
时间:2021-12-16 18:45:15 动物类英语作文 我要投稿




动物的英语作文400字 篇1

  As time goes by, more and more wild animals become endangered and some have already died out.

  One of the major reasons is that the habitats of many wild animals are polluted or destroyed. At the same time, the food some animals mainly feed on is becoming scarce, leading to starvation. Besides, a great many wild animals are hunted for food or money each year.

  All in all, human beings are fully responsible for the present situation. In order to live harmoniously with animals, everyone of us should raise awareness of wildlife protection and the government is expected to take active measures to protect animals, including passing laws and establishing nature reserves.

动物的英语作文400字 篇2

  Do you like animal? What’s your favorite animal? My favorite animal is monkey. It is lovely and clever. People always say that our human beings are evolved from monkeys. In the other word, monkey looks a little like human being, which close the distance between it and me. It has a long tail. It can make different shapes by it. It likes eating bananas. It will peel off the skin just like human being. It is funny! I love it.


动物的英语作文400字 篇3

  Do you think the zoo is a really intererting place ? I think so.The zoo is the most interesting place that I have ever seen in my whole life.

  I like the zoo. It is like a garden which exhibits various kinds of animals birds and insects. It is indeed a good idea to pay a visit to the zoo during school holidays. The more you look at the animals the happier you will become. Among all the animals the monkeys are the funniest. That’s my opinion. Do you agree.



  我喜欢动物园。它像一个各种类类动物,鸟类以及昆虫展览的花园。 在学校放假期间,参观一下动物园,确实是一个好主意。你越喜欢看动物,你将越变得快乐。在所有动物中,猴子是最滑稽的。那是我的意见 。你同意么?

动物的英语作文400字 篇4

  I like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs best. Why? Because they are very cute and friendly.

  I have a white dog. Its name is Bobo. She is a female dog. She comes from Beijing, China. She has two big eyes and a small month. She wears white clothes. She often walks around at home. It has nothing to do. She likes eating ice-cream so much, So do I. When I eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully. So I will give her some to eat.

  I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world.

动物的英语作文400字 篇5




  I have a pretty rabbit. she wears a white coat. she has long ears.she has two red eyes. my rabbit likes carrots and vegetables. but it doesn’t like taking a bath. she can run and jump. it likes plating and eating. i have a small football and my rabbit likes playing football with me very much.

  I like my rabbit. do you like my rabbit?



动物的英语作文400字 篇6

  The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. In a short time, cheetahs can reach speeds of 130 kilometers per hour, far outpacing the running antelope and horses.

  Cheetah body there are many black spots, the spots can let the cheetahs in the grass is not easy to be other animals found that as long as close to the prey, then pounce, steps can catch prey, nice big meal.

  I love cheetahs because it's the "king of speed" in the animal world. I wish I could run as fast as it can one day!




动物的英语作文400字 篇7

  I have a lovely pet. It's a small cat. It's name is Candy, because it looks like a candy. It has white and black colors. It's smaller than general cats. When I first saw it in the market, I liked it. Therefore, I begged my mother bought it to me and I succeeded. It has come to my home for three months. It is attracted. Everyone come to my home likes to play with it. It hides under the sofa or bed often. When I call it, it would react to me. Sometimes, it would walk to me quietly. I like my cat very much.

动物的英语作文400字 篇8

  My favorite animal is dog, my family has a puppy. His name is wangwang, he that is yellow, is really beautiful. He has a pair of bright eyes sparkly.

  His two big ears perked up really high like a bird's wing, but air. Sometimes also shake his tail to show your tongue with me, where I went with it, really like a small heels. I patted him on the head, it is licking my fingers, I feel itchy. Lovely!

  But he has time, low head, let me feel very strange, but I dou dou it his mood suddenly. This is my dog barked. It is very cute!

动物的英语作文400字 篇9

  I have two turtles, they are cute. i′ve had them for two years.

  They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag. they have eyes which shines just like black beans. they are funny.

  They are like to eat the watermelon in the summer. mother always buy more for the turtles,so i think that they like to cool down as well, but they are shy when eating, they don′t want to be watched, as they inhaling the food . the ofter day , i bried to observe how they eat their food.

  The way they eat is really funny.no wondey why they are so shy.

  Grauing up, fradually. i want to stay with him as long as he lives.

动物的英语作文400字 篇10

  one fine day my brother went to play in the long grass near the woods.

  ah fu-our dog followed him.

  there were flowers everywhere.

  my brother enjoyed himself very much.

  suddenly he saw a snake crawling through the grass up to him.

  he was too frightened to move.

  just at the moment ah fu jumped over at the snake and fought bravely with it.

  although ah fu was bitten by the snake, he was able to bite the snake to death.

  my father hurried over and gave ah fu a shot and ah fu was cured.

  it was our brave ah fu who saved my little brother.









