导学案: Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?《Review Section A ( 1a ~ 2c) 》 (新课标版英语九年级)

发布时间:2016-1-23 编辑:互联网 手机版

导学案: Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?

湖南省隆回县石门中学 徐善海


Review Unit 1 Section A ( 1a ~2c)


1. Review the words and phrases about page 2~page3

2. Review the object clause.

3. Review “ how, by, with, sure”

4. Review “a lot, well, aloud”

5. Review “ Do/ Does +sb. + V. + …? ; Have /has +sb. + pp + …?”



Review words and phrases learnt.

A) vocabulary -- build up---enlarge---pronounce---spell---spell

make vocabulary lists

B) make---wake---cake---take---make tea---make flashcards

make sb. feel at home---make one’s mind---make friends

make noodles

C) listen to---look at--- look like--- pay attention to---ask sb. for help---with the help of sb.---on Tuesday---on the last English test

※ ※合作探究(5 ~ 10分钟)

1. with 和by 的用法

2. sure的用法、宾语从句

3. how的用法、名词做定语

4. 一般疑问句

5. 用动名词的情形:spend, enjoy, finish, how about, by, for, practice, need, mind

※ ※展示点评(15分钟)

1. 展示:定向学习

2. 展示:合作探究5

3. 学生质疑,学生释疑。

4. 教师点拨:sure 的用法。


一、 sure用作形容词,意为“肯定的;当然的;有把握的”。例如: 1. be sure(不接其它词),意为“肯定的”。例如:

Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?

I think he is coming, but I'm not quite sure. 我想他要来,但我不十分肯定。

2. be sure to do sth. 表示要求,意为“务必做某事;请一定做某事”,多用于祈使句。例如:

Be sure to telephone me and give me all the news. 请一定要给我打电话,让我知道所有的消息。

be sure to do sth. 还可表示一种推断,意为“一定做某事;肯定做某事”。例如:

The child is sure to be a teacher. 这孩子一定会成为一名教师。

You are sure to win. 你(们)肯定会赢。

3. be sure of / about (doing) sth. 表示人对某事(物)的看法,意为“对……有把握”。其后常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:

Are you sure of passing the exam? 你有把握通过考试吗?

I'm not sure about English grammar. 我对英语语法没有把握。

4. be sure+从句,意为“确信”。例如:

I'm not sure that he will come. 我不确信他会来。


1. 常用来回答一般疑问句,意为“当然;的确”,相当于yes或certainly。例如:

-Are you going with us? 你和我们一起去吗?

-Sure. 当然啦。

2. make sure意为“查明;弄清楚”。其后可接of, about或that从句。例如:

You should make sure of the time. 你应该把时间弄清楚

※ ※快乐抢答 PK


1. How do your cousin go to Shenzhen?

2. His little sister is making vocabularies lists.

3. Have you study English by listening to tapes?

4. Her pronunciation is much better than I.

5. Does his nephew ever practice dance rabbit dance?

6. Could you please tell me how long you have bought this English-Chinese dictionary?


1. do---does 2. vocabularies---vocabulary

3. study---studied 4.I---mine

5. dance---dancing 6. bought---had

※※巩固提高(5 ~ 10 分钟)

( ) 1. The tallest boy in our school studies for a test by _____ his classmates for help.

A. ask B. asked C. asking.

( )2. A: ____ do your parents make money?

B: By planting trees, growing tobaccos and rice.

A. How B. who C. when

( )3. A:I can’t understand the five words and four phrases in this passage. Can you give me a hand?

B: Sure. You should ____ in the dictionary.

A. look up it B. look them up

C. look after them

( )4. Please tell me _____ for an English test.

A. how did you study B. how does he study

C. how he studies

( )5. Don’t get mad ___ him. After all , he is still an 8-year-old boy.

A. at B. for C. by

( ) 6. We have something important ______you.

A. tell B. to tell C. telling

( ) 7. Make sure that you will ____ No.1 this term.

A. to be B. be C. been

( ) 8. Our Chinese teacher is loving. He is patient _____ us.

A. with B. to C. of

( ) 9.A: What about ____these words?

B: That’s a good idea.

A. pronouncing B. copy down C. look up

( ) 10. I have learnt English ____ by reading English magazine.

A. a lot B. a lot of C. many

( ) 11. Mr. Xiao’s car has a lot of mud. I think it needs ____.

A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned

( ) 12. Luo Yanyan will improve her English by ___ a diary in English, chatting with her English net pal online.

A. keep B. keeping C. kept


1. C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6B.

7 .B 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.B
