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  腊八节英语作文及翻译 1

  Laba festival, December eighth day of the lunar calendar, on that day, people will eat laba porridge and other traditional food to celebrate, the custom in I have been a very long history, people will to a famous temple worship, to evil spirits, and his family a year of peace.

  Since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. The laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. , it is said that the founder of Buddhism sakyamuni into way also in December 8, the day of so laba is buddhist festival, also known as "Buddha into the festival".

  The laba festival is also called LaRi offerings and laba offerings, princes wax or Buddha into the day, the original ancient harvest celebration, thanks to the ancestors and gods fete ceremony, in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. Later evolved into memory of the Buddha, Buddhism ng muny into a religious holiday. Dynasty called LaRi jia ping, shang dynasty to the qing si ", the zhou dynasty as the "big wax"; Because the held in December said the month for the twelfth month, called the Greek festival this day LaRi. LaRi of pre-qin period after the winter solstice of the third day of the start of the northern and southern dynasties was fixed in the day.

  Spring-heralding "" la, the pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of" Buddha into a festival, is also a "tao", actually is the origin of December eighth day for LaRi, so to speak. Allegedly, founder of Buddhism sakyamuni practice mountain, sit for six years, hungry gaunt, had to abandon the bitter, and when a shepherdess, chyle sent him, he eat cross-legged sitting under a bodhi tree, attained enlightenment on the day of December 8, shixing in honor of the "Buddha into the festival". From religious believers in China, hence with "LaRi", is "the laba festival", and also held a grand yili activities.

  Silence is like flowing water, life festival, let us a ripple on tight life, live every holiday that are rich in meaning!

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 2

  Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice (糯米), red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. Actually eight ingredients(配料、成分) are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty. Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp(果肉), walnuts (胡桃), pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans(大豆), peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. In the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor. Controlling the heat is of great importance in making Laba porridge. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire is then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. The process is time-consuming but not complicated. Laba porridge is not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourishing ones heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that is why it is also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 3

  Laba festival, December eighth day of the lunar calendar, on that day, people will eat laba porridge and other traditional food to celebrate, the custom in I have been a very long history, people will to a famous temple worship, to evil spirits, and his family a year of peace. Since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. The laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. , it is said that the founder of Buddhism sakyamuni into way also in December 8, the day of so laba is buddhist festival, also known as "Buddha into the festival". The laba festival is also called LaRi offerings and laba offerings, princes wax or Buddha into the day, the original ancient harvest celebration, thanks to the ancestors and gods fete ceremony, in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. Later evolved into memory of the Buddha, Buddhism ng muny into a religious holiday. Dynasty called LaRi jia ping, shang dynasty to the qing si ", the zhou dynasty as the "big wax"; Because the held in December said the month for the twelfth month, called the Greek festival this day LaRi. LaRi of pre-qin period after the winter solstice of the third day of the start of the northern and southern dynasties was fixed in the day. Spring-heralding "" la, the pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of" Buddha into a festival, is also a "tao", actually is the origin of December eighth day for LaRi, so to speak. Allegedly, founder of Buddhism sakyamuni practice mountain, sit for six years, hungry gaunt, had to abandon the bitter, and when a shepherdess, chyle sent him, he eat cross-legged sitting under a bodhi tree, attained enlightenment on the day of December 8, shixing in honor of the "Buddha into the festival". From religious believers in China, hence with "LaRi", is "the laba festival", and also held a grand yili activities. Silence is like flowing water, life festival, let us a ripple on tight life, live every holiday that are rich in meaning!

