
时间:2024-04-25 12:25:08 玉华 英语作文 我要投稿





  我的梦想英语作文医生 1

  Everyone has their own dreams. Someone wants to be a soldier defending their country; Some people want to be a diligent teacher; Some people want to be a lawyer who upholds justice... I am no exception. My dream is to become a doctor who saves lives and helps the injured.

  That day, I had a fever that reached 40 degrees. My parents quickly took me to the hospital and the doctor gave me an injection. The cold liquid flowed into my body, and after receiving two bottles of liquid, I felt that my fever had subsided and my head was not so painful. My body suddenly felt much better. At this point, I feel that doctors are both magical and great. Amazingly, he is like a magician, able to quickly restore the health of patients; What is great is that they are not afraid of hard work and have saved countless lives. They truly deserve the title of "angels in white".

  In addition, I also heard a particularly regretful story: there was a girl in Lanzhou who, after a long time of hard work, succeeded in being admitted to the Music Department of the China Conservatory of Music. One day, she discovered that she had cancer and underwent surgery. Unexpectedly, this was the beginning of this girls nightmare! Due to an error in the thyroidectomy surgery, her left recurrent laryngeal nerve was cut off, making it difficult for her left vocal cord to produce sound. Her future was ruined by a surgical mistake! How many such examples exist in this world!

  Because of these examples, it further inspired my determination to become an "angel in white"! I know that this wish cannot be achieved overnight. So, from now on, I will work hard to learn and fulfill my dreams with all my heart - to fight against various illnesses and the cruel and ruthless Grim Reaper.

  I always believe in the simple truth that "where there is a will, there is a way". One day, when I become a true "angel in white", I will repeatedly strive to become a doctor with high medical skills and noble medical ethics, with the goal of saving lives and helping the injured.

  Dreams, colorful like rainbows; Dreams are as graceful as colorful butterflies; Dreams, like seeds of hope, are sown in our hearts. As long as we are willing to put in effort, the buds of our dreams will surely bloom.







  我的梦想英语作文医生 2

  Each of us has our own dream in our hearts, such as becoming a scientist, teacher, astronaut... but my dream is to become a doctor.

  When I was very young, my family fell ill once and I went with them. After arriving at the hospital, I saw the doctor holding a very sharp needle, and I was very scared. But every time I go to the hospital, I admire the doctors who treat patients, but I admire the doctors who save lives and heal the wounded on the operating table even more. They are basically able to lend a helping hand to patients when they need it, every time they are fighting against the Grim Reaper, and every time they are rescuing patients who are hovering on the edge of their lives. It is evident how great and admirable doctors are.

  A doctor is a pure and noble profession. Doctors save people from small clinics to large operating tables. Saving people is the principle of doctors. No matter how serious a patients illness is, doctors will do their best to treat the patient and try their best to make the patient recover as soon as possible. They are always focused and dare not neglect. Because they know that this is related to the patients life, and a small mistake may lead to a big disaster. That way, the patients life will be lost in their hands.

  People say that doctors are the frontline warriors in the fight against illness, the white angels struggling for patients on the brink of death, and the Angels saving lives and relieving pain for patients at all times. Doctors are so great in peoples hearts, and I must also be as diligent and responsible as they are.

  If you want to become a doctor, its not something you can do overnight. So, from now on, I need to study hard so that I can fulfill my dreams in the future and open a bright door for those patients who are struggling with illness. On the road to dreams, there are endless abyss, as well as the temptation of roses and flowers. Because I am here, there are ups and downs on the road to your dreams, but as long as you persist in fulfilling your dreams, you will definitely succeed. There is a saying in "The Biggest Ear of Wheat": Of course, pursuit should be the greatest, but holding the ear in front of you is the real thing. So study hard now!

  Doctors are glorious and great, let me strive towards my dreams!







  我的梦想英语作文医生 3

  Everyone has a dream, some like becoming astronauts like Yang Liwei, landing in space, freely exploring the mysteries of space; Some want to become omnipotent engineers, designing and building high-tech bridges and skyscrapers; There are also those who want to become popular singers, spreading their voices around the world and singing beautiful songs for everyone... I have a dream of becoming a skilled doctor, overcoming difficult medical problems, and helping more people stay away from the pain of diseases.

  On an evening when only half of his face was visible in the sunset, a flying car accident hit him, leaving him covered in bruises and lying on the ground. At this moment, a doctor saw him, helped him up, and opened the medicine box he had with him to bandage his wound. The uncle said, "Girl, thank you, but I have no money. How can I repay you?" "I dont need your reward. Saving lives and helping injuries is our doctors job, right?" The uncles eyes were filled with tears and he kept saying, "Your benefactor! Thank you, thank you!" The doctor said; "Uncle, please dont thank me. Helping others is a kind of civilization and also a kind of happiness!"

  Walking on the road, I think: I must become such a doctor in the future!

  A doctor saving lives is like putting out a fire, setting aside everything to save one life. How great! At this moment, I have a dream of becoming a doctor. Doctor, what a noble profession. If a doctor could save lives one by one, then I am willing!

  Someone said, "Becoming a doctor is not easy." But I wont give up. Everyone has a process of realizing their dreams, and there will be many setbacks and hardships. Because I will always believe that only through arduous training can a person create tremendous power; Only hands that ooze blood; Only then can one play the melody of heaven; Only those who have worked hard will realize their dreams!

  I aspire to study hard, master every subject well, and strive to be admitted to medical school when I grow up. I will become a white clad angel who treats and saves lives, benefiting and serving people.







  我的梦想英语作文医生 4

  My father has been busy all the time, and my mother has been waiting. I envy the relationship between my parents, but I admire my father even more for his dedication to his profession.

  My father is a doctor, and many people come to see him every day. As a result, my father often works late. Father often feels guilty towards his mother for this, as he really spends very little time with her. Father always thought his mother would blame him, but he didnt know that in fact, his mother never blamed him in her heart. When my father is not at home, my mother will still tell me stories about his career. Every time I talk about the tears of gratitude from my fathers patients, my mother feels proud of him.

  From childhood to adulthood, the story I have heard the most is about my father, the story of a doctor. Now I am also growing up day by day. If you ask me what my dream is? I will definitely say that I dream of becoming a doctor.

  In my heart, my father is my role model and idol. Many times, I also feel proud of my father like my mother. My dream is to become a doctor like my father, who can bring hope to people, give them a healthy body, and bring back bright smiles on the faces of patients.

  I know that being a doctor can be a difficult profession, but I am not afraid of hardship, not afraid of difficulties. My father has always been at the forefront of this path guiding me and encouraging me.

  When I told my mother about my dream, she had a heart ache in her eyes, but more support. My mother said, "I hope you can become a good doctor like your father in the future." I know the complexity in my mothers heart. After accompanying my father for so many years, she knows the difficulties on this road. So when I tell her, she will feel sorry for me, but I am even happier that she will support me.

  My dream is to become a doctor, and from now on, I will move in this direction and keep moving forward on this path. As a student today, my main task is to complete my studies, achieve good grades, and lay a solid foundation for my future dreams.








  我的梦想英语作文医生 5

  Doctors are a sacred profession, and every time I fall ill, they always help me regain my health.

  My aunt is a doctor, and her job doesnt seem to have any special features. She just carries bottles containing patient blood and walks between the microscope and the computer every day. However, in reality, this job is very hard, and she can only go home very late every night. Year after year, my dream of becoming a doctor gradually sprouted in my heart.

