
时间:2023-09-23 15:38:55 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  元旦的英语作文怎么写?本文The Chinese new year是一篇介绍自己在元旦仍然要努力学习的元旦英语作文!

  I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. To be frank with you, I am as happy as a king.

  The Chinese new year lasts as long as fifteen days. It gives us more pleasure than we have imagined. After that we have to(比用must来得好)resume our normal work.

英语作文300字 篇2

  have you heard a story about an ant and an elephant? there is an ant and an elephant live in a forest, they are not good friend, the ant always wants to bring shame on the elephant.

  one day , the ant dug a hole on the way of elephant’s home. hided itself in it, except one of its leg outside the hole, he wants to use it to fall down the elephant, the elephant knows that, it raised its heavy leg , stepped on other plants, let the ant know it was very dangerous, after that they became good friends, and the ant took out its camera to take a photo of the elephant about this vigorous pose.

英语作文300字 篇3

  When I was still a child, my birthday was always a sweet experience for me. Mum would cook a bowl of noods for me, which was called "Longlife Noodles". And I often received quite a few persents, including candies, books, toys and even something special. I remembered that one year at my birthday party, my parents sent me a bicycle. From then on I learned to ride it to school. I kept that precious gift for several years, until I went to senior high, when I studied in my county town. Because it was too far, I had to left it at home. What an unforgettable experience!

英语作文300字 篇4

  do you like turtles? if you think turtles are ugly. you are wrong. exactly turtles are cute animals.

  in my house, you can see many big turtles. their names are: little yellow, little black and little green. they look likes three big stones. they are so young. and they are all just 5 years old.

  my turtles like to eat fish, and meat. and they like to sleep too. when they are sleeping, they look like little planes.

  now cute they are! don’t you think so?

  remember i am lily, a lovely girl .with many turtle friends.

英语作文300字 篇5





  最后一天,我们举行了一场晚会,各个小组都准备了精彩的节目,有的唱冰雪奇缘“Let it go”,有的演英语的《柳林风声》,还有的跳集体舞。我们组的节目是合唱“just for you”。老师给每个人都写了评语,还发了奖状。







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