人教版 高二 英语复习学案:Unit 6

发布时间:2016-11-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 6 Life in the future

I. Word study:

1. forecast ( forecast, forecast;forecasted, forecasted )

(1) v. to tell in advance(what is expected to happen)预言;预测

e.g. The weatherman forecast that it would rain the next day. 气象人员预测明天将会有雨。

forecast the weather 预报天气

(2)n. statement that predicts sth. with the help of information预测

e.g. I listen to ___________________ (天气预报) on the radio every morning.

make a forecast make forecasts 预言;预报;预告

2. major

(1)adj. bigger; most important; very great 较大的;主要的;重大的;重要的

e.g. Be careful, there is a major road ahead! 当心,前面有一条主要公路。

Liverpool is a major British port.

Translation: ___________________

The car needs ________________(大修).

(2) vi. to pursue a principal subject or field of study, specialize in 主修;专修

e.g. She __________________________(主修经济学)at university.

(3)n. principal subject or course of a student at college or university


e.g. Her major is French.

(4)同义词: important; significant

反义词:minor 次要的

3. contemporary

(1)of the time or period being referred to; belonging to the same time


e.g. Byron and Wordsworth were contemporary.


The president and the scientist are contemporary.

(2)of the present time; modern 当代的;现代的 (无比较级和最高级)

e.g. contemporary events 当代事件;contemporary style 现代风格

contemporary society当代社会

4. indicate vt.

(1)to point to;point out 指示;指出

e.g. The arrow indicates the way to the park. 那个箭头指示到公园去的方向。

I asked him where the new school was and he ___________________ (指给我前面那条路)。

In this map, the towns ________________________ (用小红点(dot)标的).

(2)to show sth; to be a sign of sth 表明、暗示、象征

e.g. A red sky at night indicates that the following day will be fine.

With a nod of her head she indicated to me where I should sit. 她点头示意我该坐什么地方。


5. ensure vt. to make sure;to guarantee 保证(成功等),确保(地位等)

* ensure +名词: His last jumping ensured the victory /champions/ fame.

* ensure + sb +名词:

A good sleep will _________________________


Her recommendation will ensure me a job.

* ensure + that 从句: They ensured that he would obtain the prize.

6. purchase

(1)vt. to buy sth 购买东西 (比buy较正式,常加名词作宾语)

e.g. He purchased a house for 20000 dollars.

Employees are encouraged to purchase shares in the firm.


(2)n. things bought 所购买的物品 常用复数purchases

(3) n. the act of buying things 购买

e.g. We began to regret the purchase of such a small house.

* pay for the purchase

7. remain

(1) vi. to be left or still present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with 剩余; 剩下; 余留下来; 残存(没有被动语态,通常不用于进行时态)

e.g. There remained only a few ruins that remind us of the old days.


Nothing remained in my room except the old piano.

(2) vi. to stay in the same place; stay behind 逗留;留下

e.g. After the party, Judith remained and helped me do the dishes.

(3) link verb. to continue to be; to stay in the same condition

e.g. His father couldn’t remain silent.

The land reform question remained unresolved.

The true author of the novel ______________________(仍然不详).

The Macdonald ___________________________(一直开门到晚上9点).

The Indian people remain in deep poverty.

The affair remained a complete mystery.

remaining adj. 剩下的 The remaining students will clean it.

remainder n. (1) 剩下的人;(2) 余数

Twenty people came in and the remainder stayed outside.

You can keep the remainder of the money.

remains n. 剩下的部分,残留物

Dad drank up the remains of his coffee.

Although she received a lot of money, she ____ sad because she could never see her grandpa again.

A. continued B. went on C. remained D. kept on

8. consumer 消费者

consumer right消费者权利; consumer protection 消费者保障

同义词:customer 反义词:producer

Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.

The customer is always right.

注:买东西的顾客称 customer 银行律师的客户称 client

旅馆的旅客为 guest 乘客为 passenger

9. cure (治疗、治愈、治疗的效果)+病 = treat +人

Physicians can cure more diseases/ the pain.

短语:cure sb.Of “治愈某人的……病;改掉某人的……恶习”:

The doctor cured him 0f cancer.医生治愈了他的癌症。

It seems that nobody can cure me of smoking.似乎没有人能使我戒烟。


eg:His complete cure can't be expected.他完全恢复健康遥不可期。




①require sth.of sb.