  A year ago, I saw my aunt when I returned to my hometown. At that time, it was a holiday with fewer patients. My aunt said she wanted to take us to the hospital for a visit, and we were all very happy. We picked her up and decided to leave.

  At the hospital, my aunt put on a white dress and started working. She brought a container, poured a bottle of fresh blood into it, and placed it under a microscope. I leaned over and looked into the microscope. Whats going on? Its just pitch black. My aunt was amused by me, reached out and groped around the microscope, turned on the switch, and suddenly the microscope was as bright as day.

  I first saw a yellow patch and upon closer inspection, I suddenly noticed many black dots and lines inside. I raised my head in confusion, and my aunt extended her head. While looking, she murmured words, but I couldnt understand a single word. At this moment, I smelled a smell of blood and quickly stepped back. I turned my head to look at my mother and said, "Auntie is so amazing!" My mother seemed a bit scared and said, "Yes, after all, when they were studying medicine, they had to stay in the morgue for a night. How could they do this without courage?" I was shocked and didnt expect that my usually gentle and amiable aunt would have such great courage and ability.

  I have read many stories about doctors, and one of the articles left a particularly deep impression on me. In ancient times, there was a famous doctor named Dong Feng who never charged anyone for medical treatment, but only asked patients to plant an apricot tree. Many years have passed, and a grove of apricots has grown near his house. He stored the apricots in the warehouse, anyone can go and pick them up, but he needs to keep some rice. Then, Dong Feng used these rice to provide relief to many refugees. A doctor is kind-hearted. I understand that a doctor not only needs superb medical skills, but also a heart of kindness and dedication to others.

  Although my dream is simple and unadorned, it holds an extremely important position in my heart. I must become a doctor!









  我的梦想英语作文老师 1

  My dream is to become a dance teacher when I grow up.

  During the summer vacation of first grade in elementary school, my mother helped me enroll in a Latin dance course at Xiaoshan New Century Music School. That was my first time encountering dance. In the first class, the teacher taught us how to practice leg pressure. For me, who is seven years old, the first time I took a dance class, I was a bit old and couldnt press my legs in place. I feel very disappointed and my enthusiasm for dance has also decreased significantly. On the way back, my mother saw me feeling unhappy and guessed my thoughts. My mother took my hand and smiled at me, saying, "No one is born to dance. Those who dance well are just because they learned before you. As long as you practice hard, you will be as good as them in the future." After listening to my mothers words, I secretly made up my mind.

  When I got home, my mother asked me to practice: practice on the back of the sofa, practice on the back of the chair, rest when tired, and practice whenever I have time. In the second class, my performance was significantly better than the first class, and I was so happy in my heart! When I returned home and continued practicing, by the third class, I had already pressed my entire body onto my legs, and when I turned around, I could still see the entire ceiling. The teacher praised me for doing well and even posted a big red flower on me.

  In the blink of an eye, summer vacation has passed and school has begun. After the start of school, my dance class is scheduled for every Saturday morning from 8:00 to 9:30. After a week of classes, I really want to sleep in on Saturdays, but I still have to get up early to go dancing. I especially dont want to go when it rains or snows. But every time I see my parents rushing to pick me up and drop me off for class, especially when my mother has my younger brother in her belly, she still has to pick me up and drop me off. I tell myself to persevere.

  Today, I am already a fourth grade elementary school student. With the increase of grade, more and more homework is required, and the study time will also become tighter. However, no matter what, my dream in my heart has never wavered. I will definitely persist in attending Latin dance classes every Saturday.

  The happiest thing in the world is to strive for ideals. No matter how difficult the future may be, I will definitely stick to my dreams and strive tirelessly for them!







  我的梦想英语作文老师 2

  Dreams are lighthouses that guide the direction of life.

  When I was a child, my dreams were as diverse as stars. I wanted to become a police officer and fight for the people; Or become a doctor, saving lives and helping the injured; Or even become a photographer, documenting the beauty of the world... Later, as I entered junior high school, my dream changed. I wanted to become a teacher of the people, teaching and educating, and imparting professional knowledge.

  Teaching is the most ordinary and noble profession. Comenius said, "Teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun.". Teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating others. The deeds of Teacher Zhang Guimei are almost well-known. At the age of 63, Zhang Guimei has been committed to the education cause in poverty-stricken mountainous areas of western Yunnan for decades. 12 years ago, she founded the first fully free womens high school in China. Her decades of teaching support have illuminated the life dreams of countless mountain girls with love and wisdom, helping more than 1800 impoverished girls achieve their university dreams and founding the "Education Miracle" in the mountains. She transformed into a beam of light, illuminating the dreams of girls in the mountains, using knowledge to change the fate of girls in impoverished mountainous areas, and using education to block intergenerational transmission of poverty. She said, "If I have pursuit, it is my career; if I have expectations, it is my student; if I have motivation, it is the Party and the people." Teacher Zhang Guimei not only changed the girls in impoverished mountainous areas, but also changed me, making me more determined by my dreams. I hope I can also become an excellent teacher for the people like Teacher Zhang Guimei.

  I aspire to become an excellent teacher for the people, but I also know that being a teacher is not an easy task. In order to achieve my dream, I must work hard and tirelessly. Every day, I listen carefully to the teachers lectures, complete my homework seriously, and actively preview and review after class. In addition, it also cultivates good interests and hobbies. To achieve this dream, I cannot just give hope, I also need to put in more and more arduous struggles.

  Dreams are ahead, and the road is at your feet. To achieve your dreams, you must persevere and strive tirelessly.






  我的梦想英语作文老师 3

  Everything in the world has its own dream. The seeds dream is to grow into a towering tree, the fishs dream is to play freely in the sea, and my dream is to become a teacher.

  The first reason why I want to be a teacher is that since kindergarten, I have always felt that the teacher sits at the front of the classroom, surrounded by many children. The teacher leads us, sometimes singing, sometimes playing games, and is particularly impressive. In first grade, the Chinese teacher stood majestically on the podium, holding a teaching staff to teach us how to recognize unfamiliar characters, and opened his mouth to recite "a, o, e", which I admired even more.

  Now, I see the teacher writing many knowledge points on the blackboard, but I still admire them and believe that the teacher is the most amazing person. The second reason why I want to become a teacher is that teachers are known as hardworking gardeners. They take care of the flowers of our country, teach and educate people, dedicate their knowledge, and dedicate their youth. This great spirit of dedication deeply moved me, so I aspire to become a teacher.

  In order to become an excellent teacher when I grow up, I work hard to study. In addition to completing school assignments, I also attend English tutoring classes. Every time, I take them seriously, fearing that I may not hear any words the teacher says. One time, my throat hurt so much that I couldnt even swallow a mouthful of water. It happened to be during an English class that day. My mother said, "Daughter, your throat hurts so much, why dont you skip English class today? Ill take a leave for the teacher, so you can rest well." I shook my head and whispered, "No! I have to attend today! The teacher is teaching Unit 2 today, and I have already finished my homework." My mother had to send me to English class. So, I endured my sore throat and finished an English class.

  At first, I struggled with the progress of the school, but after carefully listening to the class and completing the homework well, I have already learned the schools courses very well, and have even achieved first place and full marks several times!

  This is my dream. If my dream is the sail of a small boat, then I will raise the sail of the boat now and strive to sail towards a port called "Teacher".







  我的梦想英语作文老师 4

  I have a dream, some people say it is very small, without the courage to serve the country or the ambition to go to the border. It is just a small dream of being a teacher.

