高三英语Units 3-4教学讲义 (人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-5-9 编辑:互联网 手机版


类别 新 课 标 要 求

词 strait islander fellow criminal governor resemble

diverse transform immigrant strengthen differ pronunciation vocabulary female concept chew chairwoman entire mine fence outdoors birthplace outing lemonade barbecue roast steak barrier pointed claw hairy medium bushy procedure rose strawberry lemon bunch merely herb classify identification male promote botanical privilege cosy appetite wealth appoint calculate astronomy expense cocoa enterprise settlement accumulate abandon straw pineapple tone reward technician nowhere altogether appearance output latter distinguish millimeter

1. be made up of 由……组成

2. stand for 代表

3. as a consequence of 作为……的结果

4. benefit from 受益于;获益于

5. transfer…into… 把……转变成

6. differ from sb./ sth. in 在……与……不同

7. break out 突然发生

8. feed…on 喂养;饲养

9. round up 使集合在一起

10. give birth to 生;产生;


11.make attempts to do sth 企图尝试做某事

12. at first sight 乍一看

13. have an appetite for 爱好;对……有胃口

14. on a large scale 大规模地

15. be involved in 涉及;参与

16. at one’s own expense 自费

17. in detail 详细地

18. name…after 命名

19. pass away 逝世,去世

20 set foot on/in 进入;踏上

21.have an influence on/ upon


法 1. 复习表语。

2. 复习宾语。

型 1. It was not until the 1960s that the Australian government came to realize the importance of passing laws to strengthen the rights of the “first Australians”. 直到二十世纪六十年代政府才意识到通过法律以加强“最早的澳大利亚人”的权力的重要性。

2. Only in this way could the people in Australia build a society of diverse culture.只有这样澳大利亚的人们才能建立有着多种不同文化的社会。

3. In area it is approximately the same size as the USA, which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people. 澳大利亚的面积约相当于美国,而美国的人口却是澳大利亚的14倍多。

4. However, Turesson’s findings show that habitat, such as soil conditions, is of equal importance to the output of crops. 然而杜尔松的调查研究结果却表明,生长地的情况,如生长地的土壤条件,对粮食农作物产量具有同样重要的意义。


1. Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories。现代澳大利亚是由六个州和两大块组成的。

1)be made up of 由……组成,是make up 的被动形式。make up 组成, 构成; 捏造, 虚构; 化妆; 弥补

Society is made up of people of widely different abilities. 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的。

I couldn’t remember a story to tell the children, so I made one up as I went along. 我想不出什么故事可给孩子讲了,只好现编现讲。

She is always very heavily made up. 她总是浓妆艳抹。

Her beauty can’t make up her stupidity.




make for 走向;有助于……;为……而制造

make fun of 取笑

make the best of 充分利用

make sure 确定;确保

be made of 由……制成(看得出原材料)

be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料)

be made in 在……制造

be made into 被……制成

make up one’s mind 下决心

make …out of…… 用……制成……


⑴Animal bodies are made up of cells.


⑵Cloth is made from cotton.


⑶Early rising makes for good health.


⑷The table is made of wood.


⑸This kind of machines is made in China.


⑹I can’t make up my mind which to choose?


⑺How time flies! We must make the best of it.


⑻He made a great fortune out of oil.


⑼Sour grapes are made into raisins.


⑽It’s impolite to make fun of the disabled.


2. Six of the points represent the states and the seventh stands for all the territories.

1) represent vt. 代表;象征;表现

representation n. 代表;代表团;代理

representative adj. 代表性的;

n. 代表;代理人

represent sth. to oneself 把……描绘成

represent oneself as 声称自己是……

The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征着和平。

The man represents himself as an expert.


2) stand for 代表;象征;支持;主张;容忍

PRC stands for People’s Republic of China.


He can’t stand for those who put on airs.




⑴What do the letters UN stand for?


⑵She represented herself as his wife.


⑶We stand for self-reliance.


⑷How many countries are represented at the conference?


★注意:在指甲代表乙时,stand for 不能代替represent,在表示简称代表全称时一般用stand for而不用represent。

3. In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown. 1770年,詹姆斯库克船长声称这块大陆海岸属于不列颠王国。

1)vt. & n.要求;声称;主张;提出要求

claim on/for sth. 要求;索取;宣称

lay claim to sth. 声称对…的权利,自称

claim sth. back 要回某物;索回

There is no organization claiming responsibility for the London subway attack.