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 4

  Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited by the Han Chinese, who believed that Sakyamuni the first Buddha and founder of the religion, attained enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth month. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha. With the passing of time the custom extended, especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way. There is, however, another touching story: When Sakyamuni was on his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry. Exhausted from days of walking, he fainted away by a river in India. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 5

  Laba Festival falls on the eighth day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar. On this day, most parts of the country still retain the traditional customs of eating Laba porridge and soaking laba garlic. Every year on this day, grandma will make a pot of laba porridge for us. That morning, grandma came home with a bag full of vegetables and began to work in the kitchen, telling my parents and I to go home early in the afternoon and have laba porridge. Legend has it that in ancient times, evil spirits always came out to frighten children on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. However, this evil ghost is not afraid of heaven, the ground is not afraid, only afraid of red (red) beans, so there is a “red beans” to fight ghosts, so the adults will use red (red) beans, mung beans, peanuts, raisins boil laba porridge, also known as Babao porridge. But my grandma’s laba porridge is more colorful: Rice, carrot, green vegetables, peanuts, beans, lotus seed, gingko, bean curd, black fungus, jujube and other ingredients, laba rice porridge with grandma before I always love beside watching, grandma one-time add enough water to the pot, first the soya bean, lotus seed, gingko, green beans, peanuts, endure to a half cooked, add the rice boil, with a small amount of glutinous rice porridge with fire, such as rice flower, Grandma added vegetables, carrots, tofu, and so on, and then boil with a gentle fire, boil while stirring, grandma said, so porridge will not paste. Looking at a pot of bright color and fragrant laba porridge, suddenly you will salivate, spoon a little porridge, savor, you will feel that this is not porridge but a small ‘bean exhibition. Especially the aroma of the beans and the sweetness of the rice, it’s really indescribable. In the evening, our family was drinking Laba porridge, talking about laba, grandma said, grandma in Shandong, they also every year in laba day on the garlic bubble, to New Year’s Eve, garlic is no longer white, but green or yellow. Green garlic green crystal clear, like a flawless jade, yellow garlic is a sweet taste, but we sichuan people do not eat, listen to grandma, I shouted grandma taught me to do laba garlic, grandma ao but I taught me to do laba garlic. I in accordance with the grandmother’s orders from the cabinet to find large and small, various sealed cans, then peeled garlic into the pot, finally put the old vinegar into the sealed pot, cover the lid, will be a pot of Laba garlic into the altar. This year my aunt is coming and I want to give her a surprise!

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 6

  There is a folk song in my hometown; Laba is the year, children children you do not greedy. The laba Festival is the first festival in our hometown. Every family cooks Laba porridge. With the strong aroma, the Festival is welcomed by thousands of families. In my memory, the Laba Festival here is very festive and lively, no matter how poor the family, on this day every family will prepare some chicken, pork, etc., of course, there are children most look forward to the most love laba porridge. Laba porridge is delicious and simple. Collect all kinds of grains, dried fruits and vegetables, and add some flowers to boil it together. Laba rice porridge with the improvement of living standards, the hometown of choice ingredients is getting better and better, for over a decade or two kinds, mostly is very little to be able to eat in our daily, such as dried fruit, red jujube, chestnut, dried apricots, sand crisp walnut, white waxy lotus seed, fresh fruit piece have a pear, hawthorn, orange petal, more complete grains of the class, Such as rice, peanuts, barley kernel, pea yellow, dried sweet potato and so on, of course, the practice of Laba porridge is more and more exquisite, not only retains the original taste of the north, but also added to the southern specialty, more delicious. And not only do you have to take care of yourself and your family on this day, but you have to remember all those dumb people who can’t speak. What are those dumb people? Of course they mean the chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, pigs, dogs and other animals. They also eat porridge on this day. It is said that if they eat laba porridge, they will grow fat next year. Today, in many metropolitanlaba festival festival atmosphere has been helpless with the change of time faded, but it is still fresh and profound in our hometown, I also look forward to the future these beautiful traditions can be picked up, so that generation after generation of people can experience the charm of our national festival.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 7