  This dream seems to have been artificially added to my life column, and there is no teachers grace in books. Perhaps it is too sacred to appear in my mouth every time. Whenever I ask about my dream, I will not hesitate to answer, "Teacher." But gradually I understand that this is not the dream I want, I am not genuinely fond of it, so this dream quickly disappeared from my mouth. I suddenly felt that life had no direction, and I couldnt find my dream. I was like a headless fly, bumping around until the appearance of my old teacher in elementary school, and only then did I have the dawn.

  She is very elegant and her speech is filled with the fragrance of books. One time, she suddenly asked her classmates, "What is your dream?" The various answers in the class were very harsh, but I didnt say anything. She asked me why I didnt say, "Because I dont have a dream!" The whole class suddenly laughed and collapsed. "What is the definition of a dream?" I asked in my heart. Perhaps she saw through my inner question and told me her dream after class, "My previous dream was to be a teacher." "Why?" "No, because it can change me." She said, taking out her honest and timeless words. The photo, green and rebellious, was vastly different from the elegant and knowledgeable woman she is now. She smiled and walked out. I carefully thought about it and realized that I dont have a dream right now, which seems out of place with everyone. Its better to use it to change myself. Gradually, my dream of becoming a teacher has been established again. As I grow up, I yearn for it more and more. I realize that I have fallen in love with it wholeheartedly, and its worth working hard for.

  The seed that drifted from the naive years has taken deep roots in my heart, and I will definitely embrace my dream!





  我的梦想英语作文老师 5

  Everyone has a great dream, some people want to become scientists and explore the mysteries of the universe; Some people want to be angels in white to help patients ward off illness; Some people want to become police officers and bring a stable living environment to everyone. My dream is to become a teacher of the people and pass on common knowledge to the next generation.

  Teachers are known as "engineers of the human soul" and are respected by everyone. Everyone has attended school and deeply understands that it is the teacher who has nurtured us with their hard work and sweat. Teachers are a part of our daily learning. I remember reading this sentence: "It is the teacher who leads us to explore the ocean of common sense and reach the other side of our ideals." From then on, I firmly believed that we must become a glorious teacher for the people in the future.

  At present, when people sit in the classroom, they feel bored and dislike learning. This may be due to the laziness of students, or it may be because the teachers are too strict with everyone, or even because some teachers leave a lot of homework for everyone, making everyone have no time to play. So I think I must change this teacher-student relationship in the future. I want to be a good teacher that students like, not only rich in common sense and humorous in language, but also become good friends with students, understand and care for them, be good teachers and friends for children, so that students can learn common sense in a relaxed and happy situation, feel the joy of learning, and enjoy learning, truly learn common sense, and ultimately become the pillars of the country.

  I know that being a teacher is a sacred profession, and its not something that can be achieved just by wanting to be one. Especially being a teacher like I mentioned earlier is more difficult. So, from now on, it is necessary to study seriously and learn more common sense, so as to teach everyones next generation well in the future.

  Having dreams is nothing, having courage leads to miracles. Believe that my future is not a dream, lets work together to achieve the great dreams in each others hearts!






  我的梦想英语作文老师 6

  In this ever-changing world, everyone has a different dream from others. Some people want to be police officers who serve the people, some want to be doctors who save lives and heal the wounded, and some want to be scientists who benefit the people. However, my dream is to become an ordinary teacher who serves the people.

  Everyones dream has a reason, and I am no exception. I remember when I was in fifth grade, we had just changed teachers and couldnt bear to part with our former teachers, so we hated them very much. We always wanted to embarrass them and prepared to see how they looked first before taking action. At this moment, a classmate came to report and said, "The teacher is here!" We quickly pretended to be very obedient. The two teachers walked into the classroom together, and the classmates stood up together and said, "Hello, teacher.". The teacher gave us a stern look and asked us to sit down. In the first class of Chinese, the teacher was short in stature, with golden hair, watery big eyes, and a slightly open mouth, which accentuated her beauty. The teacher first taught us the first lesson, and we opened the textbook in unison. However, this phenomenon was only temporary. We kept asking questions, but we didnt raise our hands as if we had agreed. When the teacher saw this, he opened the roster and casually called a name. The student immediately stood up, but did not answer. The teacher had no choice but to wave his hand and let him sit down.

  Half of the class passed again, and the students lost their energy, as if they hadnt eaten for a few days. The teacher said, "Students dont have energy, why dont I tell everyone a joke to be happy!" The students suddenly came to their senses and were greatly shocked by the teacher. They looked very incredulous, and the teacher spoke it out, making the whole class burst into laughter. But no one knew in their hearts that we were sorry for the teacher! Since this class, the students have changed their attitude towards the teacher a lot and are actively speaking up in class.

  So, I fell in love with teachers and also with the profession of teaching. I dream of becoming a teacher one day, this is my eternal dream!






  我的梦想英语作文作家 1

  I have a dream - to become a writer. This dream is big, far away, but it is truly like a seed, deeply buried in my heart, growing tender buds bit by bit

  When I was a child reciting poetry, I felt a bit "little monk reciting scriptures without intention", confused and only felt that it had a sense of rhythm and was not difficult to memorize. My mother was very patient and would give me some explanations or some small stories. Gradually, there was a scene in ancient poetry: "The moonlight in front of the bed is bright, suspected to be frost on the ground" - as if returning to Yangzhou in the past, sitting next to Li Bai, hearing his sighs and seeing his gloomy and sorrowful eyes, I couldnt help but feel it; "When I look back on him, he is in a place where the lights are dim" - it is like standing in the street of the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival and seeing the lights are bright all around, while he - Xin Qiji can only admire himself alone because he is not in a position of importance and extremely sad... In poetry, I began to find that words are so wonderful, and there are endless stories and too strong feelings between the lines

  In the days of growing up, I constantly read and experience more emotions in each article. Zhu Ziqings "Hurry" may seem simple, but it actually contains the authors many regrets. The sentence "You are clever, tell me, why are our days gone and never come back?" is the authors questioning of his more than twenty years; Lu Xuns "Youth Runtu" seems to be writing about childhood memories, but it is a nostalgia and longing for the free life of Runtu. These words may seem ordinary, but they are also thought-provoking.

  When I first learned to write like a writer, I confidently handed over the final draft to the teacher, and the teacher left eight words on it - piecing them together, it was terrible! The red eight words covered my eyes like a huge screen. That time, the sky of my dreams collapsed in a daze, and I forced myself to tears and slipped out of the classroom!

  "How can I see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?" After being washed away by tears, my heart became more and more firm. I picked up a pen again and silently wrote

  The article is written on and off, and the seed in my heart is constantly growing. In the near future, it will surely grow into tender shoots and green leaves







  我的梦想英语作文作家 2

  Everyone has their dream career in their heart. Some people want to be teachers who teach and educate, some want to be admired celebrities, and some want to be doctors who save lives and heal the wounded... And my profession is to be a writer.

  Rich people are envied, celebrities are admired, while writers are an unknown industry. But in my opinion, even if one has a fortune, it is just a fleeting moment. A popular star is no longer a star in the sky, and only the essence of thoughts recorded in a notebook can be permanently passed down. There is a famous saying that goes, "There is no lack of beauty in life, only the eyes to discover it." Only literati and writers have the ambition of "settling in a vast expanse, sheltering the face of the worlds poor." Only then can they feel the tenacious character of the plum blossom, which is strong and unyielding, standing tall and proud. Some things often only sparkle with the brilliance of life in the eyes of literati and writers.

