Unit 7 Mainly Revision

发布时间:2016-2-21 编辑:互联网 手机版

参考教案 教学建议 示例三

教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)



(一)第25课通过看图说话的方式复习现在进行时态和be going to结构。

(二)第26课利用12幅插图,以对话方式描述吉姆一天的生活,再配以Sam's day的听力练习,集中复习一般现在时态和时间表达法。

(三)第27课的课文是一段介绍英美足球的对话,以此来复习一般现在时态和be going to 结构。另外还以根据答语找问句的形式(Puzzle dialogues)复习Shall we…?和Let's…等句型。






What's that?

What can you see in the picture?

Can you see some trees there?

What kind of trees are they?

How many people are there?

What are they doing?

Are they picking apples or oranges?

There's a ladder near an orange tree, isn't there?

Who's holding the ladder?

Who's standing on it?

What's she doing?

Is there a bus in the picture?

How many men can you see?

What are they doing?

第2部分有4幅插图,每幅图又分为2幅小图,用来复习现在进行时态和be going to结构。我们可以启发学生多问多答,进行较长的对话,以利复习。

A: Who's the woman in Picture 1?

B: She's Aunt Li/our Chinese teacher.

A: What's she doing?

B: She's walking on the road.

A: What's she carrying?

B: A basket.

A: Where's she going?

B: She's going to the shop.

A: What's she going to buy?

B: She's going to buy some food.

A: What can you see in Picture 2?

B: I can see a man and a truck.

A: What's wrong with the truck?

B: I think it's broken.

A: What's the man doing?

B: He's mending the truck.

A: What's he going to do?

B: He's going to drive to Beijing.

A: What's he going to do in Beijing?

B: I don't know.

A: How many people are there in Picture 3?

B: Two.

A: Who're they?

B: I think the woman is Aunt Su and the boy is her son.

A: What're they doing?

B: Aunt Su is cooking. Her son's helping with the cooking.

A: What can you see in the next picture?

B: I can see a clock on the wall.

A: What time is it?

B: It's six o'clock in the evening.

A: Is there a desk in the room?

B: No, there is a round table and three chairs.

A: What're Aunt Su and her son going to do?

B: They're going to have supper.

A: How do you know?

B: There is some food on the table.

A: Let's talk about Picture 4.

B: All right. Let me ask you some questions.

A: OK.

B: What can you see in the picture?

A: I can see some children.

B: How many are there?

A: Well, five. Three boys and two girls.

B: What're they doing?

A: They're walking on the road and they are holding kites.

B: Where're they going?

A: They're going to the park.

B: What're they going to do there?

A: They're going to fly the kites.

B: Do they like flying kites?

A: Yes, they like it very much.

第26课仍以插图为主,介绍吉姆一天生活的12幅图可用来复习时间表达法和一般现在时态。让学生用不同的时态(一般现在时,现在进行时和be going to)描述每幅图的内容,说出或写出几句话。例如:

图1 What time does Jim usually get up? At a quarter to seven。

He's putting on his clothes. He's getting up.

图2 It's seven o'clock. Jim usually has his breakfast at this time.

He's eating an egg now. He's going to drink some milk.

图4 What's the time? It's ten to eight. It's before class. Li Lei is sitting.

Jim is standing. He's taking out a book from his schoolbag. He's talking to Li Lei. They're going to have classes soon.

图5 Morning classes begin at eight. All the students are sitting. They're listening to the teacher. They're having a Chinese lesson. Chinese is quite hard for Jim. He must listen carefully. The teacher's going to ask questions. Jim's going to answer one of them.

图8 Are there any classes in the afternoon? Yes, there are usually two classes. When do they begin? They begin at half past one. The students are having an afternoon class now. They are studying English. Jim's good at it. He's holding a book. He's listening to his teacher all the time.

图10 What time is it now? It's ten past five. Jim is coming home. He's meeting his sister Kate at the door. When do the afternoon classes finish? They finish at twenty past three. Why does Jim come home so late? He often stays at school for some time after the afternoon classes. Sometimes he plays ball games with his friends. Sometimes he does his homework at school.


