
时间:2023-05-09 18:12:49 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文600字 篇1



  接着,我们出了教室,参观起了育英二外。虽然外面雪花飘飞,但我们依然兴致勃勃。在参观过程中,我们也在学习英语单词。因为每个教室的标牌上,不但有中文,还有英文呢,休息室的标牌上就写着“lounge”,还有很多我不认识的单词,在参观过程中,我都学会了。不仅如此,我们在遇到一些特别的事物时,也学会了不少单词,在看到一些教室的门上挂着玩具圣诞老人时,billy就问我们它用英文该怎么表达。我们有的说是“christmasman”,有的说是“christmas father”,可惜都不对。最终,还是billy揭开了答案,应该是“santa claus”。这时,我们才恍然大悟,我相信,我们以后再也不会记错了。



学英语作文600字 篇2

  Jiuhuashan(also called "Mount Jiuhua", literally "Nine Glorious Mountains")

  Mount Jiuhua is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. It is located in Qingyang County in Anhui province and is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples.

  Many of the mountain’s shrines and temples are dedicated to Ksitigarbha (known in Chinese as Dìzàng, Traditional Chinese:),

  who is a bodhisattva and protector of souls in hell according to Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Pious Buddhists often come to this popular attraction in Anhui to climb to Greater Tiantai peak, which is regarded as Jiuhuashan’s most important peak, although it is not the tallest.






学英语作文600字 篇3

  Recently, the phenomenon of students pursue famous brands has become the focus of the public concern.They always do anything in order to buy what they want. What has caused this problem?It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor.

  There are two aspects reason as follows. On the one hand,with the development of the economy/society/people’s living standard, we can afford the articles of luxury. On the other hand,the mind of rivalry is the most important reason.The topic of the famous brands is the main idea among the students, they think a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.

  To change this situation, I suggest that college school students should cultivate positive values and look at things in a proper way.Although brand is the best way to show their status,we shouldn’t pursuit brand blindly.students ought to pay much attention to their studies.

学英语作文600字 篇4

  I have a happy family.My family have five poeple:grandpa,grandma,father,mother,and me.

  My grandparents live in countryside.They have six rooms.The room is big.There are two apple in the ground.They have sixteen goats and three cows.The goat is white.The cow is yellow.They are healthy.

  My parents and me live in city.My father is a worker.His work is hard.My mother is a high school's Chinese teacher,She take bicycle go to work at seven'clock.

  In the afternoon,she doesn't go home.In the evening,she make supper.The food is delicious.I am a student.I have Chinese,math and English everyday.That is boring.I have many friends.After class,I play with my friends.

  We are tried,but we are very happy.I love my family.

学英语作文600字 篇5

  In 1957, as many as 900,000,000 people went to the cinema, whereas the number of TV viewers was 400,000,000. Three years later, 500,000,000 cinema-goers vs 500,000,000 TV viewers the same. In 1963, the cinema fell, compared with TV. In 1974, only 70,000,000 went to the cinema, but as many as 800,000,000 peoplewatched TV.

  Although the cinema has its own unreplacable merits, the television can do most of the things the cinema does, and more importantly, people can stay at home with their famfiy, watching what belongs to both TV and the cinema. In rainy days no one wfil think of the cinema except for some special reasons.

  People like TV better for another reason. They can choose anything they like, just by switching from one channel to another. But in the cinema, you have no choice, if you don't want to come again for something different.Sample for band 6

学英语作文600字 篇6

  1. The first key factor to solve this problem…Another key factor is…

  2. People have found many solution/approaches to dealing with this problem.

  3. Then how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestion which may be some of help.

  4. Faced with…we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.

  5. It is high time… Here are a few examples that might be taken immediately.

  6. We need it take a fresh/dear/look at this matter/situation in a new perspective/from a winder standpoint. Otherwise, we won’t come anywhere near solving it.

  7. It is essential/indispensable/that proper action/effective measures should be taken to reverse this situation/trend.

  8. No effective/simple solution can be at hand/tackle the problem of… But the general first step in the right direction.

学英语作文600字 篇7

  my house contain four people, having me the daddy respectively, my mama, my grandmother, also have me!

  we live together very happy!but our occupations are all different.my father does department of financial analysis to do a finance work, my mother also does a finance work in the department of financial analysis, so my house has 2 to compute a good person to hold!

  my daddy is a work in samely the hospital with my mama!still had me the grandmother to also work at the hospital before of, she is to be a nurse, however retired now!

  although my grandmother at ordinary times very overelaborate , very big doctor!but she also writes to think for our healthy bodies very much!but i be just an inside learn of student!my house is a happy family!