  Bing Xin is my favorite writer. When I was a child, I read many of her works, such as "Stars · Spring Water", "Sending to Little Readers", "Little Orange Lantern", etc., all of which express Bing Xins innocence and great maternal love, revealing her love for children everywhere. The language is vivid, detailed, and fluent. I have always wanted to become a great writer like her since I was young.

  I want to become a writer, I want to use my pen to depict the magnificent mountains and rivers of my motherland. Let readers immerse themselves in the picturesque mountains and waters of Zhangjiajie; Feel the magnificent scenery of Mount Wuyi; Experience the clarity of the rippling Sun Moon Lake like a clear mirror. I will use my discerning eyes to showcase the unique beauty of nature to everyone: in the evening, little birds fly towards their nests; Winter is approaching, and flocks of geese are flying wings to wings in the air; Insects chirp in the sand as night falls.

  Writer, discover beauty, experience beauty, and appreciate beauty. With a gorgeous and delicate tone, vivid and lively language, let readers enter my inner world, experience the feelings of my soul, and resonate with their hearts. A writer, a seemingly ordinary yet extraordinary profession, is doing simple yet not simple work. A writers life is colorful, more than becoming a high-profile celebrity or wealthy person.

  I want to become a writer, and I am constantly striving forward with this goal!







  我的梦想英语作文作家 3

  The spring silkworms that cocoon and pupae look forward to turning into colorful butterflies in their soft shells; Buds that are about to bloom, imagining a bright future amidst the green leaves. In the process of growing up, as young and youthful individuals, we are determined to rebuild a beautiful tomorrow and dream various dreams, such as the dream of reunion, university, writer, aerospace, and a strong country

  And my dream is to become a writer. Perhaps some people will question me, whether I have high literary talent. As a writer, I will use my own articles to support myself. Will anyone read your articles? I will say to those who question me, "No!" I dont know what I will do in the future, but I will stick to my dream of becoming a writer.

  I want to become a writer for a reason.

  When I was about to enter third grade, I came to the county. At that time, I didnt know how to write an essay and had no way to start. As a result, I was angry, cried, and made trouble. The teacher always patiently taught me how to write a good essay, and I knew I had to work hard and not let down the teachers help to me! Hard work pays off for those who have a heart. With the help of my teacher and my own efforts, I am able to write a complete article. However, compared to other classmates, my article is simply insignificant. I asked the teacher how to improve the level of the article, and the teacher told me to read, memorize, and write more. I worked hard to follow the teachers instructions, and as expected, my article has greatly improved.

  I have read many beautiful articles from many books, which are like a cup of tea that we need to savor with our hearts in order to gain insights. I think writers are great, they can string words into beautiful articles.

  A writer is like a teacher. Although he cannot stand on a three foot podium and teach students hand in hand, he can use beautiful articles to educate people and make them understand many truths.

  The vast path of life, because of a writers dream, my heart has returned from loneliness and confusion to warmth. How lucky I am, because in a crowded world, I have found words that can save me.








  我的梦想英语作文作家 4

  My Dream Everyone has their own dream. Someone wants to be a loyal police officer; Someone wants to be a doctor who saves lives and helps the injured; Some people want to become knowledgeable scientists; Someone wants to be an inventor who benefits the people, and my dream is to become a writer, a childrens fairy tale writer like Zheng Yuanjie and Yang Hongying.

  In the first grade, my mother and I watched a book by Yang Hongying called "Naughty Pony Jump", and I found that I had deeply fallen in love with fairy tales. Since then, a seed of literature has been planted in my heart, taking root and sprouting. Reading fairy tales is a form of enjoyment, immersing oneself in joyful and beautiful imagination, and discovering the joy within.

  Fairy tales can awaken parents childlike innocence, as well as stimulate childrens imagination and creativity. Although knowledge is important, if combined with imagination and creativity, it will enable one to develop more comprehensively.

  In my primary school studies and life, Chinese language classes made me fall in love with reading and writing. My teacher taught me that writing skills should focus on the center of an article, delve into it, unfold it, use knowledge to depict fairy tales, use imagination to decorate fairy tales, and make them more vivid and wonderful.

  I have been reading fairy tales from childhood to adulthood. These books have made me realize the uniqueness and charm of composition, as well as its vividness and beauty. These have made me more fond of fairy tales and essays, bringing me closer to my dreams.

  My life is wonderful because of writing, which makes my life colorful. Children have imagination, just like birds have wings and fish have water. Dreams are not far away, as long as you reach out and embrace them, dreams will never be out of reach again.

  The brilliance, beauty, uniqueness, and vividness of composition. Those things make us more fulfilled, fuller, and stronger.

  I firmly believe that dreams are our hope and goal for growth; It is the source of all our motivation; It is also the driving force for us to move forward! Lets work together for our dreams and take a step closer to our future goals!









  我的梦想英语作文作家 5

  I am a person who loves reading. Whenever I pick up a book, I swallow it all in one gulp, with a strong sense of "not seeking to understand". Those wonderful words touched the strings of my heart, so - as the seed of a writer, it began to take root in my heart, grow leaves, and sprout in my heart.

  I began to take action for my ideals. There are many books in the library of my mothers school, so I asked her to lend me books from there. There are various types of books, such as popular science, literature, animals, and biographies of celebrities... I read each type of book to lay the foundation for my future dream of becoming a writer.

  My mother saw that I love reading so much, so she enrolled me in an essay class to stimulate my interest in writing.

  At the beginning, due to the influence of the schools writing style, my composition did not make much progress. I could only write three sides at most, and sometimes I lost my thought after only writing one or two sides, and the writing content was very rigid. I am very frustrated and disappointed, thinking that I lack writing talent and want to give up my ideals. At this moment, I remembered a sentence from a book I saw a few days ago by Mr. Lu Xun: "Where is there a genius? Ive spent all the time others spend drinking coffee on work." I suddenly realized: Yes, since I cant write well with the same effort as others, I can put in twice or three times as much effort as others! After thinking it through, my confidence greatly increased. I accumulated more good words and sentences at home, and paid more attention to the little things in life. In the next class, I did make significant progress in my composition, and the teacher even praised me for making rapid progress. My heart is filled with joy, and I have more confidence in my dream of becoming a writer.

  It has been four years since I started learning composition. These four years of study have fascinated me with writing. As long as I have free time, I will bury myself in books and freely explore the sea of books, absorbing nutrients from them. All of this is to fulfill my dream of being a writer. I believe - as long as I can persist, I can definitely become a writer!

  Because I have always had a dream of becoming a writer deep down in my heart, regardless of whether I succeed or not, I will always remember the support my mother gave me and the encouragement my teacher gave me. They are like a source of my confidence, driving me further and further down the path of being a writer.







  我的梦想英语作文作家 6

  Every day after finishing my homework, its always my happiest time because I can pick up my pen and write line by line in my notebook. Over time, I fell in love with writing and also had a dream of becoming a writer.

