
时间:2021-06-23 16:34:17 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




旅游英语作文 篇1

  I heard that Shanghai is a famous metropolis, I am ready to go there for three days.

  We started at half past seven, a full ride of the morning car, and finally came to Shanghai, the first stop of tourism is Shanghai chocolate happy paradise. Into the door, the door is a large square, the central square has a huge three meters high cream flavor plus chocolate flavor ice cream model, big hot dog model, there is a flower bed. Tour guide for everyone to buy tickets, let us free to play.

  Making the food need to understand the food, so I first went to the chocolate showroom. Wow, there are many chocolate works inside. Talk about the most realistic it! That is - the chocolate Garfield, the author of the white cream outside the color with a delicious orange cream coated, coupled with other butter, looks very smooth, lifelike, but also made a lot of appearance: , Become superman, and female cat friends together ... ... all kinds of beautiful very beautiful. The next one is the fun.

  This time, we have to do donuts. To start the waiter gave me an ordinary donut and a bottle of strawberry cream bottle, I moved to a table, took out the ordinary donuts, and opened the lid of the cream bottle, squeeze the cream, painted To the donuts, and finally, the table out of the chocolate slag bottle, open, sprinkled with colorful chocolate slag, a delicious donut played, watching the delicious chocolate donuts, I am very happy The

  Let's talk about the biscuits, we have three people into the door, looking for a location, the waiter gave us two sticky dough, there is a pole stick. We first grabbed the dough, hard to rub, so that the dough is no longer sticky hand, and then pressure on the stick above the dough, push forward, this has been done, the dough down on the flat. Then, with the side of the plastic bowl model: a butterfly type, bear type, there are five-pointed star, there are Mickey Mouse head and ear type, there are hexagonal type, there are small fish type ... ... All the way, I grabbed a sock-type model pressed on the flat bread, and grabbed the bear, six sides, small fish, five-pointed star, rabbit, Mickey Mouse's head and ears, and so the shape of the model, Pressed up. Finally, the extra bread carefully torn off, kneading into a group, began in accordance with the second step to the last step of the method to do it one after another, until the dough did not.

  I have done a lot of works, there are cotton candy, pizza and colorful chocolate.

旅游英语作文 篇2

  There has been a long time since I came back from Hainan―wowhainan is such a wonderful place that I will never forget it .It‘s really a good place where gave me a rather good impression. I feel so wonderful during the journey as I have experienced a lot of things for the first time.

  In January 7th ---the first day of my journey the fluttering snowflakes diffused over Changzhou. I first took the train to shanghai then took the plane to Hainan in Pudong airport. Although it’s my second time to take plane I felt even more excited than the first time. When flying I found that I was flying over the cloud of different types and colors. The sky is also brighter and clearer than that I had ever seen. Soon we arrived in Meilan airport in Haikou the climate is totally different from that in Changzhou It was warm there and we could see coconut trees everywhere.

  After 3 days competition I went to BoAo where is famous for its forum. It was my first time to experience the sea and the beach in the sunshine. When sitting on the cruise I could clearly see the ocean waves pushing the windows of the cruise. It seemed that I was surrounded by the waves and the crystal water. I felt as if a fish which had been living in the sea happily. Then we land on the beach. The sand on the beach was so soft that it was cosy to lie on the beach. I tried searching for the shells on the beach but failed. The beach was totally different from what I heard before as there was nothing except footsteps on the beach. In the afternoon I played football on beach and scored a goal with my new friends from all around China. It was really interesting and challenging.

  The next day I went to Haikou. I first visited the tomb of Hairui an officer in Qing dynasty who was famous for rectitude. I think he should be the role model of every person. In the afternoon I went to the geological park of volcano. A lot of stones of different shapes came into views. When arriving the top of the park it seemed that the while city was under my view. Also I had seen plenty of interesting and rare types of the plants. I also got into a small hole in the park it is said that the hold was exactly the original hole where maqma came from. But the volcano had stopped from erupting for thousands of years.

  I can’t forget this trip not only does it give me a lot of joy knowledge and good memory but also it give me a chance to make friends with people from different fart in China. By enjoying the excellent scenery I think I have fallen in love with this beautiful city. I will cherish this experience.

旅游英语作文 篇3

  Summer arrived, the teacher gave us a plan - took us to our county rural tourism. A learned this news, we are happy. Here is our travel plans.