You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged. 如果货物有损坏,可以要求退钱。

4. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.


1)as a consequence 因此;结果; 因为……,相当于as a result/ in consequence。as a consequence短语通常用作状语,位于句首时往往有逗号隔开;也可位于句末;而as a result一般位于句首。

As a consequence o f tsunami, millions of people lost their homes in Indonesia.


As a consequence, some students think that learning a foreign language is slow and difficult. 因此,有的学生认为学习外语又难又慢。

Lu Hao, Lin Ying and Meng Yu are all helping to make

other people’s lives better, and have found their own lives

enriched as a consequence. (U15,BⅢ)


as a consequence of=as a result of 作为……结果

As a consequence of his laziness, he was fired.



because of due to thanks to for the sake of

as a consequence of=as a result of


because of=due to在句子中都可做表语和状语,可在句首也可在句末。

That’s because of / due to hard work--ten years of hard work.

那是由于繁重的工作,十年繁重的工作 (U15,BⅠ)

Due to/Because of the change, a scheduled visit to a factory

has been put off.


Her illness was due to bad food.


thanks to做状语只能位于句首,常带有感情色彩。

Thanks to the help of tens of thousands of PLA soldiers, many large areas were saved from flooding.

多亏成千上万解放军战士的帮助,大量的农田才免受涝灾。 (U8,BⅢ)

It was thanks to your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. 幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。

for the sake of 更趋向于目的,多带褒义。

He bought a house in the country for (the sake of) his wife’s health.


as a result of着重强调某件事后所产生的后果,而不在某件事情的本身,语气比because of 强,多见于书面语。

As a result of the movement of these plates, west America, near the sea, has always been a bad place for earthquake.

由于这些板块的运动,美国西海岸总是地震的多发地区。 (U4,BⅠ)

5.The First World War had a strong influence on Australia. 第一次世界大战对澳大利亚有强烈的影响。

influence n. & vt. 影响

have an influence on/ upon 对……有影响

The life in the countryside had an influence on her career.


His parents have a strong influence on his character.




effect influence result

⑴She had a high fever when she was only six years old. As a result, she became deaf.


⑵Heredity (遗传) and environment are influences on character. 遗传和环境是影响性格的因素。

⑶The medicine had no effect/influence on him. 这药对他无效。

⑷Climate influences plants and animals.


⑸A word from the teacher will have a great effect /influence on my son. 老师的话对我儿子很有影响。


1. result 指由于直接或间接原因、近因或远因索引起的两件事之间的因果关系。

2. effect 该词是指所造成的预期的结果、效果、效力、作用等,后接介词on。

3. influence 着重指对人或物起某种作用或影响,即可以指好的,也可以指不良的影响。

6.After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country it is today.


transform vt. 转变,使转化,使改观,使变换

transform sth./ sb. into 把……变成

transform sth./ sb. from 从……中转变

The magician transformed the man into a rabbit.


We transformed him from an enemy into a friend.


7.Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English…. 澳洲英语在发音上不同于英国英语和美国英语。

1)differ vi. differ from “不同于;与……有差异”,在哪方面不同常与 in连用。

The two cars differ in color but not in size.


The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ in character. 这对孪生兄弟外貌相象,但性格却不同。

2)different adj. 不同的;有区别的

be different from 与……不同

City life is very different from country life.


My opinion is different from yours on this point.


3)difference n. 不同;差异;分歧


make a difference 产生差别;起重要作用

make no difference 不起作用;没有意义

It’s easy to tell the difference between sugar and salt.


It makes no difference to me whether he will come or not.


8.It was not until the 1960s that the Australian government came to realize the importance of passing laws to strengthen the rights of the “first Australians”. 直到二十世纪六十年代政府才意识到通过法律以加强“最早的澳大利亚人”的权力的重要性。

1)这是一个not…until…的强调句型。Not…until…结构在强调句型中的结构为“It is / was not until…that…”,有时经常放在句首用以强调。

The class didn’t begin until he came in.

→It was not until he came in that the class began.

→Not until he came in did the class begin.



