
时间:2023-11-01 15:21:02 许清 英语演讲稿 我要投稿





  关于梦想的英文演讲稿 1

ladies and gentlemen:

  Good afternoon!

  I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! To begin with ,I want to ask a question .Does everybody dream a good dream last night? Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you. Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life.

  Everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us. Dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners(水手),we can chart our course by them. With the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer confused.With the dream, there is hope,With hope, we have the strength to fight.

  I have a dream: To be a doctor.,because doctor may relieve the pain of patients. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, those who help others may be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped in the near future ,I might be a doctor.

  But I know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always comfort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead .

  Young!Fortunately, I am young now. Just due to it, I know that nothing is impossible.I firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way. If I cant realize my dream,it result from that I havent work harder enough and I wont find other excuses. If no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right. If you think the god havent blessed you and there is no truth here, you can become the god and create the truth.

  "My breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in Kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains." At some time in the past I also had am bitious words and I had some achievements. Each achievement results from my hard work. I always believe that "If you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder." In some extent, the dream is the hope. If you can insist on doing something, the victory will come.

  Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today. Lets--- move ----out!

  Thank you for your listening!











  关于梦想的英文演讲稿 2

Honorable judges dear teachers and close friends:

  Good afternoon.

  I’m very glad to stand here to share may speech with you,today I am going to talk about dreams。

  Everyone has a dream。

  Martin luther king had a dream-and we can recall his civil rights speech。Phil knight had a dream-and now the whole world knows his nike slogan “just do it”。

  I also have a dream ,but not only a simple one 。

  When I was a small girl,my dream was that I would be a doctor when I grew up. I will be the first person who produces a new medicine. this kind of medicine can make teachers relax when they are busy correcting their students’ exercises and preparing their lessons. because one day when I woke up at midnight, I found my father, a senior Chinese teacher, was still busy with his work .i was deeply moved. I wish my father could be healthy and relaxed every minute.

  But now, I have another dream ,I want to learn English well. I love English , English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on interet and internation trade .learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

  Everyday ,I read English following the tapes .sometimes, I watch english cartoons .on the weekend ,I often go to the English corner .by talking with different people there ,I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English . I ’will try my best 。

  I know fantasy is hard to com ture,bue dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams ,I’ll never give up.

  Thank you!










  关于梦想的英文演讲稿 3

Dear classmates:

  Hello everyone! The topic I am going to talk about today is "Dreams - the Light of Life".

  Everyone has ideals, right? Ideal is gold, shining brightly; Its a diamond, shining and dazzling. But, let alone say that ideals are a shining light on the path of life. Ideal is very important. Stephen Chow has a classic line: "If people dont have dreams, whats the difference between them and salted fish!" Yes, dreams, ideals, people must have them!

  There are many celebrities I like in my life ideal speech, and they all embarked on the path of becoming celebrities because of their ideals. My idol Justin Bieber, when he was 8 years old, saw the performance of big star Usher on TV and said, "I want to be like him too!" The family laughed and said, This is impossible.. But after encountering many cold looks and mockery, he did not give up. At the age of 16, he met Usher in the parking lot and attracted big stars with his clear singing voice, thus becoming the "Little King of Europe and America". This is the power of ideals! He really became a star because of his own words!

  So, how should we move towards our ideals?

  Its very simple, as long as you work hard to practice. I want to be an actor, so I need to actively participate in various sketches and plays; One of my team members wants to become a doctor, so he started reading books about medicine. What do you want to do, you must move in that direction!

  Classmates, speak up your ideals! Because it is a bright light that can illuminate your path in life!

  My speech is over, thank you.




  人生理想演讲稿很多我喜欢的明星,他们都是因为理想而踏上明星之路的。我的偶像Justin Bieber,在8岁的时候看见电视上大明星Usher的表演,说:“我也要像他一样!”家人们听了,都笑起来,说,这不可能。可是遭遇了许多冷眼和嘲笑后,他却没有放弃。在他16岁那年,他在停车场遇见了Usher,用他清亮的歌声吸引了大明星,从而成了“欧美小天王”。这就是理想的力量啊!他因为自己的一句话,而真的成为了明星!





  关于梦想的英文演讲稿 4

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "I Have a Dream".

  I am not a poet, I cannot praise my life with beautiful lines; I am not a scholar and cannot think deeply about my own value; I am not a singer, nor can I sing my future with my beautiful voice.

  I am just a student, but I have my dreams.

  I remember when I was three years old, I walked into the kindergarten gate for the first time and saw the charming big eyes and sweet dimples for the first time. She is my first teacher, Teacher Liu. She always likes to take us to the countryside in spring. Remember, at that time, flowers were always open, grass was always green, the wind was always warm, and we were always happy. Teacher Liu is very happy with us and has never scolded us. She is very tolerant of everything. We all treat her as a mother, pet her in front of her, and sleep in her arms. Unconsciously, the carefree and happy moments of childhood slipped away in our laughter. But the image of Teacher Lius loving mother left a deep impression on me.

  The seeds floating in my ignorant years have already taken root and sprouted in my heart!

  The wind is silent, let our young hearts beat! In this way, the wind will sing; Water is still, making our blood surge! In this way, water will laugh; The mountains are always silent, lets work hard to climb our dreams! In this way, our dreams will bloom and our lives will be brilliant!








