
时间:2023-05-04 13:24:47 惠嘉 英语日记 我要投稿
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  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 1

  Hello, today is May Day. I and My father, mother and sister went shopping.

  We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls. And my mother bought toys for me. Such as: train, ball, balloon, car, doll, plane and skateboard. After that we went to zoo. I saw rabbit, tigers, snails, and lions, hamsters, Mouses and zebras and so all.

  My sister asked me “what do your like?” I answered “I like skipping rope. That’s very nice.” She said “Here is you prize, Sunny!” “Oh, thank you! I love it!” I shouted. We sat under a tree. After lunch we drank some milk.





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 2

  The annual happy May Day is here again. Today, everyone in the whole company took their children to sing karaoke, and I followed my mother.

  When I arrived at the karaoke hall, I saw that it was not very bright, but the lights were colorful, flickering and beautiful. Began to sing, sounded wonderful music, everyone listened quietly. The first one is a big brother. I don't know what song he sings. He also got 98 points. It's really great. Then a little sister sang "only mother is good in the world" and got 100 points. Everyone applauded warmly. I almost clapped my hands red. Finally, I also sang a children's song, but the score was not high, so I was embarrassed to say.

  Although my singing is not good, I had a happy may day.

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 3

  How time flies! May day in 2022 has arrived. I went to grandma's house these days. I'm so happy!

  The three of us got up early in the morning, washed our faces, cleaned up, and went to the street to buy grandma some of her favorite food. We divided our work and bought it. We finished it in a minute. We took a car and went on the way to grandma's house. Don't mention how beautiful it is.

  After a while, we went to grandma's house and met grandma. We hugged her affectionately. Grandma knew I was coming and bought me a sundae. It was delicious. We had a big meal at noon and talked with grandma for a while. In the afternoon, we rushed back.

  Today, I'm so excited to see grandma. This may day is the happiest time I've ever had.





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 4

  On May Day, father-in-law sun got up earlier than me. The weather was wonderful. I went to Huai'an park with my mother, father and aunt's little brother.

  There are many people in the park. There are people who dance, practice swords and sell things. It's very lively! Red flowers, white flowers and yellow flowers... Compete for wonders and beauty!

  What attracts me most is the amusement park. As soon as I took my mother to the amusement park, I climbed onto the "space UFO" without waiting for my mother to buy a ticket. The UFO rotates and rises and falls from time to time. I kept shouting "Mom"... My mother just laughed and ignored me at all

  Later, we played bumper cars and water guns... May day is really happy!





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 5

  The annual "May Day" International Labor Day is coming, and we can have a few more days off.

  On May Day, my mother called me up early in the morning, saying that it was to celebrate May Day International Labor Day and decided to clean at home, so my mother and I divided our work and began to work.

  I first clean up all the things on the table at home, and then wipe them with a rag; Then he began to sweep the floor with a broom and carefully cleaned every corner of the house; Finally, drag the ground all over with a mop, and my work is finished. Mother is cleaning up oil dirt and stains in the kitchen. The day passed and the family soon changed. In the evening, I helped my mother tidy up the wardrobe and didn't finish it until more than ten o'clock.

  Lying in bed, I thought: today is really a labor day worthy of the name!





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 6

  Today is "May Day". I thought of a special "May Day", so my parents and I went to the provincial children's Library as volunteers. The aunt of the library arranged us to be volunteers on the third floor. The main work of the volunteers is: first stack the books returned by the readers according to the number, and then put them on the shelf. At the same time, put the books that the readers haven't put well. Unconsciously, after a morning, although very tired, but very happy, at the same time, I also feel the hard work of my uncles and aunts. I think everyone should be a civilized reader, so as to reduce the workload of my uncles and aunts.

  I had a full "May Day", I think "labor is the most glorious"!



  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 7

  Today, the sun is shining, my father and I play on the platform at home.


