
时间:2021-10-15 10:04:40 动物类英语作文 我要投稿




动物英语作文600字 篇1


  图:男孩→my little brother;狗→阿福;大人→my father

  crawl vi. 爬 crawl up爬近 cure vt. 治疗 give sb. a shot给……打针


  1. 故事须包括所有图画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯。

  2. 词数100左右。

  Ar Fu(阿福)

  One fine day my brother went to play in the long grass near the woods. Ah Fu-our dog followed him. There were flowers everywhere. My brother enjoyed himself very much. Suddenly he saw a snake crawling through the grass up to him. He was too frightened to move. Just at the moment Ah Fu jumped over at the snake and fought bravely with it. Although Ah Fu was bitten by the snake, he was able to bite the snake to death. My father hurried over and gave Ah Fu a shot and Ah Fu was cured. It was our brave Ah Fu who saved my little brother.

动物英语作文600字 篇2

  How delicious the bamboo is! Let me eat more, hmm, good! Hello everybody ! I’m a panda, a very lovely animal and many people love me. And I’m sure you must be a fan of me, aren’t you? But I’m in danger now, and I’m sure you will help me too, am I right? Let me tell you the story about me: I was born in a forest in the southwest of China. And I like eating bamboo very much, of course all of my family members like eating bamboo.

  And my brother---a panda was born on the same day just like me are die when he just was born two hours. Oh my poor brothers! And then my family members and I are not very lucky, the area of bamboo is becoming smaller and smaller, so we don’t have enough food to eat and the human are very terrible, their farms and villages take many places and then we don’t have many places to live in.

  But we can do nothing to help us. But I think you can. Try your best to tell people to protect us or after a few years they can’t see any panda on the earth!

动物英语作文600字 篇3

  I have a puppy, and I love it very much. Its black eyes are like two black gems, and its fur is like a blanket, and its four legs are like four furry little pillars, and its tail is shaking and it seems to be waving to you.

  Because I called the jingle, so my mother wanted to give it a small buzz, but I do not agree, I give it a little name, because I think it is good every day.

  It is very naughty, when we go out to eat, it is always guilty of trouble, trouble, it jumped on the sofa mess, but also the newspaper, napkin tear all over the floor are. When I came back, I saw the ground mess, I was angry, and ignore it. It is also aware of their mistakes, and rushed to my knees, as if to shed tears, said: "Master, forgive me!" I see it so poor, forgive it.

  My dog is really cute and naughty ah!

动物英语作文600字 篇4

  Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.

  Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems.

  For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers' stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice.

  Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

  Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.

动物英语作文600字 篇5

  I'm afraid when we eat, suddenly ran out of a cockroach, food, whatever he climbed there are bacteria, eat sick may at any time, but also a shares of trash and smelly smelly, smell will want to vomit, disgusting!

  But how can a man be afraid of a little cockroach to spoil our lovely dinner? Look! See I even afraid of the ants "cockroaches ants drugs", a spray is effective. Mom will be in some corner of the spray, in order to avoid a cockroach again, but also to calm a. Two days, cockroaches came out again, a cockroach cockroaches, you must I send you into oblivion?

  Since then I saw a cockroach or ant, I took a spray is effective "cockroaches ants drugs" to spray them, if not, I will stamp on them directly, as if very cruel, this is my brother and I. Dad. Mother. Think out the way together, very funny!

动物英语作文600字 篇6

  My home have a little puppy. Its whole body furry, dressed in a brown fur jacket. Head round, like a small ball. It is also very like eating meat bone. Whenever I throw it a piece of meat bones, it ran quickly, exhaled to eat.

  It's very naughty. When I got home, it will constantly wags her tail, like the welcome me? Sometimes it saw a stranger wang wang called, as if to protect our home. Sometimes it can be with my toy running around in my side, as if in the game I do with joy. I gave it a good name, called gray.

  I like it very much is gray, because it's cute and naughty, like a little doll.




动物英语作文600字 篇7

  The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. However, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly.

  At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas' Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas' Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much. .

  Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.

  Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!