  关于梦想的英文演讲稿 5

Teachers and classmates:

  Dreams are the navigation mark of your life, dreams are your beautiful aspirations, dreams are the wings of your ideals. Having dreams is the only way to have a future.

  Everyone has dreams, and everyone looks forward to the future. A life without dreams is like an airplane losing its navigation mark, a ship losing its lighthouse, and ultimately being eliminated by society. Being mediocre is the action of mediocre people, striving for strength is the action of wise people. May I ask, who among the passionate young people here would be willing to live a life of walking corpses? I believe I wont, none of you will.

  When I was a child, I had colorful dreams, and different people would ask me different answers. All these dreams, such as sky shooting stars, although unrealistic, were full of childlike innocence. As I grow older, I gradually understand that people must aspire to long-term goals, rather than constantly striving for them.

  Students, let us light the candle of our dreams with the courage of "confidently living for two hundred years, capable of hitting the water for three thousand miles", and the spirit of "the road is long and long, and I will search up and down". Let us shine with unchanging emotions, release our dreams, and depict a brilliant life. I believe that in the near future, we will make our dreams come true.

  Finally, I would like to invite all the students to extend your hands and let us applaud together for the realization of our dream tomorrow.








  关于时间的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone! The topic of my speech is "Learning to Cherish Time".

  Gorky once said, "Time is the most fair and reasonable, it never gives anyone a penny. The hardworking can leave a string of fruits behind, while the lazy can leave them with white hair and empty hands." We cannot let time linger, but we can do meaningful things every moment. For a person, time is life, time is limited, and when it is lost, life also comes to an end. Living is about realizing value. Why do some people have greater value in their lives, while others have less value in their lives? Take a closer look at what they have done throughout their lives. Some peoples lives are constantly completing meaningful things, and their value is reflected in their studies and work. Only the more things they do, the better they do, and the greater the value of life; On the contrary, if a person constantly wastes time, their life value will be pitifully low.

  Do you love life? So please cherish time, because time is the material that makes up life.

  My speech is over, thank you all!






  关于时间的英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and students:

  Good morning everyone!

  The topic of my speech under the national flag today is "Cherish Time".

  When we were young, our teacher had a riddle: "What is the fastest, slowest, longest, shortest, most ordinary, precious, easily overlooked, and cherished thing?" Young us widened our eyes and didnt know how to answer.

  Without saying a word, the teacher turned around and wrote in capital letters on the blackboard: Time. Since then, the word time has been deeply engraved in my heart, so profound and indelible.

  An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of time is hard to buy. What time is it? The farmer said, "Time is food. The workers say, Time is wealth. The soldier said, Time is victory.

  We say, "Time is progress, time is honor, and time is power." Any work must be completed in a timely manner, any wisdom must be displayed in a timely manner, any life must be born in a timely manner, and any wealth must be created in a timely manner... cherish time, cherish life!

  Time is fair and scalable. If we measure time in minutes, we will spend 59 times more time than those who measure time in hours! Classmates, cherish time, and you will win everything.

  Lets cherish every minute from now on, start today, dont waste every minute of others, be a punctual and trustworthy person!

  Classmates, when you take your backpack out of home, please try saying to yourself, "Hey, come on, new day

  This concludes my speech. Thank you!












  关于时间的英文演讲稿 3

Dear classmates and beloved teachers:

  Hello everyone!

  Tick! Tick! "I firmly believe that everyone in the world knows that this is the sound made by the alarm clock, but how many people in the world know that this is the warning issued by the" Time Old Man "to us, and that it is the" Time Old Man "who takes great care to tell us to cherish time. In this lifetime, there are not many clicks; Not many 24 hours: not many ten years. So, we must cherish everything in front of us.

  Morning is the golden time of the brain. If its wasted, its not just the precious ten minutes wasted, but the whole day of diligent reading that can make up for it. And how many days are there in life?

  The forty minutes of class, although not as important as the morning, are also worth cherishing, because if you want a good grade to repay your parents, you must make good use of this hard-earned forty minutes.

  The ten minutes after class must be everyones favorite. These ten minutes seem to be playing games. In fact, they are helping you relax your nervous brain, so that you can better and faster absorb the essence obtained in class.

  This life of a person, as Xiao Shenyang once said, "With one eye closed, one day passes, and with one eye closed or not, a lifetime passes." I really hope that all classmates cherish their time and study hard.

  Time elders are fair, the speed of time is in their own hands, and only those who truly understand the charm of it are those who cherish time.

  My speech is over, thank you all!



  “滴答!滴答!”我坚信,全世界所有的人都知道这是闹钟转动所发出的声音,可全世界又有多少人知道这是“时间老人”对我们发出的警告,是“时间老人”在煞费苦心的告诉我们应该珍惜时间。 人这一生,没有多少个滴答声;没有多少个24小时:没有多少个十年。所以,一定要珍惜眼前的一切。








  关于自信的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone! Confidence is not blind arrogance, not arrogance, not boasting, but because one believes enough in oneself. Confident and confident people can always smile at everyone, but those with low self-esteem will be timid and leave the impression that this person has no talent.

  Self improvement is not rebellious, not talkative, not indifferent, but can be independent, without worrying about family, friends, or teachers. When encountering problems, do not evade, do not cry, but solve problems, look at yourself, others will look at you.

  Success is not achieved through grinding ones lips. Behind success lies countless sweats and invisible tears. As the saying goes: work one minute on stage and ten years off stage. We always only see the side of others on stage, not the hard work side of others. Many people make excuses for themselves after failure and say, Why didnt I succeed?. If anything happens, I will succeed.