⑴It was not until she got home ____ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. (2006 全国)

A. when B. that C. should D. can


⑵It wasn’t until nearly a month later I received the manager’s reply. (2005全国)

A. since B. when C. as D. that


9. One strange animal lays eggs, yet feeds its young on its milk. 有种动物很奇怪,会生蛋又给它的幼崽喂奶。

1) lay 放;搁;下蛋;铺设

You’d better lay your novels on the shelf.



原形 现在分词 过去式 过去分词

lay -- laying -- laid -- laid 放;搁;下蛋;铺设

lie -- lying -- lied -- lied 撒谎

lie -- lying -- lay -- lain 躺;位于



⑴Don’t believe him because he always lies to his mother.


⑵On my way home, I found a wallet lying on the ground.


⑶Mother asked him to lay the table for dinner.


⑷There was an English –Chinese dictionary lying in the corner. It had lain there for a long time. 角落里有一本英汉词典,放在那儿有很长一段时间了。

2)feed…on 意思是“用……喂养”。

He feeds his little dog on milk. 他给小狗喂牛奶。


feed…to 把……喂给……

feed on 以……为食

feed up 给以充分营养;厌烦

be fed up with 厌烦;对……不满;不高兴

feed with 用……喂;给……添加



⑴The old man feeds on vegetables every day.


⑵I’m fed up with the speaker’s long and boring speech.


⑶Mother feeds the baby with a spoon.


⑷You must feed up to grow stronger.


⑸The farmer feeds grass to his cattle.


10. In area it is approximately the same size as the USA, which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people. 澳大利亚的面积约相当于美国,而美国的人口却是澳大利亚的14倍多。


⑴A is + 倍数 + as + 形容词/副词的原级+ as B

⑵A is + 倍数 +形容词/副词的比较级+ than B

⑶A is + 倍数 + the size (height , width, length…)+ of B

The number of people in China is four times as many as that in that country. 中国的人口是那个国家的四倍。

The river is twice longer than that one.


This room is five times the size of mine.



⑴In area, Australia is approximately the same as the USA, which, however, has more than _____as Australia has.

A. as fourteen times many people

B. fourteen times as many people

C. fourteen times many as people

D. as many people fourteen times

【题解】B 多少倍数应位于as…as…结构之前,属于前面提到的倍数句型之一。

⑵The newly-built bridge is ______ the old one.

A. four times the length of B. the length of four times

C. longer than four times D. as long as four times

【题解】A属于前面提到的倍数句型之三,多少倍数应位于the length of…结构之前。

⑶At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _____Great Britain.


A. three times the size as B. the size three times of

C. three times the size of D. three times as the size of

【题解】C属于前面提到的倍数句型之三,多少倍数应位于the size of…结构之前。

⑷Americans eat ____vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (2002上海春 )

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

【题解】D 属于前面提到的倍数句型之一。

11. Farmers in the middle of Australia are usually so large that farmers use motorbikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep or cattle. 澳洲中部的农场通常很广阔,农场主要乘摩托车或驾驶直升飞机把牛羊圈集起来。

1) so…that 表“如此……以至”,引导结果状语从句。


⑴ so + adj./adv. + that clause

⑵ so +many/much / little(表数量) /few + n. + that clause

⑶ so + adj. + a (an)+ 单数可数名词+that clause

⑷ so + adj./adv. 置于句首时要采用部分倒装。

There are so many people here that I am not able to pick her out. 这儿有那么多人我不能认出她来。

It is so good a day that we don’t want to stay at home.


So badly was he injured in the accident that he had to be sent to the nearest hospital.



⑴ such + a (an) (+ adj.) + 单数可数名词+ that clause.

⑵ such (+ adj.) + 复数名词+ that clause.

⑶ such (+ adj.) + 不可数名词+ that clause.

I made such a silly mistake that all my friends made fun of me.




⑴He speaks English so well that he can communicate with foreigners without any difficulty. .


⑵It was so hot a day that they decided to go swimming in the river. 天气如此热以至他们决定去河里游泳。

⑶He had so little education that it was difficult for him to work out the problem.


⑷Badminton is such a popular game that many people like to play it. 羽毛球非常受人欢迎,以至许多人喜欢打。

⑸Mother was so angry that she walked out of the room.