  In second grade, notebooks with cartoon patterns were usually sent by teachers to us for taking notes, but my notebook is different from others. There are almost no notes on it, only some small fragments. I dont know why, as long as I add a few sentences in the middle, I can weave two completely unrelated sentences into a story. In third grade, I bought a set of "Laughing Cat Diary". This campus novel tells the story of Laughing Cats life experiences, which is very interesting. Therefore, I also began to imitate "Laughing Cat Diary" for creation. Once, while I was writing about the final battle between the male wolf Charlotte and the former wolf king Fei Fei, I couldnt help but describe the two wolves looking at each other with sharp eyes. I had to lie down on the table and bite my pen; Accidentally, I glanced at the book "Wolf King Dream" that I had pinned under the fish tank. Excitedly, I took out the book from under the tank and read it. There were indeed sentences describing the gaze inside, and I was excited to learn how to apply them in my creation of "The Battle of the Wolf King". Now, since I watched "Twin Empresses", I have made up my mind to write a TV drama, which has led to a series of novels I am currently working on, such as "Dust Falling, Fox Heart, and Dreaming Love".

  In order to achieve my dream of being a writer, I am writing more articles and creating more novels. First, take them to submit and see if they can be selected. If so, I will work even harder to create; If not, I plan to visit the famous fairy tale writer - Yang Hongying. I want to ask her for advice on what childrens books are and how to write them to make children like them

  Now, I have created many novels, and every time I read them, I feel very happy. And these joys are brought by the moment I pick up my pen, which freezes my lifelong ideals.






  我的梦想英语作文歌手 1

  Speaking of dreams, my biggest dream is to have the voice of yellow warblers coming out of the valley and swallows returning to their nests, and to also dance various types of dances, which can win the love and recognition of the public. My dream is to become a world-renowned good singer.

  Since I was young, I have always hoped to become the lead singer in a band. In addition to satisfying my love for singing and dancing, I also hope to let the audience dance and sing along with the melody of the music, relieving the shackles of modern peoples hearts. I want to have a loud and grandiose singing voice, singing my own unique voice; Having flexible dance steps is probably the best way to give back to the audience!

  But how to achieve this wish? Some people may envy the artists in front of the screen just because they see them on the surface, and give up their studies. This is not right! Nowadays, no matter which singer sings such beautiful songs and dances so well, we cannot be too addicted to it and let our studies regress. Even if I want to be a good singer, I am still a primary school student and I still focus on my studies. During holidays, I can spend more time practicing at home, learn more dance techniques in dance classes, or ask my teacher to teach me how to sing beautifully. Developing a good singing voice, singing skills, and accurately grasping the melody and speed is not something that can be achieved from the beginning. It is not so easy to make the audience listen to it in ecstasy!

  In the future, whether or not I will continue to aspire to become the lead singer of a band, I will approach it with an optimistic attitude. I believe that being a good singer is not easy, and being able to successfully enter the entertainment industry is the result of training and hard work. No effort, no harvest. As long as I am willing to work hard and never give up on my goals, one day my dream will definitely succeed. I will carry forward this talent and let more people share my singing, because my singing will sing the meaning of life, the joy and comfort of the soul.

  I know my dream is not unattainable, because I am working hard step by step and giving it my all.






  我的梦想英语作文歌手 2

  We all have dreams. Dreams are like a beam of light in front of us, guiding our direction and illuminating the path of growth. As we slowly grow, we will always strive to achieve our dreams!

  My dream is to become a singer because when I was young, I often listened to my mother sing, and I think her singing is very beautiful. My uncle also sings very well and has attended many programs. Every time on TV, I see him standing in the C position on stage, singing beautiful songs with a microphone. Whenever this happens, I imagine myself standing on stage, holding a microphone and singing a song, watching the audience below listen to my beautiful singing, shouting my name, and applauding me.

  Later on, as I grew up, I wanted to try singing and see my singing skills. I found that my singing was not bad, but due to my first attempt, every high note broke. I told my mother in disappointment, and she encouraged me that singing can be practiced, and I also need to sing with emotions. To sing well without breaking notes, I need to practice slowly, and one day I will be able to successfully sing well. So every time Im idle and dont know what to do, I practice high notes.

  Once, there was a singing competition held at a Chinese school. I didnt want to participate, but my mother helped me register, so I was forced to participate in the competition. I work hard to practice the competition songs, and my mother also accompanies me to practice singing every day. In the end, I achieved third place, although not first, I am still very happy because I achieved a good result through my own efforts. After participating in the competition, I have become even more fond of singing, and my singing voice has gradually become better and better. My family will say that I sing very well, let me continue to work hard! Every time I sing, my mood changes very well, so my dream is to become a singer.

  This is my dream, although it is difficult to achieve, I believe I will work hard to achieve it myself.






  我的梦想英语作文歌手 3

  Dreams are ethereal and beautiful! Everyone has a dream, but everyones dream is different.

  My dreams are as numerous as the stars in the sky. In my dream, sometimes I am a doctor, sometimes a teacher, and sometimes an actor. But as time passed, I gradually established my dream of becoming a singer.

  I have been passionate about music since I was 8 years old, and I am crazy about it. Every day, I cant help but listen to popular music. I feel that my life has been completely immersed in the world of music. Am I born for music? Am I born with music? Since I have a connection with music, I want to become a singer. I dont want to be a singer because I can cover a layer of celebrity halo, nor do I want to become a high-profile person, let alone for money. Instead, I hope to spread positive energy through singing and provide listeners with beautiful enjoyment through singing!

  If I were a singer, I would dedicate my best image and the best music to my fans who support me. I think maintaining a perfect image is the most important thing for a singer. Secondly, it is the singers job to do well in music. When it comes to doing well in music, it is nothing more than singing the best music in the best possible state. Striving for perfection is the mindset and responsibility of every singer towards music!

  If I were a singer, I would pursue my personal style and strive for diversity. I believe that an outstanding singers stage performance style will determine their influence and popularity. Pursuing diverse music styles and striving to try various different music styles and genres. Strive to be an all-around singer. Being able to be fast, slow, and high or low is the key to demonstrating ones singing skills on stage.

  If I were a singer, singing my own song on that shimmering stage, walking to the record section in a store, being able to see my album, and occasionally hearing my music in a certain store... Yes, I would be proud!

  If I were a singer

  Although dreams are far away from us, as long as we work hard, even if we dont achieve them, we can still feel satisfied. At least we have worked hard for this dream.









  我的梦想英语作文歌手 4

  I have always had a dream in my heart!

  Everyone has their own dreams, tireless teachers, renowned kung fu stars, entrepreneurs with luxury cars and villas, and beautiful swans spinning on the ballet stage... I am no exception, and I secretly hide a path that I may take in the future in my heart.

  My dream was actually revealed to my mother, but she mercilessly poured cold water on me: "Dreams can exist, but they must be practical..." Since then, I have never mentioned my dream again. But when it comes to completing this topic, I still want to write my sincere words - my dream is to become a singer. I dont expect to be as famous as Lu Han, Yang Yang, and Dilraba, but at least I can become a profession that enables me to live independently and develop according to my passion for freedom.

  I dont like to talk or appear in front of people. I know this doesnt align with my dreams, but I can quietly write songs and sing the songs I write. I am currently composing a song called "I Like It". The lyrics are: "One day, I stood here, a little excited and nervous, and started my magical journey... This place is called Yuncheng International..." My speed is very slow, and my mother always says that following the natural track is good, not demanding. When I get angry, I say I dont understand anything, its simple and childish... I know Im ordinary, but being ordinary doesnt mean I dont have any dreams.

  Some friends may have questions: if you want to become a singer, but not for fame or profit, why bother working so hard to achieve your dream?

  Actually, I have a little secret in my heart. I used to hear my dad say that he often donates clothes and some money to them, and I also came up with a plan. So what can I do as a little person? I quietly made a wish, hoping to walk into the mountains with my own song, to donate some daily necessities to the people in the mountains with the money and goods I gained from singing, and to send backpacks, clothes, and various books to the children. I often daydream alone, thinking in a daze: one day I can sing to them and share my happiness together. What a wonderful thing it is!