  I have always believed that successful people will never make excuses, and those who make excuses will never succeed. Everyone lives in a world without ifs. If we know everything, why are we still alive?

  Success is when others play and you still work hard, others still have low self-esteem, you have confidence, others still rely on your parents, you have self-improvement and independence, others are still making excuses, and you have started to strive for the next success.

  The secret to success is to constantly strive for self-improvement and progress.








  关于自信的英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  Napoleon once said, There are no impossible words in my dictionary. This is such heroic confidence. Believe in yourself as a valuable person, and you will become a valuable person and do valuable things.

  To live a happy life, one must also have confidence. If you are applying, in front of the recruiter. How can you make others trust you even if you dont have confidence in yourself? Confidence will enable you to create miracles, and you should always believe in yourself. Confidence is also a key to establishing an optimistic attitude towards life, which can open and penetrate your heart. Be a confident person and believe in yourself. If you dont give up, you will always succeed. In the past, when I encountered some failures or difficulties, I was knocked down by low emotions, and even fell into a bottomless abyss. Later, when I achieved certain achievements, I gradually regained confidence in myself. Therefore, my thinking has also changed, and my life is also happy. Failure is equally meaningful, as it is just an occasional setback or stumbling block that will not affect my future happiness.

  Inner confidence is the true confidence! We can lower everything, only the soul cannot lower. As long as we are full of confidence in life, life will be colorful.

  Believe in yourself and let life create honor and value. Anyway, confidence is like a magic wand. Once you establish confidence, you will find that you will change. From today on, be a confident person!

  Thank you all!








  关于自信的英文演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  As the saying goes, "No effort, no gain." Some people have gained success, some have gained courage, some have gained confidence... but I have gained confidence.

  That was in the first semester of fifth grade, when the class was running for class cadres. I really wanted to register, but due to a lack of confidence, I didnt register. After returning home, I told my mother about it. My mother encouraged me and said, "Go ahead." I said, "But I dont have confidence." After listening, my mother smiled and touched my head, saying, "As long as you say in your heart: I am the best, I will definitely be able to do it." After hearing the method my mother taught me, I was half convinced, but still signed up with the intention of giving it a try. On the day of the election, I was extremely nervous, but when I remembered the way my mother called me, I became less nervous. I have always said in my heart: I am the best, I will definitely be able to do it, I am the best, I will definitely be able to do it... When I came on stage, I walked onto the podium with confidence, recited the speech fluently, and there was thunderous applause from the audience.

  In the end, I ran for the study committee with the highest score. The biggest gain I gained from running this time was confidence.

  Confidence has made me a class leader, made me more friends, and filled my life with sunshine.

  Thank you all!









  关于阅读的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  I am a lively and generous, enthusiastic and sensible good child. I would like to talk to you today about the benefits of extracurricular reading.

  Reading can broaden our horizons, and without going out, we can know the worlds affairs. It can improve our reading and writing abilities. It can help us find good jobs. It can help us remain invincible in a fiercely competitive society. Reading can enrich our knowledge. Reading more good books can help us understand scientific knowledge.

  Reading can give us a thousand mile eye. As the saying goes, A scholar who does not go out knows the worlds affairs. Strategize and win for thousands of miles. By reading more books, one can understand the past and present, understand the four directions, and predict many things.

  Reading can inspire us, and reading books about history can stimulate our patriotism.

  Reading can cultivate ones temperament, making oneself gentle and elegant, with a scholarly atmosphere; Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god.

  Reading more can improve writing skills, and writing articles can lead to quick thinking

  In short, loving reading is a good thing, lets all read!

  My speech is over, thank you all!





  读书可以让我们拥有“千里眼” 。俗话说得好“秀才不出门,便知天下事” 。“运筹帷幄,决胜千里” 。多读一些书,能通古今,通四方,很多事都可以未卜先知。






  关于阅读的英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Reading is a pleasure, perhaps you havent felt it yet. When I finish reading a book, I will feel a sense of relaxation and joy, and I will feel that my mind has added another bit of knowledge and joy.

  I feel the wisdom and joy brought by books while reading. Reading always brings new discoveries and gains. Books are the spiritual food for humanity and the nourishment for the continuation of human civilization.

  When I encounter words or phrases that I dont know, I think of books and learn from them; When my mind is blank, I will still search for books to add knowledge to me; When I see others becoming successful, the first thing I want to do is to read. My life cannot do without books, and human life cannot do without books.

  When I am reading a storybook, I feel personally present, imagining myself as the protagonist, thinking about the protagonists thoughts and thoughts. This will be more interesting and bring me sweeter happiness. When I am reading a storybook, I will learn from the good words and sentences in the book, let its knowledge become mine, and imitate writing a composition like this. There are many pleasures to ignore, and it is up to you to discover one by one, When I am sad, I find comfort in books. When I encounter difficulties, I rely on the knowledge I have learned from books to solve them.

  A persons life without books is definitely meaningless. We should make friends with books, couple them with books, be good at reading, keep reading new, and have endless fun.







  关于阅读的英文演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone! I am Xiaoji. Today, I am honored to stand here and share the joy of reading with everyone. The title of my speech is "I Read, I Grow".

