
时间:2022-08-30 03:47:09 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文 篇1

  In recent years ninny cities are faced with the problem of heavy traffic. People have to waste more time on their way home or to work and even might be involved in an accident. With the development of industry and population expansion, this problem becomes more and more serious.

  One solution is to lay down more roads. The solution has many advantages. For example, it can efficiently decrease the number of buses and trucks in many main streets. But it will take up so much land that crowded cities become more crowded. Another solu tion is to open up more bus lines. If more bus lines should be opened up,the number of bicles and cars in the main streets would be greatly decreased. But the disadvantage of this solution is that many people wouldn’t feel so convenient os they used to.



  In my opinion, the right solution to the problem is the combination of the two, thatis, to lay down more roads in spacious areas and to open up more bus lines in downtown.


学英语作文 篇2

  Of the motherland, and I'm proud of you

  Mother, for any people, are so sacred, so intimate. I know that the great motherland is our mother, because each of us life, joy and happiness are related to the safety of the motherland are closely related, closely connected, I am living in the warm embrace of the motherland is how much pride.

  Increase with age, I learned from the classroom and in the books more and more aware of our motherland is a long history of five thousand years of ancient civilization. She has a vast territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, has universally acclaimed Chinese culture, has a well known overseas, four great inventions, a stretch thousands of miles of the Great Wall, the world's eighth wonder of the Qin terracotta warriors and horses, the magnificent Imperial Palace in Beijing, Suzhou, unparalleled garden, there is a wealth of treasures and beautiful scenery ... ... five thousand years of history, like an old poem, like a long scroll, demonstrating the motherland that has experienced many vicissitudes in the face and body strong and unyielding.

  For the motherland's bright and strong, I do not know how many of the revolutionary martyrs to shed its blood, so that the motherland break free chains, a new life; How many patriots, stand by a common fate with the motherland. Fate of the nation, every citizen is used to be fathers of rhetoric, the face of broken rivers and mountains, we are the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries one after another, for the motherland's prosperity and happiness of the people of the party.

  Whenever I see the five-star red flag raised, ears hear the majestic strains of Anthem, the always felt blood boil, there are stocks from the heart cries: the motherland, and I'm proud of you.(约290字)




  随着年龄的增长,我从课堂上和书本上越来越多地了解到我们的祖国是一个具有五千年悠久历史的文明古国。她有着九百六十万平方公里的广阔疆土,有着有口皆碑的中华文化,有着饮誉海外的四大发明,有绵延万里的长城,世界第八大奇迹秦兵马俑,壮丽的北京故宫,无与伦比的苏州园林,还有丰富的宝藏和秀丽的'风光五千年的历史,像一首古老的诗篇,也像一幅长长的画卷,展现着祖国母亲饱经沧桑的脸和那坚强不屈的身躯。 为了祖国的光明和富强,不知有多少革命先烈抛头颅洒热血,使祖国挣脱铁链,获得新生;又有多少爱国志士, 与祖国同甘苦共命运。国家兴亡,匹夫有则曾是先辈们的豪言壮语,面对破碎的河山,我们老一辈无产阶级革命家前赴后继,为祖国的富强和人民的幸福而奋斗。


学英语作文 篇3


  "My father never goes home and often doesn't have a holiday. My father asks you not to worry about it. My mother and I are at home. I learned to go home alone, to play alone, to do things alone... " The father in this song is my father. He is a soldier defending his country. He is unyielding and brave.


  Dad is not tall, but he has a great figure and is full of muscles. My father has a face with Chinese characters, big bright eyes, and a dignified brow. His waistline is always straight, and he wears a neat uniform from Monday to Friday, which is often the same on weekends.


  Dad has a wide range of hobbies: reading, playing chess, calligraphy, fishing, cooking, and work. He is a workaholic. He often works late into the night, like a robot who doesn't want to stop. Alas! My mother and I have complaints, but also understand him, who calls us relatives! Dad's cooking skill is really a master in the world. It's comparable with the delicacy of the hotel chef. I like his fried sea cucumber best. It's really delicious in the world. Enjoy it on the tip of the tongue!


  Dad also has a saying: "in the world, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no bad thing to do.". I have also been learning from him to be an honest, brave and responsible person. Maybe I'm not good enough now. I often disappoint and hurt him, but I will continue to grow. After that, I want to protect my family and my country, just like my father

学英语作文 篇4

  My mother is good at making all kinds of desserts. All of my friends like to taste her food and I am so proud of my mother. One day, I told my mother that I wanted to learned making dessert, she was very happy to teach me. I followed all the steps and I found I was enjoying making the food. I think I can try to make more food with my mother.


学英语作文 篇5

  On January 26, my family and friends went to Chiang Mai, Tailand to Mae Taeng Elephant Park.

  It was so hot, and the sun was so bright. I was sweating a lot! I was still wearing trousers, because my mom said, “When you ride the elephant, the fur of elephant is so scratchy, so you need to wear something on your legs to protect your skin.”

  We went to watch the elephant shows. The elephants is drawing a picture. It was so beautiful; even better than me! The elephants played a game of football! They even danced and sang a song.

  The most exciting part was riding the elephant. The elephant was so high, and it walked so slowly and heavily. It made me feel so scared because the elephant was always moving. We gave the elephant a banan. It was so fun! I was scared it would bite my hand.

  I have a lot of good memories about Chiang Mai, Tailand and I’ll never fotget it!

学英语作文 篇6

  I got up early this morning. I cleaned my room. I opened the window and aired the room. I picked up the paper and swept the floor. Then I made the bed.

  I played computer games. We had lunch at 12:00. We had fish for lunch.

  After lunch we went to the park. In the evening I did my homework. We had deliciousfood for supper.

  I was very happy today.





学英语作文 篇7

  发信人: 王月



  收信人:Mr. Doe

  收信人地址: doe_sales@ms.net







  From: wangyue@hotmail.com

  To: doe_sales@ms.net

  Date: Sep. 18, 20xx

  Subject: Invitation to the 15th Annual Trade Show

  Dear Mr. Doe,

  The 15th annual Trade Show will be held in Beijing next month. You are cordially (诚挚地;由衷地) invited to attend this most exciting event of the year.

  Dates: October 5th through 10th 20xx

  Time: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  Place: Beijing Industrial Exhibition Hall

  We will have the latest products from our line on display, and our expert staff will be available to provide you with all the information you need and to answer any questions you may have. Free drinks and snacks will also be provided, and you are welcome to bring along your friends.

  We look forward to seeing you at the Trade Show.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Yue

学英语作文 篇8

  Hello! I am Yulan, a sunshine girl! I’m a student in Class Two Grade Seven. My school lifeis so wonderful! Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in thafternoon. My favorite subject is math, because it ’s easy and interesting! Do you like math,can you tell me? I usually have lunch at school, then, I have rest. After school, I often climb hills with my classmates on the playground. It,’s my favorite outdoor activities I like it very much! What do you think?