  First of all, I'll serve first. My knees kicked the ball out, kick a ball, whizzed into the father's shoulders. Father's turn to fight back, I saw dad with his left foot to kick a ball, and then I caught the ball. In this way, my father and I kicked you to come to me, a total of 20 rounds of play.


  I played the ball, sweating, sweating. My mother gave me a change of clothes, feeling good after exercise!


  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 8


  Yesterday, my grandma and I went to Changping by coach. I went to grandma's new home to play.


  There are high mountains, green grass and big fruits. I went to the mountain to pick fruits. I ate fish at noon. The fish was caught in the reservoir. I came back by bus and subway. I brought back green apricot and wild date. Green apricot should be dipped in honey to eat. Wild date can be eaten directly. It's really fun for me to go to grandma's new home!

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 9


  This may day, Grandpa and grandma took me to the supermarket.


  There are many kinds of things in the supermarket. I can see them in a daze.


  It's very interesting in the supermarket. There's something to eat and something to use. On the left side of the refrigerator, there are strings of sausages; on the left side of the sausages, there are bags of chips. There are red, yellow, green and blue ones. I bought a bag of red chips, which taste like barbecue.


  We bought a lot of things and went home.

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 10

  Today is really a sunny day,I have been planing to make an excursion in the afternoon since yesterday evening. Hiking are too tiresome,so my sister said,she want to take us to Zhuhai City,that precise place maybe called Central Valley.

  Furthermore,we talked about tonights movie, we will see the movie spiderman,a very famous American thriller in Hollywood.

  Moreover,I will take my girlfriend to buy some bait for the holidays fishing day, I remember it should be on 3rd or 4th,May.

  I am so sorry to tell you ,I could not tell what I have promised to my friends in the laboursday, I am really a forgettable guy,maybe two more three days later, some of my friends will visit me or they will give me a buzz for a badminton game.

  For memorizing all the happy hour, I write this article for a happy note for today, 1st,May.

  Send all my best wishes to my friends.

  Sincerely yours!








  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 11

  Today is labor day. I got up early in the morning and looked at the beautiful environment outside the window, which made me relaxed and happy!

  I went to the park with my friends. Wow, it's so beautiful here! The grass is full of countless beautiful flowers, birds chirp in the trees and sing beautiful songs, and many old people are exercising. We play fitness equipment, play that, play this, sometimes play hide and seek, sometimes play 123 wooden people, sometimes play throw basketball, and have a good time! At more than two o'clock, we were a little tired, so we went to the canteen to buy some food and go for a walk together. The scenery on the road is also very beautiful. Although it is not as good as other places, it is a very comfortable place for us!

  What a full day today! What a happy May Day! In this festival, we should exercise and work!




  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 12

  Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.

  In the morning at nine o'clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.

  In the afternoon at two o'clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o'clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.

  Today I’m very happy!






  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 13

  today is really a sunny day,i have been planing to make an excursion in the afternoon since yesterday evening. hiking are too tiresome,so my sister said,she want to take us to zhuhai city,that precise place maybe called central valley.

  furthermore,we talked about tonight#39;s movie, we will see the movie #39;spiderman,a very famous american thriller in hollywood.

  moreover,i will take my girlfriend to buy some bait for the holidays#39; fishing day, i remember it should be on 3rd or 4th,may.

  i am so sorry to tell you ,i could not tell what i have promised to my friends in the labours#39;day, i am really a forgettable guy,maybe two more three days later, some of my friends will visit me or they will give me a buzz for a badminton game.

  for memorizing all the happy hour, i write this article for a happy note for today, 1st,may.

  send all my best wishes to my friends.

  sincerely yours!








  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 14


  Today is may day. I want to do something meaningful.


  Seeing that my mother works very hard at ordinary times, I want to share some housework for her. Under my mother's leadership, we began to clean up. I took the broom and carefully swept the garbage on the floor into the dustpan. I couldn't let it go in every corner. My mother wiped the sofa and the window glass with a rag, which was spotless. My mother and I are very happy to see our home become clean, bright and comfortable.