12. Her eldest son has been away from home ever since the war broke out.


break out是不及物词组,尤其指战争、火灾、疾病等“突然爆发或发生”,break out没有被动形式。

A big fire broke out in the hospital last night.


He was studying medicine in America when the war broke out. 战争爆发的时候,他正在美国学习医学。


break down 分解;(计划)失败;(机器)坏掉;


break up 驱散;结束;打碎;分解

break into 强行闯入;破门而入(vt.)

break in 插嘴;破门而入(vi.)

break through 突破,打通

break off 打断;突然停止;中断

break away from脱离;离开;挣脱



break down break up break into break in

break through break off break away from

⑴The prisoner broke away from his guards while being taken to another prison.


⑵The plan has broken down. 计划失败了。

⑶Don’t break in while others are speaking.


⑷The conference broke off at noon. 会议中午暂停。

⑸SARS broke out in China, and many people died.


⑹Many people’s families in Iraq have been broken up by war. 伊拉克的许多家庭都被战争拆散了。

⑺The river broke through its banks, and flooded the country for many miles around.


13.Until then, mostly doctors and surgeons studied herbs. 到那时为止,内科外科医生大都研究过草药。

1) mostly adv. 主要地,大部分地

The people in flooded areas mostly rely on the government to help them.


I spent my spare time mostly listening to music.



most 作副词时通常修饰最高级,其前面加定冠词the;作形容词时,意思是“大多数的”;作代词时为“大多数”。如果在前面加a,表示“一个非常……”。


almost 副词,意思是“几乎……”不与not直接连用,但能和none, no one, nothing, nobody等连用。



most mostly almost

⑴Almost no one is willing to have a rest.


⑵People present at the conference in Shanghai are mostly from Africa. 出席上海这次大会的人主要来自非洲。

⑶Most students like surfing the Internet and chatting.


⑷Qingdao is a most beautiful city .


14. However, he was involved in enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and the settlement of Australia.

1)involve 及物动词,意思是“使卷入;使陷入;使专注” 。常构成句型:

involve sb./sth. in (doing) sth.


be involved in “陷入;从事;忙于”

The students in Senior Grade Three are involved in preparing for the college entrance examination.


Involved in serious trouble, he didn’t know whom he could turn to for help.


2) involved是过去分词。非谓语动词是高中语法中的重点和难点项目,也是高考的重点、必考点,过去分词是考查热点之一。过去分词表示被动的和完成的动作,可以作状语、定语、表语、宾语补语等成分。

Given better attention, the plants could grow better.


The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.


Though warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields. =Though they had been warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields.


Don’t touch the glass because it is broken.


3)过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为主句的主语,此时应注意人称一致。状语从句改为过去分词有时还可保留连词,构成“连词+过去分词”结构作状语。“while ( when, once, until, if , though等连词)+过去分词”结构。

Believed the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge.


When asked why he came here, the boy kept silent.


4) 有些过去分词因来源于系表结构。这样的过去分词及短语常见的有:lost(迷路);seated(坐);hidden(躲);stationed(驻扎);lost/absorbed in(沉于);born(出身于);dressed in(穿着);tired of (厌烦)be involved in (陷入;从事;忙于)。

Absorbed in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.




be dressed in be located in be lost in

be caught in be seated be born in

⑴I was caught in a heavy rain on my way home.

在回家的路上, 我淋了一场大雨。

⑵Dressed in a white uniform, he looks like a cook.


⑶Our school is located in the suburb of the city.


⑷Lost in thought, I was nearly hit by a passing car.


⑸Born in this beautiful town, he hates to leave it.


⑹Seated at the table, my father and I were talking about my job. 我和父亲坐在桌子旁讨论我的工作问题。

15.However, Turesson’s findings show that habitat, such as soil conditions, is of equal importance to the output of crops. 然而杜尔松的调查研究结果却表明,生长地的情况,如生长地的土壤条件,对粮食农作物产量具有同样重要的意义。

1)be + of + 抽象名词 (importance, value, help, use, interest…)表示主语的性质,相当于“主语+ be + 形容词”, 名词前可用great, little , much, no等修饰。

This kind of medicine is of no use to stomachache. = This

kind of medicine is useless to stomachache.