②require sb.to do

③require that从句(句中用should+ do,should可省略)

eg:All the members are required to attend the meeting.

The court required that he(should)pay the fine.法庭要求他支付罚金。

④【警示】require需要;可加名词/代词;require +doing..=require + to be done..,这时动名词是主动形式,但含有被动意义.此时句子主语必须为事或物

eg:This wall requires repairing=This wall requires to be repaired.


eg:meet one's requirements符合某人的要求



eg:He demands to see you.他要求见到你。

She demands a meeting tonight.她要求今天晚上开会。

I demand that one of you(should)go there at once.我要求你们中的一个人马上去那儿。

(2) request意为“恳求;请求”,指通过正式手续提出的要求,口气和缓,态度礼貌。其句型有request sth.(from/of sb.),request sb.to do sth.和request that从句,从句用虚拟语气

eg:All I request of you is that you should come on time.


Mr Smith requested that his daughter(should)leave here.


(3)require表示按照法规,权利提出的要求或命令、,指客观需要,含缺此不可之意。其句型有require sth.;require(of)sb.to do sth.;require that从句(从句用虚拟语气),require doing(主动表被动)和require to be done :

1.This radio doesn't work.It requires______

A.repairing B.repaired

C.being repaired D.to repair

2.My mother demanded that I____smoking.

A.gave up B.gives up C.to give D.give up

II. Useful expressions:

1.in future= from now on=从今往后,从现在开始

2.make predictions/ forecasts about对…进行预测 make a weather forecast for tomorrow预报明天的天气

3.catch/ get/ have a (brief)glimpse很快地看一眼,匆匆一瞥 catch/ get/ have a sight of看到

4.contemporary society/styles现代社会/风格 be contemporary with与…属于同一时代

5. emergy-saving节约能源的 paper-making造纸的 English- speaking说英语的

6. at speed很快地, 高速地 at a safe speed以安全的速度 at a speed of forty miles an hour 以每小时40英里的速度

7.at full/ top speed以全/高速 with all speed以全/高速 with… speed更强调速度之快 speed up(使)加速

8.ensure sb. from/ against danger保护某人免受危险 ensure safety确保安全

9.reform oneself 改过自新 reform and open 改革开发 a reform in teaching methods教法改革

10. get in/ into touch with(不可与一段时间连用) 与…取得联系 lose touch with与…失去联系

be in touch with(可与一段时间连用)与…有联系 be out of touch with与…无

11. be crowded with 充满/挤满了 the crowd 人群 crowd into涌入,挤入

12 remain/ stay/ keep open/ closed 仍然开/关着 remain/ stay a problem仍是个问题

remain/ stay the same 保持不变 remain/ stay sitting 仍然坐着 remain/ stay unfinished 仍然没完成

remain/ stay in great poverty 仍然很穷(人) 逗留 remain/ stay in hospital

13.deal with

1)对付,处理(常与 how连用,do with与 what连用)2)与.打交道We have dealt with the company for 10 years.我们同这家公司打了十年的交道。

14. with a better understanding of 随着---的了解/除 with the development of 随着---的发展

15 .on the air广播中/放映(的)(被广播/放映的) speak on the air在广播中/电视上讲话。

16.come true(不可用被动)/ turn into reality/ be realized实现,成为现实

17.in store贮藏着;准备着;就要来到 have/ hold/ keep sth. In store 贮藏/准备着某物

18. cure sb. Of 治好某人的…病; 改掉某人的…恶习 a cure for…的一种治疗方法

19. in the distance在远处 The picture looks better at a distance. 从远处

20.(in) this/that/the way 用…方法 【注意】in the way 挡道 on the way 在途中武装

21.search sb./sw. for… 搜查

22. combine…with… 把…与…结合起来

23. require/ need/ want doing 需要被

The wall requires/ needs/ wants repairing.