  If I cant achieve my dream, then Ill sing it to myself. Its also great to be someone with a dream in mind.

  We are reading "Special Woman Sahara" these days. The teacher said that to become the center of beautiful things, it is not possible to rely on fantasy alone. The same is true of dreams. If you dont act on your fantasy, you will eventually disappear like a foam. Having dreams, passion, perseverance, and rejecting external distractions, as an ordinary person, I will start from the most ordinary things, constantly cultivate and move towards the center of beauty. I believe that I will get closer and closer to my dreams.









  我的梦想英语作文歌手 5

  Everyone has their own dreams, some imagine Newton becoming a scientist; Some people imagine Leonardo da Vinci becoming a painter; Some people want to become famous writers like Mo Yan... and my dream is to become a singer.

  I have loved music since I was young. I remember when I was in the middle class of kindergarten, I fell in love with playing the piano. My mother saw how much I love the piano, so she bought me one and enrolled me in a piano training class. I have been studying very seriously. Once, after finishing a piano class, I immediately practiced playing a piece of music. I played from 2 pm to 7 pm without taking a sip of water or something to eat. In the end, my fingers developed small blisters. At nine oclock in the evening, I was so tired that I climbed onto the bed. That night, I slept soundly and deeply. Now, I have passed the Piano Level 10 exam, which gives me a great sense of achievement.

  However, the journey of learning piano is not always smooth sailing. I remember when I was learning the piano level six practice piece, my small hands were not big enough, and I always couldnt play the chords across octaves well. It seemed that no amount of effort could make up for my "innate shortcomings". At that time, I thought about giving up; Once, I played the "F Major Sonata" because the speed of the piece was very fast, and my wrist would always shake up and down while playing. No matter how much the teacher urged me, I found it difficult to change my "bad habit", which also made me feel frustrated... But with my mothers encouragement, I persisted and now I can play any beautiful song I have ever heard on the piano. Whenever I am happy or unhappy, I like to sit by the piano and play a song that expresses my emotions; My mother also said that when she is tired, she likes to lie on the sofa and listen to me play piano music the most.

  In order to pursue my dreams step by step, I also enrolled in vocal and street dance training and studied very seriously.

  In this world, peoples dreams are so beautiful and grand, but there are very few people who truly realize their dreams. Because achieving dreams requires perseverance and action!






  我的梦想英语作文歌手 6

  Everyone has their own dream in their heart, and I am no exception. Whether great or small, it is colorful and desirable.

  Since I was very young, my parents have been instilling messages in my ears: I must study hard and become a successful person when I grow up. Since I was in first grade of elementary school, I have been intimidated by books, and the thought of books has left me uninteresting. My dream when I grow up is not to become a PhD or graduate student, but to become a singer, a singer who can sing, dance, and attract attention.

  Why do I have this unattainable dream? That starts when I was eight years old. At that time, I was still very young and had no dreams at all. During the summer vacation, the TV was playing Happy Girl. Seeing the female singer on TV singing and dancing with a melodious voice, I was deeply moved. In an instant, my childhood heart had a dream - to become a singer when I grew up.

  Sometimes I feel that my dreams are meaningless and unattainable, but as long as I think of becoming a singer and singing beautiful songs for others to listen to, my heart is filled with strength and I have the motivation to achieve my dreams. If one day my dream can come true, I hope to become a singer like Han Hong, using pure, clear, and ethereal singing to shock people and make those who know me look at me with new eyes.

  I have also encountered a freezing period on the path of my dreams. Because I enjoy singing and dancing, I watch singers singing on TV in my spare time, especially on entertainment programs like Chinas Voice. I really enjoy watching them. Whenever I watch it with great interest, my mother will suddenly appear by my side. She first shot me with sharp eyes, and then drowned me with rich saliva: Youve grown so big, you dont even know how to study hard, but you know that watching TV doesnt make any progress. Whats good about singing? Only reading good books is your life goal. Whenever I hear such words, I freeze my dreams. But in a few days, as soon as I hear the song, my deep dreams will be awakened. Although I am still far from my dream so far, I have only performed a dance competition once at Linshan Town School and achieved second place in the team, this is also a step towards my dream.

  Yes, my dream has already taken root and sprouted in my heart, and I will definitely work hard to move forward for this dream. Although this dream is unattainable, I believe that as long as I work hard, even if it doesnt come true, I wont have any regrets anymore.








  我的梦想英语作文科学家 1

  We all have many dreams. For example, when a teacher can teach children knowledge. Be a scientist and make contributions to the construction of our motherland. Be a general manager and earn money for your foster parents. Be a cleaner and clean the city; Be an excellent writer and write articles for the great motherland. However, my dream is very simple, and that is to be a little green guardian of greening the earth! Why do I want to green the earth? Because the environment is not good now, there is garbage everywhere in the park, and residential buildings in the community are smelling underground Although many people cant see it now, no one wants to clean it up.

  Accompanied by a silent lullaby, the Moon Girl emits soft moonlight, and the gentle breeze sends me to sleep.

  This is a beautiful garden with beautiful flowers, tender green grass, and tall trees. Although this garden is beautiful, its only drawback is that there is too much garbage and too few trash cans. I think: People are too lazy! They were only a few steps away from the trash can and didnt want to walk, so they threw the garbage on the ground. So, I waved my wand and in no time, all the garbage was thrown away. The number of "running" and throwing it into the trash can, especially the number of "collecting" trash cans, has also increased.

  I looked around, ah! There are too few trees and flowers! I waved my wand again, and the trees and flowers suddenly increased a lot. I think the number of tourists visiting this garden will definitely increase significantly at present.

  I went to a community, ah! The staircase is full of garbage, with a foul odor that makes passersby uncomfortable. I think: its very smelly here, otherwise Ill help them clean it up. So I waved my wand, and in no time, all the garbage under the stairs of the residential building was cleaned up.

  Later, I went to another factory and heard workers complaining: "The factory now emits too much smoke and sewage, the river water is dyed black, and the blue sky is almost dyed black." Upon hearing this, I immediately waved my wand. This river will never be polluted, and the blue sky will never be polluted. Lets start with a straight face.

  In fact, every person who loves the Earth is a small green guardian. The Earth is my home. Environmental protection depends on everyone. Lets start protecting plants and greening the earth.








  我的梦想英语作文科学家 2

  I have seen many programs about inventions on TV, such as Invention DreamWorks, I Love Invention, and so on. I envy those who can invent things! They have created various inventions with their smart minds, diligent hands, and unwavering perseverance, bringing convenience to peoples lives.

  I really enjoy taking science classes and doing various experiments when I go home. I sometimes pull up the weeds downstairs and bring them home, add water and crush them, extract different colored juices, and try to use them as pigments to draw; Sometimes I add more seasoning to the food I cook and eat to see if it can become more delicious; I also like to study "poison", which is to mix liquid substances such as shower gel and shampoo to see if they can poison pests and so on; I also like to make "boomerang" and other darts, and I also like to make improvements when making origami planes to see if they can fly higher and farther... My favorite work is my own small billiard table, which is made of plastic foam, marbles and chopsticks. First, I made two holes on the flat foam cover. Under the hole, a disposable paper cup was placed to catch the "ball". Then I used two colored marbles as balls, colorless marbles as white balls, and chopsticks as clubs. This simple billiard table is ready! Invite your friends to play pool together and have a great time!

