

时间:2022-07-08 21:11:45






  反思性教学,是指教学主体借助行动研究不断探索与解决自身和教学目的以及教学工具等方面的问题,将“学会教学”与“学会学习”结合起来,努力提升教学实践的合理性,使自己成为学者型教师的过程。在这个复杂的过程中,教师既要对教学情境进行感知,又要对自身认知过程进行反思。反思性教学实际上体现了教师在整个教育活动中的双重角色:既是引导者,又是评论者;既是教育者,又是受教育者。一、反思性教学的特点 1.反思性教学以解决教学问题为基本点反思性教学不是简单地回顾教学情况的教学,而是教学主体发现教学中存在的问题(不足),根据解决问题的方案组织教学内容,通过解决问题,进一步提高教学质量的教学。反思型教师在反思性教学的过程之后,他们不仅想知道自己教学的结果,而且要对结果及有关原因等进行反思,因此总是喜欢问“为什么”,这种追问的习惯,往往促使反思型教师增强问题意识和“解题”能力,所以它是一种千方百计追求“更好地”完成教学任务的教学。 2.反思性教学以“两个学会”为目标学会教学其含义与学会学习有类似之处,即要求教师把教学过程作为“学习教学”的过程,不仅学习教学的技术,还要学习教学伦理与道德知识。由于反思性教学以两个学会为目的,因此,它既要求教师教学生“学会学习”,全面发展学生,又要求教师“学会教学”,自身获得进一步发展,直至成为学者型教师。 3.反思性教学以增强教师的“道德感”为突破口道德感的重要方面之一是责任感,是教师自觉反思教学行为的前提,也就是说,道德感欠缺的教师,除非因教学上的失误和迫于外界压力,否则不会自觉反思自己的教学行为。在反思性教学理论看来,要提高教学质量,增强教师的道德感似乎比进一步提高教师的教学技能与能力更为重要,因此,反思性教学既注意教师教学的技术问题,又把教学伦理与道德问题摆上重要日程。二、在教学反思中,学会教学新课程又强调教师是课程实施的参与者、建设者和开发者,而这样的角色定位最需要的就是不断地总结、不断地反思、不断地改进、不断地创造。而教学反思正是使教师总结、反思、改进、创造的有效方法,因此,我们必须进行教学反思,既对自己的教学进行反思,又对他人的教学进行反思,在教学反思中,学会教学,促进教学。反思性教学注重探究和解决教学实际问题,具有强烈的问题意识。要求教师在教学活动中不断发现问题,提出影响教学效果的因素,针对问题设计教学方案并组织教学,在解决问题的同时使教学过程更加优化,以取得更好的教学效果。备课时,尽管教师会预备好各种不同的学习方案,但在实际教学中,还是会遇到一些意想不到的问题,如学生不能按计划时间回答问题,师生之间、同学之间出现争议等。这时,教师要根据学生的反馈信息,反思“为什么会出现这样的问题,我如何调整教学计划,采取怎样有效的策略与措施”,从而顺着学生的思路组织教学,确保教学过程沿着最佳的轨道运行。及时捕捉教学过程中的信息和问题,既关注教学的结果,又关注对产生这种结果进行的反思。这种方式,促进了教师形成探究意识。一节课结束或一天的教学任务完成后,我们应该静下心来细细想想:这节课总体设计是否恰当,教学环节是否合理,其容是否清晰,教学手段的

  运用是否充分,重点、难点是否突出;今天我有哪些行为是正确的,哪些做得还不够好,哪些地方需要调整、改进;学生的积极性是否调动起来了,学生学得是否愉快,我教得是否愉快,还有什么困惑等。把这些想清楚,作一总结,然后记录下来,这样就为今后的教学提供了可资借鉴的经验。经过长期积累,我们必将获得一笔宝贵的教学财富。 “他山之石,可以攻玉”。向他人学习,向优秀教师学习,教师应多观摩其他教师的课,并与他们进行对话交流。在观摩中,教师应分析其他教师是怎样组织课堂教学的,他们为什么这样组织课堂教学;我上这一课时,是如何组织课堂教学的;我的课堂教学环节和教学效果与他们相比,有什么不同,有什么相同;从他们的教学中我受到了哪些启发;如果我遇到偶发事件,会如何处理……通过这样的反思分析,从他人的教学中得到启发,得到教益。通过开放性的对话、交流、讨论促进教师更有效地进行反思,促进教师把实践经验上升为理论。以优秀教师的课或教学案例来对照反思自己的教育思想和教学行为熚取他人成功的经验煴苊庵胤杆人的教学失误和不当熢诠鄄臁⒍员取⒎此肌⑿拚的过程中使自己的教育教学更合理、更科学、更经济有效。教学反思被认为是“教师专业发展和自我成长的核心因素”。美国学者波斯纳认为,没有反思的经验是狭隘的经验,至多只能形成肤浅的知识。只有经过反思,教师的经验方能上升到一定的高度,并对后继行为产生影响。因此,我们教师要形成自我反思的意识和自我监控的能力,以促进我们的教学,提高教育教学能力。 基于小学数学反思性教学的探讨


















  What is the reflective teaching


  Reflective teaching refers to teachers in ordinary education teaching rule or under the guidance of education theory, the experience in teaching, review, review, and the resulting new more hasten is reasonable teaching plan and teaching behavior process. That is to say, reflective teaching has both the "teaching reflection" and "reflective teaching", is the organic unity of both. Xiong Chuanwu three connotation of reflective teaching is put forward: to explore and solve teaching problems in reflective teaching; Reflective teaching driven by the pursuit of teaching practice rationality; Reflective teaching is to help the teachers' overall development process.


