
时间:2022-12-26 10:40:42 英语作文 我要投稿
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英文作文 篇1

  In order to support Beijing to hold the 20xx Olympic Games and protect our environment, an activity was organized by the Young League and Student's Union of our school during the week from June 3rd to June 8th. All the students in the senior grades took active part in it. Some students cleaned the playground, watered the young trees andflowers, and removed weeds. Some students collected waste paper, old books, empty cans and old toys. They had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center.The activity is really instructive. Now we all have realized how important protecting the environment is.

英文作文 篇2

  Harry potter .

  I think it is a nice and a funny book.It is good for us teenagers.

  I like read it because it is full of science fiction,it is easy to understand and it is the most funny book i have read.I have learned a lot from it.I know that as a teenager,we should be confidence and brave.So as Harry.And we should love and protect our friends.We all need friends.We all need get along well with our friends.If i have the chance to learn some magic,i'd love to be a teenager like Harry potter.Flying and do some magic tricks,that's my interest and that's the most important reason why i love read Harry potter so much

英文作文 篇3

  There are 3 people in my family.They are my father,my mother and me.My father is a policeman.My mother is a housewife.I am a student in ....School.My favorite subject is English,because I think it is very interesting.I like my family very much.


英文作文 篇4

  Many times during the winter vacation I have spent a lot of time in the past, only the last few days of the New Year I am really true to the past.

  The better the years, the stronger the years.

  The flavor of dumplings is also indispensable in the flavor of the year. Northerners especially love to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival. The thin filling in the fat, with some cooking wine, really made the water run three thousand feet. Add spring onion, ginger and garlic to the filling, and the taste cannot be described in words. After the cooking, the smell was really a snub. A bowl of vinegar, a large bowl of dumplings, may not fill the stomach. The vinegar on the dumpling, one bit open the jiaozi, and there will be a juice mixed with vinegar into the mouth.

  If you think about it, it's a lot of years. It's all filled with the warmth of the New Year. Imagine a large family sitting around a large round table, although it is a bit crowded, but everyone can eat each other, this kind of warmth can only be achieved during the New Year.

英文作文 篇5

  work at home ,a special computer ,instead of

  robot , confortable What people s Life In the Future Will Be

  In the future, people will work at home since robots(机器人)will do most of the work instead people. Even those have to go to important work only need to stay at home in front of a special computer which can control the work far in the factories. All in all(总之),people will lead a comfortable life in the near future

英文作文 篇6

  Which Is More Important: Knowledge from Books or Knowledge from Experience?(书本知识与实际知识孰轻孰重?)





  Of all the knowledge we have, some comes from the books we read, some comes from personal experience in our lives. Different people attach different importance to different sources. The young and the educated, for example, may emphasize the former, the old may, however stress the latter. In my opinion, both book knowledge and personal experience are of equal importance.

  Knowledge gained from experience may be firsthand, direct, and unforgettable. Books in the library may be outdated, giving you useless information. Everything is changing and so is knowledge. If you go out to make on the-spot investigations instead of depending on books, it is likely that you may be pleasantly surprised. Moreover, knowledge you get from your own experience will be everlasting. Therefore, it is important that students get involved in practical activities to accumulate different kinds of experience.

  Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. It is impossible for anyone to experience everything to get the knowledge he needs. In addition, society is developing so fast that new problems come up with surprising speed. Over depending on experience could, therefore, make a person narrow minded and prejudiced.

  Books are a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors. The best way to gain know ledge is, of course, to read books, and in the meantime, participate in various kinds of practicaL activities. A combination of the two will sure[y make us full and well informed.










