g1Unit 10 The world around us

发布时间:2016-2-2 编辑:互联网 手机版


(Teaching aims and demands)




1. Talk about ways to protect the environment

2. Talk about wildlife endangerment

3. Talk about causes and effects


原因和结果(Causes and effects)

Why…? Because/As/Since…

Because of…, I… If…, then…

As a result of… It follows that…

It will use… It will lead to…


fur Tibetan lead jungle wolf giraffe environmental tour act measure original battery devote common valuable reduce respond amount package packaging harmful flat material poster attractive topic organize brief

in danger die out as a result of lead to take measures adapt to make a difference devote…to at present set free in the wild throw away


Review Direct and Indirect Speech

1. Reporting statements

“I am writing an article about animals in zoos,” the reporter said.

→The reporter said that he was writing an article about animals in zoos.

2. Reporting yes-no questions

“Do you like living in the zoo?” the reporter asked the kangaroo.

→The reporter asked the kangaroo if he liked living in the zoo.

3. Reporting wh-questions

“How long have you lived in the zoo?” the reporter asked the hippo.

→The reporter asked the hippo how long he had lived in the zoo.

4. Reporting commands and requests

“Please tell me more about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the zoo,”the reporter said to the giraffe.

→The reporter asked the giraffe to tell him more about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the zoo.

5.Reporting general truth

“Human survival is dependent on the natural world,” he said.

→He said that human survival is dependent on the natural world.



重点1 ☆☆☆

When farmers cut down trees,tigers can no longer hide and hunt.


(1)cut down 砍倒、砍伐

people cut down a lot of trees for firewood.


(2)no longer不再,在句中作状语。

He no longer lives here.=He doesn’t live gere any longer.

重点2 ☆☆

Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur and use their bones for medicine.


Use …for …利用……来做…,也可用作被动语态be used for……

We use gas a lot for cooking.

Gas is used a lot for cooking.煤气被大量用来做饭。

重点3 ☆☆☆

Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out?


(1)make sure 查明;务必使得、确保,保证使……

please make sure that he is here with his camera.


(2)die out 灭绝、死绝

Many of the earth’s piants and animals have already died out.


重点4 ☆

A reporter is going to interview some animals.


Interview vt.采访(某人)

A reporter from the “Washington Post”inter viewed the president.


重点5 ☆☆

Student A will act as the reporter and student B will act as the animal.

学生A 将扮演记者,学生B 扮演动物。

Act as 扮演Who will act as the king in the play?



(1)cut down 还可作“减少,降低”讲。

e.g. You should cut down your expenses.


You should cut the story down one third.


(2)no longer的同义词为no more.

e.g. He no more cared what his friends thought about him.

=He did not care any more what his friend thought about him.


No longer 与 no more 的区别:

No longer 侧重指时间方面,而no more 侧重量、次数方面。

He is no longe a handsome Lake for holiday.



1.☆☆☆ cut down 除了“砍倒、砍伐”之意外,还可作“降低、减少”讲。

1. ☆☆☆ no longer/not ……any longer侧重指时间上不再延续; no more/not ……any more侧重指数量或程度上不再增加。

2. ☆☆☆ make sure 可作“查明、弄清”或“确保、务必”,有三种用法:接that 从句,接of 介词短语或单独使用。

3. ☆☆☆ die out 灭绝、死光;完全消失、废除。以及与动词die和副词out 相关的短语。

4. ☆☆☆ 动词use 作“使用”时,其常见用法有三种:use ……for ……,use ……as ……,use ……to do sth.。

☆☆☆ act as 扮演;充当、担任。Work as 干 ……工作,担任。Serve as 干 ……工作,充当、担任。


重点1 ☆☆☆

Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals from becoming endangered.

Steve Jones 是一位设法保护动物不受危害的环境方面的专家。

Keep ……from doing sth.阻止 …做某事

Urgent business kept me from attending the party.


重点2 ☆☆☆

We are not along in the world.我们人类不是单独存在于世界上的。

Alone adj.单独的,独自的,只作表语;不作定语。

I was all alone in the house.房子里只有我孤零零一个人。

重点3 ☆☆☆

We often talk about how important it is to take good care of ourselves and our planet ,but we don’t always do as we say.


As conj.像……那样,如同,连接方式状语从句。

重点4 ☆☆☆

They are all used to their environment.它们都已习惯了自己的生存环境。

Be /get used to ……习惯于


Davld has lived in China for years and is used to Chinese food.戴维在中国生活了好几年,已经习惯了中国食品。

重点5 ☆☆

The animal or plant has to either adapt to the charge or find a new home.


Adapt to ……适应,后接名词或代词。

重点6 ☆☆

Fist of all ,we need to learn more about animals,plants and the environment.首先,我们有必要对动物、植物和环境作更多的了解。

First of all 首先、第一,用于加强语气。

重点7 ☆☆☆

Even small things can make a big difference.


Make a difference有差别、在关系,要紧

A year or two will make a great difference to us.