  Firstly, I would like to ask everyone, do you enjoy reading? I believe most people will give a positive answer. Because I also love reading. Books - this palace of wisdom, this forest of ideas, this fertile field of civilization, encompassing everything, and containing treasures, how can they not make people intoxicated and linger? Whether its a brilliant morning or a dusk filled with smoke; Whether its a moonlit night or a stormy night, when I open my book, I forget all the sadness and loneliness, and my heart is filled with joy and peace. As a result, the nectar of drinking knowledge slowly grows.

  Yes, it was reading that transformed me from an ignorant child to a middle school student who had a preliminary understanding of the world and began to understand how to think. Reading fairy tales, I enter a pure and beautiful world. When I saw that the little mermaid gave up three hundred years of life and turned into foam in the sea for the sake of the prince I loved, I couldnt help crying. That day, I lingered by the stream all afternoon, watching the clear water, thinking about the kindness and beauty of the mermaid. An indescribable sadness and sincere emotion occupied my young heart. And when I saw the protagonist in the fairy tale overcome evil with courage and wisdom, I was overjoyed and applauded, and thus I began to understand truth, goodness, and beauty.






  关于科技的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  Technology has changed our lives and greatly improved our quality of life! Speaking of technology, his contribution is really significant! If you dont believe it, Ill tell you if you believe it or not! In the summer, I want to drink a cup of yogurt to quench my thirst, but when I see the scorching sun outside, Im too lazy to go out. But what if I really want to drink yogurt? Haha, if you want to drink yogurt now, you dont have to go out. The yogurt machine is our good helper! Just prepare some materials and evenly divide them into 6 small cups of the yogurt machine in the ratio of 100g pure white yogurt, 70g white sugar, and 1000g milk, and cover them; Put them one by one into the yogurt machine and cover them; Set the time to 4-5 hours. When it is completed, it will solidify into a flat lake like a mirror, like bean curd jelly served with sauce, and it will succeed; Immediately refrigerate for 6-12 hours or more after completion for further purification of the yogurt. Do it in the morning and eat it in the evening.

  Set aside a small cup of yogurt as a starter for the next time; Mix an appropriate amount of your favorite jam or seasonal fruits, then ice them down for a better taste! Is it very convenient? How does a convenient yogurt machine come from? Thats right. Now we have such a convenient yogurt machine thanks to technology. Of course, Im just giving an example. Technology has a great contribution! For example, todays ice cream machines, online shopping, induction cookers, microwaves, telephones, computers, televisions, the internet... its indescribable! Technology is changing our lives, and we can never do without it!





  关于科技的英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Good morning everyone! I am Li xx from Class 2, Grade 4. Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is: Technology is with us.

  Where the spring breeze blows, there will always be a vibrant place left; On the way that the autumn wind passes, it always leaves behind the joy of a bountiful harvest; What has been moistened by rain and dew is the fragrance of birds and flowers. So, classmates, lets think about what technology has permeated?

  From ancient drilling for fire to todays electronic lighting; From ancient hiking to todays space travel; From the massive computers of the 1940s to the handheld computers that have swept the world today, scientists have devoted their entire lives to injecting infinite and active energy into technology and innovation with their knowledge and wisdom. Qian Xuesen has made significant contributions to the development of Chinas rocket and missile technology. Deng Jiaxian, known as the "Two Bomb Heroes," was developed by Chinas nuclear weapons, while Yuan Longping was hailed as the "father of hybrid rice". Their success naturally stems from technology, which has left a witness to Chinas footsteps.

  Today, we sit in a spacious and bright classroom, listening to the teachers witty and humorous teaching of technological knowledge, wandering in the ocean of science. Those scientific phenomena that are worth exploring, unexpected scientific experiments, and hands-on and intelligent technological inventions will all stimulate our passion for falling in love with science. As long as we have a curiosity to explore and inquire, a spirit of diligence and fearlessness, and a rigorous and serious scientific attitude, I believe that every bit of accumulation will become the driving force for us to drive the ship of technology and leap forward into the future. Classmates, lets start from now on as a dedicated person who loves science, shining our childish but intelligent eyes to discover the technology around us. In the future, you or I will definitely use the skills learned today to dress up our more vibrant lives!






  关于科技的英文演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "Technology is by Our Side. In the golden autumn of October, after more than a month of intensive preparation, the" Fourth Science "will be held in our school this week and will be launched with a grand introduction of your small inventions, small productions, science fiction paintings, and science fiction components, showcasing your unique ideas.

  Science and technology are no strangers to us, because we live every day with the achievements of technology, and we enjoy the achievements of science and technology every day. Perhaps you havent noticed yet, perhaps you will find a question: "Where is technology?" You see, technology is just around the corner: the phone, my hand, just a flagpole, every day we watch TV, computers, washing machines, rockets, satellites, spaceships... Classmates, can you say that I am already connected to technology? Because technology and life are closely related.

  Everyone should have the experience of not being able to peel boiled eggs. What should we do? A natural egg, the eggshell will magically split. What is this principle? Initially, this was the role of "heat expansion and cold contraction".

  It is not difficult to find in life that the trunk of a tree is conical. We want to ask you: Why conical boxes? What are the advantages of conical tree trunks?

  Life as long as we follow an observation, thinking, and striving to start, the term technological invention is not farfetched. Perhaps a bit of a faucet is our inspiration, perhaps a box of future patented inventions, perhaps a mirror, a hanger... Perhaps there are scientists among us in the future

  Our inventions may be crude... our small papers may not be mature... their existence may be too small and naive compared to nanotechnology... but no one will deny them... because today they may be the next generation of products in future science and technology, flying away!