  I dream of sitting daddy's car with my classmates, we are laughing all the way, a cheerful. Food and drink that can't be little, of course, "ham sausage, chocolate, jelly, ¨ ¨ ¨" find a scenery beautiful place there began camping and partners to share, to taste, I'm ready to take the badminton racket, skip rope. And play with his friends, don't have to worry about the shuttle flew on the roof. There, I want to see the mountains and rivers, rural, heard that its forlornness up the pools of rural mountain, slope, are into the shadow of trees, the river bottom, the fish in the water swimming in the river. Want to see more rural farm small courtyard. A piece of golden rice fields, farmers uncle what kind of? I really don't understand.

  I look forward to that day come quickly! Looking forward to enjoy happiness, harvest knowledge; looking forward to breathe the fresh air, embrace the nature.

旅游英语作文 篇4

  College students, curious and energetic, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden opportunities to travel. There are two major modes of travelling—traveling by oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies.

  Those two patterns offer different travel experiences, with respective advantages and disadvantages. For the solitary traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom. He is perfectly free to choose his itinerary and plan his schedules, thus he can visit whatever his curiosity leads him to and contemplate over a historical site or a cultural relic for as long as he desires. The trouble is he cannot share his perceptions and excitement with any partners. Moreover, it is time-consuming and difficult to buy train tickets and look for accommodations and in emergency situations an individual traveler is largely helpless. Those problems are non-existent for group travelers because travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends. However, the fixed itineraries and tight schedule prevent travelers from satiating their individual curiosities. In addition, tourists are often subjected to forced shopping by tour guides who are more concerned with securing commissions than providing services.

  My solution to these two imperfect modes of traveling is to travel with friends or classmates. This pattern incorporates most of their advantages while avoiding all their disadvantages. I am convinced this is the best and most sensible form of traveling which everybody should adopt.


  此两种模式会带来不尽相同的旅行体验,不乏各自的优缺点。对于孤身一人的旅行者来说,最大的优点是自由。他完全可以随心所欲地选择旅行线路,规划行程安排;这样,其兴致所至,必心满意足;面对一处处历史古迹或文物,尽可发思古之幽, 而全无时间之羁绊。问题在于,其感受与兴奋之情,无可与人分享。此外,购买火车票和夜间投宿,既耗时亦费神。一旦突发意外,单枪匹马的旅行者很大程度上孤立无助。所有这些问题对于随团出游者来说均不存在,因为旅行社会安排好一切。在旅行团内部,原来的陌生人旋即就可成为朋友。然则,固定的旅游线路以及仓促的行程,往往会使旅行者无法满足每个人独特的好奇心。此外,旅客也常常被导游逼迫着去作强制性购物,这些导游花在赚取佣金上的心思,远超过如何来为游客提供服务。


旅游英语作文 篇5

  Today, the teacher led us to visit the Palace Museum. The imperial palace was the home of more than 20 emperors during the Ming and qing dynasties. The luncheon wall is tall, the city gate is majestic, majestic, standing there, I feel very small. It is the main gate of the Forbidden City and the north-south axis of the Forbidden City. This door is centered on xiangyang, located in meridian, so named meridian gate.

  When we entered the meridian gate, I was struck by the force of its imposing manner: I can't think of a man who could have built such a magnificent building hundreds of years ago! Come in the car, listen to the classmate say is only the emperor can walk every day, in front of the hall of supreme harmony road and queen of the emperor wedding stylish life to go once, every year the big test, number three, second, "" number one scholar can ride Malaysia strut through, other people can't walk, so I entered the gate in the long and width of the road go a circle, taste the taste of the emperor.

  After the meridian gate, the first thing that comes to the eye is the hall of supreme harmony, followed by the hall of neutralization and the temple of protection and the temple. The most attractive building in the Forbidden City is the three halls, known as the "three halls". Listen to the guide: they are all built on the stone base of the white jade, like a fairyland. The first hall was the most magnificent building of the three halls, commonly known as the "throne room", which was the place where the two emperors of the Ming and qing dynasties held a great ceremony. Temple hall of supreme harmony 28 meters high, 63 meters, north and south 35 meters, the throne in the inside is 2 meters high counter, before modelling elegant cranes, furnace, tripod, exquisitely carved calligraphy folding screen, is really beautiful.

  The past is past like smoke, beginning to know today not yesterday, strong my young ambition, xing my big China!














