
时间:2021-07-02 14:53:45 事件类英语作文 我要投稿





  Our country has a long history and numerous historic sites. But for various reasons, some cultural relics have been destroyed. Here is a report about the Great Wall. The Great Wall in some sections is worrying. A large influx of visitors has brought the Great Wall a significant destruction. Plastic bags, mineral water bottles, waste paper, peel and other garbage can be seen everywhere, the wall is graffiti graffiti. The local villagers "depend on the mountain", set up a ladder on the crenel and the path to the Great Wall, and set up a charge. Some property developers have built a lot of uncoordinated buildings in the area, speeding up the destruction of the natural landscape around the Great Wall.

  In recent years, tourism became a great interests, some like mountain climbing, sometimes like the view, and like to know the Chinese historical sites, it is a good thing. But some people don't cherish cultural heritage, and even destruction of cultural relics; In a word, the ruins of cultural relics are greatly damaged. Therefore, we should strengthen the protection of the Great Wall.

  In order to make the long history of the motherland more remote, in order to raise people's awareness of protecting cultural relics, I propose the following Suggestions:

  1. The inscription on the wall for the protection of cultural relics;

  2. Fines for people who throw litter everywhere;

  3. Build guardrail in places where monuments are vulnerable to destruction;

  4. Place garbage cans in places where people congregate.


  As you pass through the green belt, you will see the "greening, everyone's responsibility" logo. In both area and park area will see next to "do not throw rubbish casually" "please don't spit throw sundry" and so on, this logo can be seen everywhere in our life, all these the sign language in remind you should pay attention to the surrounding environment, to protect the environment.

  As citizens of a society, what we do is not to produce garbage on a large scale, but to minimize the production of rubbish.

  To protect the environment, of course, also not only unilaterally reduce waste production, also includes the water resources, land resources, etc., even can say is everywhere, we need to cherish the resources. Installation of water-saving taps and energy-saving lamps; We can wash vegetables and water with our washing rice, etc. Turn off the lights when no one is there... . Reduce the number of replacement pens and reduce unnecessary waste.

  According to statistics, if a ton of paper needs 17 trees if 1.2 billion people waste a piece of paper, it will destroy 6800,000 trees. Take one-off wooden chopsticks as an example, the annual consumption of disposable wooden chopsticks 45 billion pairs. Each processing of 5,000 pairs of wooden disposable chopsticks will consume a 30-year poplar tree, and the national production of disposable wooden chopsticks every day will consume more than 100 mu of forest, a total of 36,000 mu a year. "6800000" and "36,000 mu" is a huge number. Reduce the use of plastic bags and disposable containers. If they are discarded after use, they will destroy the land, affect the development of agriculture and pose a threat to the survival of animals. However, the battery can not be thrown away directly after it is used. According to the measurement of a battery in the no.1 battery, it can lose the use value of a square meter of land. A button cell can pollute up to 600,000 litres of water, the equivalent of a person's lifetime drinking.

  Sometimes we can make a contribution to protecting our planet by just doing the following.

  First, establish environmental knowledge.

  2. Know how to save resources. Don't waste water, don't waste food. To exploit mineral resources sparingly;

  3. Do not buy disposable chopsticks, foam lunch boxes and white pollution objects, and resist white pollution;

  4. Raise children's awareness of environmental protection from childhood and refuse to throw rubbish away, so that they can develop good environmental protection concepts from childhood.

  5. Drive one day less each month, and walk or bike more, so as to reduce the carbon monoxide emissions, and also exercise the body and strengthen the body;

  6. Participate in the environmental activities of community organizations and join them, so that we can understand the importance of environmental protection.

  7. A variety of green plants in the community or home beautify the environment. Such small details can protect the environment.


  Earth makes our mother in the world protect her and love her!

  Now, with the passage of time, the rapid growth of population, various undesirable phenomena appear very ordinary. Indiscriminate cutting, abusing chemicals... In order to protect the earth, we should pay more attention to the things around us and do something beneficial to the environment.

