
时间:2023-05-10 08:01:19 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




快乐的英语作文 篇1


  Every winter vacation is very happy, and this winter vacation makes me especially unforgettable, because I went to Disneyland, the place all children yearn for.


  That day, we got up early and got on the bus with a happy mood. The spring breeze blew in my face, but I didn't feel cold at all. Just after a night of light rain, sunshine on me, warm incomparable. Just as I was feeling the spring breeze and enjoying the warmth, a loud noise changed my attention. I looked over there, and a Mickey suddenly appeared in front of me. Mickey stepped on the skateboard and stood on the top of the fountain, which made people feel very creative, vivid and beautiful. He couldn't help taking a picture in front of the fountain.


  Walking past the fountain, a large lawn appeared again in front of us. A picture of Mickey was made of flowers on the lawn. Turning left, we walked into the American street. We wanted to take the bus for a walk. Unfortunately, there were too many people. Finally, we decided to walk. Along the way, we also saw some bakeries, gift shops What an eye opener!


  Towards dusk, the Princess Castle is surrounded by a sea of people, because there will be a 15 minute fireworks show at more than 7 o'clock this evening. When we finished our meal in a hurry, we came to the castle and saw fireworks flying up into the sky, turning into colorful "flowers", and then like a waterfall, they fell down from the sky. It was very beautiful!


  The 15 minute performance was over in a short time, and we also reluctantly left the happy Disneyland.

快乐的英语作文 篇2

  February 24 was a fine day. We held a very happy class activity. The title of the class activity was ‘The story happened in the winter holiday ’.

  At the very beginning, the comperes told us to play a game. For boys, played ‘push-up’. For girls, two girls stood back to back, put the arm chiasms, they should touch other’s hands. If the girl and the boy don’t pass the game, he or she should tell a story which happened during the winter holiday.

  Many students didn’t pass the game but luckily my companion and I passed the game.

  Someone said‘I went to the Nanjing. I saw many Chinese lamps and I saw the snow and made a snowman, I was very happy there .’

  Someone said ‘I went to the Shantang Street and had many Chinese snacks. They were so delicious.’

  Someone said ‘I took part in the school activity with my friends. I learnt a lot about the social.’

  The classroom was full of happiness. At last we surprised that our teacher Mr.Pan played this game too. The student became so excited, many of them went to the teachers’ desk to see Mr.pan did push-up.

  During the 40 minutes, we have learnt we should exercise more, to keep heathy and feel the love of the class.

  How happy the 40 minutes were! Do you think so?

快乐的英语作文 篇3

  this summer is evry surprised, because it is a special one,during the summer, i have beening done many work,for eample,chinese work,math work,physics work and so on.i have made a big progress ,i feel very confdence and very happy.

  since august 8th,,i watch many games on my computer evey day, sometimes watch the games at midnight.the olympic opening ceremony is very great. it make evryone chinese prond.even many foreigners feel surprising.we have got eight gold medals ,i am very happy and proud, i am chinese. i believe our players will win more gold medals.

快乐的英语作文 篇4

  New year, let a person look fresh everywhere, the street is full of lanterns, although not the spring festival, but people are wearing their favorite clothes or new clothes, I am no exception, the streets beaming, I also have to happy, the street is very lively, people heel touch tiptoe, crowded crowded came to the new big new square, wow! Mouth immediately became o - shaped, there are countless people, it surprised me! We were talking and laughing on the way to noon.

  All of a sudden, my heart is like the sea waves of joy - turned out to be McDonald 's. The in the mind very happy, not can use one or two words to describe. See McDonald 's saliva flowing out, is really continuous! Then the belly also began to call, " goo goo" everyone laughed in surprise, and is laughing, it can lose face. At noon I enjoyed my dream McDonald 's, hey hey! I seem a little smug about happy new year.

  New year, people often say: " the plan of the year lies in spring, the plan of the day lies in the morning. " yes! Only through continuous efforts to create a brilliant innovation, grasp the time to be prepared to make the future. New year 's day, is a new beginning, grasp today, only for the day, let the new year have a happier.

快乐的英语作文 篇5

  Last year my father lost his job. At that time my parents felt a bit sad. I encouraged my father and said I was old enough and could do something to help. In order to help my parents, I took a part time job on weekends in the KFC near my home.

  Luckily, it didn't take long time for my father to find a new job in a company. With the money I earned through working I bought a pair of new shoes for my father to celebrate the good news. My parents were deeply moved.

  I said, "We are a happy family whether we are rich or poor.




快乐的英语作文 篇6

  Today is really a happy day, I can not help but to record this happy day.

  On the first weekend of school, I had a good sleep. I thought I would spend a day in the dormitory today. Because the weather is pretty good today, and I don't know who proposed to go out for a walk. Because H1N1 flu is prevalent recently, so I dare not go out. I think of the mountain behind the school. It's not far away. I haven't been to school for a year. I can't help but regret. So, I, ah four, three or five people started happily. Although it is difficult to go on the way to go, and have to endure the dust of flying everywhere, but we are still happy.

