
时间:2023-06-06 09:24:55 事件类英语作文 我要投稿




保护环境英语作文 篇1

  Private cars have become an important aspect of people’s life in many parts of our country,especially in large cities such as Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.While they bring much convenience to people,they are also widely criticized.

  There are some arguments for owning private cars.In the first place,cars allow people to move around freely,whichgreatly improves our living standard.We easily drive cars for traveling.In second place,When we have something urgent to do,cars are quick than other vehicles in some extent.Last but not least,the car industry can boost economy by creating many job opportunities.

  However,there are also many arguments against cars.First of all,they pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases.What’s more,cars cause a large number of traffic accidents,which bring great misery to their family.

  As far as I am concerned,we should limit the number of private cars by providing better mass transportation and better service for the people.Everyone should sacrifice his or her own interest for the mass society.

保护环境英语作文 篇2

  Water pollution on the impact of industrial and agricultural production of industrial and agricultural production not only need to have enough water, but also have some requirements for water quality. Otherwise, the industrial and agricultural industry will cause great losses, especially in the industrial and agricultural production process using contaminated water, the human has a great harm. First, the destruction of industrial equipment, a serious impact on product quality. Second, the chemical composition of the soil changes, fertility decreased, leading to crop reduction and serious pollution. Third, the city to increase domestic water and industrial water treatment costs.

  Clean air is the necessary material basis for people to survive, an adult to breathe an average of 15 cubic meters of air a day, if people breathe heavily polluted air, no doubt harmful to health. Therefore, the study of the impact of air pollution, awareness of the value of clean air is a very complex frontier research project. And children in the growth and development stage, is the most sensitive to the outside world air pollution, the study of air pollution on children more likely to obtain valuable results. Based on this, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Environmental Monitoring Station Chief Engineer Wei Fusheng for the Chinese chief scientist of the Sino-US scientific and technological cooperation projects one by one air pollution on the impact of human respiratory health research, in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Chongqing and other cities and suburbs The results showed that 8196 questionnaires were used to investigate the pulmonary function of children in the air, including environmental monitoring data, and about 3 million data were obtained. After statistical analysis, Air pollution has a quantitative understanding of the effects of human respiratory health (especially children). The results confirmed that the impact on human health to the fine particles of air pollution is most serious (China has 2/3 of the city exceeded), followed by sulfur dioxide pollution (1/3 of our city exceeded), the impact of nitrogen oxide pollution relative Weak. It can be said that fine particles (respirable particulate matter) is the first killer of human health. According to experts, particulate matter attached to the toxic heavy metals, acidic oxides compared with the soil enrichment hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times, and can float in the air up to several days, harmful substances with the inhalation Particles into the human lungs, and may through the alveolar into the blood, directly endanger human health.

  Recently, the eight-year research results in Beijing adopted by the State Environmental Protection Administration presided over the expert appraisal. Experts believe that this research results for our understanding of the importance of clean air, improve the public and the leadership of environmental awareness is of great significance. The data of the research results provide a scientific basis for the national air environment legislation, the development and revision of air quality standards, emission standards and air pollution control policies.

保护环境英语作文 篇3

  Low carbon environmental protection

  Drives faster new hair down, package cover, but can't find the right paper, I will say: "not, buy a few plastic cover?" You object to "don't you remember?" Oh, I suddenly realize: green family we are!!! With online now marches language is "low-carbon life" : we should pay attention to save paper, waste paper reversible; Ready to turn off the lights, save electricity; As far as possible need not disposable plastic products; To economize on water, and after repeated use to pour out; Don't throw the battery... And, of course, we can do these things very small also very few, but we have always enjoyed.

  Low carbon life, for we ordinary people, it is an attitude, not ability. Start from the intravenous drip, is a kind of life habit, is a natural to save side the habit of all kinds of resources, actively to restrain themselves, improve their living habits. We save what little money that is not his own, but everyone's resources. So for our "low-carbon life" come on!

保护环境英语作文 篇4

  ①My fellow students, recently, the Dust-haze weather hit the north of China over and over again, which had a great effect on people’s life and health. ②As a result, people are becoming more and more concerned about our environment. ③As we all know, it’s the development of industry and heavy traffic jams that have caused air pollution. ④So as a teenager, I think we should take some measures to protect our environment.