  Therefore, reflective teaching to teaching goal, teaching means, the rationality and validity of the teaching practice, through the review, discuss and study the practical problems in teaching practice, to realize the teaching improvement and teachers' professional development.


  Reflective teaching, however, is not the same as teaching reflection, because it is more reasonable more emphasize on the basis of the teaching practice of behavior. It eiched and developed the teaching reflection and teaching reflection, not only are more reflective teaching, which not only make the static to the teaching experience of reflection, after the reflection is more active more rationality of the rectification of teaching practice. Reflective teaching is not a specific teaching method, it is not in a conceptualization, static teaching method to regulate specific and dynamic teaching practice, which requires teachers based on the outside of self critically examine their own actions and situation.



  Reflective teaching is different from the teaching evaluation and feedback. Teaching evaluation generally refers to the value judgment of teaching, requirements prior to formulate an evaluation scheme, and then whether teaching to achieve the standards, how to value judgment. Teaching feedback generally refers to teachers in the teaching process, the effect on student learning as a new information to return, adjust their teaching activities. In terms of teachers, the teaching process is the additional output process of the teaching information feedback information. Reflective teaching in the course of practice, of course, are often inseparable from the teaching evaluation and teaching feedback.


  Reflective teaching is a kind of memory, thinking, experience in teaching evaluation activity or process(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:反思性教学), is the summary and feedback of the past teaching experience, teachers are teaching main body by the action research, constantly explore and resolve its teaching objectives and teaching means, etc, to "learn to teaching" and "learning to learn" to unify, efforts to improve the rationality of the teaching practice, and establish himself as a process of academic teachers. If the reflective teaching "learning to teaching" and "learning to learn" as two goals, then you should put the teaching is divided into two aspects of "teaching" and "learning". On the one hand is for teaching and learning, the teacher of teaching reflection, self learning, improve the teaching goals, methods and means, to achieve the purpose of teachers to "teach" and realize the teaching practice of "rationality". On the other hand is for learning and teaching, the teacher through reflection, improve their education teaching strategies, methods, or means, guide students to learn to "learning", guides the student to reflect on their learning behavior, learn to self management, self direction, self evaluation, self development goals.


  How to implement reflective teaching


  How should teachers use reflective teaching in teaching? The author found in the daily teaching

  research, usually using the method of reflective teaching are: classroom observation, the report, the teaching diary, questionnaires, action research, classroom activity and so on. Report including classroom observation, curriculum, teaching diary easier for teachers to operate and use.


  Classroom observation is we often say the class activities. Between main form is teacher class, listening to colleagues or pair teachers listen to guide the class, the teacher can also pair up and take turns to listen to the other side of the class. Class need to see is: classroom organization, time arrangement, the student to the completion of the task, the teacher answer questions and students, students' participation in the group activities, group activities when students use of mother tongue or the foreign language planning, teaching, etc.


  Classroom observation is not confined to young teachers view old teacher in the class, in turn, the old teacher can also be inspired from the youth teacher's class, is beneficial to change the teaching idea. Take the author view English class by the teacher, the teachers' work time is not long, he adopted in teaching reading class method is different from the usual teaching methods. The author often USES the "bottom-up" teaching methods, to present the new words first, solve the pronunciation of the new words, basic usage, and then let the students read the text with the problem, to discuss and answer the questions after reading. The author of the disadvantages of this scheme is not time to key points and difficulties in processing the article, based on general students begin, even the text to read is not good. But the teachers often use ZaoDouKe time, using the vocabulary strategies to deal with new words, then let the students in class listen to the tape with a problem, every hearing a to let the students answer a question or two; After the full text, will also each sentence of the first word provided to students, students are required to block retell the text, so most of the students are able to speak with said. Reflective teaching is to encourage teachers form their own teaching ideas, and share with others. If the teacher is willing to invest time and energy on reflective teaching practice, can fundamentally change the traditional teaching

  behavior, the purpose is not strong, help it to change the teaching idea, thus consciously and purposefully engaged in teaching activities, to improve the teaching quality.


  Reflective teaching is practical and effective way to teachers' professional development. Itself need to teacher's professional development of teachers become physically, appearing, you need to practice the education issues and circumstances to make their own analysis and comments. Reflective teaching can play to utility, can influence teachers' teaching for long life, the key lies in the extent to which it can be converted into teacher's daily teaching practice. Middle school English teachers should be in the process of reflective teaching to explore new ideas, new teaching methods, at the same time attaches great importance to the combination of theory and practice, make the teaching and learning, combine theory with practice more closely, to better promote middle school English teaching quality enhances unceasingly.