  Finally we came to the top mountain national Forest Park. Walk in, the mood is very good, we walk around and clap, play, enjoy it. See the lawn walk freely around the peacock peacock, see the kids around to see one family of contented and happy, deeply attached to each other to have a picnic, see the boat of the children looked at together barbecue classmates, see all the beautiful scene, we don't feel good in this blend.

  We are playing with those outdoor projects, playing hard, sitting on the swing and talking about the sky. The most happy is that we finally got on the dream together three people while riding a bicycle, singing, laughing and shouting, fully and delightfully writing belongs to our youth! Although riding tired, shouting dumb, but really happy, long time happiness, for a long time not like this. After that, we should go out more and feel that life gives us all the beauty.

  Finally, I and o four also made a meal and then go home, perfect and happy to spend a beautiful day.

  It turns out that happiness can be simple, simple life, simple to find our simple happiness.

快乐的英语作文 篇7

  today is new year's eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. as long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a red sea. the family have their own homes going up in the beautiful, it seems like in the match. my family is no exception, sweeping, glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. prepare the arrival of the new year.

  afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the chinese new year couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "i paste you posted, i looked at the high level you say 'rich', said that if the lower 'rising' good you ", i asked my father why? dad said: "the plan is a lucky," "oh, i understand," we posted on the alliance are: evil hongfu family happy is: wang gas people to come into everything.

  end paste new year, we began dumplings. good luck to tim, we are still a dumpling in a bag of coins. dinner, my folder, a dumpling, one to eat, "cough," the voice of a coin吃出for my whole family applauded, and say that i am lucky this year. after dumplings, we saw the chinese new year festival, my favorite essay

  and "yellow soybeans." liu qian first a one-dollar coins into the cup, then into the host egg rings. "bean yellow" in a person to "take off clouds" that they "li xiangyun" really funny. no wonder people say: "spring festival evening show" is a cultural feast.

  against the sound of the bell, "speakers" sound guns up. people poured out of their homes. pat the sound of firecrackers greeted the arrival of chinese new year.


  下午,我们就按过年的习俗贴春联,爸爸和好浆糊,然后对我说:“我贴你看着高低我贴高了你就说‘发财’,如果低了就说‘高升’好吗”,我问爸爸为什么呢?爸爸说:“就是图个吉祥”,“噢我懂了”我们贴的.上联是:家有宏福千般喜,下联是:人来 旺气万事成。

  贴完春联,我们就开始包饺子。为了添吉祥,我们还在一个饺子里包了一个硬币。吃晚饭时,我夹了一个饺子,一吃 “咯”的一声,吃出一个硬币全家人都为我鼓掌,说我今年有福气。吃完饺子,我们又看了春节联欢晚会,我最喜欢刘谦的魔术


  零点 的钟声响了, “叭”炮声响起来了。人们涌出家门。劈劈啪啪的鞭炮声迎接新春的到来。

快乐的英语作文 篇8


  In the morning, I came to the campus with a happy mood. The golden sunshine spreads all over the campus, the flowers are particularly beautiful, and the trees are also very tall and straight. Look, the classroom is full of colorful ribbons. In the breeze, the ribbons sway gently, as if to say, "happy holidays!"


  In order to celebrate the coming of June 1, the school held a colorful and interesting activity. After the morning meeting, the students can't wait to participate in the activity.


  The activity held in our class is "in one breath", and we must blow out the candles at a designated place. The team is like a long dragon. Some students blow out the candles at the designated position. I put a tick on their garden rolls, and their faces show a proud look. Some students blow their mouths round and frown tightly, but they don't blow out the candles. They are unwilling to blow them once, but they only have one chance.


  Boys to replace the "job", I like a runaway wild horse rushed out of the classroom, to play in other classes. First of all, I came to class 59 - "sea lion top ball". There was a vacancy. I ran up in a hurry. The staff told me to use the balloon on top of my head, but I can't use my hands to help me walk from one end of the classroom to the other. Then, he handed me a balloon, and I gently threw it up and walked forward with my head on. From time to time that naughty balloon will frighten me, make me wobble, like a clown.


  Out of class 59 I went to class 57 again. The team was very long, flowing forward like water. It took me a long time to come. I was absorbed in the turbid paint water in the basin, thinking: beads, beads, please do not run around, let me take more than a few! I spent a lot of effort to finally pick up a marbles, when I was happy, the marbles on the chopsticks fell on the table, and finally I only took two.


  Then I went to class 53. Their program is "please enter the Urn". It's my turn. I took the ping-pong ball and pointed it at the hole. I let go of my hand and eye to see the ball coming in. But the naughty ping-pong ball jumped out again. I was flustered. I picked up the second ball. I aimed at the hole more carefully. When the ball went down, I was very nervous. When the ball went in, I was more confident. When I was going to put the third ball, I carefully put it down, yeah! It's over! The staff made a tick on my garden roll, and I was very happy!


  Later, I also played a lot of programs, but I didn't feel tired at all, because there are beautiful flowers to accompany me, tall and straight trees to encourage me. This activity is really meaningful!





快乐人生作文|快乐人生 英语作文09-27





