译林牛津 高一 必修1 模块一第三单元语言点详析

发布时间:2016-10-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 3 Looking good,Feeling good

Part 1 Words

1.stay link-v= continue in a certain state 保持,维持(后面跟形容词或名词作表语)

You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.

The shop stays open until ten at night.

They stayed friends for years.

2.ashamed adj. 羞愧的,感到难为情的(后跟+of 。。。/to do 。。/ that。。。)

She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.

He felt ashamed of having done so little work .

I’m quite ashamed to have troubled you so many times.

I feel ashamed that I haven’t written for so long.

3.since conj. 1) = because 2)=now that

Great changes have taken place in China since the open-policy system was carried out

Since you have finished your work ,you may go now.

4.work vi

Everyone has to work to live.(工作)

My watch doesn’t work.(运转)

The medicine worked .After I took it ,I felt better.(起作用,有效果,奏效)

5.recover vt =get /find something again

With the help of the police ,she recovered her lost watch.

He was determined to recover his honor.

After the operation ,it took the patient a long time to recover his health.

Vi = become well again

Now he is recovering from a bad cold .

Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.

6.contain vt 包含,容纳,含有

This theatre can contain 4000 people.

We can’t eat much food that contains too much fat.

注意:contain /include 都有包含的意思。Contain可表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而include则只是包含一部分。Include 着重被包含者只是整体中的一部分;contain 着重“内有”。

I have a story-book which contains a lot of interesting stories .The wolf is coming is included .

7.match v 和。。相配/相称 ;敌得过,比得上

The color of the shirt doesn’t match that of the tie.

No one can match him in singing.

n. 相配的人或物。配对物

The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match

Bill is no match for his brother on it .

注意: go with 与…相配/配套

You’d better buy some tapes to go with your English book.

8.damage vt 损害,毁坏

The car was damaged in the serious accident.

It’s wrong of you to damage your health by smoking .

n 损害,损失

Human activities are doing great damage to the earth .

Smoking causes much damage to one’s health.

注意:类似的词 如destroy /harm /spoil

9.embarrass vt 使…窘迫/使..不好意思/局促不安

He has been embarrassed by his debts for years.

be/feel/get embarrassed about

He was embarrassed about that stupid mistake.

Don’t feel embarrassed about being different from others in public.

When he was asked to answer that embarrassing question , he became very embarrassed.

embarrassment n 尴尬

10. diet vi 节食;控制饮食

The doctor has dieted the patient strictly.

"No sugar in my coffee, please; I'm dieting."

n 节食;日常饮食

The Chinese diet contains lots of fruit and green vegetables ,while the western diet contains too much sugar and fat.

The doctor put his patient on a diet of low fat and sugar.

I mustn’t have too much potato because I’m now on a diet.

注意 : diet 指习惯上吃的食物,又指规定的食物,特指维持健康的定质或定量的食物

food 是一般用语,指任何能吃且有营养的东西.

10.consider vt 1)考虑 ~ +sth /doing sth / 从句

Have you considered this problem?

I have considered changing my job.

He considered whether he should do it .

2) 认为;把…视为~ + to be …/ as …/that 从句

He is considered ( to be) / as an expert in computer science .

She considered herself( to be) lucky.

I consider that driving at such a speed is dangerous.

consideration n. 考虑

take sth into consideration 考虑…

11.affect vt


Smoking affects a person’s health.


He was deeply affected by the moving story.

n. effect have an effect on sb/sth

have much /no / little effect on

12.risk vt ~ one’s life /fortune/health

~ doing sth.

He risked his life in saving the child.

I risked losing my job by arguing with the boss.


He saved the child at the risk of losing his life.

During my life ,I have to take/run risks.

13.recognize vt 认出,识别;认可,公认

I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.

lrealize vt 实现,认识到,了解

I hope we can realize our dreams.

I realized that I was wrong.

14.control vt (controlled ,controlled)控制

We should learn to control our feelings and don’t get angry easily.

