【教材理解】本单元的主要内容是 Animals on the Farm,主要涉及学生们常见的小动物的单词及其特征和相关的日常用语,本课把第一单元中部分单词和句型整理在一起,和学生一起巩固练习,通过本课的复习,使学生能熟练运用农场重点动物类单词并能够对他们能做什么进行问答,使学生对英语有好奇心,能交流简单的信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能够在老师的帮助下创设情景,进行角色表演。
1.能正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词 duck,pig,cow,cat, dog,sheep, bird,horse。
2.能综合运用所学的语句进行交际。 — What’s this? — It’s a …—Can it …? Yes, it can/ No, it can’t.
—What can you do? I can… —Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
3.通过活动培养学生能够运用所复习的词汇和句子来正确表 达周围的具体实物。
Step1: Class Opening
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.
S: Good afternoon
T: Let’s sing a song, Old McDonald, OK?
S: OK!
设计意图:营造活跃轻松的课前气氛, 使学生带着积极的心态投入到学习中去,英文歌曲也为下面的复习做铺垫。
Step 2: New Concepts
1.Show the animals.
T: Do you want to visit Old McDonald? Now, let’ s go to his farm. (课件出示 Old McDonald 图片和农场里的动物们。)
T: Look! Old McDonald is coming! Say hello to him.
Ss: Hello, McDonald!
T: Look! There are a lot of animals on his farm, what are t hese?
2. Ask and answer to review the animals.
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a chicken/duck/pig…
3. Practice in pairs and present the dialogues. What’s this? It’s a…
4. Play games What’s missing? Match the animals and the pictures.
5. Take out the text paper and finish number.
设计意图:这几个步骤,通过课件给学生创设去农场参观的情境, 自然引入到本课的`复习中;通过学生认读,师生对话,同桌互练,做 游戏和完成练习题一等活动方式, 扎扎实实的进行动物单词的听、 说、 读、写训练,帮助学生巩固已学知识。
Step 3: Practice and Extension
1. Play a game Let’s do it. (教师出示英语单词卡片,学生起立,做错动作的学生坐下。看有几个学生留到最后。教师可以找部分学生到前面来做.) swim/fly/dance/sing/…
设计意图:通过看卡片做动作,让学生动起来,使他们在玩中复习 这些动词短语,最后胜利的学生还有机会优先参加下一个游戏,竞争机制对学生也是一种激励和鼓励。
2. Ask and answer : You’re very good, now let’s look at the animals, what can they do?
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a chicken.
T: Can a chicken fly?
Ss: Yes, it can./No, it can’t. 板书:---Can a chicken fly? Yes, it can/No, it can’t.
3: Practice in pairs —What’s this? —It’s a … —Can a…? —Yes, it can/No, it can’t.
4. Review: Can you…? Yes, I can/No. I can’t.
T: Good work, boys and girls. The animals can do many thing s, but what can you do? Can you play cards?
S1: No, I can’t/Yes, I can. and present their dialogues
T: Can you sing?
S2: Yes, I can.
T: Show me… 板书:Can you play cards? Yes, I can/No, I can’t. 5.Practice and present their dialogues
Can you play cards? Yes, I can/No, I can’t.
设计意图:这五个步骤将动物单词和句型有机的结合在一起,让学 生用英语谈论他们喜欢的小动物, 之后从谈论动物之中自然的过度到 谈论自己,培养学生语言综合表达的能力。)
6. Demonstrate
T: What’s this?
S1: It’s a chicken.
T: Can a chicken fly?
S1: Yes, it can.
T: Can you fly?
S1: No, I can’t.
7. Practice in pairs with the sentences.
—What’s this? —It’s a …
—Can a…? —Yes, it can/No, it can’t.
—Can you…? —Yes, I can/No. I can’t.
8. Present their dialogues and the teacher should praise the students. 9. Take out the text paper and finish number
设计意图:这几个步骤设计的目的是从短语到句子,即部分到整体 循序渐进,创设真实的语言情境,让学生把复习过的动物和句型整合 在一起, 以对话形式展示学生综合表达的能力, 同时, 完成练习题二, 在学生能用英语对话的基础上又考察了学生认读句子的能力。
Step4: Class Closing
Are you happy? Now, let’s say goodbye!
Introduce your farm to your family or friend.