  The rapid growth of the population means that the surface of the earth can be cultivated less and less, which is seriously lacking in fresh water. And now the population is growing fast, and if this is the case, the earth will one day be overwhelmed! With the rapid increase of population, the global temperature has risen sharply, so we need to control the population growth and carry out family planning.

  And of human deforestation, make some local vegetation is few, it is easy to flood, sandstorm, mud-rock flows, landslides and other major hazards, the casualties of people certainly will be very serious, so we also should be more afforestation, reduce can avoid the damage, such as debris flows, landslides and other harm, trees reduce, will increase in carbon dioxide, oxygen reduction, we can't breathe the fresh air. In addition, we should publicize the knowledge about protecting the earth and make people attach more importance to this aspect.

  However, the abuse of chemical supplies not only pollutes the air, but also brings inconvenience to people's living. If the river is polluted, many fish will lose their precious life. If the crops in the fields are polluted, that will produce a significant reduction in output that year. If a lot of pesticides are used, the earth, which is severely short of fresh water, will be even more overwhelmed.

  "Protecting the earth is everyone's responsibility", we should vigorously promote, reduce the disaster that should not occur, so that our "earth mother" will live forever!


  Let the sky blue, let the water clear, let the animals live freely - this is my common desire. However, our hometown is increasingly polluted by the environment. For example, on my way to school, I saw some workers burning plastic bags and foam containers. I stepped forward to stop them, but they said, "baby, don't mind your own business." I walked on with disappointment. At this moment, a gust of wind blew, I smelt a bad smell, I looked back, a black smoke rose up into the sky... How bad it is! Don't they like the fresh air? One day on Saturday, I took a bus to English class. I sat in my seat and looked out, and saw a black exhaust coming out of the back of a car in front of me. The air is polluted and I feel very sick. Another time, I was walking in the street, suddenly, the wind is blowing, flies over a piece of paper, 1 of "pa" on my face, I just take down the advertising paper, a cigarette and fell down. I was so scared that I ran away. That was a close call. I thought, these people are so uncivilized.

  Thanks to the environmental problem, people pay more and more attention to it. Now, the hangzhou government has made many efforts to this end. Public bikes, for example, have become a beautiful landscape in hangzhou. If you have a citizen card, you can rent a car for free within an hour. It's only one yuan per hour. These bikes are going through the streets, so that we can reduce our driving, reduce exhaust emissions and protect the environment in hangzhou. And now we're all looking for green fashion -- environmental bags. If you go to the supermarket, plastic bags are no longer available for free, but you have to pay for them. This encourages us to use reusable bags, or reuse plastic bags, to reduce pollution. Also, hangzhou has just introduced a smoking ban, banning smoking in public places, violators fine of 50 yuan each time, because of smoking, which affect the environment and harm health, so the old smoke qi ā ng, they still don't smoke again!

  We are in hangzhou, townsfolk we should be actively at ordinary times action, and driving less, walking more, try not to use disposable goods, don't hurt small animals, not litter, protect trees.

  Green hangzhou, green hangzhou! Environmental protection life let us go to happy schoolmates, let us act quickly!


  It is a very beautiful river and the mother river of our shaoxing. The river is beautiful and clear. The small fish in the river swim freely. Each of the small fish has a very beautiful color. The waves rippled the water, like a little girl showing her graceful dancing. Willows by the river, flowers, willows comb their long hair. The flowers in the grass beamed. Because the river is very clear, people often wash their hands, wash their faces, and even drink water as drinking water, and everyone is enjoying the gift of nature.

  Gradually, however, people's behavior changed the landscape. Some women have to save a little bit of home running water, go to the ring river, wash the newspaper, wash the mop. Sewage enters the river, the river becomes cloudy, the river becomes smelly, and the soap and washing powder contain toxic substances that pollute the river. Not only that, but some people are greedy for convenience, not only affecting the landscape, but also making the original clear water black. Later, more and more people poured garbage into the river, and the city became a garbage shelter. Even more abominable: some factories discharge waste water directly into the river, and the river is so smelly that it makes people dizzy. The water hyacinth at the bottom of the river is growing up, because the water is getting stink, the fish are dead, and the dead fish are floating on the water, very disgusting. But everyone was not aware of their mistakes. In the river, the river is not only smelly and black, but also piles of rubbish along the river. It is difficult to walk.