Nobody can control him ;he is free to do what he wants to .

n in control of 对。。。控制 out of control (某物)失控

15.count vt

1) 数,记数Can you count from 1 to 20 ?

2) 有价值/有重要性 Her opinion counts because of her experience.

3) 认可,有效 You didn’t shut your eyes before you made the wish ,so it doesn’t count!

4)认为 (~ sb as ~ )We count her as one of our oldest friends.

16 concentrate vt /vi 集中(注意力,思想等);全神贯注

You should concentrate on/upon your study.

concentration n

focus on 集中。。于。。

17 amount n 量 ,数量

a large amount of money

in amount=in all


a good /great many books a large number of books

quite a few books many a/an +单数可数名词


a great deal of money a large sum of money

3) 两者都可修饰

a lot of =lots of plenty of a large quantity of /large quantities of

Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions

1.be healthy attractive

2.dying to be thin

3.hear from sb

4.used to do

5.work out

6.stay slim

7.lose some weight/put on

8.be ashamed of sth

9.be popular among/with sb

10.keep doing sth

11.recover from liver failure

12.regret to do /doing

13.contain a harmful chemical

14.cause my liver to fail

15.donate sth to sb

16.follow the doctor’s advice

17.damage your health

18.a touching story

19.be embarrassed about your weight

20.go on diets

21.learn from

22.come across

23.in secret

24.get hurt

25.build up your strength

26.on your own

27.consider doing sth

28.fall out

29.side effects

30.take the risk

31.recommend sth to sb

32.get sth for free

33.along with

34.in the long /short term

35.give up on sport

36.prepare you for the day to come

37.as a matter of fact

38.take in

39.make some suggestions

40.give adivice

41.in no time

42.in time / on time /at any time/ at times/from time to time/at a time/at one time/

Part Ⅲ Patterns and structures

1.be dying to do sth /for sth 渴望做某事

She is dying to go home.

He is dying for success.

2.Is everything okay with you ? 一切都好吗?

Is everything going well with you ?

3.I’ve lost 7 kg in the last two months.在过去的两个月里我减了7公斤。

与in the last / past/ recent +一段时间在一起使用,句子的谓语部分用现在完成时。

4.I think you look great as you are .我觉得你现在的样子很棒。

5. It’s the same in China – many people are always going on diets .

always 与现在进行时连用,表示不满或者责备等情绪。

He’s always telling lies .

He is always listening carefully in class.

6.Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit.

做某事的方法 the way to do sth /of sth 也可用定语从句

Can you tell me the way to work out the problem /of working out the problem?

Can you tell me the way in which/that (省掉) I can work out the problem.

7. Walking and riding your bike count ,and so do school sports.


I like music ,and so does he.

I don’t like music . Neither/ Nor does he .

I like music and I can sing well. So it is with him / It is the same with him.

--Does he like music ?

-- So he does .

8. My mother is too old for such a long operation.我妈妈年纪太大,不能承受如此长时间的手术。

too… for

The coat is too big for me .

The work is too much for me.

9.It isn’t worth it.不值得那样做。

The book is worth five yuan.

The book is not worth that price.

The place is worth visiting.

The place is worth a visit.

The book is well worth reading.

10.You look great as you are.你这样很好。As作连词,引导方式状语从句,表示像。。。。 一样,按照

You must do everything as I do .

Keep the book as it is.

Part Ⅳ Grammar and usage

一 、Non-restrictive attributive clauses



二、Question tags(见反意疑问句的讲义)




Part Ⅴ Writing

Page 109 (课本)

Liangliang is no longer the boy he used to be –he has changed considerably. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sport. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips .One day, he realized that he couldn’t continue like this .So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran on the school playground every day .He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruits and vegetables ,and less meat .These changes helped him lose a lot of weight .He is now a very happy boy in very good shape ,and he is always so energetic.

