
时间:2023-02-12 19:18:56 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




春天的英语作文 篇1

  Some people like the hot sun hot summer, some people like the fruitful autumn, some people like snow in the winter, but I like the flowers of spring.

  Connect stepping light footsteps coming towards nature, she is like a magician, with a magic wand, waving everywhere. With a wave of his hand, her on the grass, the grass from the earth drill out; She told jasmine, jasmine tree was full of flowers; She of wild flowers, colorful wildflowers smiled from the grass. Voice like a painting teacher, add on to trees and flowers are colourful color, she gave the red on the draw, azaleas, edition makes them look gorgeous; She gave the grass on the draw, willow green, let them become more vibrant. A breeze blowing, the trees and flowers are blowing in the wind, they laughed cheerfully. The earth is full of vitality.

  Connect stepping light footsteps came to a small river, awaken the frozen river and swam in the bottom of the fish out of water, breathing the fresh air; Hibernate frog also woke up, singing cheerful tune; The swallow flew back from the south, enjoying the beautiful scenery here.

  Connect with the cheerful step came to our side, she help us to take off the thick sweater, put on the light. People are out of the house, some play in the park, some in the suburbs for an outing, and fly a kite on the grass. People grin.

  "Spring" spring is a good time, we don't miss her. I like spring.

春天的英语作文 篇2

  A Promise of Spring

  Early in the spring, about a month before my grandpa's stroke, I began walking for an hour every afternoon. Some days I would walk four blocks south to see Grandma and Grandpa. At eighty-six, Grandpa was still quite a gardener, so I always watched for his earliest blooms and each new wave of spring flowers.

  I was especially interested in flowers that year because I was planning to landscape my own yard and I was eager to get Grandpa's advice. I thought I knew pretty much what I wanted — a yard full of bushes and plants that would bloom from May till November.

  It was right after the first rush of purple violets in the lawns and the sudden blaze of forsythia that spring that Grandpa had a stroke. It left him without speech and with no movement on his left side. The whole family rallied to Grandpa. We all spent many hours by his side. Some days his eyes were eloquent — laughing at our reported mishaps, listening alertly, revealing painful awareness of his inability to care for himself. There were days, too, when he slept most of the time, overcome with the weight of his approaching death.

  As the months passed, I watched the growing earth with Grandpa's eyes. Each time I was with him, I gave him a garden report. He listened, gripping my hand with the sure strength and calm he had always had. But he could not answer my questions. The new flowers would blaze, peak, fade, and die before I knew their names.

  Grandpa's illness held him through the spring and on, week by week, through summer. I began spending hours at the local nursery, studying and choosing seeds and plants. It gave me special joy to buy plants I had seen in Grandpa's garden and give them humble starts in my own garden. I discovered Sweet William, which I had admired for years in Grandpa's garden without knowing its name. And I planted it in his honor.

  As I waited and watched in the garden and by Grandpa's side, some quiet truths emerged. I realized that Grandpa loved flowers that were always bloom; he kept a full bed of roses in his garden. But I noticed that Grandpa left plenty of room for the brief highlights. Not every nook of his garden was constantly in bloom. There was always a treasured surprise tucked somewhere.

  I came to see, too, that Grandpa's garden mirrored his life. He was a hard worker who understood the law of the harvest. But along with his hard work, Grandpa knew how to enjoy each season, each change. We often teased him about his life history. He had written two paragraphs summarizing fifty years of work, and a full nine pages about every trip and vacation he'd ever taken.

  In July, Grandpa worsened. One hot afternoon arrived when no one else was at his bedside. He was glad to have me there, and reached out his hand to pull me close.

  I told Grandpa what I had learned — that few flowers last from April to November. Some of the most beautiful bloom for only a month at most. To really enjoy a garden, you have to plant corners and drifts and rows of flowers that will bloom and grace the garden, each in its own season.

  His eyes listened to every word. Then, another discovery: "If I want a garden like yours, Grandpa, I'm going to have to work." His grin laughed at me, and his eyes teased me.

  "Grandpa, in your life right now the chrysanthemums are in bloom. Chrysanthemums and roses." Tears clouded both our eyes. Neither of us feared this last flower of fall, but the wait for spring seems longest in November. We knew how much we would miss each other.

  Sitting there, I suddenly felt that the best gift I could give Grandpa would be to give voice to the testimony inside both of us. He had never spoken of his testimony to me, but it was such a part of his life that I had never questioned if Grandpa knew. I knew he knew.

  "Grandpa," I began — and his grip tightened as if he knew what I was going to say — "I want you to know that I have a testimony. I know the Savior lives. I bear witness to you that Joseph Smith is a prophet. I love the Restoration and joy in it." The steadiness in Grandpa's eyes told how much he felt it too. "I bear witness that President Kimball is a prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is true, Grandpa. Every part of me bears this witness."

  "Grandpa," I added quietly, "I know our Father in Heaven loves you." Unbidden, unexpected, the Spirit bore comforting, poignant testimony to me of our Father's love for my humble, quiet Grandpa.

  A tangible sense of Heavenly Father's compassionate awareness of Grandpa's suffering surrounded us and held us. It was so personal and powerful that no words were left to me — only tears of gratitude and humility, tears of comfort.

