
时间:2023-10-16 10:44:19 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Every parent wants their daughters to learn ballet and piano. My mother finds me having no talent in ballet, so she chooses to send me to learn piano. At first, I am not very interested in it, but soon I find practising it every day makes me feel bored. I want to give up, but the girls around me keep coming to the class, so I decide to hold on.


英语作文 篇2

  this afternoon i joined in the English corner at the wuyi square.

  there i met tom, an american boy. he was tall and cute, with blue eyes and brown hair. he was as old as i. we talked with each other for two hours. he told me that his parents had come to china on business. it so happened that he was on holidays. so he came with them.

  he was glad to see that so many chinese children like English, and we agreed to keep in touch with each other later on. how happy i am to have made a new friend!

英语作文 篇3

  Most of us would like to accomplish more than what we are able to in a day. How many times have you felt that it would be so much easier if you only had a few more extra hours in a day to complete the various tasks that you have on your plate? And how many times have you wished that you could do with a lesser amount of stress and strain that your workload is causing you?

  The thing you need to know to overcome this feeling of being over laden with work all the time is to be able to manage your time better. And the most important thing to understand is that time management is not something that you can do as and when you feel that work is getting difficult to handle. It is a lifestyle that you need to adopt and practice each and every day of your life! It is a habit that will lead you to a life where you have peace of mind, better and more efficient work churn out and more time on your hands to do the things you enjoy.

  There are many techniques that you can adopt to help you in managing your time better and get a kick-start in this process. And the best technique to start with is to learn how to focus on the job at hand. This can be done once you have prepared a list and prioritized the tasks that you have on hand. But once you have decided to take up a particular job, don’t let yourself get distracted on the way. Don’t allow thoughts on other projects to mingle and disturb your thought process. Ensure that you are determined to complete the job at hand before you allow your mind to take detours into other arenas awaiting attention. Avoid taking any kind of breaks while you are at that task and ensure that you complete it before you consider a cup of coffee or a call that you need to make.

英语作文 篇4

  When we have to face with our illness or even mortality many of us begin to wonder if we have made the right choices about our lives.

  Actually we can choose other paths to live in happiness and well being. Simply put having a good work life balance means you will feel happy with your life as a whole.

  How do we achieve a good work life balance? It takes planning and it takes action. First of all remember always making time for yourself.

  Trying to make our life more longer than expecting we need to quit our bad hobbies and keep mental health taking balanced diet and doing regular exercise is often a good way to follow too.

  Secondly learn to knowing your boundaries. I do not suggest that hard work has no place in our lives but don't overwork.

  As a result if you achieved a good work life balance you will be happier for it.

  Its time for everyone to take a step back and ask ourselves do I have a good work life balance?







英语作文 篇5

  This morning,mymother said that she would take me to the forest park.l was so happy that l jumped three feet high.

  Everything is beautiful on the way:The birds are singing happily on the branches;The flowers waved to me with asmile;Grass is dancing in the square with the wind.

  To the forest park,we buy,eat,play and drink.

  What a wonderful day!Our family had a good time.

英语作文 篇6

  Punctuality is a good habit. It means that people do things at the arranged time. You will win others' trust. No punctuality is a bad habit. It is not serious if you are several minutes late, but it may cause a bad result. When you are not punctual for many times, you will become lazier and lazier, even fail in the life.

  We should try to be punctual forever.



英语作文 篇7

  Everythingh has sure changed. Everthing has sure changed, t. In the life, we lse sething, als get sething, lie ur hetwn.

  In ur hetwn, there used t be ld huses, the used t be sall and shrt. Nw, there are an new buildings. The are big and tall. The hetwn still is the hetwn, but it has changed a lt.

  Rivers here used t be dirt. Nw the are clean. Ducs swi in the rivers, fishes in the rivers pla with ducs. At night, stars als tae shwers in the rivers. The hetwn still is the hetwn, but it has changed a lt.

  Tie can change everthing. Our hetwn beces re beautiful than befre. We feel s happ.



英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02







