


标签:英语作文 时间:2022-10-22
【ruiwen.com - 英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  My mother looks young.She has long hair.She is a teacher and she is teaching English in a middle school.

  She is very kind and hardworking.She likes her students.

  Her lessons are very interesting and all her students like her.

  She does all the housework for the family.She can cook delicious food.

  I love her very much.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇2


  My mother cares about the basic necessities of life, now she is in my every thing, although as a child told repeatedly, but don't forget to help me prepare, whenever I meet what the emergency situation, she always take care of me.


标签:英语作文 时间:2022-10-22
【ruiwen.com - 英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study. In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me.

  When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself.

  Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it.

  Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes.

  She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇2


  My mother has a round face, big eyes, of medium build, a smile will show a tiger.


标签:其他类英语作文 时间:2022-10-21
【ruiwen.com - 其他类英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文300字 篇1

  我有一个世界上最可爱的妈妈。I have the most lovely mother in the world.她有一头乌黑的长发,她有两道浓黑的眉毛,像两个弯弯的月芽,还有一张小的嘴巴。She has long black hair, two thick black eyebrows, like two curved buds of the moon, and a small mouth.妈妈笑起来的时候嘴角往上翘。妈妈很勤劳,很善良。Mom's mouth cocked up when she laughed. Mother is very hard-working and kind.在母亲节里,我给妈妈送上一份厚礼,我深情地说:“妈妈,我爱你”!On Mother's day, I gave my mother a big gift. I said affectionately, "Mom, I love you"!

我的妈妈英语作文300字 篇2

  My mother is a junior high school teacher. She teaches English.


标签:其他类英语作文 时间:2022-10-19
【ruiwen.com - 其他类英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文300字 篇1


  我妈妈对我非常严格,她几乎让我把所有的`时间都用于学习。如果我在考试中得了高分,她就奖励我。但每当我考得不好的时候优秀作文 专注写作 ,她便小棍子伺候。她的教育哲学就是“孩子不打不成器”。可我确实知道学习的重要性。妈妈,总是那样惩罚我不会有任何好的效果,那只能扼杀我学习的兴趣。你能理解么,妈妈?

  My mom is strict with me very much. She makes me study almost all the time. When I get high marks in the exam, she awards me. But when I get low marks, she beats me. She only knows, "spare the rod and spoil the child." But I do know the importance of study. To always punish me that way can do no good, mom. It can only kill my interests in studying. Can you understand, mom?


标签:其他类英语作文 时间:2022-10-17
【ruiwen.com - 其他类英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文600字 篇1

  My mother is a senior high school English teacher. Under standably, she wanted her daughter to pick up English early to give her an edge to later study, which I did not understand at the age of eight. I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words. I wondered what pleasure Mother seemed to have found in teaching me A,B, C.

  Wasn't teaching at school tire some enough for her? I went on strike, refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe Mother tried to be with me. For the first time in my life, Mother beat me, imprinting on my mind. The physical pain was gone long, long ago. But I have finally come to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience, and I ache at her pain.


标签:其他类英语作文 时间:2022-10-16
【ruiwen.com - 其他类英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye. And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, she will sing many songs.

  I love my mother; my mother loves me, too. We are very happily.


  我妈妈是一个医生。她的英文名字是艾米。她三十五岁了。她很漂亮。她有一头长长的秀发和一双黑黑的眼睛。她有一张小嘴和小小的鼻子。我非常爱我的妈妈。她擅长烹饪。她喜欢唱歌。每天,她都要唱很多的歌。 我爱我的妈妈,我妈妈也爱我。我们都很开心。


标签:其他类英语作文 时间:2022-10-14
【ruiwen.com - 其他类英语作文】


  我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

  In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it.

  Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

  I love my mother.

  我的妈妈英语作文 篇2

  In the hearts of each of us, will feel our own mother, is the best mother in the world. I am naturally no exception. In my heart, my mother and all the mother, are very great.


标签:英语作文 时间:2022-10-12
【ruiwen.com - 英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  My mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she has been the village doctor. She has a small clinic that she prepares medicine and treats small injuries, and also sells canned powder milk. Our house has people in and out at all hours of the day and night. The villagers always like to come to her clinic to see the doctor and to meet their neighbors, too. Almost all the villagers come to my mother when their baby is due. My mother is very good at predicting the day the baby will come. Sometimes my mother will not get enough sleep if the babies come late at night or early in the morning. There are special rooms for the mother and baby, and usually they stay at the doctor's house about twenty-four hours. We always like to see the new babies get their first bath because they look so red and small. All the village people know and trust my mother because she is such a quiet, kind, and experienced friend of theirs.


标签:英语作文 时间:2022-10-12
【ruiwen.com - 英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  My mother and thousands of ordinary mothers are concerned about loving their children. But in my mind, my mother is like other people's mother, because mom is the best in my mind.

  Mother is not the most beautiful among her peers, but my mother's kindly face and hardworking hands make me feel beautiful. My mother likes to wear a white shirt with a pair of black trousers, which is extraordinarily spiritual. My mother had long black hair and big bright eyes, showing the radiance of love. My mother is medium, slightly fat, wrinkled in his hands, and a lot of calluses on his palm. My mother says it is work for the housework. I think my mother is really industrious and amazing.


标签:英语作文 时间:2022-10-11
【ruiwen.com - 英语作文】


我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  My mother is an ordinary and extraordinary worker, she works as a cleaner in its crescent motor city. She work conscientiously and meticulously.

  Although cleaner is a very ordinary job, but my mother to do the job -- -

  Remember once, my mother and sleep late, because you are sick, my mother quickly looked at the time. "Ah! Already 6:30 a.m." This is my mother worried. I am puzzled: "mom, is it not still at 6:30? Still have an hour before it's time to work! Why are you so anxious?" "Oh, my baby, it's not my duty? On duty can be 6:50 arrived gave ah!" "That you can leave ah!" "Why leave?" "You are not sick? Please a vacation have a good rest!"