P 78 (课时训练)

How Max Keeps Fit

It’s important for us to stay healthy. Max give us a good example .He always takes exercise in the open air .He likes sports such as swimming ,running and playing basketball .He goes to bed at 10 at night and gets up at six in the morning. He takes god care of himself .He takes a shower every day and washes his hands before meals .When he has meals ,he eats all skins of food like fish, eggs, vegetables and meat .He also eats a lot of fruit .So he looks strong and healthy .He often says doing sport makes him become a top student.

P 88 (课时训练)

Dear nice to hear from you again .You want to know what is going on in schools in China ? In short ,things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load .I don’t know about others ,but I used to work even at weekend doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time .I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums and taking computer lessons .In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What’ s more ,I can go to bed earlier .As far as I know ,everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.

Li Hua

P 60(A B卷)

Dear editor ,

Nowadays in our city ,more and more people own cars .I think there are god reasons for owning a car .First ,with a car a person can get around freely and conveniently ,without spending a lot of time .Second ,a car is comfortable to travel in .Finally ,it is safer to drive a car than ride a bike .

However ,I am afraid more amore cars will cause heavier air pollution .What’s more ,more traffic jams and accidents are happening every day .

Personally ,I hope the government should control the number of the cars so that we can have a clean, quiet living environment.

P80 (AB卷)

Studying abroad

In recent years ,studying abroad has been popular .Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. many people are trying their best to apply their children to go abroad .

There are many advantages in attending schools abroad .First ,students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures .Second ,we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries .Third ,we can learn foreign languages more quickly .

However ,the there are some disadvantages .Most of the students are too young to live alone without any living experience .Besides ,being far way from their home country ,they may feel lonely and homesick .Also ,the costs are much higher there than at home. In spit of these ,advantages are more than disadvantages .In my opinion ,it is advisable to attend schools abroad.

Exercises :

1.--–Can I help you ,sir ? --- Yes ,I bought this raio here yesterday ,but it ______.

A didn’t work B won’t work C can’t work D doesn’t work

2.-–You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

--Well .Now I regret ____ that .

A to do B to be doing C to have done D having done

3.Most of us went to the exhibition, ____ some girls .

A include B including C contain D to contain

4.Don’t all speak at once ! _____,please.

A Each at one time B One by one time

C One for each time D One at a time

5.If you want help –money for anything ,let me know,____ you ?

A don’t B will C shall D do

6.I don’t think you are serious ,____ ?

A do I B don’t I C are you D aren’t you

7.Mrs. Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera ,_____?

A is she B isn’t she C doesn’t she D does she

8.Now that she is out of a job ,Lucy ____ going back to school ,but she hasn’t decided yet.

A had considered B has been considering

C considered D is going to consider

9.--Oh it’s you .I ______ you .

--I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses .

A didn’t recognize B hadn’t recognized

C haven’t recognize D don’t recognize

10.Sailing on a stormy day means ___ in the sea.

A to risk sinking B risking sinking

C to risk to sink D risking to sink

11.I hope that all the things will _____ well.

A turn in B work out C carry out D change

12.Jack advised that we ____ there in his car but the smile on his face suggested that it ____ a trick .

A go /was B should go /should be C go /be D went /should be

13. Mother bought me a dictionary on my birthday,_____ made me very happy.

A what B that C who D which

14._____ most of us can understand, it is hard to bring the situation under control.

A It B As C That D Which

15.Daniel is good at physics and runs very fast in sports meeting .____.

A So is his brother B Nor does his brother

C So it is with his brother D It is the same as his brother.

16.The flu is believed ___ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

A causing B being caused C to be caused D be have caused

17.What a lovely day ,isn’t it ?--- Yes ,a bit cold ,________.

A although B but C though D yet

18.Great attention should be paid to _______ our environment from _____.

A protect /polluting B protecting /being polluted

C protect /being polluted D protecting /polluting

19.He has no ______ in his class .

A loser B match C enemy D winner

20.In order to keep ___,you must drink that water ,for it ______.

A fit /fits to drink B fit /is fit to drink

C suitable /fits to drink D sit /is suitable to drink