  Knowing this, the government immediately issued a call to clean up the city. They drove the boats, took care of them, and carefully disposed of the piles of garbage on the surface of the river. The smelly watermelon skin and small fish were also taken away. The government then took the garbage from the river and planted it in a green belt. The government also ordered the factories to be moved to the outskirts of the city and put up signs on the river, and everyone saw the signs and stopped polluting the river. At last the water became clear and the flowers and grass beside the river were full of vitality. In the evening, the colorful neon lights make the moat more beautiful than before. People are still coming here in groups to exercise, taking pictures, walking and fishing. Everyone is very happy!

  I love the moat, love its beautiful scenery, more love its ups and downs of frustration experience!


  I went to a neighbor's house to find my friends and dreams, and tao told them we'd pick up the trash. They were happy. Huan said, "how can we pick up litter without tools?" I took four plastic bags and gave them one.

  The green team opened, and our team took action. I came to my backyard and found a piece of paper in the bamboo forest. I bent down and picked up the paper and put it in a plastic bag. Moving on, I found another piece of paper. It must have been thrown by me carelessly. The wind blew it into the bamboo forest. I regret that I am a member of the class labor committee, who is responsible for the hygiene inspection work of my class, and I hate to throw garbage at some of my classmates. Today I can personally pick up the garbage I left behind a bit of comfort! I secretly remind myself: Juan, you want to remember, never again make this kind of ridiculous silly disease!

  I continued to pick up the garbage. After more than 20 minutes, the garbage collected light, we come to the place of the collection, I look, each hand is full of a plastic bag, is really "full load" ah! "Even if we pick up all the rubbish on the ground, the garbage in the river can't be stopped, and it will be taken out." "If we use boards to make billboards with slogans that protect the environment, it might get people's attention," he said. We found the board and wrote "please don't forget the river to throw the rubbish!" "Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment! ...... We wrote five pieces of wood, and we put them in the most prominent place by the river. The task was completed and we went home happily.

  Every time I look at the garbage on the ground, I will be filled with emotion: protect the environment, everyone is responsible! But the most important thing is to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection. Now our government, most citizens have a certain sense of environmental protection, and also pay attention to protecting the environment, but the behavior of environmental damage is repeated in some people. I hope everyone can start from me, starts from the minor matter, develop good health habits, don't throw rubbish everywhere, see the garbage can turn one down and pick up a pick up, so, our environment will be more beautiful!


  If we want to make our big rivers return to the beautiful scenery and make our living environment full of red flowers and grass, we should call on all people to love the environment, protect the birds and protect the nature.

  It is impossible, not impossible, to protect the earth by one's power. We need all of us to work together to maintain this tiny, beautiful and fragile planet. We must carefully protect the earth and protect the earth's ecological environment.

  To protect the earth, we should start from everything around us and start from us.


  The environment and we are inseparable, like our close friends. The comfortable environment provides us with a comfortable place, so it is worth every citizen to protect the environment.

  Located in qinghai province, China is known as the "three rivers source". Therefore, the most needed is the fresh air and comfortable environment. Moreover, the country cherishes the protection of animals - Tibetan antelope. For this reason, the top ten young pioneers of qinghai province, sonan baji, often organize team members to clean the streets, clean the streets and help the environmental workers with their spare time. Those environmental uncles and aunts see them volunteering to help them clean up and beautify the city, praising them as small citizens who love the environment.

  Because qinghai is home to the national treasure to protect the animal - Tibetan antelope, so, applied for the Olympic mascot. She thought, day and day. One time, she turned on the TV and saw that the Tibetan antelope became "fuwa", and her tears filled her eyes. Because, habitat is reputed as "three rivers source" the country treasures to protect the animal - Tibetan antelope application mascot success!

