
  • 英语二年级作文(精选23篇)2022-12-19


  • 2022小学二年级一个热心肠的人英语作文(精选20篇)2022-08-05


  • 二年级关于雾霾英语作文2021-09-17

    最近几天像仙境一般,那是因为雾霾,雾霾我一开始以为是普通的雾,可并不是,雾霾和雾的区别就是雾霾有毒,而雾没有毒。In recent days, like a fairyland in general,...

  • 小学生二年级运动会英语作文带翻译2021-09-17

    又到了一年一度的运动会了,我们信心满满的等待着!It's the annual sports meeting again, we are waiting with full confidence!星期...

  • 二年级运动会英语作文带翻译2021-09-17

    二年级运动会英语作文带翻译1今天,天气晴朗,所以我们学校开了运动会。Today, it's sunny, so our school has a sports meeting.有的同学比赛打篮球,有的...

  • 二年级下雪了英语作文带翻译2021-09-17

    二年级下雪了英语作文带翻译1我看到白白茫茫的雪:盖着树枝盖着小草盖着房子,像大棉被子盖在大地的身上,看起来很暖和。I saw the white snow: covered with branches...

  • 小学关于二年级运动会英语作文带翻译2021-09-17

    今天,终于盼到竞选运动会了,我已经受过去年的教训了。Today, I'm finally looking forward to the election games. I've learned the...

  • My father job-二年级英语作文2021-09-17

    my father is a nice man. he likes to play computer games. he is an owner of a factory which produces...

  • 2020小学二年级英语作文优秀范文2021-09-17

    2020小学二年级英语作文优秀范文1As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I...

  • My holiday二年级英语作文2021-09-17

    My holiday二年级英语作文1After the New Year's Day,There is a holiday for our students.I get up very early t...

  • 我的英语老师二年级作文7篇2021-09-04


  • 小学二年级英语作文范文2021-07-19

    小学二年级英语作文(一) As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects. My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before. As for me, I want to learn mor...

  • 二年级英语作文2021-07-19

    This is our house.It`s nice and big!It`s a warm world. All family are live in it. Ha!This is my parents`room.It`s big.My father is sit on the this chair.My mother is sleep on this bed. This is my room...

  • 圣诞英语嘉年华二年级作文2021-07-03

    昨天,学校组织了英语嘉年华活动,因为圣诞节是星期天,所以就提前庆祝了。 中午的时候,我参加了游园活动,它的规则是这样的:一共有十二个项目,每个同学的积分卡上也有十二个格子,参加完一个项目后如果通关了,...

  • 我的弟弟二年级英语作文2021-06-24

    我的弟弟名叫郭亭杉,今年4岁半,在上幼儿园。他长着圆圆的脑袋,大大的眼睛,活泼好动,顽皮可爱,大家都叫他淘气包。 My brother, Guo Tingshan, is 4 and a half years old. He is in kindergarten. He has a rou...

  • my lucky day二年级英语作文2021-06-14

    Today, is my most lucky day. Just to the school, there is a feeling of excitement to squeeze into the chest. But there is a kind of worry, afraid the badly. I bring the transcript! When you come into ...