改错专项训练(7) (新课标版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2017-11-11 编辑:互联网 手机版


Dear John , I haven 't heard a letter from you for a long time. 1.

Why not to come to Spain ?It is a country with 2.

beautiful city.The food here is delicious.Hotels aren't 3.

expensive at all,and they are even cheaper than any places 4.

in the world.There are all kinds of shops fill of 5.

many different products.You can also go to some 6.

very old markets,which sell everything from fresh(新鲜的)7.

fruits to nice clothes.So you can go shopping there and 8.

buy that you want.Besides(此外),you can go to one 9.

of the finest beaches to swim in the blue,warm water or 10.

to take rest.If you come here,I believe you 11.

have a very exciting holiday and 12.

make your dream to come true.Please write to me 13.

soon and tell me about your decision for you 14.

first trip to Spain . 参考答案:(13)1.heard→got /received /had或去掉a letter。2.com e前的to去掉。 3.city→cities。4.any后加other。5.fill→full。6.√7.√8.√ 9.that→ what。10.√11.rest前加a。12.have前加will。13.come前的to去掉。 14.you→your。