  In fact, technology is not as good as we imagine. As long as we are good at observing life, we discover that technology is around us. We hope that students have a pair of key sciences and technologies that are good at discovering, and create more technological achievements!

  Finally, I hope that our schools Fourth Science Festival will achieve a complete success!












  保护环境的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Good morning

  The environment is the most basic condition for human survival. If we destroy the environment, it is equivalent to destroying the conditions for our survival.

  There is a small river near my grandmothers house, which used to be clear and bottomless. When my sister and brother were young, they used to swim in the river and play with their friends in the water. uncles and aunts also used to wash clothes and vegetables in this small river... Now, a chemical factory has been built by the river to discharge the production wastewater into the river. The originally clear and bottomless river has gradually become a black and smelly small river. Adults no longer go to the small river to wash clothes and vegetables, and friends no longer play in the river……

  How I miss that clear and bottomless river! I think: cherishing resources and taking care of the environment are all great things that have contributed to the present, future, and future generations! If we continue to pollute water like this, the water resources we can use will become less and less. If we damage the environment, we are destroying our living conditions.

  Lets join hands and protect the environment together. Dont let fresh water turn into sewage. Protecting the environment is our common responsibility!

  Thank you.








  保护环境的英文演讲稿 2

Dear classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  The Earth is our beautiful home and also the place where we live together. Once our home was very beautiful, with green trees and red flowers, fresh air, birds singing and fragrant flowers, and a beautiful environment. Nowadays, our home has become shocking, with piles of garbage in the village, dusty roads, polluted rivers... Our home has lost its former beauty, and our lives and health have also been threatened. What is the reason for this? These are all caused by us.

  Why do some countries use Chinese characters to write prompts in tourist areas: "Dont litter? Because it reminds us that there are some unethical people in our country who litter or spit on the road, these countries will very much remind us not to litter.

  Classmates, you throw a piece of garbage, he throws a piece of garbage, everyone on Earth throws a piece of garbage, and the Earth becomes a piece of garbage. Please take action to protect the environment and jointly create our beautiful home!

  Thank you all!







  保护环境的英文演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Today, I came onto the stage to appeal to my classmates: protect the environment! Due to humans demanding too much from nature, nature has already taken revenge, earthquakes, floods, mudslides... but humans have not taken it to heart. We always throw garbage one step away from the trash can; The sewage discharged from work windows and factories flows into the pond, and there is also some white garbage in the pond - flipping fish.

  Last year was an Olympic year, advocating for civilization, greenery, and environmental protection. Nowadays, there are countless occurrences of sandstorms, and even the capital of China, Beijing, occasionally experiences sandstorms and mudslides. Floods often occur in the areas of Jiangsu and Hunan in China, causing many people to lose their homes and loved ones. According to statistics, 150 million people worldwide lose their homes due to floods every year. The Earth is no longer as glorious as before, it is the cradle of humanity. She is now scarred and exhausted. If the Earth is destroyed by humans, where will we live? Isnt the civilization that has lasted for tens of thousands of years destroyed by itself?

  Protecting the environment is everyones responsibility, lets start from ourselves and protect the environment well!






  关于微笑的英文演讲稿 1

Dear classmates:

  The title of my speech is "Smiling and Facing Learning Life".

  Learning is a river, with ups and downs, as well as stillness and movement; Learning is like a glass of wine, sweet and sour, spicy and bitter; Learning is like a play, with both laughter and tears, winning and losing; Learning is like a song that sings the joys and sorrows of life, honing us into maturity and wisdom; He contains thunder and lightning, ever-changing winds and clouds, as well as sunrise and sunset, and the scorching heat of winter. No matter what the weather is like, we should face our learning and life with a smile

  In learning, if we help others, we are equivalent to helping ourselves. Dont think our efforts are in vain, any help we give will be rewarded - sincere friendship, sincere gratitude, and helping ourselves.

  Perhaps in a certain year or month, you received a greeting card filled with gratitude and blessings. Just as you felt inexplicable, you may have already forgotten how many math problems you had taught him or analyzed several Chinese language problems. In such a casual way, we gained something that would benefit us for a lifetime.

  Because there are still many people around us who are stumbling, they are in the midst of sowing. Due to various reasons, we have fallen behind us. As fellow travelers, we should not hesitate to "reach out" and give them a hand.

  As Sadi said, "If mosquitoes charge together, elephants will also be conquered

  So, lets face learning and life with a smile and overcome difficulties together! Defeat the high school entrance examination battle of xx!

  This concludes my speech.

  Thank you all!











  关于微笑的英文演讲稿 2

Dear classmates:

  Hello everyone! The theme of my speech today is "The Charm of Smiles".

  Smile is a language of communication; Smile is a special charm; A smile is a window that opens the heart; A smile is the paving stone to a better future.

  When you smile slightly at your uncle or aunt, there is a hint of warmth in their hearts; When you smile at the disabled, they will see the good wishes you convey to them; When you give someone a smile, they will also give you a smile, and our hearts and those of others will feel warmth and happiness.

