
时间:2023-06-17 13:10:30 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1


  在一片灰暗神秘的等待中,突然,千变万化的光芒开始闪耀起来,然后是一列整齐划一、万紫千红的队伍从布幕后走出。音乐一开始,只见大家挥舞着双手,五彩缤 纷的彩带同时在空中飘舞着,彷彿在向我们打招呼,更让我看的眼花撩乱,聆听着他们美妙的歌声不绝于耳,犹如枝头上的鸟儿们快乐的欢唱着春天的到来。



英文作文 篇2

  观后感英文篇一:阿甘正传观后感 中英文对照

  Life is like a box of chocolates, results are often surprising

  If you do not insist on the struggle of life do not never know what will happen next, which were last seen Lieutenant Dan felt vicissitudes of life. Finally with the help of his Forrest Gump and his shrimp together. Gradually found their confidence and enjoyment of life. Calm when sitting in the ship's side with two hands on the Agam said, "had never told you thank you, you saved my life." Then jump into the water to swim with the two arms heartily. You can feel his pleasure. Finally, he and Forrest Gump's shrimp big success, became a rich man on the magazine cover. In the film's end, Agam, and beloved Janet got married, filled with metal made of two legs Lieutenant Dan, carrying his fiancee, or an Oriental. (Will not be a Chinese person) to attend their wedding. Dan looked very spirit, and said his leg is a "rigged spacecraft materials used." He seems to have found the courage to live by. This is Forrest Gump gave him the courage and conditions.

  Life or a short is also a short, saying that a long and long. Boundless, the Dow could not finish. Forrest Gump's experience, but also like a legend. He looks silly, there is a strong running legs, has been kept running, do not know why. Like his mother say, "Life

  is like a box of chocolate, you do not know where the next one out of what that smell is." The Forrest Gump always said "Stupid is as stupid does." Silly on the way according to stupid to do. Could it be his motto.

  No man is born that is silly. Everyone has their own unique mettle and talent. Every people has its own way of doing things and life. Important to have the same indomitable spirit of Forrest Gump. In order to "stupid people have stupid fu."

  Finish watching this film, and I'm enjoying. Which, like Forrest Gump in the running when the scenery is really cultivate people's hearts. Many languages, like the film as thought-provoking motto. Told colorful content. Many of the practice of some humorous Forrest Gump. In the humorous atmosphere, but also appreciate the Forrest Gump of Jennifer affectionate, and the other people moving. In short this is a separate people appreciate a good film 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料




  人生,说短也短,说长也长。说不尽,道不完。阿甘的经历,又像是一场传奇。他看似傻,却有有力奔跑的腿,一直不停地奔跑,不用知道为什么。就像他的妈妈说的一句话“生活就像盒子里的巧克力糖,你不知道下一个拿出来的是什么味道”。而阿甘常说的“Stupid is as stupid does.“傻就照傻的方式做。难道是他的格言。






  Love and marriage is a constant topic among human, In Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen told a story about five marriages for us in her rational and humorous writing tone, which explains the truth of marriage: love. Marriage should be based on love, while it can’t have access to happiness when just based on money or appearance. And a deeper knowledge is needed when we start our affection . Exclude vanity and prejudice, and think about each other's moral character objectively, and we can know someone better and more exact---- only good moral character deserves real love.


  The two pairs lovers in the book, Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley, mainly based their marriage on love and excellent moral character, though thinking about looks and family background to small extent. Elizabeth and Darcy's love story is most relished especially. During twisting journey from they hated each other to finally fell in love and got married, Elizabeth and Darcy gradually got to know each other, removed prejudice, and discard meaningless so-called face. Eventually they realized and fell in love with the virtues of each other in readers’ expectation and wishes. Furthermore that Elizabeth refused Darcy's courtship before accepting, still further show her defiance of marriages without love. On the contrary, Charlotte, Elizabeth's friend, who thinks she is not beautiful besides having no money, chose to combine with stupid and shallow Collins out of economic considerations, and lived a ensured but dull marriage life. Similarly, Elizabeth's sister, Lydia, as well as her father's marriage is unfortunate, for they were confused by the beauty of appearance, while ignoring the moral character. They would be bound to regret for their choice all their life .


  All in all, we must be for love alignment in the face of marriage; and we must will be subject to moral character in the face of love; and we must be objective and fair in the face of judging the moral character.


  Today ,I watch the deep investigation about Air pollution “Under the dome” which made by ChaiJing who once was a reporter and host in cctv in 28 February 20xx. Although the survey may not be professional, it brings us reflection about environment is unprecedented. In this documentary, she analyzed haze from many aspects, especially what is "haze", "how does the haze form", "how do we deal with the haze" .meanwhile , she expose the reality from the burning of coal and oil, the monitoring of vehicles and factories, the implementation of the laws and regulations which let us realize the seriousness of governance, despite we don't possess the ability to do something like her, we can Remind people put dust hood when have dust, Choose natural gas when cook rather than coal, take bus or ride bicycle within two miles ,etc. Because China needs such people contemporarily, The whole individuals must participate in this activity. environmental protection is not only the symbol of love for ourselves, also love for the family and our motherland.



