
时间:2023-11-17 15:33:09 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1


  刚到教室门口,就听见清脆悦耳的铃声“叮铃铃,叮铃铃地叫着,我三步并作两步地走上楼梯,直奔教室,找了个座位坐了下来。哇,今天好不可思议!只见一个 外国老师侧着身子,就像一只”螃蟹“一样走进了外面的教室,逗的我们哭笑不得。顿时,教室里像炸开了锅一样,同学们七嘴八舌地议论着,我仔细打量着这位外国老师。只见她穿着一件暗绿色的衣服,一条黑黑的裤子,那胖嘟嘟的脸上长着一双炯炯有神的.眼睛,一个挺的高高的鼻子和一张小巧玲珑的嘴巴,她长着一头乌黑光亮的头发,看着是那么的祥和。只见她和颜悦色地说:”你们好(hello)!“全体同学也异口同声地说:”你好(hi)!“然后,我们便进入正题了。老师给我们做了一个游戏,游戏规则是:数字里面有4的就拍手,有7的就拍头。游戏开始了,老师叫我们全体起立。我们一个个从1(one)一直数到30(thirt),谁说错了就坐下去。一场激烈的对决以后,有两个人胜利了,老师奖给他们一人一个大博士,游戏结束了。下课了,同学们一窝蜂似的冲出教室,跑下楼梯,开开心心地回家了。


英语作文400字 篇2







英语作文400字 篇3

  now more and more people send cards to each other when in special days.most of us use paper cards,but now i want to introduce a special card to you,it's the electronic card.

  electronic card is send in internet,it has a pecular function that can make animation and music during reading the card.it has a fast speed and has a variety of forms and when you want to choose one card.there are always several topics can give you advice.

  what's more,it can protect our environment and save the woods that make cards.

  use the eletronic card.i think it can give your amazing.

英语作文400字 篇4

  Nowadays weight-losing has become popular among young and middle-aged women. in order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight.

  Some go on a diet, some take eercise,some eat medicine ,others even turn to operation for help. as a result,a lot of products have come into being,such as special medicines, tea and equipment. they are used in different ways and work differently, but some have side effects.

  In my opinion, its understandable that women seek beauty, but they should do it in a proper way. taking eercise is the way that i most favor. but the other methods are likely to do harm to peoples health more or less.

英语作文400字 篇5

  As we know , water is very important to man,we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it .They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers , too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.

英语作文400字 篇6

  Spring is coming. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. We prepared to pl

  Spring is coming. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. We prepared to plant them in the yard. When we were back home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will

  patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.

英语作文400字 篇7

  We should protect the marine organisms

  Today,I saw a shop was selling the coral when I walk on the street.I was very angry.Perhaps many people still don't know that selling coral is illegal abroad expect in Indonesia.Because Indonesia is so poor that it has to earn money through digging and selling the coral,which accuse many marine organisms have to move from their home-ocean.As you known,if coral leave the ocean which they adapt,they might die.That's why I feel so angry.

  Please try our best to protect the marine organisms.They are also our friends!

英语作文400字 篇8

  A man is washing his clothes regardless of the notice above "save the water Please."

  As we see water is the source of life. But there is a very limited available water resource in our world. so we shouldn't waste it. Of course we have to use it to drink cook wash clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didn't stop such wasteful habits we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.




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