
时间:2023-05-31 11:29:02 演讲稿 我要投稿
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  Teachers and students:

  Good morning, everyone!

  With the New Year's Day coming, we will enter a new year, start a new round of journey and look forward to our bright future. In this beautiful moment of looking forward to the future and wishing for tomorrow, we all have new feelings and hopes in our hearts. In the past year, every new progress of the school has brought us joy and happiness. These gains come from the hard work of all teachers and students. Therefore, at this moment, please allow me to extend my high respect and New Year's greetings to the teachers who have worked hard. In the past 20xx years, every teacher worked hard to guide students to constantly improve their cultural knowledge, improve their spiritual realm, broaden their horizons, and gradually appreciate the bright scenery of cultural and scientific knowledge.

  Dear students, the final exam of this semester is coming. At this critical sprint stage, I believe that every student will review and summarize carefully as always, and make progress step by step towards success. "Diligence produces genius", which is a banner that will never fade, and it will always inspire us to pursue and explore constantly. If you are not satisfied with your current performance, and realize that this is your progress, please remember: your efforts will not fail those who have a heart. Hurry to seize the moment. With the spirit of hard work and dedication, review and consolidate the knowledge you have learned, try to play your best in the final exam, and get excellent results to repay yourself, teachers and parents.

  Students, may the bell of the New Year turn into the best wishes for you. I wish you every day is bright and colorful, and every day is a good start!

  thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  I'm xxxx from Class 1, Grade 2.

  Learn to love your motherland. Whenever I wear a red scarf, I know that I am an upright Chinese, and I have a patriotism. Although I'm still young and can't do much, I know how to love my mother. The motherland is the mother who nurtures me. She lets me learn knowledge in school and grow up healthily. Today, in our new school, xxxx Experimental School, we swear: "We must study hard, keep fit, and serve the motherland in the future." Let's start from a young age. We should work hard to learn all subjects well; At the same time, we should read more books, newspapers and magazines suitable for our pupils in our spare time. Now, let's also use the adage "knowledge is power" to encourage ourselves to be a new generation who loves science and write more brilliant poems for the future of our motherland!

  Learn to love your parents, your teachers, your friends, and everyone around you. Let love come into our life and make our life colorful.

  Teachers are the hardest. They are the leaders of our growth. Let's give warm applause to every teacher who has worked hard for us. I wish the teachers a smooth job! Healthy and happy! I wish you all good results and new progress in the new year!

  Thank you, my speech is over!



  Dear teachers and students

  The train of time has taken us to a new station - 20xx has quietly left. Then, we will take the New Year's train to set out on time and move towards our future together!

  As we bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, we are excited to recall the past year. In this year, we have enjoyed, dreamed and worked together. We are glad that we have not wasted this year, and we are happy that we have grown up healthily in this year. Maybe there will be some regrets, but we will take these regrets as our valuable experience and wealth in life, because we believe that we will do better!

  The year starts again and everything is renewed. We are one year older. We are no longer naughty children who don't understand the world. The cultivation of teachers and the watering of knowledge have enabled us to have our own thoughts and lofty ideals. In this promising new year, we will work hard to live up to the instructions of teachers and parents, and live up to this beautiful era. Even if we fall down, we will get up again and never lose heart. We are like bright flowers, which will bloom more brightly in the new year. I believe that we will be proud of ourselves and believe that the new year will be even better!

  Looking back on the relentless passage of years and looking forward to the long road ahead, how can one not seriously think about the past years and explore the true meaning of life? The years are quiet, the life is still the same, and many stories are depositing. Such a life is dull, but it is also full. I like simple and plain life, and I like to make myself as real as possible. As long as I feel that I am right, that I care about myself and that I love myself, I have no regrets.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  Dear students, time flies, day and month go by like a shuttle, and it will be another year in the twinkling of an eye. This week, we will reluctantly send off the unforgettable 20xx year and joyfully welcome the new 20xx year. This Sunday is the New Year's Day we have been looking forward to for a long time. One yuan is the beginning, and everything is renewed. Dear students, the new year is coming, history will turn a new page, and our life will enter a new journey.

  Everything is new. And we will also welcome our final exam. Students, the final exam is like a big parade of teachers and parents. We should be energetic and energetic to accept the big review from teachers. New year has a new look. We should redouble our efforts, study hard and work hard. Under the guidance of our teachers, we should carefully review all subjects and strive to achieve good results in the final exam.

  Finally, I wish students happy holidays and happy growth!

  This is the end of my speech. Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Happy New Year!

  With the end of 20xx and the coming of 20xx, a new year and a new starting point, let's look forward to a better future together. Let's dust off our bodies together, bathe our bodies and minds with the smell of the New Year, and let's turn our spirits back, lift the sail of hope in the new year, and set sail for the ideal of life. I think: everyone has their own good wishes in the new year. I also have a wish. I hope all the students in xxxx Primary School can become good students who are polite and civilized. So in the new year, we should all learn to be human and do things.

  Learn to be a human being, which is a problem we all have to face. No matter how much knowledge and wealth a person has, if he does not know the truth of being a man, he will not achieve real success and happiness in the end. As far as we are concerned, we should use the "Daily Code of Conduct for Primary School Students" to restrain ourselves. According to the requirements of comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique, we should cultivate good moral character, learn scientific and cultural knowledge, exercise a strong physique, cultivate noble aesthetic taste, and be a good student at school, a good child at home, and a good teenager in society. Learning to be a man is not a temporary achievement for everyone, but a task and test to face at all times and everywhere in life. Here, I sincerely appeal to you to take action and strive to be a good student who is civilized and polite.

  Finally, I sincerely wish you all progress and good health in the new year; I wish teachers a happy family and happiness forever. I wish our school a thriving and prosperous life. Thank you!