  A smile can bring a hint of warmth to others. It was a refreshing afternoon, and I was walking down the stairs with my classmates to wait in line for the bus when I met an aunt who was sweeping the floor. I said to her affectionately and with a smile, "Hello aunt!" (because today the teacher just mentioned that if we smile at someone, they will be very happy. Even in a very angry situation, they will be happy and happy). After thinking about it, I immediately went to observe the aunts face: her face smiled like a flower, like a peach blossom blooming in the wind. I think this is probably a special charm of smiling!

  Smile may seem like a very ordinary body language, but it is a messenger who conveys warmth, love, and good wishes, and it is also an indispensable expression in our lives!







  关于微笑的英文演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  Smile is the most beautiful language that can draw strength from difficulties.

  In first grade, my math grades were very poor and I never scored 40 on the exam. There was a test that I felt I did well and was full of confidence in myself. When I handed out the math papers, I looked forward to passing this time. But when the teacher reads my score, I only get 33 points!

  I was very frustrated, and what made me even sadder was that my score was the lowest in the class. My classmates all laughed at me, and my tears rolled in my eyes. At this moment, the teacher walked up to my seat and said to me with a smile, "Its okay, as long as you work hard, I believe in you." After hearing the teachers words, my heart felt much better.

  Whenever I meet a math teacher, she always smiles and nods at me. I think the teacher really cares about me.

  From then on, I was full of confidence and worked hard every day. Every time I returned home, I would do my homework first after dinner, and after finishing my homework, I would read a book. For some reason, I became more and more interested in reading, and my grades gradually improved. Now, I can get over 70 points in every math test. Although my grades are not good yet, I am very happy with my progress.

  Teacher, I cant forget the smile you gave me when I was feeling down. Thank you for the comfort you gave me when my grades were at their worst.










  关于动物的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  Have you noticed recently that you cant hear the birds chirping around you? Many animals have also disappeared, and many have even been abused. Therefore, the theme of my speech today is to protect animals, and everyone has a responsibility.

  Everyone should see the Live Bear Takes Gall incident in the newspaper! How cruel people are in the face of enormous benefits! They make a big hole in the gallbladder of a black bear every day, extend a plastic tube into the bears bile, and extract bile from the bears bile.

  Poor black bear, due to the blockage of the plastic tube, the wound will never heal. As time goes by, the wounds will rot and stink, and the black bear will endure immense pain. The older the black bear, the less bile it secretes.

  People directly take out bear bile, even cut off bear paws, and sell them at high prices to those who buy bear bile. The poor black bear will be thrown into the wilderness, and people will no longer care about its life or death.

  Some manufacturers keep geese in a small iron cage in order to produce the fattest goose liver. To prevent geese from exercising excessively and reducing fat, cages can only allow geese to stand or lie down. You cant even turn around! Some geese cant even get out of their cages for a lifetime.

  In order to better satisfy their desires, people completely ignore the emotions of animals. In order to obtain precious bear bile and delicious goose liver, they invented various tools that they believed were very great, but in fact, they were engaging in a cruel torture of animals.

  Classmates, can you imagine the black bear being tormented by the pain of the wound? Can you imagine that white goose being confined in a small cage? Can you imagine how painful it would be for a black bear to be cut off? Can you imagine a white goose unable to walk a step from birth to death?

  Therefore, I would like to call on everyone to protect animals, prevent them from being abused and harmed, and let humans and animals live in harmony and become good friends!

  This concludes my speech. Thank you all!












  关于动物的英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Roasted chicken; Roast duck; All kinds of game have long been a common dish on the dining table. There have also been many TV programs on saving advanced protected animals, advocating for people around the world to protect them. But why do some animals and people go to all costs to save them, while others are placed on the dining table for people to enjoy? Isnt it advocating for animal protection?

  The answer is simple, because the animals that people save at all costs are called "advanced protection", while the ones placed on the dining table are called "poultry". Why? They are also lively and lovely living entities; They are also obedient children loved by their parents; They are also collectively referred to as animals by people. But why? Rare animals need to be protected, while many need to be eaten. This side is labeled as "protecting animals", while the other side is munching on chicken, duck, and fish meat. Why are those high-end individuals protected from birth and living a more comfortable life than some vulnerable groups, while poultry are raised from birth, waiting for them to be cruelly slaughtered, and then made into various delicacies that are set on the dining table to eat their meat.

  Isnt their life life life? Why treat them like this? If one day we were to be killed by them and made into various delicacies for them to enjoy, what would our own feelings be?

  Although I am not a great writer and cannot touch your hearts with beautiful sentences, what I want to say is always one thing: life should be respected, and we have no right to decide the life and death of others. Raising them is at best an act of love.

  Their lives are also lives. After reading, please protect the weak lives around you. Thank you!








  我的大学梦英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  The topic of my speech today is "My University and My Dreams".

  In my opinion, living is good, but whether life has meaning or not is another matter. Every day you live, the sun rises and you see the sun set. You will be able to see dawn, sunset, the moon rising and falling, and stars all over the sky. This is the most perfect meaning.

  But I think that while enjoying life, we also need to pursue, pursue our dreams, and have our own expectations. In college life, some people will waste their lives meaningless, while others will apply what they have learned, resulting in differences. In high school, I imagined my college life and planned my own life. When I became a college student, I denied most of my ideas. After going to college for a month, I basically denied it. In college, we have ample time and no intimate arrangements like in high school, which gives us time to pursue our own expectations. We must be firm, even if the enemy ahead is strong, we must show courage and sword.