  After the general cleaning, I learned the truth of "as long as you pay, you will get something", and I thought this may day was really meaningful!

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 15


  May day is coming! We went to Baoji to play. First we went to visit our aunt, and then my uncle invited us to have dinner. The people who ate were: aunt, uncle, mother, sister and an uncle holding a ten month old baby. The baby was very heavy and I couldn't hold him, but only I couldn't. We eat hot pot. The next day, we went to Wushan. On the way, we bought some sugar cakes and took a bite. WOW! Crispy, sweet and delicious!


  We arrived at Wushan, terrible! It rained cats and dogs and we couldn't go up the mountain, but we watched a show - bandits robbing relatives. WOW! How wonderful!


  In the evening my sister asked us to sing, and I also sang a few songs. How happy!

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 16

  On May Day, my mother and I went to the "dinosaur came" park to play. When I walked into the park, I saw several fake dinosaurs. They were fierce and pattable, and their claws could move. There was a dinosaur with twins on its back, a dinosaur full of thorns, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a dinosaur in the park. We also saw two big fountains. There are high water column and low water column. When the wind blows, the water splashes and floats with the wind, just like surfing.

  Later, my good friend Linjiao and I were playing with water. We splashed each other, and the water splashed all over us. We took the grass in Shihe road as radishes and played with pulling radishes together. Linjiao's father was fishing by the river. He caught four fish in all. We also played all kinds of games, but we were happy!

  The sun slowly set. We reluctantly said goodbye to each other and made an appointment to play again when we were free.




  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 17

  Today is the first day of May Day. This time I plan to have a different labor day and help my mother with housework.

  First, I began to scrub the doors and windows. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought, "the general cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, what I just did will be in vain. We should start from the beginning and end." Although I didn't wash it cleaner than my mother, I'm also very satisfied because I did a hard job for my mother today.

  When I finish all my work and look at the house again, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

  This labor day helped my mother do housework, let me know the hard work and sweat, and also learned the truth to stick to it when things are difficult.





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 18

  Today is May 1st, international labor day. Mom took me to grandma's house.

  When I arrived at Grandma's house, I saw that the cherry tree in front of grandma's house was covered with fiery red cherries, like red agates. I picked some of the reddest cherries to eat. "Wow! How sweet!" My uncle saw me and said, "let's dig bamboo shoots!" I said, "OK." My uncle and I walked to the bamboo forest with a hoe. When we got to the bamboo forest, I saw a very fat bamboo shoot from a distance. I dug one side of the bamboo shoot first, then shoveled it towards the side where the bamboo shoot was dug, and finally dug it out. Uncle, he dug a pit with two bamboo shoots in it. It's killing two birds with one stone!

  I gave the bamboo shoots to grandma to burn. After dinner, I took a bite of bamboo shoots and said, "it's delicious. The harvest of labor is really great!"




  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 19

  may first is a sunday. and it is the labor’s day. my mother said to me :“open your eyes。and look out of the window. what a fine day。 let’s go to park,” so my mother, my classmate and i went to the park. we took some foods in my schoolbag. on the way to the park. i saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. i saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. it’s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. i saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. i ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. they were wonderful.

  in the afternoon, we went to the zoo. i visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

  may day is my favorite day.





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 20

  On May Day, my uncle took me, my brother and other uncles, aunts, little brothers and sisters to a village in Saiqi to pick loquats.

  When we went, we were on the highway, so I wouldn't get carsick. Then we got to the village. The road was very steep and the car kept shaking. I felt very uncomfortable. After a while, when we arrived at the village, we immediately went to the old lady's Pipa garden we knew to pick loquats and eat them. Before going, she told us that we must pick the outer skin of loquat, which is very wrinkled.

