、西一句,内容不关联。

  建议先训练“框架式写作”,利用一些连接词理清思路,如:First of all, For a start, In addition… 进而做出取舍,突出闪光点。对内容进行取舍非常很有必要性的,避免文章冗长、论据雷同、突出文章的重点。建议训练孩子加强整篇概念:Introduction, Body, Conclusion, 即中文所说的“总~分~总”,确保文章的完整性。









英语作文600字 篇5

  The new semester is coming and I want to make a plan for it.

  Firstly, I will work as hard as before. I really did a good job last term, so I want to keep good as well. During the summer holiday, I did some previews and I found that the courses are not very hard.

  Secondly, I will spend more time in reading.Reading is really good to a person, because we can learn a lot from books and broaden one’s horizon. Besides, reading can help us think more and deeply. Finally, I will take part in exercises actively and regularly. No matter how busy I am, I will set sometime aside to build my body which is the basic of any other things.

  Moreover, after doing exercise, I feel so fresh and relaxed that I can put my whole heart in doing something, such as study, reading, thinking and so on. So this is the plan for the new semester and I am sure I can carry it out step by step.

英语作文600字 篇6

  my friend lives in a small house with his parents. after school, i will pass his house, because we live in the same alley. one day, my friend invited me to his house and had a nice look at his house and rooms inside.

  it is a three story house, with a living room and a kitchen on the first floor. the second floor has two bedrooms, where the third floor possesses a guest room and a storage room. in his living room, there is a small fish pot, a piano, a tv set, and some sofas. my friend is good at playing piano and he plays almost every day. he let me try on the piano, but all i can do is playing simple tones. after i visited his house, i always dream about having a piano of my own.

  i often go to my friend’s house. the place is warm and his family are very kind. i think his house is one of the coziest places in the world. i hope one day i will have a house just like his.

英语作文600字 篇7


  在三年级的`时候,我们的课程表中多了一个英语课,我对它产生了浓厚的好奇,恨不得立刻就上一堂英语课。总算,盼来了第一堂英语课,英语课并没有我想象的妙趣横生,而是枯燥无味:没有欢笑,而是痛苦;没有互动,只有一排排 轮流朗读。我厌烦了英语课,但还是努力听课,把单词牢牢记在脑子里,尽量上课多举手发言,成绩还可以。











英语作文600字 篇8

  Birthday has different meanings among people. Everyone has his own favorite way of enjoying the birthday.


  In westerns, the birth day of a man in each year is believed to be an important day. But in tradition China, people often think that only their birthdays in old ages are important.


  Youths prefer to enjoy their birthdays with their friends and classmates. They think that to go outside having films is a great way to celebrate their birthdays. However, adults would like to be with their families when their birthday is coming.


英语作文600字 篇9

  This year's summer holiday was most enjoyable.I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants.Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village,the water in which was quite clear.

  I kept a diary every day.Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons.All of them showed interest in English.They could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple English.So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening spoken English.They all made great progress.Their parents all thought highly of me.I now realize that knowledge is very needed in the countryside.





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