  I have a self motto, Do things like a mountain, be a person like water. Work like a mountain, and when I set my goals, I will steadfastly pursue them. Even if there are thorns ahead and the road is bumpy, I dont want to easily let go of my pursuit. The college dream is different for each of us, and the level of pursuit also varies. My dream is not like others. I dream of becoming a great person and making selfless contributions to others. I am not as great as them. My dream may be mundane or unrealistic, but it will be my lifelong pursuit—— Pursuing reality, fighting the sky like an eagle, and having eyes like a snow wolf to search for prey, this is my dream.

  My speech is over, thank you.







  我的大学梦英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and classmates:

  The topic of my speech that day is my college dream.

  Everyone has a dream, and every dream has its value. Dreams are the strength for us to move forward; Dreams are proof of our youth; Dreams are the benefit of our existence. A life without dreams is incomplete. Youth is like a long journey. Every distant place has a temptation for us. Its not tempting to be beautiful, its tempting to be legendary. For us high school students, university is that distant place, shrouded in a mysterious veil. Not far away, swaying the temptation, some people say that strolling around the university campus holding the lovers hand is a romantic thing. Some people say that there are so many books in the university library. Traveling through the sea of books and experiencing the charm of literature is undoubtedly a happy thing. Some people say that universities are crazy, free, indulgent, and decadent. In my eyes: university is heaven, university is a paradise, and university is a country where dreams bloom. I have a university dream. It is precisely because of this dream that I entered the campus. Started my long journey of learning. No matter the extreme cold or rain, it never stops. Sweat soaked the clothes, the cold wind pricked the cheeks, and along the way, there were mockery, sarcasm, support, and encouragement. I dont care about anything. Because I have always been on the road, pursuing my dreams, I have always worked hard for my dreams. Dreams that are mocked have value in realization. After studying hard for more than ten years, we are like butterflies in the cocoon, one day we will break through the cocoon. A year later, when we received the heavy college admission notice, I thought everything was worth it at this moment. I think I will burst into tears or be overjoyed. At that time, I could proudly declare to the world that I am a college student. We are young, we never give up. Youth soars, confidence soars. Lift up your noble head and bravely stride forward. Classmates, let me make a university promise: I will meet you at university one year later. Let us bid farewell to the scorching summer, support the bountiful autumn, interpret our vows with youth, and forge our future glory with sweat. Youth has dreams, bravely pursue them. Young friends. Let go.

  Thank you all, my speech is over.



  每个人都有梦想,每个梦想都有它的可贵之处。梦想,是我们前行的力量;梦想,是我们青春的证明;梦想是我们存在的好处。没有梦想的人生是不完整的。青春就像是一场远行。每个遥远的地方对于我们来说都有一种诱惑。不是诱惑于美丽,便是诱惑于传说。对于我们高中生来说,大学就是那个遥远的地方,披着神秘的面纱。在不远的地方,摇曳诱惑,有人说,挽着恋人的手漫步大学校园,是一件浪漫的事情。有人说,大学图书馆里的书真多啊。遨游书海,感受文学的魅力,无疑是件幸福的事情。有人说,大学是疯狂的,大学是自由的,大学是放纵的,大学是颓废的。而在我的眼中:大学是天堂,大学是乐园,大学是梦怒放的国度。我有一个大学梦。正因这个梦想,我踏进了校园。开始了我的漫漫求学路。不论严寒酷署,不论刮风下雨,从未间断。汗水浸湿了衣衫,寒风刺痛了双颊,一路上有嘲笑,有讥讽,有支持,有鼓励。我统统都不在乎。正因我一向在路上,在追梦的路上,我一向为我的梦想而发奋着。被嘲笑的梦想才有实现的'价值。寒窗苦读十几载,我们就像蛹巢里的蝴蝶,终有一日会破茧而出。一年之后当我们收到沉甸甸的大学录取通知时,我想此刻一切都是值得的。我想我会泪流满面,亦或是欣喜若狂。那时我就能够满怀骄傲地向世人宣告:我是一名大学生。我们年轻,我们永不言败。青春飞扬,自信昂扬。抬起你高贵的头颅,勇敢大步地向前冲吧。同学们,让我立下一个大学之约:一年之后大学见。让我们告别盛夏的流火,硬撑金秋的丰硕,用青春诠释我们的誓言,用汗水锻造我们明日的辉煌。青春有梦,勇敢去追。年轻的朋友们。Let go。



  我的偶像英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone! My idol, she is not only my classmate, but also my best friend - Xiaomeng. Although he is a very ordinary person, his spirit is worth learning from.

  I remember one time, after class, I went to his seat and saw her reading quietly with a book. I was standing next to her, but she didnt notice my presence at all. I looked at her and didnt want to disturb her, so I turned around and left. I know shes a bookworm. Another time, I lost my pencil case at home. Later, I went to ask her to borrow a pen, and she took two pens from her pencil case and gave them to me. I said, One pen is enough.. She had to give me two pens, and I was very moved at that time. I knew he was really a good person who helped others. I am very grateful for helping me in a timely manner when I was in difficulty. Although this incident occurred for a long time, I still remember it vividly.

  She is Xiaomeng, the person I admire and admire the most. Her spirit of helping others is worth learning from!





  我的偶像英文演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  I have an idol who is our homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhang.

  Teacher Zhang has jet black hair, eyes as big and bright as grapes, lips as red as cherries, and skin as beautiful as Snow White. With a slim figure, Teacher Zhang is flawless.