require sb. to do sth. / require (that) sb. (should) do sth.要求某人做某事

24.be different from 与/和……不同. Do sth. differently from sb.做某事与/和某人不同

tell the difference(in)… between A and B 说出/辨别 A和B在……方面的区别/差异

25.keep sb company 与某人做伴 in the company of… 在某人的陪同下 have company 有客人

26.have someone to talk to有人可以交谈

have(使役动词) someone talk 叫某人谈谈

have(使役动词) someone talk to him 叫某人与他交谈

27.attract/draw/invite one’s attention(to…) 吸引某人注意 pay attention to 注意 倾听

centre/focus one’s attention on 把注意力集中在…

28.lead to,导致,通向 引起(火灾等) 28.Clean up 干净,清理,清除

29 be (well-)prepared for…为…做好了(充分的)准备 be prepared to do sth. 准备好干某事

prepare for 为…做准备 prepare against 准备应付(不好的事情)

Ⅲ important sentences;

1. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict. (将来的生活会是什么样 )

2. Exact copies of a person that can do everything the original can do


3.Current trends indicate that transportation is becoming cleaner, faster and safer.(当代趋势表明…)

4.It is,however, possible to use models to make forecasts about future developments.


5.To ensure safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.

6. Many companies and consumers have already begun reforming the way they do business.

7. The Internet also makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers and companies

in other countries.(因特网也使公司和消费者及其他公司之间的联系更加容易

8.People want to go to a pleasant mall and combine shopping with fun, Instead of searching

a crowded store for basic goods, such as food and clothes.人们想要到一个舒服的购物中心 购物,同时享受快乐,而不想到拥挤的商店里寻找衣物。

9.A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train.


10. New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may lead to changes in the way diseases are Cured and medicines are made.遗传学和生物化学领域的新发现将引起疾病治疗方式和制药方法的变化。

11.Distance education will help people study whenever they have time and Wherever they may be.

12.The way we view learning and knowledge is also changing. 我们对于学习和知识的看法也在变

13. people in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier lift and remain active even in the old age.未来的人类会更加长寿,生活更加健康。即使年龄大了,也可以很活跃。

14.People now are paying more attention to the importance of a healthy diet and active life.人们现在已经更加注意健康的饮食和积极的生活了。

15.Advances in medical science also allow us to deal with new diseases.


16.With a better understanding of human body,physicans will be able to cure more diseases. 随着对人体了解的深入,科学家和医生将能够治愈更多疾病。

17. It is certain that things will change.(事物肯定会有变化的)

18. We cannot be sure whether our dreams will come true,We can at least be hopeful that our efforts to improve the world will be successful.我们无法确定梦想能否实现,但至少我们对我们改造世界的能力会获得成功充满信心。

19. If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different,we will be well-prepared for wherever the future may have in store.如果我们学会接受变化,学会欣赏新的、不同的事物,我们就能有准备地迎接未来带给我们的一切。

20. His memory brought him back to the spring of 1998 when he met her for the first time.他的记忆把他带回到1998年的春天,当时他第一次见到她。

21. She is programmed to take care of me if anything happened


22.It would be wonderful if I didn’t get up so/that early every day.

23.I don’t think about the world and reality in the same way you did either. 我们对世界和现实的思维方式与你们的也不相同了。

Ⅳ. Language points:

1. One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.


* catch a glimpse of = catch a brief sight of; see sb/ sth for a very short time

一眼瞥见; 大致看; 很快地看一眼

I caught a glimpse of her as she got into the car.

She caught a glimpse of Meg at the station this morning.

2. A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, which is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and travels at an amazing 430 km/h.


* 本句为which引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词为the new maglev train。

* environmentally friendly = not damaging the environment

environmentally friendly washing powder 环保洗衣粉

* 表示“以…的速度;以…的价格;以…的比率”,介词一般用at.

e.g. The new car has a speed limit. It has to run at 80 kilometers per hour.

I bought the books at the price of 10 dollars each.

3. Many companies and consumers have already begun reforming the way they do business. 许多公司和消费者已经开始改变做生意的方式了。

* 定语从句they do business 修饰the way。

the way后面的定语从句可以由in which/that 引导,也可省略。

e.g. I like the way (in which/that/ⅹ) she organized the meeting.

4. The Internet also makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers and companies in other countries. 互联网还方便了公司联络国外的客户和公司。

* in touch with = in communication with 同…联系

e.g. Let’s keep in touch. Let’s keep in touc