  Loquat garden is so beautiful! Loquats gathered like going to the market.

  When I arrived at the loquat garden, I found that the loquat tree grew so tall that its leaves were almost the same as ordinary leaves. Why should loquat be wrapped in newspaper? It was to avoid being eaten by hummingbirds!

  I picked one first and ate it. Ah! It's so sour. Then he and an aunt ate the fruits of other people's work by the basket.

  In the evening, we went home after a big dinner.







  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 21

  Today is may day. My family goes to the zoo.

  There are many animal performances there, including panda dancing, monkey cycling, elephant playing ball, chameleon changing color, giraffe eating grass and other wonderful performances. Among them, my favorite ones are monkey cycling and chameleon chameleon chameleon. Because the little monkey rides a bike, the little monkey waves to people in the car and plays all kinds of tricks to make people laugh at it. The chameleon changes color. The chameleon turns red, blue and yellow. It's so colorful. It's really cute.

  We also saw the elephant take a bath and flush water on the elephant. The elephant's trunk sucks and sucks. The elephant seems to take a cold bath. The elephant's nose is long and long, like a long wooden stick. The nose is so long that its body is gray.

  Today, I came to the zoo, which really opened my eyes. This is really a beautiful place. It brings me joy. I will never forget the little monkey cycling, the chameleon changing color and the elephant bathing, because they are very cute and interesting.





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 22

  Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day.


  Today Mailehaoduo clothes, and parents take to the streets is happy, the parents have to pay to buy things. Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but saw the price, Ha-ha, is really very happy. I love my parents, I too thank them for the care and love. ``


  My fathers friend Wei Ran is from Beijing.He is so fat! About one hundred kg.Now he is staying at our home, and living at our home too.He eats much and much and much every meal.He looks very ..er..special..So when he walks on the street every body likes look at him.He has a super belly——very very..a large belly..Than our English teacher.He doesnt like hot——hate hot,and he likes swimming,of coures,he soon feels tired.

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 23

  On May Day, my mother and I came to the cool Valley in Miyun. That's beautiful!

  Just entering the cool Valley and walking forward, you will find the water park. Where there are water grids, water swings, water bamboo rafts and water steel wires. Among them, my favorite is bamboo raft and steel wire. When I see the green water, I feel comfortable to row the bamboo raft under my feet!

  After a few hundred meters, I came to my favorite Xixian waterfall. The clear water can see the moss growing behind the mountain. And the waterfall poured down like pearls. Sometimes wide, sometimes narrow. Sometimes rush. From time to time. And when the wind blows, the water becomes more washed, and suddenly feels cool and clear. Take a breath of air. The fatigue of the whole body will be driven away, which makes people relaxed and happy.

  We passed by Jicui lake and came to glasses lake, as the name suggests. It is like a pair of glasses winding on the mountain. Like this kind of object like pool, there are spoon pool and flowing cup waterfall. They are not artificial. It's natural. How amazing!

  Whether it is Qingtan waterfall or the rippling lake, it is so unique and unique. Let people linger!






  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 24


  When may day comes, my sister drives us to Dawukou in Yinbei district to play. Along the way, we see good scenery. My sister will stop and let us go down to have a look. At 2:00 p.m., we arrive at the destination and the first scenic spot, Dawukou Xinghai lake. When the car stops, what appears to me is a great lake. It's so beautiful. The most exciting thing is my brother and I. We are here Play by Xinghai lake.


  My sister-in-law also took us to make a speedboat. When the speedboat started, there was a piece of spray between us. It was spectacular. I didn't mention how happy I was. After that, we also played a lot of amusement projects until it was getting dark. My sister shouted, "we'll play here today. We should start. We can't calm down in the car for a long time. We're looking forward to the next holiday.".

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 25

  Today is labor day. My aunt and mother made an appointment to take me, my brother and I to Wuhu Fangte paradise, but we were very happy. After breakfast, we set out happily!