  Grandpa and I wept together.

  It was the end of August when Grandpa died, the end of summer. As we were choosing flowers from the florist for Grandpa's funeral, I slipped away to Grandpa's garden and walked with my memories of columbine and Sweet William. Only the tall lavender and white phlox were in bloom now, and some baby's breath in another corner.

  On impulse, I cut the prettiest strands of phlox and baby's breath and made one more arrangement for the funeral. When they saw it, friends and family all smiled to see Grandpa's flowers there. We all felt how much Grandpa would have liked that.

  The October after Grandpa's death, I planted tulip and daffodil bulbs, snowdrops, crocuses, and bluebells. Each bulb was a comfort to me, a love sent to Grandpa, a promise of spring.

春天的英语作文 篇3


  Spring the sky is blue, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire. The clouds in the sky are numerous and varied, sometimes like escaping hares, sometimes like predatory tigers, sometimes jumping horses......


  The distant peaks, rolling folds, like a sleeping dragon. A row of pine trees stood there, wearing a green hat, wearing green uniforms, like a proud soldier, is fully equipped for it!


  The grass on the ground upright, the flowers off thick winter clothing, wearing colorful clothes. The beautiful butterfly flew round and round with its friends. The industrious little bee did not idle, and buzzed to gather nectar from the flowers. Birds flying in the air, like a messenger of spring, spring has come to tell people is.


  Small clear like a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the bosom of the earth. A group of fish swim over, some play in the chase, some bubbles, as well as in the companion and play hide and seek...... Warm up the river suddenly!


  Ah! It's really a picturesque spring!

春天的英语作文 篇4


  Spring is my favorite time of the year.


  Spring wind blowing, blowing green weeping willows, blowing green grass. The children on the grass are bathing in the warm spring wind and flying kites!


  In the spring wind, the willows seem to be dancing with long branches. The light dancing posture seems to fly. The clear water reflects her colorful body. The green grass and flowers on the bank are reflected in the water. The bottom of the water seems to be a wonderful fairy tale world.


  The pink peach blossom bloomed, looking like a gorgeous and colorful morning glow from afar. Pear blossom, white pear blossom full of branches. The golden winter jasmine blooms like a shy little girl.

  一阵微风吹过,顿时一股花香扑鼻而来 ,让人陶醉。细听,蜜蜂们已在辛勤工作,“嗡,嗡,嗡”地飞来飞去。蝴蝶也不甘寂寞地在花丛中翩翩起舞。


  What a charming spring!

春天的英语作文 篇5


  In the morning, I woke up and opened the window, and a ray of sunshine came into my room. At a glance, the busy street suddenly became cold and clear.


  April Yangchun, the spring breeze slowly, blowing green mountain, blowing wrinkled water, blowing thousands of trees, thousands of branches, brocade and green. You see, the twittering swallow flies back from the south, to the grass on the sunny slope, it has drilled out of the ground, showing the green heart like buds; the willow branches along the river have also turned dark red, and the buds have opened the green mouth.


  How I want to go out to see such beautiful scenery! Because of the epidemic, I haven't been out for two months, and the medical staff have made every effort to fight on the same line. Li Wenliang, a medical staff member, was the first to find the epidemic. Without him, it would have spread more widely across the country. And grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who is eighty-four years old, has reached the age of retirement. But for the sake of national security, he stood up and fought in the front line.


  How cruel the epidemic is. I hope that through this lesson, people will no longer kill raccoons, bats and other wild animals.


  Animals are human's friends. We should love them. If you change your position and think about it, if you are a wild animal and you are killed by human, what would you think? What would you do? I think you will be as angry as the animals. Isn't this outbreak the counterattack after they can't bear it? Man! Wake up!


  Let's cheer for the angels in white who are fighting on the front line. Let's live in harmony with animals!


  After the epidemic, I believe that everyone will become kind, so that animals will no longer be afraid, close to nature, close to human beings, and enjoy our spring!

春天的英语作文 篇6

  Spring comes, all things recover, the earth is a lively scene, spring, dreamlike season!

  Winter just quietly walked, the early spring is quietly coming. It is the coming of the earth to renew, let us say goodbye to the winter cold, ushered in the warmth of spring!

  In the early morning, I could see the swallows flying above and in the sky in the campus, as if they were saying, "spring is coming, spring is coming". Not only can the swallow feel spring, but I can feel it, because every time the breeze blows, I can smell a fragrance. And we took off our winter clothes and put on a fashionable spring suit.

  In spring, the earth rose from the cold, and was cut and cut out of the old grass, and the bud was strong. Without artificial cultivation, they are under the wind and rain moisten and caresses of sunlight, grow up, the sixth grade composition spring, fantastic season!. At this point, the vegetation, foil with red, white, yellow, such as flowers, the breeze is blowing the rich smell of grass pollen, drill straight to the heart. We open your mouth breathing the fresh air deeply.

  Spring is also a good season for flying kites. All kinds of kites are flying in the bright sky. Yesterday, the sun was shining brightly, and my uncle and I went to helong sports square to fly a kite. There are many people in the square, and the kite is so strange that all the people are intoxicated in the world of kites. Feel the warmth of spring!










