
时间:2023-02-13 10:38:40 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




梦想的英语作文 篇1

  When I was a naughty boy, may be because of the influence of the film "Xiao Bing Zhang Ga", my dream was to be a soldier just like Zhang Ga. I thought if I was a soldier, I should be able to swim, dive and climb trees as he did. It seemed to be very wonderful. So I began to learn swimming, diving and climbing trees. I practiced every day and finally I could do them well. But when I entered junior high school and had the military training. I suddenly found that being a soldier was very difficult and I wasn't strong enough tobear it. I had to give my dream up.

  But I wasn't discouraged, and I had a new aim, which was to be a postman, or rather to be a newspaper boy. As a newspaper boy. I could speed along streets on a bike and throw newspapers onto every porch. That's also very cool. So I started learning to ride a bicycle. After the everyday practice, I could go very fast by bicycle. But to my disappointment, the job which I wanted only existed in western counties not in China, because there was no porch in China. And Chinese postmen had to stuff very thick newspapers into very small mailboxes from very narrow entrances. The job was far from what I had expected. So once again my dream fell through.

  Perhaps you have had the same experience as I and most of your dreams haven't come true yet. But I think it doesn't matter, because if you have a dream, you'll make many efforts to realize it. This course is really important. If I hadn't dreamt of being a soldier or a newspaper boy. I wouldn't have learned to swim, to dive, to climb trees or to ride a bicycle. Even if our dream can't come true, you'll learn much from the efforts you have made. So what I want to tell you is that dream helps us to grow up and teaches us how to control our lives. It is dream that gives us power and makes our lives colorful.

梦想的英语作文 篇2

  My ideal is to be a good doctor, the doctor is a noble occupation, saving lives is the duty of a doctor. The doctor save small to large outpatient surgery, related to people's life, therefore, they are always so devoted, not a hint of negligence, they know that a small mistake can lead to disaster. Whenever I know the doctor and cure a dying patient, my heart is admired, admire, not secretly determined: "grow up, I also want to be a doctor."

  It's a long story, I want to be a doctor and reasons for it... This year, 4. In May, when the SARS disease silue Beijing City, terror cover over Beijing, there have been suspected records, get jittery. At this moment, the white warriors, regardless of their personal safety, fought day and night on the battlefield without the smoke of gunpowder. There is a hospital - Xiaotangshan hospital in the anti SARS front, had such a touching story: a doctor, from the isolation began fighting on the front line, we let him rest, he always said: "I have been on the line for such a long time, have certain experience, can be better fulfill my duties, re substitution and increased the source of infection, I was dry for a period of time?" The good doctor has been out of touch with his family for months, and he misses his home deeply in his heart and works more selflessly. Finally, he was infected with SARS, because discovered too late, has reached a critical juncture, his family was in deep sorrow, but the doctor in quarantine sentially.finding a reporter to interview, despite the tears in her eyes, infinite nostalgia this beautiful world, but firmly say: "please take me the body to medical organization for anatomy, as soon as possible to solve the SARS vaccine, let more patients to leave the hospital to go home happy." The doctor's selfless dedication spirit touched me, touched everyone, we killed and painful for him. He was only 36 years old when he died. He was still so young. Life was so short for him. I said gently, "good doctor, take your time."!" Sitting on the couch, I remembered the doctor, my help...

  It was a midsummer day, and the sun had scorched the earth, and I was still mad in the compound. While playing hide and seek, people searched the corner of the compound and didn't find me. When they re search, finally found in grass stomped me, I remain unconscious. My mother heard that she would come soon and carry me back and run to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, I was almost off duty. The doctor took me gently and put it on the bed. The diagnosis, is an injection and feeding, massage back to me. I didn't wake up until I woke up and poured sugar and water. Until I felt better, I got my mother to take the medicine and sent us out to the hospital. It was late and we got a taxi and watched us go away. Mom and I were so thankful that I didn't know what to say. I just said, "thank you."! Thanks!" From then on, I often talked about the doctor's help. More firmly determined to be a doctor.

  I know that a doctor must have good knowledge and good character. Now I have to study hard and lay a good foundation. When I grow up, I can be a good doctor who is respected.

梦想的英语作文 篇3

  I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very much to be a doctor.

  I want to be a doctor because doctors can cure patients and thus make people healthy and happy. Doctors can offer their help to the poor people so that more people can get medical help.

  If I were a doctor, the more patients I cured, the happier I will feel. That is the very reason I want to become a doctor.

  I will study hard so that my dream can come true in the future.

梦想的英语作文 篇4


  Why have a dream? Because the dream is the beginning of the story, I believe that everyone has a dream.


  My dream is to be a top chef to the rest of the world match. First, when the chef will never be hungry, you can eat anything. Second, I can put my love of food do you eat, third, after retirement, you can sell to make money, the most important purpose is to race around the world.


