My Family英语作文

时间:2021-09-08 09:06:51 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

My Family英语作文(汇编2篇)

  在学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编精心整理的My Family英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

My Family英语作文(汇编2篇)

My Family英语作文1

  Hello, I’m Tommy. I’m a student. I have two brothers, Tony and Adam. We like swimming and reading. We like playing PS2, too.

  My father is a boss and my mother is a worker. They don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays. They like cooking on Sundays. They like reading, but we don’t. We like playing PS2 with our friends in the evenings. We often watch TV. Sometimes Tony, Adam and I listen to music, but my father and my mother don’t. They like sleeping. I have a good friend, Chris. He is a student, too. He likes playing games.

  I like my family. I like my good friend, Chris, too.

My Family英语作文2

  Hello! My name is He Yini. I am eleven years old. I have a very happy family. Look! My dad and mum are very kind, my sister is very beautiful! My dad likes celery and rice. Watermelon is my dad’s favourite fruit. My mum likes cabbage and chilli. Grapes is my mum’s favourite fruit. My mum likes tea very much. My sister likes potatoes and chilli. Strawberry is my sister’s favourite fruit. She likes juice very much. I like hot dogs and hamburgers. Apple is my favourite fruit. I like coke.

  I love my happy family!

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