  The Wright brothers in the United States were envious of seeing geese flying when they were young and wanted to be able to fly themselves. After unremitting efforts, they finally invented airplanes. This story tells us that as long as we choose a goal and persistently pursue it, we will definitely succeed! But now I am still a primary school student, so I can only make some small toys by myself to make everyone happy. Whenever I see my friends having a great time playing with what I have made, I feel particularly proud!

  Of course, becoming a scientist is not an easy task. You must have rich knowledge, good hands-on ability, not afraid of failure, and the perseverance to persevere in order to succeed. Therefore, I will work hard to learn and make progress every day, so that I can have more and richer knowledge, so that my dreams can shine into the reality of the future!





  我的梦想英语作文科学家 3

  I really want to become a scientist, not pursuing fame and fortune, but specifically benefiting the people.

  In spring, everything revives, and everywhere is full of vitality and fun. Spring is also the season for sowing, requiring sufficient rainfall. The rainfall should not be too little or too much, otherwise the crops will not grow well or even die. So, in spring, appropriate rainfall is very important.

  So, how to make the rainwater moderate? Scientists nowadays cannot invent, we can only pray to God! At this moment, I really want to become an outstanding scientist, benefiting the people and providing suitable rainfall for crops.

  In summer, the weather is extremely hot. People like to stay at home and turn on the air conditioning, which makes the outside look even hotter. I think: if I were a scientist, I would definitely research something that can create wind. Its not possible to change the temperature, its still good to create more wind in the middle of the streets and alleys.

  Every autumn, I can see golden rice and farmer uncles working hard in the fields. In order to harvest the rice smoothly, the weather is naturally good. Controlling the weather is not an easy task, and scientists probably dont have this advanced technology yet. Rain comes from the clouds. At this moment, I want to become a scientist and find a way to move clouds to places without fields. If thats the case, that would be great.

  In winter, the weather is very cold, and there are howling cold winds everywhere, causing pain. Whenever I see people struggling to walk with their ears covered, I want to become a scientist and contribute to blocking the cold wind for people.

  Some scientists nowadays only focus on their own enjoyment, do not understand the suffering of the people, and do not strive to invent.

  I want to become an outstanding scientist, benefiting people and the people.

  To become an outstanding scientist, its not just about being a good one. You should work hard and have a persistent spirit since childhood!










  我的梦想英语作文科学家 4

  Whenever I hear news reports saying "where did a car accident happen", my heart contracts. At this point, I cant help but think of my dream - to become a scientist.

  When I become a scientist, I will definitely create many fully functional cars, so there will be no more accidents.

  One night, I saw myself decades later: sitting in the laboratory without eating or drinking, focused on inventing and creating, and finally making the car I wanted. Because the car is filled with rubber springs, I named it "Spring Car".

  The "Spring Car" fully embodies my wisdom: its body is like a responsive touch screen computer, which can not only automatically avoid accidents, but also drive in the sky and on land. When encountering traffic congestion, it can extend the wings hidden on both sides of the roof and fly in the sky. Even if it cannot avoid other cars, it will still be fine because it is a rubber spring. Whats even more amazing is that it has extremely powerful automatic navigation functions. As long as you enter a place name, it can automatically and quickly take you to your destination. In addition, the spring car is very environmentally friendly. It does not require increasingly scarce gasoline as fuel, but as long as there is a little bit of carbon dioxide exhaled by people, it will absorb and convert it into power. It also has a special function - an emotion transformer. If you are in a bad mood, after getting into the car, it will automatically emit a fresh oxygen, so you wont feel tired and uncomfortable. If you want to park on crowded streets, its not a problem. At this point, the car will automatically shrink and fly obediently into your pocket, like the golden hoop of the Great Sage of Qi Tian.

  I was driving this high-tech "spring car" on the road, sprinting and occasionally jumping. The passersby were shouting and cheering, and I smiled proudly.

  Suddenly, a sound of "Ding Zero" pulled me back to reality, it turned out that it was dawn. I quickly got up, got dressed, and ran to school. Starting from today, I must study hard, because only in this way can I achieve my dreams.







  我的梦想英语作文科学家 5

  Everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. My dream is to become a scientist who can study various advanced things, but what I most want to invent is a transparent smart bracelet that can both locate and identify bad people.

  Nowadays, many parents are busy with work, and children are handed over to their older grandparents to take care of. Some grandparents react slowly, and the children cant see anyone for a while; Some children do not have adults to pick them up or drop them off, so they need to go to and from school alone. At this time, bad people will fall for these childrens ideas, and stealing and trafficking children is very common. I occasionally see news about children getting lost on TV, and most of the time, there are police officers with great abilities to help. However, the police uncle is not omnipotent and cannot find the child immediately. Some may even find it many years later.

  So, I want to design a transparent smart bracelet that can not only prevent children from getting lost, but also automatically identify bad people, accurately locate, and automatically alarm. Children wear this transparent smart bracelet, which is not easily detected by bad people. As soon as the bad person approaches, it will sound an alarm that only it can sense, reminding children that there are bad people approaching. When a bad person touches their body, the smart bracelet can immediately transmit information to parents, making them aware of the childs danger and location, so that parents can arrive as soon as possible.

  If a child runs out of the designated area set by their parents, they will immediately receive an alarm reminder, and the smart bracelet also has a comprehensive camera function that can capture the face of the bad person. The information will also be transmitted to the police uncle in a timely manner, and the police uncle can take action as soon as possible. This way, adults no longer have to worry about their children being abducted or lost.

  This is the transparent smart bracelet I want to design, hoping to help every child so that parents dont have to worry about their childrens travel safety.






  我的梦想英语作文科学家 6

  Some peoples dreams are great teachers; Some peoples dreams are respected teachers; But my dream is to serve the people; Scientists who make contributions to society.

  One night, I gradually fell asleep. I dreamed that when I grew up, I should work hard and finally became the scientist I dreamed of when I was a child. Created many meaningful things for the benefit of all humanity.

  One day, while driving my Mercedes Benz on a large bridge, I looked around and suddenly saw that the water under the bridge was filled with some waste, causing the originally beautiful river to become a dirty and foul smelling ditch due to the pollution of these waste. Moreover, the worst thing is that there are farmers living nearby. What if the foul air from this river causes them to be poisoned? So, after racking my brains, I finally created a waste rate absorption machine. This waste rate absorption machine is really powerful! It can remove all the sewage and garbage, throw the garbage into the garbage pile, filter the absorbed sewage, change these dirty water into clothes, and restore his previous handsome appearance; Beautiful.

  After lunch, I strolled down the bustling street and saw that the trash cans were empty, but there was an endless amount of garbage on the road. Upon careful consideration, I realized that these pedestrians, for their own convenience, would leave their garbage aside. However, what they didnt know was that if this garbage were piled up, the harm it would bring to people was incalculable. For the sake of peoples safety, I have invented another robot that can automatically pick up garbage on the road, and the amount of garbage it can hold in its small jar is unknown.

  I resolved two questions and returned home, wanting to take a good rest, let fatigue disappear, and let the breeze blow into my brain. Just as I was about to fall asleep, suddenly, a loud noise came from my ear








  我的梦想英语作文 1

  Since I was a little boy/girl,I had a dream deep in my mind which is to become a teacher in the future,and I have several reasons for that.