与keep ……from doing sth.意义相同的短语还有:stop/prevent…from doing sth.。在用法上有所不同的是用动词stop 或prevent可以省掉from ,但如果用keep 则不能省掉from.因为省掉from 后,keep ……doing sth.的意义为“使……一直……”。

e.g. You must stop the children (from) getting close to the crazy man.


What can we do to prevent such things(from)happening again?


Why do you always keep your lights burning all night long even when you are not in your room?



1.☆☆☆ keep/stop/prevent sb.from doing sth.都可表示“某人做某事”。用stop 或 prevent 时 from 可以省去,但用keep 就不能省,如果省掉,就变成“使某人一直做某事”的意思。

2.☆☆☆ alone 与lonely 的区别:alone 可作形容词或副词,lonely只能作形容词;作形容词用时,alone 只作表语,不作定语,而lonely 既作表语,又作定语,又作定语;alone 强调客观事实,lonely侧重指人的主观感受。

3.☆☆☆ as 作连词用,当“像……那样,如同”讲时,可连接方式状语从句或比较状语从句。

4.☆☆☆ used 的三种形式:used to do 过去常常做某事,be /get used to (doing)sth .习惯(做)某事,be used to do sth.被 有来做某事。

5.☆☆☆ make a difference 有差别、有关系、要紧,以及其他的变化形式make some /little/no /a great /a great deal of difference.

1.☆☆ adapt(…)to ……(使)适应……习惯………,adapt还可作“改编,改写”讲。

☆☆ first of all 首先、第一,用于加强语气。以及相关的短语above all ,at first,firstly 的意义和用法。


重点1 ☆☆☆

Professor Stevenson,who has devoted himself to protecting the miludeer,gave a talk to Chinese college students in Beijing.一直致力于保护麋工作的斯蒂芬逊教授给北京的中国大学生作了一个报告。

(1)devote oneself to …“专心于、献身于、致力于……”to 是介词,后面接名词或动名词。

(2)give a talk (to sb.)(给某人)作报告、作演讲。=give (sb.)a talk.

She will give us a talk on Mozart.她将给我们作一个在关莫扎特的演讲。

重点2 ☆☆☆

The milu deer had been very common in China a long time ago.


Common. Adj .常见的、平常的、普遍的

Snow is common in cold countries.


It’s now quite common for women to wear short hair.


重点3 ☆☆☆

He told the students that he hopes that more people would care about the milu deer.



重点4 ☆

He hoped that one day these milu deer would be set free and live in the wild again.他希望有一天这些麋鹿会被释放出来,重新生活在野外。

(1)set…free 将……释放,使…自由

The prisoners were set free after liberation.解放后,这些囚犯都被释放了。

(2)in the wild 在野外,处于野生状态。

Are the animals live in the zoo or in the wild?


重点6 ☆☆

If we reuse something,it will not end up as waste.


End up as ……作为……而结束,以……告终

He ended up as head of the firm.他最后成了公司的主管人。


(1)devote除了接反身代词作宾语外,也可接one’s life ,time等词作宾语。

e.g. He has devoted his life to helping disabled people.


I think it’s no use devoting any more time to this question.


Devote 还常用于被动语态,即be devoted to ……,意义上与devote oneself to 相同。

e.g. As a traditional woman,she is devoted to her family and children.


Devoted 可用作形容词,意思为“忠实的”、“热爱的”。“专心的”,“专用于……的 ”

e.g. The dog is very devoted to its master.这狗对它的主人非常忠实。

(2)与give a talk 相关的短语还有:give a lecture 作讲座、演讲。

Make a speech 发表演说、演讲、发言。

e.g. Every student made/gave a speech in class.班上每个同学都发了言。

Professor Wang from Beijing University will give us a lecture this Friday afternoon.北京大学的王教授将于本周王下午给我们作讲座。


1.☆☆☆ devote oneself to ……献身于……,专心于……,致力于……

devote one’s life/time/energy to ……把奉献在……上,也可用于系表结构be devoted to …….注意:这里的“to”都是介词,后面只能接名词、代词或动名词。

2.☆☆☆ common,usual,ordinary,normal 四个形容词各自所侧重:common 侧重于常见、有共性,usual侧重指惯常,ordinary 侧重平,平凡、普遍,normal侧重指正常。

3.☆☆☆ 关于动词care 的短语:care about 关心,在意;担心,care for 喜欢,想要;照料、看护,take care of 照料。另外,care作及物动词用时,后接宾语从句。

4.☆☆ 关于learn 的动词短语:learn from …向……学习,learn…by oneself,自学……,learn …by heart 背诵、背记,learn of/about /that clause 听说,获悉。

5.☆☆ end up 作“结束、告终”解时,常与介词as ,with 或in 连用。

6.☆ set ……free 释放,使……获得自由。以及set 接形容词或介词作宾补的用法。

7.☆ in the wild 在野外。In the air 在空中;未定的,in the open ari 在露天。