  Teacher Zhang is very knowledgeable. She has read many, many books and leads us to explore the ocean of books every day, allowing us to freely enjoy the pleasure of reading. During class, Teacher Zhang walked into the classroom with a smile on her face. She taught us in beautiful language and looked at each student with friendly eyes. If a child made a small gesture, the teacher would stare at him with a sharp gaze, as if saying, "Be attentive in class!" Teacher Zhang is very strict with us. She said she wouldnt let us copy, thats for our good. If some students copy, Teacher Zhang will ask them to sit on the podium and do their homework. After class, Teacher Zhang will become children and play happily with us, always making us laugh heartily.

  We love Teacher Zhang very much, and Teacher Zhang also loves us very much. Finally, we wish our dear Teacher Zhang eternal youth, prosperity, happiness every day, and all the best!







  我的偶像英文演讲稿 3

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  My idol is Uncle Lei Feng, a hero of the people. He has done countless good deeds in his life and is deeply loved by the people. Unfortunately, he passed away young and left us early. I admire him because I was moved by one of his short stories. It was a cold night, and when Lei Feng got up to add fire to the stove, he saw a big hole in his teammates blanket, cotton wool floating out of the hole, and his teammates were still on guard. He did not hesitate, One hand picked up his own quilt, the other hand grabbed a knife, and forcefully scratched it against his own quilt. The cover of the quilt was torn, revealing snow-white cotton wool. He took out the snow-white cotton wool, leaving only a small part for himself. He grabbed the cotton wool and carefully stuffed it into his teammates quilt. After filling the hole, he picked up a needle and patched it one by one. He was afraid that the hole would break open again, so he sewed several more times until he couldnt even see the seam, Its almost time for a job change, he quickly sewed up his own quilt, put on his own clothes, and went to the job change.

  The silent night was dotted with starlight, only the sleeping teammates and the standing guard Lei Feng.

  Lei Feng, although you are not a leader, you will always be unforgettable. Although you are not a poet, your poems and essays will remain here tonight. Although you are no longer here, your spirit is widely used now: as an educational subject, passing on your spirit to our next generation; As a holiday, let us understand the principles of helping others and enjoying ourselves







  关于友谊的英文演讲稿 1

Dear teachers and classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  Firstly, I am honored to stand on the podium and speak. Thank you for your trust in me over the years, which has given me such an opportunity to give a speech.

  Time flies, we are about to enter sixth grade, only one step away from middle school. Perhaps we have all been noisy and happy before; Perhaps we once distrusted each other and looked coldly at each other; Or maybe its just a little bit of a fuss. Anyway, we are all a collective, and our mutual friendship is unparalleled.

  Elementary school is only six years old, but it seems like a thread that has tightly connected and inseparable us in the first five years. Also, please do not intentionally break this thread again, because the name of this thread is Friendship.

  Cherishing the hard won friendship is something that every one of us should do. In fact, when you look back, our collective has only been maintained for a maximum of six years. These six years are like a flash in the pan.

  There is only one year left in primary school, and perhaps by the time we are twenty, we have already forgotten these things. Although these six years cannot determine our life, they can lay a solid foundation for our path in life. So, cherish the hard won friendship. Because when we think about it at the age of twenty, we feel so beautiful.








  关于友谊的英文演讲稿 2

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

  Hello everyone!

  My speech today is My Friendship . Friendship is the deep friendship between friends, a pure and flawless emotion. Friendship can help people get rid of troubles and loneliness. Friendship can make people sincerely melt the frost in others hearts from the bottom of their hearts.

  Finding friends is a challenge, maintaining friends is like having two men. Marx once said, "Friendship always needs to be sown with loyalty, watered with enthusiasm, cultivated with principles, and nurtured with understanding!" If you regard friends as tools that you can drive, then you will have no chance with friendship!

  Since having friendship, I am no longer fragile. When you fall on the path of life, the word give up completely occupies your heart. But this is when my friends lift me up and remind me to be strong. How can the long road of life be without thorns? If you stumble and fall down, how can you experience the joy of life by giving up? These words filled me with hope again.

  I say to you, "Meeting you is the greatest and best gift from heaven in life! You have made me feel selfless care and sincere friendship. Your smile lingers in my ears, your gentle memory is still fresh, your words are still in my ears.

  In the deepest and deepest part of my heart, I believe in this subtle friendship, with no desires or demands!

  If friendship is a beautiful poem, then friends are the essence of that poem. Friendship is the sun that never sets, let friends enter your heart and nourish your soul!










  英文的演讲稿 1

Ladies and gentlemen:

  Hi everybody.

  Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful.

  Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind. The virtue of the Chinese nation-industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world. Einsteins theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly.

  Beauty is around us. If you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you. Wonderful natural spots, historical relics,fine arts, splendid buildings, and kind people are just a few inches away.

  Thank you.







  英文的演讲稿 2

My dear teachers:

  My nameis Wu xx. I am 11 years old, and I am a fifth grade student.

  I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well, which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports, such as dancing, skating, biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music, especially thepop music, which makes me feel relax. I love English, too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day.

  I have manyfriends. I often study and play with Ke Jingqi and Zhu Si huai. Sometimes, wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me, too.

  Thatsall! Thank you for your attention.






  英文的演讲稿 3

Ladys and gentlemen :

  As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.

  When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese... I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English. I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us . I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too. I am sure that I will realize my dream one day! Thank you!