2)be + of + …age/ color/ size/ height/ weight / shape/ kind/ type/ material 表示主语与其他事物在年龄、颜色、大小、高度、重量、形状、种类、材料等相同或不同。

The two children are of the same age. But they are quite different in character.


16. 英语中常见的可以作表语的有:

⑴名词 ⑵代词 ⑶形容词 ⑷介词短语 ⑸副词 ⑹现在分词 ⑺过去分词 ⑻动名词

⑼不定式 ⑽从句


⑴See the flags on top of the building? That was ____we did this morning. (2006全国)

A. when B. which C. where D. what


⑵You can see stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are _____. (2006上海)

A. unavoidable B. invisible

C. inaccessible D. unavailable

【题解】B正确。invisible看不见的,形容词作表语。 unavoidable不能避免的;inaccessible 达不到的,进不去的;unavailable 没用的,没有效果的。根据意思B正确。

⑶Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _____it was 20 years ago, ____, it was so poorly equipped. (2005安徽)

A. what; when B. that; which

C. what; which D. which; that

【题解】A正确。What引导表语从句,作表语。When引导的是定语从句。意思是:学校发生了巨大的变化,⑷It remains _____whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in

the finals. (2006浙江)

A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see

【题解】B正确。It作为形式主语,whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals是真正的主语,是被看到的事情,所以要用to be seen,不定式作为remain的表语。

⑸Tom sounds very much _____in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006安徽)

A. interested B. interesting

C. interestedly D. interestingly

【题解】A正确。Sound是连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。Interested和 interesting都是形容词,但是interesting表示本身有趣味,而interested表示让人引起兴趣的,用来形容人。从句中可以看出是:汤姆对工作感兴趣,所以A正确。

17. 英语中常见的可以作宾语的有:

⑴名词 ⑵代词 ⑶数词 ⑷介词短语

⑸现在分词 ⑹过去分词 ⑺动名词 ⑻不定式

⑼从句 ⑽it (形式主语)


⑴I’d appreciate _____if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. (2006山东)

A. that B. it C. this D. you

【题解】B正确。It作为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 意思是:如果你能教我怎样用电脑,我将非常感激。

⑵He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning ____ his teammates had done. (2006上海)

A. what B. which C. why D. while

【题解】A正确。what引导从句作mention的宾语,同时what又在从句中充当had done的宾语。

⑶When asked by the police he said that he remembered _____ at the party, but not _____. (2005北京)

A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leave

C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave

【题解】C正确。remember doing sth. 记得做过某事;remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事。从句中可以看出arriving 及leaving做remembered宾语。

⑷I prefer a flat in Inverness to _____in Perth, because I want to live near my Mom’s. (2005天津)

A. one B. that C. it D. this



I. 单项填空

( )1.The cost of living in Beijing is among the lowest in China, ______ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.

A. since B. when C. as D. while

【题解】D正确。While此处是一个表转折意义的连词,表示“虽然,但是”。The cost of living和 the quality of life形成一种对比。

( )2. Mr. Smith made up his mind to devote all he had to _____ some schools for poor children.

A. set up B. have set up

C. setting up D. having set up

【题解】考查的是短语devote…to 的用法,to 是介词,句中的he had是定语从句,故而排除A、B两项。所


( )3. Whether you will be admitted to a key university _____ how hard you work.

A. depends on B. leads to C. lies on D. results in

【题解】A正确。depend on 依靠;依赖 lead to 导致

lie on 位于;如果要表示“在于”应该用lie in ;result in


( )4. I can’t stand _____with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ____talking while she works. (2006北京)

A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping

C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop

【题解】C项正确。stand意为“忍受”,后面接动词-ing 形式做宾语,表示忍受做某事。而refuse to do 拒绝做某事。所以正确答案为C。

( )5. American people eat _____vegetables per person today as they did in 1990.

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

【题解】正确答案为D。more than放在twice之前表示两倍多。

( )6. Once _____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.

A. it being completed B. it completed

C. completed D. it completes

【题解】正确答案为C。Once completed= Once the power station is completed. 主语一致,并且含有be动词作状语时,可以省略主语和be动词,所以C为正确答案。

( )7. The people present at the dinner party are _____the host’s friends and relatives. It went on in _____most pleasant atmosphere until deep into night.