  It is not only the top ten young pioneers in qinghai province who contribute to the environment, but also the unknown cleaners asking the environment to contribute. They swept the streets and beautified the city. Every day is the first morning they greet. Every day is the last sun they send away. Isn't it also for the environment, for the city to contribute?

  Protect the environment from me. In life, cherish every drop of water, pick up every piece of melon peel paper. Don't litter every piece of paper, waste every piece of paper. Cherish now beautiful environment, is equal to the motherland, the city contributed a cent strength!


  "True smelly! When will the garbage be removed?" This is the villagers complain to the reporter. Yeah! Plastic products, such as garbage bags, not only do not decay, but also have an impact on people's physical health. You see! The rubbish is piled up in the mountains.

  Seeing this, I thought: we all need to think quickly to beautify our environment. What can I do? By the way, when you buy vegetables, they use plastic bags. If you switch to a basket, the pollution of the environment will be reduced. Disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic lunch box, will not only pollute the environment, and waste a lot of wood every year, if use our usual bowl chopsticks, carries on the strict disinfection after repeated use, can save timber, reduce pollution. Should put a few more daily use the trash can, a bucket of recyclable rubbish, such as food, fruit can do fertilizer, paper, rags can be reprocessed, re-use, another bucket to put the recycling.

  From this year, I asked my parents to take me to plant a tree, which makes more sense. If everyone planted a tree or a bamboo tree on their birthday, they would be green trees and bamboo trees in a few years. Protect the environment, from the small things around us, our living environment will become better, as long as we protect nature, nature will love us.

  Take care of the environment. Start from yourself and start small!


  In our daily life, the living environment is very important, but in daily life people do not attach great importance to protecting the environment.

  In order to make our environment beautiful and unharmed, there are many old people who come to clean the streets and green lawns. They come out early every day and do whatever it takes to make their country greener. But those who do not take care of the environment must also destroy, we must do good work for the people who do not care for the environment, let them get rid of the bad habits one day.

  On our way to school, there were also many students throwing litter. For example: some students throw snack bags at the school gate, and the classmate throw like folded paper airplane, even along the wall into the school. Their actions again and again to affect not only school, to be on duty every morning classmates brought a lot of trouble.

  At the school meeting, the teacher again and again exhorted, but some students did not listen to persuade, but continue to destroy the environment, shorten the life of the earth.

  Once, the school organized our two - and sixth-graders to pick up white trash on the lawn of the park. Before I set out, I thought to myself, when I was playing in the park, I thought it was cleaner. Pick up white trash today, it should be very few, it must be very easy to pick up.

  But when I walked down the aisle and looked down, I was shocked. There is a lot of rubbish on the ground. Waste paper, cigarette ends, plastic bags, etc. These are everywhere, a green lawn, under the destruction of visitors to become an environmental pollution, this is how serious environmental problems.

  In the face of the lawn, we were outraged and tried to eliminate the rubbish. After 100 minutes of labor, the lawn is finally restored to its original beauty, and the flowers are blooming. We can not help but sigh: the earth is also very beautiful!


  We all know that protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility!

  We live the earth is very fragile, the earth's natural resources is limited, if we protect the environment and the earth from now on, we live the earth will become more beautiful!

  Protect the environment from me start from the small things around us!

  Protecting the environment is protecting the earth or indirectly protecting ourselves. If the environment is destroyed, then the home we depend on will be devoured by the desert!

  I am here to appeal to people all over the world to protect the environment everyone is responsible! If we are still in such a destructive environment, our home will be devastated. At that time, we had no place to go. It was everybody's responsibility to protect the environment.

  If we do not litter, spitting, etc.

  Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility!


  I love the earth and love the home we live in. Love her green mountains and green water, love her blue grass...

  Among the four wild flowers, I play and laugh with the butterfly; In the lush forest, I chased and sang with the birds; Early in the morning, I walk to the plain with a light step, misty, white gauze of soft floating in the air. Sucking the fragrance of flowers and plants, enjoying the sun's bath, I am intoxicated in this infatuated dream; At night, I sit in the garden of rice, and I look up at the starry sky, listening to the chirping of cicadas and the sound of frogs, as if I were in a fairytale kingdom.

