
时间:2023-12-10 18:35:46 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  做个快乐的女孩 Be a Happy Girl

  For every girl, they dream to be a princess, just like the one in the fairy tale. So they loss their weight, for the purpose of looking perfect and thinner like the princess. I have witnessed so many girls around me try hard to control their weight, in fact, they are not fat, but they just want to be thinner and thinner. They refuse to the delicious food, worrying about their body shapes all the time. I would rather choose to be a normal girl, do what I want to do and eat what I like to eat, no more burden about the outlook. Being happy is the most important, it makes my life meaningful.


英语作文600字 篇2




  年少轻狂,纵心知,然每于行,或尝抱怨,指责不休。但每思过,食日难改。 随年龄之长,渐晓之,父之伟大,一人活一家,不易之极。虽年龄近半百,因为尘世之奔波,夜替子女分忧!父虽凡而伟,虽矮而高,虽老而盛…………吾之偶像! 去年六月,逢吾高考,父重病患绝症无从医治。大夫曰:熬不过半载。吾知此事,心如刀割,终日哭哭啼啼,故厌学。然父曰:此乃命也,命薄,短寿,怪不得何人许?为父心痛吾儿未婚,吾女未嫁,龄甚小,上有老,下有小,父之使命未完成也!若离去,妻儿何过?





英语作文600字 篇3

  The problem of food safety has attracted much attention recently. Everyone is astonished at the news that thousands of babies suffered from serious health problems because they had been fed with some poisonous milk products.

  The issue of food safety is so important that we cannot afford to ignore it. For one thing, food safety concerns the well-being of all the people in the country. For another, failure to ensure the safety of food causes damage to the image of our government, especially when such food is exported to other countries. Furthermore, unsafe food can undermine consumers' confidence in the food industry, which may cause disastrous effect to our economy.

  Therefore, our government should take all measures to make sure that all the food in our country is safe to eat. The government must strictly carry out food safety standards, and impose severe punishment on those who violate them.

英语作文600字 篇4

  Panda is our country’s treasure, we should protect it. nowadays, we see from the TV that panda is less than before, it is not only because of the damage of the environment, but also the weakness of the panda. Everybody loves panda, it is so lovely, a panda has two black eyes, it is very lazy, it likes sleeping all the time. When we see its round body shape, we can’t help loving them. In order to see the lovely animal, we need to protect them. We must protect the environment, like not to throw the rubbish away, not to cut down the trees. We condemn such behavior that killing the animals. Protecting the animals is everybody’s job.


英语作文600字 篇5

  Is tiny, mom told me the story of Christmas, my mother said that Christmas day, as long as hang Christmas stockings on door, there will be a Christmas grandpa send gifts to the socks, then I know send gift Christmas grandpa is my father.

  On the day of kindergarten, the teacher asked the children to bring their Christmas hats to the children on Christmas day, and the children took their Christmas hats to do morning exercises. Then the teacher will send us some candy.

  I look forward to Christmas every year, and I can feel the Christmas spirit on the streets. When you hear a beautiful Christmas song and see a beautiful Christmas tree and grandpa Christmas, you can also receive gifts.

  This Christmas I have an idea. I will learn to sing the Christmas song by myself, and sing it to my teacher, my classmates, and all who care about me. I would like to say to you, "merry Christmas, my friends!"


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