A. most; the B. mostly; a

C. mostly; the D. most; a

【题解】B正确。 句意为:出席这次晚宴的人大都是主人的朋友和亲戚,宴会在一种愉快的气氛中进行到深夜。第一个结构选择,而第二个选择不是表示最高级,而是表“非常”,所以选择B。

( )8. _____with so much difficulty, we failed to complete the task on time. (2006四川卷)

A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face

【题解】答案为A。be faced with 此处为系表结构,意思是“面临着”。过去分词作状语用时,要用faced with。

( )9. So difficult ____it to work out the problem that I decided to ask my teacher for help.

A. I did find B. did I find

C. I have found D. have I found

【题解】B正确。so + adj./adv. 置于句首时要采用部分倒装。句子的时态应该是一般过去时态,所以正确答案为B。

( )10.I find___necessary___us to remember many idioms.

A. it;of B. it;for C. this;for D. that;of

【题解】B正确。第一个it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to remember many idioms。意思是:我发现记一些习语是非常必要的。

( )11.-_____that Mary managed to get the information?

-Oh, a friend of hers helped her.

A. Where was it B. What was it

C. How was it D. Why was it

【题解】C正确。此题考查的是强调句型It was …that …,强调how,所以变成How was it that …。所以C正确。

( )12. Little ____ that Tom will come to take part in the birthday party to be held next Sunday.

A. do I believe B. I do believe

C. I believed D. have I believed

【题解】A正确。Little 是否定词,以否定词开头的句子要实行部分倒装,故A正确。

( )13.To understand the grammar of the difficult sentence, you’d better break it ______ into parts.

A. down B. up C. off D. out

【题解】A正确。break down毁掉,分解;break up打破,打碎;break off 中断,停止;break out 爆发。本句意思是:要明白这个难句的语法现象,你最好把句子分成几个部分。所以正确答案为A。

( )14. _____the lecture given by the professor, some students left the lecture hall.

A. Tire with B. Fed up with

C. Tiring with D. Tiring of

【题解】正确答案为B。be tired of / be fed up with 意思都可以表示“对……感到厌烦”,所以只有B正确。

( )15. Some procedures involved in the manufacture of this product are_____procedures conducted in producing TV sets.

A. same as B. resemble C. alike D. similar to

【题解】D正确。Be similar to 与……相似。


Bird flu is becoming a new threat against human beings as well as birds. 1 , as the World Health Organization (WHO) says, fears 2 worldwide that the bird flu virus could change into a more 3 form. At Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport, all 4 leaving or entering must complete a(an) 5 declaration(申报) form that asks if travelers have had close 6 with birds or bird flu 7 over the past week.

They will also be screened with a special camera for high 8 , and must declare coughing or shortness of 9 . People with temperatures over 38 degrees will be further 10 .

At least 68 11 have died form bird flu since 2003. So far, most human cases of the disease are concerned in contact with 12 birds. But experts fear a human flu pandemic (传染病) will break out 13 the deadly bird flu virus changes into a 14 that spread easily between people.

China, which has more 15 than any other country, has called bird flu a “serious pandemic”. It has reported 22 outbreaks among birds so far, and three confirmed human cases of bird flu. Two of them died and one was 16 .

The preventive 17 , announced in a notice on the Government’s website, are similar to those required during the 2003 outbreak of SARS, which- 18 bird flu - spread easily from person to person.

The WHO points out that the main route (途径) of human infection by the bird flu virus is 19 contact with sick birds, and that transmission form person to person requires very close contact with a sick 20 .

( )1 A. However B. Instead

C. Therefore D. Otherwise

( )2 A. grow B. decrease C. remain D. vary

( )3 A. common B. formal

C. important D. powerful

( )4 A. farmers B. passengers C. adults D.clerks

( )5 A. safety B. luggage

C. health D. identity

( )6 A. contact B. relation

C. connection D. communication

( )7 A. doctors B. patients

C. viruses D. dangers

( )8 A. temperatures B. spirits

C. crimes D. possibilities

( )9 A. rest B. treatment C. breath D. care

( )10 A. treated B. observed

C. suspected D. examined

( )11 A. travelers B. people

C .ducks D. animals

( )12 A. killed B. unknown

C. rejected D. infected

( )13 A. because B. though C. if D. while

( )14 A. form B. sickness C. disaster D. pain

( )15 A. diseases B. chickens C. hospitals D. fears

( )16 A. injured B. disabled C. discovered D. cured

( )17 A. medicines B. effects C. measures D. areas

( )18 A. as B. unlike C. besides D. with

( )19 A. direct B. private

C. proper D. sudden

( )20 A. person B. friend C. visitor D. bird


1.C therefore 因此,所以 however 然而instead 相反,代替otherwise 否则。从文章知道前面是原因,后面结果,所以选C。

2.A grow 渐渐变得 decrease 减少remain保持,依旧是 vary改变,变更。意思“禽流感引起全世界的恐慌。”