英文作文 篇3

  Whenever I watch a Hollywood movie in a cinema or at home, I have to respect their imaginations, technologies and the acting skills of those famous or non-famous actors/actresses. We enjoyed the movie, we had fun, and we had to admit that it was wonderfully done!

  Yes, I admit that Hollywood movies factories use the most advanced technology in the world to create all kinds of effects, including special computer effects! Either a cartoon world or a castle of the Mid Ages; either an ancient battle field or an alien-living world, they are just able to create it out! They have shown to the world that their imaginations are absolutely unlimited!

  Compared with those countless Chinese Qing Dynasty serial shows and movies, the Hollywood movies are not restricted within certain topics. They took the risk to break the rules of movie industry and proved they were right!

  Just take a look at how their imaginations worked these years.

  First, they were interested in insects. So they made up a story and made it a world popular cartoon movie (The Ants).

  Then, they found out that people would probably be curious on the dinosaurs lived in Cretaceous period. Nobody actually knew what a dinosaur look like, especially Rex! So, Jurassic Park came out to us, followed by The Lost World. A group of scientists draw the DNA of a dinosaur from its fossil! What a nice try! What a brave, reasonable and scientific thought!

  When people finally lost their interests in dinosaurs, the creative teams of Hollywood turned their lens to the outer space of the earth. The Star Wars series came to the world right in time! Can you recall how many Hollywood movies about the universe you have seen these years? I can’t!

  Soon, they fed up with the universe and jumped back into the vast ocean. The U-571, The Deep Blue Sea and Perfect Storm are rather representative of those ocean-related movies! I didn’t know a person could hold his breath for that long before I saw those movies!

  When history and realities finally lost the attractions, the teams began to tell fair tales, myths and legends. The Ring series, Harry Potter series, The Matrix series… are all so welcome by the world that people can’t help thinking: What’s next?

  Since they’ve gotten the movies involved into Legends, myths, ancient dynasties, WW2 events, modern lives, universe stories, animals, insects, vampires, demons…etc. What attraction can they bring to us next? And when? Let’s wait and see!

英文作文 篇4

  How to keep healthy

  Health is the most important. But we always lose health for such and such reason so how do we keep healthy? Here are a few of my Suggestions.

  First of all early to bed and early to rise. Only to have enough sleep we have energy. Otherwise whatever we do we all have no energy. Secondly we need not picky about food. Fruits vegetables should eat. Finally should exercise more. This will let us have a healthy body.

  May do all of these for some people it is very difficult but we have to do it.

  I believe that someday we will be healthy.






英文作文 篇5

  中国菜举世闻名,而菜名更是诙谐有趣,妙趣横生,充满中国人的智慧。很多菜名用字典雅瑰丽,充满吉祥喜庆之气,诸如把豆苗(bean seedling)比作“龙须”,鸡蛋美名“芙蓉(Confederate rose)”或“凤凰”,鸡爪称“凤爪”,豆腐(tofu)叫成“白玉”,等。不少菜名豪华气派,美不可言,有种汤叫“珍珠玛瑙(agate)翡翠汤”,只是豆腐、番茄加青菜。一些含有祝贺或象征吉祥的菜名,如竹笋炒排骨是 “步步高升”。有些菜名采用的`是成语,萝卜丝上放根红辣椒表示“踏雪寻梅”。参考译文:Chinese dishes are world-famous,and the dish names are humorous, interesting and full of wits,fully embodying the wisdom of Chinese people.Many dishes are named with elegant and magnificent characters and are full of auspicious and festive atmosphere.For example,the bean seedling is called “dragon beard”,egg is called “Confederate rose” or “phoenix”,chicken claw is called “phoenix talon”,tofu is called“white jade” and so on.Many dish names are in luxurious style and their beauty is beyond words.For example,there is a soup called “soup of pearl,agate and jade”,but its ingredients are only tofu, tomatoes and vegetables.Some dish names express congratulation or symbolize auspiciousness,such as pork ribs fried with bamboo shoots is called “higher and higher' Some dish names are idioms,such as turnip strips with a red pepper is called “looking for plum flowers while treading on the snow”.

英文作文 篇6

  As is obviously revealed in the bar chart above, over the past seven years (1998—20xx), the proportion of free blood donation in clinical blood collection has been climbing and rocketed to over seventy percent in 20xx, which is a welcome development to our whole society.

  The implied meaning of the bar chart above can be illustrated as follows. To begin with, the increasing percentage indicates that great changes have taken place in terms of people's spiritual civilization. Most people want to make contribution to our society in one way or another is a way to realize self-value. The spirit of selflessness is more pervasive than ever before. What's more, the statistics betray that modern people, especially the young, have a better understanding of medical knowledge. Most people have abandoned their old idea that blood donation is most harmful to human body. In one word, our spiritual progress and rich medical knowledge have resulted in such a positive result.

  In may view, effective measures should be taken to encourage free blood donation. First of all, a nation-vide education campaign should be launched to spread the necessity and knowledge of free blood donation. Besides, should be set up to protect those who donate blood. Only in this way can we create a harmonious and healthy society.