  Today is the lunar December eighth day - the laba festival. The laba festival in China has a long tradition and history, on this day drink the laba laba rice porridge, do is the most traditional people all over the country, is also the most pay attention to the customs. At night, dad with red jujube, lotus seeds, beans, peanuts, black beans, wheat berry, lily, eight kinds of material such as rice stayed up the whole pot of delicious rice porridge. Mom put porridge is good, in the table. I use the spoon gently drew a few times in a bowl, good let it cool faster. Then, scoop a spoonful of their mouth. Porridge boil rotten rotten, quickly melted in your mouth. I said to my father: "dad, you can endure to laba rice porridge is really nice." The father said, "you drink a bowl of laba porridge, you will happy auspicious." Listen to father said these words, I feel very warm and happiness.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 8

  Laba Festival there are two legendary origin. Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha said that a move mountain cultivation. December eighth day that day because of hunger and fatigue Zaidao street, was a shepherdess found with large gruel saved so that he Dachedawu. Enlightenment and Buddha. One said that the Ming emperor Zhu Yuan-hour cattle to the rich because the rich bracket was broken off in a room, three days did not give anything to eat, he was unbearable hunger. Searched everywhere. Finally found a rat hole, dig out the beans, grain and other food, Zhu Chengyu consumption, find it very sweet.

  Later, the emperor made the emperor, thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton, he ordered h eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge, feast courtiers, after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society, Sui Cheng A holiday customs. By Zhu Yuan sugar porridge eighth day of the days of the twelfth lunar month, so th porridge also called laba porridge of.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 9

  Laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to the traditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and ba means eight.

  Legends about the origin of this festivity abound. One holds that over 3,000 years ago sacrificial rites called La were held in the twelfth lunar month when people offered their preys to the gods of heaven and earth. The Chinese characters for prey and the twelfth month were interchangeable then, and ever since La has been used to refer to both.

  Since the festival was held on the eighth day of the Last month, people later appended the number eight (ba in Chinese), giving us the current Laba .

  The majority Han Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival. The date usually falls in mid-Janua

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 10

  Legend about the origin of this festivity abounds One maintains that over 3,000 years ago sacrificial rites were held in the twelfth lunar month when people offered up their prey to the gods of heaven and earth。 The Chinese characters for the hunt and the twelfth month(lie and la)were interchangeable then,and ever since la has been used to refer to both。 Since the festival was held on the eighth day of the last month,people later appended the number eighth(ba in Chinese),giving us the current laba。

  Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited Han Chinese,who believed that Sakyamuni,the first Buddha and founder of the religion,attained enlightenment on 12/8。 Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans,nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha。 With time the custom extended,especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way。

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 11

  The majority Han Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating laba rice porridge on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. The date usually falls in min-January and is a traditional Chinese festival.

  Legend about the origin of this festivity abounds One maintains that over 3,000 years ago sacrificial rites were held in the twelfth lunar month when people offered up their prey to the gods of heaven and earth. The Chinese characters for the hunt and the twelfth month (lie and la) were interchangeable then, and ever since la has been used to refer to both. Since the festival was held on the eighth day of the last month, people later appended the number eighth (ba in Chinese), giving us the current laba.




  腊八节英语作文及翻译 12

  Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus sees, dried longan pulp, walnuts, pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans, peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to inject flavor. Controlling the heat of great importance in the outcome. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit avery delicious smell. The process time-consuming but not complicated.

  Laba porridge not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein and other vitamins people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for smoothing nerves, nourhing one’s heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that why it also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 13

  The Spring Festival every year eat dumplings, we have to have a bottle LaBa vinegar and the mother LaBa garlic. That is luxuriantly green color, steady vinegar and sour garlic, would give the Spring Festival add thick Beijing flavour of the dumplings. One day, my mother brought out already prepared garlic, let me together with her LaBa garlic bubble.

  Well put garlic break into small disc, then the same small skin open. The skin of the true not the same small strip, the strength of the small strip does not open, the strength that big will pick the same. We stripped off for a long time, and slowly I more skilled, not only peeled off the skin, will also thin lining also strip off neatly. Mother to get a jar let me off with the good garlic in, and mother put vinegar into bottle, pushing the bottle of garlic after all didnt,

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 14

  Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice , red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. Actually eight ingredients are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty.

  Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp, walnuts , pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans, peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. In the north, it a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

  Controlling the heat of great importance in making Laba porridge. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. The process time-consuming but not complicated.

  Laba porridge not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourhing one‘s heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that why it also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 15

  Since I can remember, I remember every year the lunar December eighth day, the mother gave us boiled laba rice porridge.

  The laba porridge is made of glutinous rice, brown sugar and 18 kinds of dried fruit mixed together and boil. Dried fruit in the big red dates, longans, walnuts, gingko nuts, almonds, chestnuts, peanuts, raisins, and so on, have all kinds of beans, sesame seeds, taste is very sweet and delicious. Mother is cooking a big pot every year, not only eat the family size, the how also distributed to neighbors and friends.

  Mother said: the laba rice porridge was cooked to worship Buddha, buddhist temple, 18 kinds of dried fruit symbolizes the 18 arhats, this custom was later used in folk, because to take this opportunity to clean up the kitchen cabinet, the remaining mixed fruit, cooking for their children to eat, is also a good way to save. Finally, she sigh said: "my mother is laba died that day, I was only fourteen years old. I fell after her tears, hurried to the kitchen to do breakfast to father and brother, also saw the stove on a small pot she cooked porridge yesterday, now I also cook the laba porridge, a year not to worship Buddha, but is in memory of my mother."

  My mother was died on January 7, 1930, just also is the lunar laba that day! At that time I have their own home, in memory of my mother, I also cook laba rice porridge on this day each year. Although I didnt 18 kinds of dried fruit, but the children also love to eat. The north-south migration after the war of resistance, sometimes in a foreign country, especially in recent ten years, we almost doesnt even have a "home", also "laba" forget this day.

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 16

  Laba Festival there are two legendary origin。 Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha said that a move mountain cultivation。 December eighth day that day because of hunger and fatigue Zaidao street,was a shepherdess found with large gruel saved so that he Dachedawu。 Enlightenment and Buddha。 One said that the Ming emperor Zhu Yuan—hour cattle to the rich because the rich bracket was broken off in a room,three days did not give anything to eat,he was unbearable hunger。 Searched everywhere。 Finally found a rat hole,dig out the beans,grain and other food,Zhu Chengyu consumption,find it very sweet。

  Later,the emperor made the emperor,thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton,he ordered his eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge,feast courtiers,after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society,Sui Cheng A holiday customs。 By Zhu Yuan sugar porridge eighth day of the days of the twelfth lunar month,so this porridge is also called laba porridge of。

  腊八节英语作文及翻译 17

  Today is the laba festival, of course, we are looking forward to most is to eat laba porridge. The history of the Chinese drink laba rice porridge only written records also has more than one thousand years. At the latest in the song dynasty. Every laba that day, whether the court, and the rulers, temple or oh off the laba rice porridge to do. Until today, drink laba rice porridge this custom has been passed down.

  When I returned home from school, ready to eat laba porridge. I ran to the kitchen to ask mum laba rice porridge is ready yet? Mother says it is now ready to do as a result, I think I was in a hurry to eat, also is not good. However, every time is to eat well before, but have not seen how to do, this time can see mom laba rice porridge, is also good.

  I saw my mother prepared some food, including: yellow millet, rice, glutinous rice, Chinese sorghum, red bean, lotus seed, longan, peanut, red jujube, sugar, etc. Light to see the material Im going to not line, it is no wonder that so delicious, material abundance! Mother go to lotus seed coat heart water submerged in a bowl, add bamboo steamer, the steamed out. And then mom will longan remove skin, nuclear, as long as the meat. The final will be a pot of just the right amount of water, and then the red bean, peanut, etc into the pot boiled together, after more than 10 minutes and yellow rice, millet, glutinous rice into the pot boiled together. Will cook porridge boil to seven eighty percent when mature, pour the steamed lotus seed into porridge in the mix, boiled and then boil, sheng into the bowl, sprinkle with some sugar. This delicious laba rice porridge was released, I ate three bowls in a row, really cool.