  What a wonderful environment! How can it be allowed to be destroyed?

  Human technology, big emissions, endless mining... Did the dinosaurs go extinct because of the environment, and humans would destroy themselves?

  The historical task of protecting the environment and maintaining the ecological balance should fall on the shoulders of our trans-century generation. Let us to love nature, love the earth, arm in arm, side by side, heart to heart to cast up a green environmental protection levee, defend the resources, protect environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful homeland!


  Today, the teacher asked us to look at some people who have bad or not protecting the environment and think of themselves.

  Our whole class went to the school gate, saw someone spit, someone threw garbage, did not throw into the trash can, others destroyed the trees, broke the branches...

  I thought: I can't do the behavior that does not protect the environment, these do not protect the environment behavior, how much harm to the world! If everyone spit, throw rubbish casually, how dirty the road should be! The air is full of germs, and how many people are sick! If they don't protect the trees, the trees can't resist the sand. We are all subject to dust storms! I'm going to start small, throw the paper ball into the trash can, and I see someone else on the floor, and I pick it up. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility!


  Environment is a necessary condition for human existence, and we must study and work in a good environment to achieve good results. Therefore, we should protect the environment.

  If we have a good environment, people can every day in the morning up and smell the fresh air, not in the head stuffy, dizzy, but also can let a person get up in the morning won't doze off, day had very spirit. We have a good environment to stay away from diseases, have a healthy body, make people happy...

  If our environment deteriorates, everything will become "evil" and the world will be destroyed.

  Therefore, we should try our best to protect the environment and not let the good environment be polluted.


  When I came home from school today, I saw a garbage can with lots of rubbish outside. The dustbin is simply a decoration.

  I hurried home and called my mother to sweep the garbage. We cleaned the garbage can in a minute. The next day, the third day, and the fourth day, we did the same. A week later, we found that there was significantly less garbage lying around. My mother said to me, "we'll do it for a few more days and there won't be any rubbish left around." "Is it? I asked. "Sure," said mom. I said, "let's get on with it."

  For two weeks we had no break. Until one day we suddenly found that there was no rubbish left around the dustbin.

  I have learned a truth through this matter, do you understand?


  One day, my brother and I went to school together. My brother drank coke and drank coke. He threw the coke can on the ground. I saw it and said to my brother, "how can you throw a coke can on the floor?" The younger brother asked curiously: "why not?" "I smiled and said," if everyone throws garbage like you do, the environment in this city is getting worse and worse." If it's me, I must be running back right now, picking up the coke can and throwing it into the recycling bin. After listening to my instruction, my brother ran back, picked up the coke can and put it in the garbage can.

  Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. From now on, please throw the rubbish into the garbage can, this will be able to buy a beautiful living environment, why not!

  Let's protect the environment together!


  We should protect the wild animals, love the trees...

  Today, I was playing in the yard and jiaojiao, miao miao hammock, suddenly, a cold wind, the three of us shivering cold, looking back, a new load of small trees by the wind to blow slanting, I run past a look, and saplings luckily not dead, miao miao and jiaojiao at this time come over, miao miao tugged at my hand and said: "to play a hammock!" She said, "they are helping to lift the sapling." The seedling took my hand and pulled me to the hammock. I said, "let me lift up the saplings and play with the hammock." everyone agreed. So we replanted the saplings.

  After finishing the work, we went to play the hammock happily. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility.


  In the summer, I go swimming, passing xijiang bridge always smell a strange odor. Every time I went to the river, I would see a billowing cloud of smoke through the vine bridge. In the square, people sometimes close their eyes. At home, sometimes people close the Windows. Why is that? That is because the nearby factories are continuously discharging smoke and seriously contaminating the air. Every time I smell a smell and smoke, I can hear the pain of a patient groaning in the hospital, and the flowers and trees down and down, and the birds call their mother to move.

  In recent years, the government and related departments have attached great importance to environmental pollution, blasting the chimneys of zhongsheng thermal power plant and removing two chemical plants. We see the blue sky, the green trees, the bright flowers. To hear the birds sing without care.


  Once upon a time, there was a clean river. The animals liked it.

  One day at noon, the river burst into tears. Then the little white rabbit passed by the river and said, "what's the matter with you?" The river cried, "that day, the pig had a bad smell, and it came to bathe here. Since then, it has come here every day to bathe, so every day there is a bad smell. The little white rabbit say: "you go to wait for a while, I go to call the cow chairman to make the judgment."

  The next day, after the chairman's judgment, everyone thought the pig did wrong and asked the pig to apologize. The pig walked over in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry." The river did not say anything, just smiled. "Come on, let's clean it!" Said the pig. The animals hurried to clean the stream.

  Since then, the river has never been dirty again.


  It was getting dark. I watched TV and saw people cutting down trees in the green woods. I can't calm down after a long time. At night, I sleep in bed and think, earth is our why do we want to destroy? Thinking of me falling asleep.

  I suddenly came to a beautiful world, surrounded by green oil, fresh air, very comfortable. I rested under the tree, and suddenly a loud noise came from the trees. There were some birds talking, and they were saying, "there is a group of people cutting down our trees. The other bird said, "why do people cut down trees? Trees are important to human beings. If man had not had a tree, he would not have been able to survive, and if it had not been for the tree world, there would have been no air. An old tree said, "yes! We would not have survived without us. I listened and felt ashamed of what we had done. Suddenly a loud noise came from the trees. It was man who was cutting down the trees. I took the initiative to say to him and her, "please don't cut down the trees. The trees are our friends." He (she) really listened to me and didn't cut down the trees. As soon as I said this, an old tree said to me, "you are a good man, little friend. I owe you my life. I thank you so much." "You're welcome." I said.

  In a twinkling, I suddenly became the queen of a country. I pay much attention to the environmental protection of the country. People say my country is "paradise" because my country is a clean, beautiful country. For a variety of reasons, I was leaving the country for a few days. A few days later, when I returned to the country, I became a "garbage" country. I regretted it. I sent people to every corner of the country to clean up. The "garbage" country has become a "paradise" country.

  "Get up, sluggard, get up! I woke up. I was dreaming. I know the importance of protecting the environment. I will protect the environment to make the earth more beautiful.


  On Monday morning, xiao Ming got up late. He hurriedly packed up his schoolbag, even without food, grabbed a piece of bread and hurried out of the house.

  Xiao Ming walked on the way to school, and as he walked, he tore open the packet of bread and threw it into the bag, eating it with relish. "Xiao Ming, you are littering again!" A clear voice came, xiao Ming looked back, originally a classmate wang xiaohong. Xiaoming said with a smile, "is it not a package? What's the big deal? When wang xiaohong saw that he was very angry, he said, "please pick up the bag!" Xiaoming did not hesitate to say: "I will not pick up!" Wang xiaohong hurried to the packing bag and went to pick up the bag, saying, "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

  If everyone is like you and you don't care about the environment and litter, don't we live in a big dump? Isn't the teacher talking about hygiene all day long? Are you worthy of the bright red scarf on your chest? Xiao Ming listened to wang xiaohong's words, felt very embarrassed, lowered his head in shame, scratched the back of the head and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I will not throw the garbage again!" Then xiao Ming took the bread bag from wang xiaohong and threw it into the dustbin. At this time, xiao hong saw xiao Ming's every move, smiled happily, she smiled so brilliant.

  Xiao hong quickly stepped forward and patted xiaoming's shoulder and said, "if you know something wrong, this is a good student!" Xiao Ming heard xiao hong's praise and smiled happily. Xiao Ming took xiao hong's hand and said, "let's go, or we'll be late." Then they walked together happily to the school, on a clean, beautiful path.


  But when the woodcutter was ready to cut the tree with his ax, the axe suddenly spoke and asked the woodcutter, "dear lumberjack, what do you think I will do this time?" The woodcutter saw the axe and spoke, and he told the moving story of the tree and the bird.

