
时间:2023-12-10 10:40:05 事件类英语作文 我要投稿
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保护环境英语作文 篇1

  My hometown in Jinjiang, the impression of the hometown, the trees grow lush, grass in the breeze twist light posture, bees in the flowers in the hard work honey, it is a beautiful sky.

  One day, when I returned to my hometown, the old look is no longer, high-rise buildings from the ground, the industry is also up, the air less fresh, more turbid, how is this one thing? Reminded by my mother, I suddenly realized: the original some high-rise, industrial buildings to replace the trees, grass position. Mother said: "This chaotic mess, making green plants to reduce the air is also contaminated, which is very detrimental to the human body.

  Yes ah, my head began to Imagine, according to this go on, more industrial waste, less green plant chemical effect, which harm the human body will not be imagined. Really want people around, not to have a selfish, to the ecological imbalance!

  To this end, I advocate home of people, in order to create a healthy environment, can do: buy food when the use of disposable plastic bags, multi-use bags, less disposable tableware, less cut a tree, a variety of points Green, let green activate our life.

  I believe that as long as the home of people who act, my hometown will be so pure as before!

保护环境英语作文 篇2

  How to protect the environment?

  Nowadays, more and more people realize it`s necessary and important to protect the environment. Also,there are some people who don`t pay attention to hygiene and they can`t stop littering the rubbish casually or spitting everywhere all the time.And in addition, there are a few factories often cutting down the trees, discharging chemicals and dirty water and so on.And it causes many problems like the Greenhouse Effect.If they do these day by day and our life will be harder and harder,so we have to stop them. To stop them we can put up commonweal advertisements and tell them the detriment of destroying the environment.So we can start from now to make a beautiful life.

保护环境英语作文 篇3

  , hello! I am an alien from mercury. This time, I wrote to you for the environment on earth.

  Ago, I went to visit the earth, the earth's beautiful scenery let me fascinated. The river clear visible bottom, can see the fish swimming around, can see the bottom of the river green brown stone. A stream of bright blue, let me deeply respected. Come to the garden, and flowers there. Came to the forest, where birds, the animals free life. Lush trees... Returning to mercury, I told my friends everything I saw on earth, ready to go to earth for a few years with my friends.

  A few years later, I came to earth with the guys. At this time, we can't believe the scene appeared in front of us: once lush trees has been changed to dongdong tall buildings. The previous clear visible bottom stream and stream of bright blue, has disappeared, has become a stinking creek, before swimming fish have been stinks, have a lot of rubbish in the river. Looked up and saw the sky is gray, it is already lost before the beautiful beautiful blue skirt. Road piled up a lot of rubbish, everyone passing by, and no one to clean up the trash.

  I want you to take care of the environment and protect the environment.

保护环境英语作文 篇4

  Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.There were few people on the earth,and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.

  Today things are different.The world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this,human life on earth will not survive.

  We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea,there will soon be none left.Yet,with modern fishing methods,more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down,forests will disappear.Yet,we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products,we will die.Yet,waste products are still put into rivers.We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate,in a few years,there won't be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?

  If we eat more vegetables and less meat,there will be more food available.Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.

  Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.

  The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

  Finally,if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

保护环境英语作文 篇5

  Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on。 Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment。

  Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action。 In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods。 As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants。 Another example was in several developed countries。 Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in。 What horrible scene!

  What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered。 If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation。

  Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying。 First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well。 Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment。 Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems。

  Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it。 Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves。

保护环境英语作文 篇6

  People plant a great number of young trees in the mountains.When the trees grow big and tall enough,they are cut down by workers and carried out of the mountains to the paper mill where fine paper is made from wood.Then it is taken to every corner of the country and used for different purposes.Some people use paper to copy writing,others use it to write something such as letters,reports and articles.When paper turns out to be of no use,the waste paper is collected and retreated in the recycling factory before being put into use again.

保护环境英语作文 篇7

  Dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends:

  I’m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I’m a bit(=a little) nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.

  As we all know, the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse . In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we doHow to protect our environmemt For example ,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write . In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment , there will be less pollution and our lives will be better.

  “There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks!