初三Unit 12重难点解析

发布时间:2016-1-17 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. 【原文】 ... and it has been visited by man already. (L. 46)句中man在此是什么用法?谓语是什么形式?

【精析】 man表示"(男)人"时是具体名词,前面要使用冠词或复数形式。man表示"人类"时,前不加冠词,为单数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Man can't live without air or water. 没有空气和水,人类就没法生存。

句子的谓语是现在完成时的被动语态,其结构是:have / has been done。如: About two hundred stamps have been collected by David. 大约有两百张邮票被大卫收集了。

2. 【原文】 No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed ... (L. 47 )请讲一下本句的主谓关系。

【精析】由形容词no修饰的词在句中作并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据离它最近的主语而定,即依据就近原则来确定。如:No food or drinks are in the fridge. 冰箱里没有食物和饮料。


Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed in the computer room.

3. 【原文】 All the computers must be shut down ... (L. 47)与"关"有关的词语有哪几个?

【精析】 shut, close, shut down, turn off都有"关"的意思,但在具体语言实践中各有侧重。


Shut / Close the door. 关上门。

Close / Shut your books. 合上书。

Please shut down the lid of a box. 请把箱盖盖上。

shut down可以用来表示"关闭(电器类)",还可以强调(工厂、企业)"倒闭;关闭"等。如:They've shut down their factory. 他们关闭了他们的工厂。

turn off 多用来表示"关上(电灯、收音机、煤气)"等,主要强调通过旋钮开关。如:Please turn off the lights in the room when you leave. 当你离开时,请把屋里的灯关上。

4. 【原文】 ... if you set your mind to do it. (L. 48)请讲述一下有关mind短语的用法。

【精析】 本课出现的set one's mind"专心做某事",后跟不定式或介词on(to)构成的短语。如:

I've set my mind on this plan and don't want to give it up. 关于这个计划我已经下定决心了,不会放弃。

mind作为名词组成的短语还有make up one's mind意为"下决心";keep...in mind意为"记住......;记在心里";come into one's mind"(想法等)浮现于(某人的)心中"。如:

Tom has made up his mind to be a teacher in the future. 汤姆已经决定将来要作一名老师。

Please keep these rules in mind. 请记住这些规则。

A good idea came into his mind. 他想起了一个好主意。