  First of all,teacher is the career which is called the engineer of humans spirit.Id like to spend the rest of my life to help more people realizing themselves as well as following the steps of our ancestors,in morallity and in technics.

  Secondly,I always have a favor of share my experience with others.If I had a chance to be a teacher,Id like to share my study experience with my students to help them to study more easily,and I am in chance of becoming a friend of them,which will make me like this job more.

  Finally,there exists another attraction that teachers always have vocations.Since then,I can have more time to be with my family,and I always believe that family is important.

  According to what I have said above,I have the dream of becoming a teacher.






  我的梦想英语作文 2

  Every one has a dream. I have a dream, too. I have a dream that one day I could become a math teacher.

  I love math very much, because I think math is quite useful. Its useful when people are buying things. It is useful when students are learning subjects like physics and chemitry. And its useful when scientists are doing experiments. Teachers can not only help students to learn things but also teach the students to apply what they learn into practice.

  Therefore, I hope to be a math teacher in the future. I want to help more students learn math.




  我的'梦想英语作文 3

  Everyone has his own dream.

  My dream is to be a peoples policeman. Because the police can keep the traffic and help catch the bad guys when they patrol the streets.

  So from now on, I must study the culture knowledge well, exercises the body well, strengthens the physique. Strive to grow up, when a good police service for the people.




  我的梦想英语作文 4

  I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very much to be a doctor.

  I want to be a doctor because doctors can cure patients and thus make people healthy and happy. Doctors can offer their help to the poor people so that more people can get medical help.

  If I were a doctor, the more patients I cured, the happier I will feel. That is the very reason I want to bee a doctor.

  I will study hard so that my dream can e true in the future.





  我的梦想英语作文 5

  Everyone has a lot of people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires rs want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams, I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in ver, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.

  After graduating from, college, I found a job as a ough I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the times, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and I have made great ral of my research papers have been methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems.

  I am very ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.




  我的梦想英语作文 6

  I have a dream about my career.

  I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge.

  They can help students to enrich their knowledge.

  Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart.

  Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream.






  我的梦想英语作文 7

  Since I was a little child, I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor.

  When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors. I thought they were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor.

  In my opinion, doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sickness and pain.I want to be the person who can help others. However, being a doctor needs so much professional knowledge and there is a long way to go.

  So I have to try my best on my study and go to a good college.





  我的梦想英语作文 8

  Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.

  I have a wonderful dream in my heart. Its to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, Im nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think Im an Indian.

  Some people regard Im a Pakistan. And some people even consider that Im an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.




  我的梦想英语作文 9

  My dream is to be a soldier, can defend the countrys military.

  When the countrys operational orders, no matter how hard, how far the journey is, how bad environment, we all take command of the motherland, the command is dead, no matter, on wheels to execute commands. , I must take a gun rushed in front, regardless of bullets, I rushed in front. If I was caught, I no matter how to also wont surrender, never covet a peace betrayed the motherland.

  Once I think being a engineer, athletes, diplomats... But I dont think they all have military glory, perhaps in the near future, to protect you, is I. Military is only an ordinary profession, and it is full of belief of defending the motherland!

  As a modern army, should have rich knowledge of science, also want to use scientific means to combat, not only the topic of, be flexible action. So I should learn more knowledge, to grow up to defend our motherland.





  我的梦想英语作文 10

  The reason I want to be a lawyer r is I think this profession is very important and meaningful. If I am a lawyer, I will can contribute to maintaining the fairness and justice of society in the form of law: On one hand, I can take advantage of my expertise help mediate peoples conflicts and disputes, so that they can live in harmony.

  On the other hand,can defend Legitimate rights and interests I for innocent, avoiding them suffering injury. In addition, I can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to Teaching them some basic legal knowledge,therefore they can obey the law and apply the law.

  However,the legal knowledge that I have learned now is not enough,so in order to getting my dream e true in the future , I should word hard from now on.




  我的梦想英语作文 11

  Everyone has a dream, and I also have a dream in my heart: when I grow up, I will leave my familiar hometown and travel around the world.

  The place I most want to go is Egypt. In the vast desert, there stands a magnificent pyramid. The Khufu Pyramid is the largest pyramid in the world, with a height of 146.59 meters. This tower is composed of 2.3 million boulders, each weighing an average of 2.5 tons. It will take 100000 people 30 years to build. There is no adhesion between the stones in the pyramid. After nearly 5000 years of wind and sand erosion, there are no knives to . Khufus son Haraf built a Sphinx, which was the guardian of the pharaoh. The pyramid contains many mysteries, such as: why do people fall and die when they reach the top of the pyramid? How did the ancients build a pyramid that is so large? Why does something stored in a pyramid not rot over time. These mysteries affect my inner self, so when I grow up, I will first visit the pyramids and explore their wonders.

  I also want to see the beautiful Niagara Falls, which are 185 feet tall and 40 stories tall. When the turbulent waters of the Niagara River rush down steep cliffs, it feels like a powerful force. With the rumbling sound of water, the waterfall splashed up three feet high. I long to board a plane or sit on a hot air balloon, overlooking the rushing waterfall from high altitude; I long to take the elevator, go deep into the underground tunnel, dive into the center of the waterfall, and listen to its earth shattering sound... The majestic Niagara Falls deeply attract me, and one day, I will crawl into your embrace.

  I also want to go to Venice, a famous water city. Venice is the only city in the world without cars, and ships are just the only means of transportation. I imagine sitting on a small boat, freely traversing the streets and alleys of Venice, passing through various bridge openings, and admiring unfamiliar buildings on the shore. I bathed in the warm sunshine, and the cool wind blew in my face, as if I were in a fairytale like world.

  This is my dream, it has given me courage and strength. I want to study hard and believe that one day, I will turn my dreams into reality.






  我的梦想英语作文 12

  I have a dream, which is to open many candy factories and produce various types of candies.

  I can build these factories into a very small town and collectively call them Happy World, and then distribute them to various planets. On each planet, there are two branches and main factories. Factory 1 is responsible for collecting various materials from space and handing them over to Factory 2. Factory 2 then turns them into candy and sells it to the main factory. In this way, we look beautiful and delicious candies are sold.

  The most beautiful planet is Yunduoxing. It snows all year round, but it is warm and the snow scenery is also beautiful, so I love the factory on it the most. Let me tell you about the main factory on this planet. Its shape is heart-shaped, and the roof is also heart-shaped. The heart-shaped pattern on the roof allows for the transformation of animal images. These pictures were collected from Earth, and when you enter the gate, you will find that it is like an amusement park, with slides, swings, many fitness equipment, and a botanical garden. There are many rare plants, flowers, and grass. In fact, these are all made of chocolate because plants need rain, so it will also rain chocolate. When it rains, people living in the joyful world will play the sugar card of not afraid of rain. Umbrella, when youre hungry, grab a handful of grass or flowers at your fingertips, and you wont be hungry after eating them. Remember, adults can only eat three, Children can only eat one handful!

  Our chocolate neighborhood is also very interesting. The houses are made of chocolate, the streets are made of chocolate, the furniture is made of chocolate, and even the cars are made of chocolate. Every street has uneven buildings and trees, and everyone here is very enthusiastic and broad-minded. As long as you are in a place with residential buildings, you dont have to worry about eating or sleeping because the things here are chocolate, and money is also chocolate. Therefore, we have a lot of chocolate here, and you dont have to feel embarrassed to eat at someone elses house or spend their money.

  Alright, this is the factory of my dreams, its great! If there is a chance, you can also come and sit down.
