  "How well they feel! Why destroy it?" The axe slipped out of the woodcutter's hand. The woodcutter thought to himself: how can I be so stupid! Why tell the hatchet tree and the bird's moving picture? What can we do about it? What should I say? The axe saw the lumberjack not talking for so long, angry! Say: "it seems that you have nothing to say! You mustn't cut down trees, you know! Otherwise... "How else to do! The lumberjack finally spoke. "If not, I'll hit you with the handle of the axe and hit your head." The axe laughed as it spoke. The woodcutter thought the axe was joking and said, "I see! I see! Please don't beat my head! "Yes! Don't hit your head, but you can't cut down trees. "Said the axe, doubtfully. "Well, yeah! The woodcutter immediately said. With that, he grasped the axe with all his strength.

  The ax immediately clicked. With all his strength, he broke free from the woodcutter's hands. With the handle of the axe, the woodcutter's head was beaten, and the lumberjack, frightened, ran, looked back, and stumbled and stumbled. Finally, the lumberjack had no strength to run. The axe saw the lumberjack lying on the ground, thinking: this is a good time, quick! Although the axe was very tired, however, with all its strength, the head of the axe was seen from the head of the woodcutter. Immediately say: "this is your retribution, lumberjack. We should protect the environment, otherwise, will make me give you the retribution!"

  The woodcutter was embarrassed to hear these words. Thought: ah! It is I who destroy the environment, this is my retribution, I will not complain. And when he had finished, he lay down and died.


  People, I want to say to you, "do you know the importance of protecting the environment?" Nowadays, there are more and more damage to the environment. If we don't pay enough attention, our living environment will be in great danger.

  There is a river in my hometown. The water is crystal clear and there are many small fish and frogs in the river. In the summer, children swim freely in the river and bathe. The river is the paradise for the fish, the children's paradise. Since the construction of paper mills, the paper mill has discharged a lot of waste water every day, and some have poured garbage into the river. From then on, the water was no longer clear, and people saw a dirty, smelly sewer. Whenever people pass by, they cover their noses and stay away from them. They can no longer hear the croak of frogs and the laughter of their children.

  In my hometown, there are more than ten tall and tall trees. In summer, the trees grow luxuriantly and luxuriantly, and the thick foliage hides the hot sun. Some people are leisurely drinking tea in the trees under the trees, while others are reading newspapers and playing chess. The children are playing happily. At some point, people pulled the steel bar to the top of a tree and tied it to a tractor. The steel bar straightened, but the tree was torn and scarred. Some people tied their animals to the trees and let them chew the bark. Others cut the branches off the fence. Over time, the trees no longer flourish, they wither away. People can no longer enjoy the happiness that shade brings them. The small trees on the village dam are used to prevent soil erosion, but some children have broken branches to play, and more people have cut down the trees to build houses. The result is that the trees are no longer in the forest, and the sparse trees do not have the function of a fixed dam. This summer the dam collapsed under a heavy rain.

  The chimneys of residential and industrial areas, with black smoke billowing every day, covered the blue sky and cast a shadow over the twenty-first century.

  People, wake up quickly! We have only one earth, and we can no longer use our hands to destroy the environment we live in. Please leave a green mountain, green water and blue sky for our children and grandchildren.


  Today, I walked around the campus and found that there was a lot of garbage in the campus, plastic bags, shredded paper, ice cream paper...

  And that's what caused my reflection --

  We live in nature everyday. Live in this beautiful thing. Mother earth has generously provided us with all kinds of unlimited and limited resources for us to "eat and eat", while human beings not only are not content, but also destroy the earth mother. Along with the changes of The Times, people's requirement also more and more high, they make hits the trees cut down a wooden, disposable chopsticks, etc. Everything that is positive about being human, and these is always a flash in the eyes of the human, is how much damage to nature.

  Although people everywhere are now promoting environmental protection and calling for green, this still does not stop the saboteur's footsteps, the trees are still falling, the area of the desert is still expanding.