  As for how to step by step to realize my dream? First, I want to cultivate the taste buds, second, also want to practice my cooking skills, third, create a belongs to own. Once heard: the chef is hungry, if I became a chef, is a very happy thing, but also can set up shop when the boss, I have reached this great desire

梦想的英语作文 篇5

  Seeds with a thirst for spring, break through the soil confine, ushered in the spring breeze lightly; Butterfly dreams for the world, to break the cocoon chrysalis closed, with the fragrance of the flowers; Wong filled with a long-term vision for the freshmen, break the bondage of cicada, ushered in the cool and refreshing breeze.

  But dreams just had skyrocketed feat; Only aim at the blue sky, just have the hovering flying high precision.

  Three bricklayer someone asked: "what are you doing?" The first workers said without hesitation: "build by laying bricks or stones wall." The second worker wanted to mean to say: "I in the money for the family." Third workers said: "I is building the world's most rich characteristics of house." Later, the first two are ordinary workers life bricklayer, while the third workers has become a famous architect.

  How much heart, the stage has much.

  Since the childhood, I had a dream that can mount the stage of the CCTV is very 6 + 1, show their elegant demeanour. In order to this dream, I gave up a lot of time to rest, learn guzheng, practicing dance, with sweat and tears watered the flowers of success.

  Senior year summer vacation, I took part in the contest of "dandelion" national push new guzheng. Stand out in the taizhou audition, recommended to go to Beijing to attend the national finals. Hearing the news, I was excited and nervous, to the delight of previous hard were not in vain, tense is can get prize, because to go to Beijing is more than, can saying is a good all. As the saying goes, "a minute on stage, the audience ten years of work." Only practice to the point of perfection, can stand on the highest podium to.

  So I give oneself booked a detailed training plan, eyes open every day, practice more to the night. Volts, midsummer, sweat drenched the garment unlined upper garment to rest also, sunlight to practice, practice, moonlight light practice, forget the fatigue, forget the hunger, finally practice very skilled, who also lost a circle.

  Go to Beijing in a day of competition, after a night of turbulence, yearn, we came to Beijing, the capital of into JingFeng hotel. Got there to journey laughton, I immediately put into practice. Tense moment came, I walked on stage, with assurance in the judges picky eyes, play the don't know for how many times of tune "war stage manners". Eight fingers kept bay pick twist on the strings, like two butterflies hovering, gradually, I wander among them, to see the dockers lively, hot work, see the workers to cope with the typhoon condition, see the typhoon passed, the people cheered... A song, lingering, the audience broke into a round of applause, I know, I succeeded!

  Standing on the podium, I was thrilled, there was a voice: "I want to climb step by step, waiting for the sun, quietly watching his face a little day, heavy shell has a big dream, wrapped in a gentle look to..." Yes, no matter how ordinary you, how small, how much heart, how big is the stage.

梦想的英语作文 篇6

  Good afternoon , everyone,

  It’s great pleasure for me to be here today and share my dream career with you. I hope to be a teacher. As a teacher , I will stay with young students , who are always energetic and have new ideas, so I will keep updating what I have learned. Besides, teaching is a job where teachers teach knowledge and educate students, which is increasingly important , and so is the teachers’ position. That is why I love to be a teacher.

梦想的英语作文 篇7

  我梦想的职业 My Dreaming Career

  In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places, including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on。 Therefore, I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places。 Since then, I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions。 Besides, I can meet various people and I think municating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of vision。 I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can know the general life of a place。 I know it would be a challenging job, but I believe I can do well in my job。


梦想的英语作文 篇8

  Dream, for my childhood period is out of reach. But with the time change, to know the dream is not far away.

  Childhood, many people have asked me, what is your dream? I will ambivalent answer.

  Hours have not seen a big world, people say what is what, others said that his dream is to become a doctor, own it with Benzhu stream, follow other people thought ran. Over time, I will forget my own dreams intention. Someone once said that if a person has a dream, that is, in the struggle, without a dream man is wandering. I am not willing wandering in the world, I have been thinking about, searching for their dreams. Open TV is one of our perspective of the way, on television, we can learn a lot of things, such as news, entertainment, sports and so on. Whenever I turn on the TV, there will always be drama.

  I really like watching TV, for the simple reason that I can see the scenery from many different regions of China. I always sigh: So the outside world is not so good. I dream of the emotions suddenly thought: Why can not my dream is to travel the world beautiful scenery it? I increasingly more happy.

  Now I was finally able to realize the truth of flies. Hour had promised dream has now been gone for three years. If the original oath still in my ears sounded edge. I had aspirations of innocence promise distant now I feel not far from me. So far, I have started contacting the outside world, I really began longing for the sights. If my dream I waved forward direction!












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