第26课第三部分听力材料Sam's Day篇幅较长,信息量较大。放录音让学生听以前,应说明 Today we're going to listen to a passage about Sam's Day。并要求学生看练习册中的练习。这样,学生在听录音时就可以有重点地吸取信息。他们不必要求自己听懂每一个字,而把注意力集中在那些主要的事实上。由于练习已列出了十个句子,他们通过听只需捕捉所缺的信息(时间),这就大大减小了听力的难度。当学生明白听力练习的要求时,他们便会减小心理上的压力,听时不致情绪很紧张。告诉学生至少听三遍,第一遍不可能全部听懂,因此不必着急。实际上,这个练习主要是听时间,十个空白全需填入时间。怎样有效地听写时间这个问题在前一单元的教学方法建议中有详细说明,可供参考。学生边听边填空,十个时间中唯有 He gets there at five minutes to eight(7:55)较难。教师不妨使用暂停键,反复让学生听这一个句子。如果听了三遍,大部分学生还感到困难,可以再放一遍。在条件较好的班级,除了完成练习册中的练习,还可增加练习,例如提出以下问题:Where does Sam come from? Where is he now? What time does he usually leave home in the morning? What does he do after lunch? How many lessons are there in the afternoon? Does he go home after the second lesson? What does he usually do at school? What does he do after supper? 听力练习结束后,听力材料最好印发给学生,因为这是一篇范文,学生也可阅读,并仿照这样的文章写作文。


第27课第二部分阅读课文是一篇对话,通过萨姆和李雷的一番谈话介绍了英美足球,文字不多,但所含的信息对于孩子们来说饶有趣味。这篇对话综合运用了所学的时态,可先提出问题(见教学步骤),让学生带着问题默读,读完第一遍后回答问题。教师可用英语解释课文中的生词:also = too, a popular game = a game everybody likes, soccer ['s&k+]= English football。生词player的意思可让学生猜测,同时在黑板上写出teach, teacher; work, worker; play, player等一系列单词,启发学生思考。还应鼓励学生提出课文中的问题。然后,提出练习册中的三个问题,让学生再读一遍课文找出答案。读完课文,学生分成两人一组做问答练习。接着,教师向全班提问,除了练习册中的问题,还可补充一些问题,帮助学生掌握文中细节。此时,学生已基本理解了课文,可放录音,学生朗读模仿。要求学生分角色朗读,语音语调要比较自然,尽可能带着感情朗读。

第28课第三部分是一篇介绍好朋友的短文(共42个词),采用比较的手法,使别人既了解了你也知道了你朋友的一些情况,同时又复习了形容词的比较等级(taller, shorter, older, younger, stronger, better等)。

让学生先默读,再朗读(如果朋友是女的,用she…和…her来读),接着仿写一篇介绍自己的好朋友的短文,可以略加发挥,然后在班上读给大家听,这样,听说读写四种能力都能得到训练。接着用《阅读训练》第七单元(第24-27页)的材料,继续抓阅读能力的提高。内容为小故事Peter at work(彼得在工作)和两则笑话。尽管故事全文为177个词,其中有10来个生词,可以让学生通过上下文、插图以及构词法等知识猜测词义,如need, bring, hurry, on top of, fall, shopkeeper和shelf/shelves等或查阅书后的词汇表读懂全文,并回答8个问题,了解自己理解的情况。



[!+] ear fear tear clear ere mere sphere

[#+] air pair stair are bare hare stare

ear bear tear ere there where


bare hare pair stair there wear

bear hair pear stare their where





be(very)good at *come over(to) have a swim

be careful *find out help…with

be hard to reach get on put on

be much better/… have a good time work hard

be quite near/…

a few this time at night

a little earlier/… next time by bike/…

a piece of next week *in the open air

quite a lot of next month on foot

kinds of all the time on that day

I'd love to. *Good idea. It doesn't matter.

Nothing much. What about…?

参考教案 Unit 7 Mainly Revision 教学步骤 Lesson 25 示例三

教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

Lesson 25

Note: This lesson revises the Present Continuous Tense and the structure: be going to…

Step 1 Revision

Revise vocabulary in the picture on SB page 17. Ask What's happening in this picture? What are the people doing? Then revise the story on SB page 19 in the same way.

Ask What's Meimei doing? What's Jim doing? Who has more apples? etc.