  Entering the scenic spot, there are a sea of tourists everywhere. You have to queue up to play any game, and many games have height restrictions. You can't play until you reach 1.4 meters. My brother and I are so disappointed to hear this news. An uncle in the scenic spot said, don't be sad. You can go to children's Kingdom and conch bay! After hearing the news, my mother and aunt hurriedly took us to line up, sat on the merry go round in the children's Kingdom, listened to the good music, turned and turned, as if taking my brother and I to the fairy tale world. Seeing that my brother and I were so happy, my mother kept taking pictures for us. Later, we watched 4D movies in conch Bay and put on the glasses sent to us by the staff. It was amazing. The small fish, crabs and shrimps in the sea swam to us

  On the way back, my mother was driving. I was looking at the photos taken today. One by one, we had happy memories. I look forward to playing again next time.




  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 26


  Today is may day. My family came to Zhongshan park together. After dad bought the tickets, we went into the park. What a big park! I am like a happy bird singing and running in the park.


  My father asked me, "Yue Yue, what do you want to play today?" I said without hesitation, "row!" Then, we came to the place where we rowed. The uncle who watched the boat untied the rope. Dad was the first one to get on the boat. Mom took my hand and walked on the boat carefully. My father and I paddle together, but I don't know how to row. The boat never moves. With my mother's help and joint efforts, our boat finally sails forward.


  Happy time is always short. The time for boating will soon come


  Now. I reluctantly left the boat and then we played many other projects. Today is a memorable and happy May Day!

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 27

  That day, we have to go to the area to wipe the railings on the advertising. Yi sister and I have a team, we are very happy to rub. We rub tired, went upstairs to the Iraqi sister home to play for a while and then down.


  Some sister with brush whitewashing, I used to wipe the steel ball. In cleaning before we first water spray wet spraying, this will be a good rub a little.


  This day is really happy!


  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 28


  Today is may day.


  Everyone has a holiday. Everyone has to work. In the morning, my mother sweeps the floor, mops the floor and washes the clothes; at noon, my father cooks vegetables, including pork with carrots and carrots, bean curd with cucumbers and pumpkin ball soup. It's delicious. After dinner, my sister washed the dishes. I cleaned the table and cleaned the dishes.


  Labor is happy, labor is glorious.

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 29


  Today is labor day. I have done my homework.


  My father and I came to the street. The cars came and went. There are big green trees beside the road. We came to the park again. My father and I sat on the lawn. The lawn seemed to be covered with green yarn. The flowers were blooming. It seemed to say to me, "spring is coming." I saw the birds chirping.


  This is may day.

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 30


  today is labor day, mom and dad took me to the mountain park.


  at the foot of the mountain, vehicles coming and going, the crowds in the hill walking slowly, far looked like a group of black ants. there are a lot of people to buy tickets at the gate of the zoo, the team lined up in a long long, very lively。 we continue to go up, also encountered along the way three classmates.


  to the amusement park, i and my father played very exciting surfing and crazy mickey mouse, really hits the spot。 then i went to play on the water ball, i crouched in a substantially transparent ball, put the ball firmly push uncle into the water, into the water, i go swaying to stand up, not a few seconds fell, like a toddler brother, make people laugh on the shore. later, i just lounged in the ball inside the sun, swaying in the water on the ball, i was like a baby in the cradle rocking, very fun。


  this is really a happy and memorable five one quarterah。

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 31

  On May Day, we went to Shuanglong cave. It is said that there is a green dragon and a yellow dragon in Shuanglong cave. The tap is at the mouth of the cave and the dragon's body is in the cave.

  There are many people going to Shuanglong cave. The sea of people at the entrance forms a "long dragon", with two or three thousand people. To get into the hole, you have to lie in the boat and go in. Many stones in Shuanglong cave are accumulated by water drops. They are only one centimeter long in a hundred years. Some are like frogs, some are like Jinhua ham, and some are like Beijing roast duck. We went to the ice lake cave and saw the waterfall falling from the sky. It was so beautiful. At the mouth of the cave, there are indeed two faucets, which are not only colored but also beautiful.

