
时间:2022-08-01 20:32:36 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




快乐的英语作文 篇1

  Everyone has a happy day, and I have a happy day.

  Happiness, our best friend. Because happiness is the most important thing in our life. Without happiness, life will be dull and boring, so we must have happiness and be a happy child. A happy day

  Painting is my greatest joy. Painting is an indispensable part of my life, because it records the sour, sweet and bitter in my life, and records the happiness and sorrow of life. I was very happy this morning, because I had begun to learn sketches. I have learned from crayon, and I have learned sketches, and I have always felt a lot of progress. But there was a secret in my mind that I asked the teacher to draw a picture for me when I was painting the powder. I'm very guilty. I think I'll have to draw better than the teacher and draw the best painting.

  The joy that my little partners have brought me. This afternoon, I and my best friend Si Ruoxu, Shen Wenhao and other kids play chicken game, after the vote, our Ruoxu as the eagle, I when the chicken mother. The game began, and the eagle ran and ran away. He couldn't catch the chicken. The hawk began to rush ahead. I hurried out my killing skill, "dragon dragon play Phoenix". The scene was in chaos, which made everybody laugh.

  This is what I am a happy day. What is your happy day, tell me quickly!

快乐的英语作文 篇2

  Hua Mei Oxford Summer Camp is an interesting summer camp. I met many new friends here and studied together happily. The life in the Summer Camp is colourful and unforgetable.

  Richard is our teacher and he teaches us the history about Britain. From his class, we have learned many knowledges, such as King Henry has six wifes, a fire happened in 1666 and so so. Clair is another teacher . She is very lovely and patient. I lcve her very much. And Mattew、Robert, they are all good teachers. They teach us so many things. When I see them, I feel happy.

  Everyday, we have wonderful and diversity party at night. At the party, we can learn more sentences. I think it’s so good.

  In the Summer Camp, we study English、play with other pupils and communicate with teachers. I enjoy for everything about this Summer Camp. I hope I can go to HuaMei Summer Camo next year.

快乐的英语作文 篇3


  看,操场上人山人海,车水马龙!一开始,我像一张滚烫滚烫的大饼,可过了一会儿,我却像一个痛苦的冰棍。为什么呢?因为我快冻僵了,转眼间,我完成了四项,可我觉得最有趣的还是“会话小精灵”,那是我走到小姐姐的面前,看着她严厉的目光,像一位法庭上的法官,我又被吓了一跳!我说"point to the A B C ,poite to the door..........."小姐姐说:“不错呀!”说着给我打上了三颗星。在接下来的三项比赛中,我不再那么紧张了,心情放松下来了,比赛也变得如鱼得水。看着这八项一共得的二十四颗星,甜甜得笑了。



快乐的英语作文 篇4

  With the warm sunshine in winter, full of joy, the new year 's day of 20xx.

  Yesterday afternoon, we held a " happy new year" event at wentao primary school. Third grade each class players, the performance of the program is very good, have a zither, magic, ballet, singing, storytelling, and a variety of games ... is really multifarious, each show avatar. Every child has a beautiful new year 's gift, some got a microphone pen, some got a doll, and some got a small calculator, the students face with a sweet smile.

  I played a beautiful guzheng song " snow mountain chunxiao", the melodious piano reminds the audience of the snow, not long ago in the swirl of snow, we welcome the arrival of spring, to meet the happy moment of 20xx. Everyone reveled in the wonderful sound of the piano.

  I 've spent a lot of time on this show! Every night, I insist on practicing the piano hard, pay a lot of sweat, just for today 's results.

快乐的英语作文 篇5







快乐的英语作文 篇6

  A happy day

  Spring festival is a meaningful holiday in China where people stay with family happily.The most happy thing that I gone through in this year's festival is that I enjoyed hot spring with my family in February.

  On that day,I and my family planed to visit my father's uncle.Before traveling,my uncle suggested that we gone to enjoy hot spring after having the meal with my father's uncle,so we were so happy.When we arrived in my father's uncle's house,the relative stood outside the door to welcome us,so we were so moved.While having the meal,there were so many delicious food to eat.We were so satisfied with it.After having lunch,we went to the pool to enjoy the hot spring.The water was so warm that we stay in it comfortably.And the entrance ticket is not expensive.It just spend us 30 per person to buy it.But it was a pity that we just stayed in the water for half an hour.It was a little short because we had to go home to meet the guest.

  Hope we can be happy every day like this.




快乐人生作文|快乐人生 英语作文09-27