Step 2 Ask and answer

SB page 25, Part 1. Tell the Ss to prepare at least six questions about the picture, then let them ask and answer in pairs .

Divide the class into two groups .One student from Group A asks a student from Group B a question. If the student answers correctly, Group B wins a point. Then one student from Group B asks a Group A student a question. in the same way.

You may then ask Ss to say a few sentences about the picture.

Help them begin like this: It is a fine Sunday morning. Some farmers are working very hard .

They're picking oranges…

Step 3 Revision

Ask Ss What are you going to do next Sunday?

Get them to reply using I'm going to…

Tell the Ss to imagine that Jim and the twins are going to visit your school next Sunday.

Ask What are we going to do with them? Ask the Ss to suggest ideas: Let's go to the park.

Shall we go shopping with them? etc. Make a plan for the morning and afternoon on the Bb.

Ask about the finished plan: What are we going to do in the morning? Ss reply We're going to…

Step 4 Ask and answer

SB page 25, Part 2. Do the first one with the class as a model.

Then Ss ask and answer in pairs . Check the answers with the whole class . The answers are:1 She's carrying a basket. She's going to buy (some) food/do some shopping . 2 He's mending a truck. He's going to drive to Beijing. 3 They're cooking some food . They're going to have supper . 4 They're holding kites . They're going to fly them .

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 25, Exx. I-3.

For Ex . 1, briefly revise the third person singular form and the-ing form of verbs before the Ss begin writing. Ask some Ss to write the verbs on the Bb whilst the rest of the class are writing in their exercise books . Then check the answers with the whole class.

If time is limited, do Ex. 3 before Ex. 2. Ss ask and answer in pairs .

Ex . 2 is a written exercise . Ss may choose any subject (Wei Fang, I, They, We, etc.)for each sentence.


Finish off the Workbook exercises .

Tell the Ss to prepare a short talk about the picture on SB page 25.

参考教案 Unit 7 Mainly Revision 教学步骤 Lesson 26 示例三

Lesson 26

Note: This lesson mainly revises the Simple Present Tense and telling the time.

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework . Ask some Ss to talk about the picture of orange-picking on SB page 25.

2 Revise different forms of transport (SB page 6, Part 1 ) .

Ask Ss How do you usually come to school?

How many of you usually come by bus? Carry out a survey and ask Ss about their classmates and teachers, e. g. How does Mr/Mrs/Miss… come to school?

Step 2 Revision

Revise telling the time, using a clock or a picture of a clock on the Bb.

Write a local bus or train timetable on the Bb, like this:

A: ( ) 6:20 12:45 7:15

B: ( ) 7:05 1:30 8:00

B: ( ) 7:25 1:50 8:20

A: ( ) 8:10 ? ?

Use local places for A and B. Ask What time does the ,first bus leave .A? What time does it reach B? Then get the Ss to work out the time the second and third buses reach A (2:35, 9:05 ).

Ss should be able to say twenty-five minutes to three as well as two thirty-five.

Step 3 Practice

SB page 26, Part 1. Practise with the class . Then have a dictation: say the following times . Ss write them down as on a digital watch.

a quarter to two (Answer: 1:45)

ten minutes past six (6:10)

half past four (4:30)

ten minutes to ten (9:50)

Check the answers .

Step 4 Ask and answer

SB page 26, Part 2. Ss ask and answer in pairs .

Tell them to ask randomly, rather than in the order written in the book. (They should say quarter to seven rather than six forty-five .

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 26, Ex.3. Ss ask and answer in pairs . Get some Ss to report their results .

Every student should ask at least 6 questions about his/ her friend and 6 more questions about his/her friend's parents.

Step 6 Listening

Wb Lesson 26, Ex. 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 26. Let the Ss look at the sentences to be completed before playing the tape. Play the tape three times, if necessary.

Listening text:

Sam comes from the USA. He is now living in China . Every day he gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven o'clock . After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents, and leaves home at half past seven. He usually walks to school . He gets there at five minutes to eight. He begins his first class at eight.

Morning classes finish at ten past twelve, and he has lunch ten minutes later, at about twenty past twelve . After lunch he plays with his friends.