  The next day, we went to Xianbao cave to play. As soon as I got to the cave, the wind was very strong, and I didn't feel cold until I wore another dress. Walk to the waterfall. The water drops from the waterfall are elegant songs. We saw the iron ladder without railings again. I had to hold the iron pillar in the middle with my hand. When I finally reached the top of the mountain, I was sweating and set off for the next scenic spot.

  The scenic spot in Jinhua is really exciting and fun.





  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 32


  Today is the traditional festival of China, "May Day International Labor Day". I plan to go to grandma's house.


  Before I got to grandma's house, my heart began to get excited, because I could see my elder sister and younger brother soon. After our brother and sister met each other, they kept on making noise. My sister suggested that we go downstairs to play. We first caught some Grasshoppers and picked some wild flowers. Later, we saw tall grass growing in the flower bed, which was not beautiful. So we started to pull it out. My sister said, "I'll make a straw hat for you!" my brother and I said together, "OK!" so my sister made two beautiful straw hats with her smart little hands and put them on for my brother and me In the head, my brother and I look at me, look at you, it's like two little eight ways. We all laughed happily.


  This is my happy May Day!

  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 33

  Today is may day. My father and I went to Kuocang mountain to play. This is a wish I have had for a long time. Today, it has finally come true. Let alone how happy I am.

  At the top of Kuocang mountain, it is already a sea of people and bustling. Kuocang mountain is a mountain in Taizhou. Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, and the village below becomes as small as a matchbox. Beside us, there are big pillars, dozens of meters high. The top of the column has three blades, like the wings of a dragonfly and the blades of an electric fan. The blades are always rotating. I asked my father what it was. My father said it was a wind farm. As long as there was wind, the blades could turn. As long as the blades were turning, they could generate electricity. Dad said that wind power is the use of natural resources, which is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. It can generate electricity 24 hours a day. After listening to my father's words, I think how developed our country's science and technology is.

  This year's "May Day" festival was spent on Kuocang mountain. I visited the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, learned what wind farms are, and increased my knowledge.




  我的劳动节英语日记带翻译 34

  May day is coming. With great excitement, I came to a place that poets like - Hangzhou West Lake.

  West Lake is located in the west of Hangzhou. It is a scenic spot.

  When you come to the West Lake, you can see a pool of clear water. The lake is crystal clear and glittering in the sun. It is dotted with many beautiful flowers and green grass, as if it had woven a colorful wreath for the West Lake. There are many boats in the middle of the West Lake, ships, sailboats, wupeng boats... All kinds of boats have rowed in the middle of the lake. I stepped on a ship, which took us to the center of the lake. WOW! Waves turned up behind the ship, like many small silver fish following the ship, jumping actively.

  As the boat approached the center of the lake, I found something with three sharp points and small holes. I whispered softly, "what is this?" When my father heard it, he told me that this was "three pools printing the moon", which was built in the middle of the lake by Su Dongpo, the great poet of the Song Dynasty, when Su Shi was a local official in Hangzhou. When the flood rises, it means that the people will move to the three places in the city.

  After this visit, I realized the reason why poets love the West Lake so much. The West Lake in Hangzhou is so beautiful. It's a worthwhile trip.



  当你来到西湖时,你可以看到一池清澈的水。湖面清澈见底,在阳光下闪闪发光。它点缀着许多美丽的花朵和绿草,仿佛为西湖编织了一个五颜六色的花环。西湖中央有许多小船,船只,帆船,五蓬船。各种各样的船在湖中央划过。我踏上了一艘船,它把我们带到了湖心。真 的!波浪在船后掀起,就像许多小银鱼跟着船一样,活跃地跳跃着。