  ⑤On one hand, we’d better launch a campaign to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection. ⑥Also we can hold a speech contest about protecting environment to stress the importance of living a low-carbon life. ⑦On the other hand, do what we can to influence people around us to go to work or school on foot or by bike. ⑧As far as I’m concerned, every small step we take really counts. ⑨So please remember: together, individuals can make a difference.

保护环境英语作文 篇5

  Today, as the development of the technology, people live a much better life than before, the average wage is promoted highly. The economy develops at the cost of polluting the environment, we can see the pollution everywhere, like the river water is dirty, the situation is so serious that we must take some action to control the environmental pollution. First, we should not throw away the rubbish, whenever we have rubbish at hand, we should keep the habit to throw it into the dustbin, sometimes the garbage can be recycled. Second, the government should make some measure to punish the industry which is not deal with the pollution well. With the government’s intervention, the businessmen will pay special attention to the pollution and dare not to ignore it. Protecting the environment needs everyone’s effort, to ourselves and our offspring’s health, we must take action to protect the environment.


保护环境英语作文 篇6

  Recently I found out that some bad things happened in our school.

  At ordinary times is very neat and clean campus, has recently become some dirty, some corner or in the corridors, students can be seen the plastic bags used to hold things, eat some fruit peel, cabinet and throw away the packing bag of after loud snacks. Is each class in our school there is a certain region responsible for cleaning, clean, will arrange the students per class every day the rubbish is certainly in the classmate after cleaning the health, and others left, I think the quality of the students really is very low, I don't know to cherish other people's work achievement, don't know how to protect the campus environment.

  Students, not to be good, not to be, not to be evil small but to be, everybody join hands together, protect our campus environment together!

保护环境英语作文 篇7

  The responsibility for preventing the environment damage should be assumed by

  government,corporations and individuals alike.More specifically,the primary obligation lies in individuals.

  Gone are the days when we saw greenery once walking on the street.It is high time

  we gave priority to environmental protection.It is indisputable that government plays a significant role in preserving the environment.However,to be more exact,the government is just the one who makes strategic decisions while the ones who practice it are the individuals.For instance,the government has been committed to protecting the animals and therefore launched a policy to protect endangered animals.To prevent the hunters from hunting endangered animals,the government’s main responsibility is to supervise the process whereas it is everyone’s compelling obligation not to hunt the endangered animals.

  Additionally,the definition of government is rather abstract while the individuals’ is

  practical. A question has arisen:who is the governmentThe answer is obscure.So we cannot depend on the government to share our duty of protecting our surroundings.Truly,the government serve us people,they surely are accountable to the environmental protection.But let us keep in mind that the environment belongs to every individuals.The responsibility and effort of individuals matter a lot to the success of every single measure.

  In conclusion,individuals are obliged to preserve the environment.Undoubtedly,the

  ones who act in positions of authority on behalf of the government are supposed to assume greater shares of responsibility for the environment.

保护环境英语作文 篇8

  We should save the earth

  The earth is the mother of mankind, the earth is our common home. We like clear water, blue sky, like watching seagulls flying; we like ice Piao, like to listen to Greenfield roar; we like to fly warbler grass long, like to listen to birds singing; we like to see the sea in the early morning sunrise, like a few nights at least Stars days. We hope that our earth more beautiful and more beautiful.

  However, due to irrational development, because the waste of natural resources, global ecological damage, pollution of all kinds more serious. Now, the world each year 600 million hectares of land become desert, 20 million hectares of forests are disappearing, the average of one hour there is a kind of species extinction. Also, the Earth's temperatures are rising, the Antarctic ice cap began to melt, sea-level will continue to rise, many of the world's coastal cities, islands, and large areas of land will be swallowed seawater. So, care for the environment is our common responsibility. As a small owner of Earth, we have to mind the world, look around. In life without one-time items; in a timely manner wash off the faucet; multi-curved waist do not litter anywhere in the threw peel; more than walk a few steps without crossing the green be< many people around to remind the attention of environmental protection together.

  Environmental protection is a long-term and arduous task, let us start from a small, start now to make our planet more beautiful environment, climate and better!





保护环境英语作文 篇9

  There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities. To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources

  and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

  In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。










保护环境 英语作文01-28

英语作文 保护环境01-27