Afternoon classes begin at half past one. Usually there are two lessons in the afternoon. They finish at half past three. Usually he plays games or does other things at school , and he gets home at about a quarter past five. He has supper at six, and then does his homework and watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten .

The answers are: 7:00, 7:55, 8:00, 12:10, 12:20, 1:30; 3:30, 5:15, 6:00, 10:30.

Step 7 Workbook

Wb Lesson 26, Ex. 2 should be done orally before it is written.

Ex . 4 is optional. Remind Ss of the use of the verb to be in their sentences .


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

参考教案 Unit 7 Mainly Revision 教学步骤 Lesson 27 示例三

Lesson 27

Note: This lesson revises Shall we ...? and be going to.

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework.

2 Books closed! Revise the names of animals that the Ss have learnt. Get a student who is good at drawing to draw these animals on the Bb. Ask Which is the smallest/biggest/strongest/nicest animal? Which is bigger, a tiger or a panda? etc.

3 Briefly revise comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, including more/most; better/best.

Step 2 Puzzle dialogues

Review the ways of making a suggestion: Shall we…? Let's…Why not…? and What about…?

SB page 27, Part 1. Ss work in pairs to match the dialogues . Then check the answers with the class. The answers are: 1-F, 2-E, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B, 6-D.

Step 3 Reading

SB page 27, Part 2. Say Look at the picture. What can you see?

Tell the Ss Football is very popular in China . popular/'p&pju:l+/means many people like it. Ask What kind of football are they going to play tomorrow? Let the Ss read the first dialogue to find the answer. Ask What's the Chinese for “soccer”/“American football”?

Draw two columns on the Bb. Head them Football and American football . Say Read the second half of the dialogue and find the differences between football and American football. Help the Ss to answer:

Football American football

11 players 11 players

It has a round ball. The ball looks like an egg.

Step 4 Practice

SB page 27, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 27.

Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Get the Ss to practise the dialogue dramatically in pairs .

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 27, Exx . 1-4. For Ex . 1, do the first sentence orally as a model . Then Ss write the answers alone or in pairs . The answers are: taller, tallest; the busiest; dearer; longer, the longest; more .

Ex.2 is an oral exercise. Do it with the whole class .

Practise the questions and answers in Ex. 3 with the class, then get the Ss to ask each other Which ball game do you like best ?

Ex. 4 is optional. If there is time, let Ss read and act it in class .


Ask the Ss to go through Checkpoints 1 to 6 and make a note of any problems.

参考教案 Unit 7 Mainly Revision 教学步骤 Lesson 28 示例三`

Lesson 28

Note: This lesson revises the comparative forms of adjectives .

Step 1 Revision

Revise the dialogue in SB page 27, Part 2. Get Ss to read and act it out in pairs . Ask them questions like Is football popular in China?

How many players are there in a team? What does an American football look like ? How many players are there in an American football team ? etc.

Step 2 Word families

SB page 28, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 28.

Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Practise the pronunciation of individual sounds and show the Ss flashcards of the words in random order for further practice.

Do Wb Lesson 28, Ex. 1. The answers are: 1 early, 2 hear.

Then do Ex. 2. Use Speech Cassette Lesson 28. Let the Ss listen , paying attention to the sound /#+/. Play the tape again and get Ss to listen and repeat. Ask some Ss to read. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.

Step 3 Stress and intonation

SB page 28, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 28. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Get the Ss to indicate the stress and intonation with gestures.

Step 4 Practice

SB page 28, Part 3. Go through the contents of the box with the class, then get the Ss to write about their best friend in their exercise books. Ask some Ss to read out their work .

Step 5 Checkpoint 7

Go through Checkpoints 1 to 6 and the grammar summary in the Appendix of the SB. Spend time on points that cause problems to the Ss. Ask them to tell you any areas of difficulty that they have.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 28, Exx . 3 and 4.

Exx. 3 and 4 may be done orally in pairs.

Give the Ss one or two model sentences first.

Finally, go through the exercises with the whole class .

Note: Ex.4 shows that a little is usually followed by an uncountable noun while a few is followed by a countable noun.


Write down 6 sentences for Wb Ex. 4 in the exercise books.

Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Prepare for the mid-term exams.