3.D 强大的,有力的

4.B 因为是在机场,所以应该考虑是乘客。

5.C 根据文章知道是健康申报表。

6.A contact接触。

7.B 句意:是否和禽类及禽流感有过接触。所以B正确。

8.A 因为禽流感患者有发烧症状,所以选A。

9.C 发烧、咳嗽及呼吸急促都是其症状。

10.D be further examined被进一步检查。

11.B 根据意思可得知:68人已经死于禽流感。

12.D infected 被感染的.

13.C if 如果。

14.A 从a powerful form 可得知。

15.B 鸡或家禽。

16.D cured 被治愈的符合题意。injured 受伤 disabled 残疾的 discovered 被发现的。

17.C 意为:预防性的措施。

18.B unlike 不相似的。

19.A direct 直接的;direct contact直接接触。

20.A 禽流感的传播要求和患者有近距离的接触。

Ⅲ. 阅读理解

For an increased number of students at American Universities, old is suddenly in. The reason is obvious: the graying of America means jobs. Coupled with the aging of the baby-boom(生育高峰) generation, a long life span means that the nation’s elderly population is sure to increase greatly over the next 50 years. By 2050, 25 percent of all Americans will be older than 65, up from 14 percent in 1995.

The change brings big questions for government and society, of course. But it also creates career opportunities in medicine and health professions, and in law and business as well. “In addition to the doctors, we’re going to need more sociologists, biologists, urban planners and specialized lawyers,” says Professor Edward Schneider of the University of Southern California’s(USC)School of Gerontology (老年学).

Lawyers can specialize in “Elder law”, which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing–home abuse and age discrimination. Businessmen see huge opportunities in the elder market.“Any student who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with an MBA or law degree will have a license to print money, ”one professor says.

Margarine Santos is 21-year-old senior at USC. She began college as a biology major but found she was “really bored with bacteria”. So she took a class in gerontology and discovered that she liked it. She says, “I did volunteer work in retirement homes and it was very satisfying.”

( )1. The best title for the passage should be _____.

A. The Graying of America B. Gerontology

C. Aging and Job Opportunities D. Elder Law

( )2. The underlined sentence in Para 1 most probably means __.

A. America has suddenly become a nation of old people

B. gerontology has suddenly become popular

C. more elderly professors are found on American campuses

D. American college have realized the need of admitting older students

( )3. With the aging of America, lawyer can benefit ____.

A. from building nursing homes for the elderly

B. from providing special services to the elderly

C. by enriching their professional knowledge

D. by winning the trust of the elderly

( )4. It can be seen from the passage that the increasing of America’s elderly population ______.

A. will bring good chances to people in many areas

B. will put an unbearable burden on society

C. may lead to nursing home abuse and age prejudice

D. will create new fields of study in university


1.C 主旨大意题, 通读全文可得知。

2.B 猜测句意题。由下句“美国的白发即老年人意味着工作”可知。


4.A 归纳总结题。根据最后两段的内容可知美国老年人数的增加会给各个领域的人带来好机会。



项 目 内 容

日睡眠量 绝大多数不足7小时,有些甚至不足6小时,大大低于8小时的标准。

原 因 作业多;强调成绩;忽视学生身心健康。

对 策 减少作业;关注学生身心健康。

One possibleversion:

According to a survey made last week, most middle school students only have an average of less than 7 hours’ sleep each night, less than required. There are several reasons for this. First of all, the students are burdened with too much homework. Another important reason is that schools and parents pay less attention to their sleep. But, in fact, this will be harmful to their health. So we must take some measures to stop this. First, less homework should be given to the students by teachers or parents. Second, more attention should be paid to their health. Third, the living conditions for them should be improved.