  Now, because humans are cutting down trees so much, the desert is devouring nature, eating up the whole earth, people! Are you willing to watch the vast expanse of green destruction? The plastic is hard to decompose and is called "white pollution", and used waste is very difficult to deal with. If it is buried, it will destroy the soil structure. Burn it, can produce fluoride, hydride and other toxic or highly toxic gas, harm human animals. I never thought that a small plastic bag could be so dangerous.

  Nature has reacted angrily, unaware of the disaster that has been planted. The oceans and the atmosphere warn humans. Anywhere in the world, no matter how far away it is from the industrial and agricultural areas, from arctic Iceland to the Antarctic continent, there are different levels of monitoring of harmful substances, alas! Where's the ocean I used to like? Is green as blue as memory?

  I appeal: do not destroy our own homeland again, protect the environment everyone has responsibility, protect the environment from me, from now on!


  Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility to mention environmental protection, it seems to be far away from us, but it is always with us. The problem of environmental pollution cannot be ignored. Destruction of the environment is often seen in our daily life.

  I remember one time when I was riding in a bus, I accidentally saw a small factory pouring some red sewage into the nearby river, and the water was dyed red. I thought: such environment, the small fish in the river, shrimp and other animals can survive? This water quality, if we drink it will be sick, even death. Environmental pollution caused by industrial production such as this is not uncommon and should be taken seriously by relevant departments.

  But maybe someone said, "I don't have sewage, I live in a good place, and it's not about me to protect the environment." In fact, we in the life, often damage the environment, we use every day a lot of plastic bags, paper towels, items such as batteries, waste a lot of water and electricity resources, that virtually all the damage the environment. We constantly, these factors led to the ozone layer of the temperature rising around the world, if one day, the polar ice to melt, the sea will rise over the world, some coastal cities will be submerged. Guangdong province is also a coastal area of nature has been inundated possible. Every year, drought and drought, desertification and landslip are all related to our failure to protect the environment. Therefore, we should establish a sense of environmental protection.

  So how do we protect the environment? I have the following tips: the first point is to cherish energy, not waste water and electricity resources; The second point is to care for greening, not to pick flowers and plants, not to walk on the grass, not to cut trees indiscriminately; Third, do not make too much waste, such as plastic bags should be used as little as possible; The fourth point should be to understand the waste utilization, useless newspapers, magazines, bottles and so on should be sent to the purchase station for waste recovery; The fifth is to pay attention to environmental hygiene, not to spit everywhere, not to throw litter everywhere, the fruit skin sundry should put into the dustbin. All of these are ways we can and should be done.


  Students, whenever we sit in an elegant classroom; Every time we walk by the lake near the water, Every time we sit in a wooden chair in the park and listen to that beautiful sound, have you ever wondered what it would be like if our earth were destroyed?

  If our earth were destroyed, it would be a memory. By then, mankind will live in the boundless desert, and will waste almost all of its time on water. We looked at the sky without blue, what would man think?

  If our earth were destroyed, we would have nowhere to go. In my mind, a picture suddenly appeared: there was not a bird flying freely in the sky. There are no creatures on the yellow earth that can run on the earth but are dotted with black stones. Man can only eat this piece of brown bread and drink the bitter water... I can't think of it anymore, because it's so miserable!

  If our planet is destroyed, animals and plants are the most innocent. Deforestation, rapid green degradation, and water pollution have killed at least 25,000 people a day, garbage and soil pollution... All this is the result of mankind, animals and plants are not wrong, and why should we bear the consequences for mankind? They will lose their homes and their good lives. What do they think when the powerless bird appears in the sky and looks at the yellow sand in front of them? When the king of the jungle, the mighty tiger, is hungry, what does he think? When millions of animals are dying, they will miss their home, the boundless sea, the thick forest, and all of it!

  The classmates, protect nature is to protect human survival environment, everyone should be concerned about, everyone must try your best, I call on everyone: protecting the nature is everyone's responsibility, protect our survival homeland!