小学英语《There are fifty children in my

时间:2021-06-17 09:34:22 教案 我要投稿

小学英语《There are fifty children in my class》教案


小学英语《There are fifty children in my class》教案

  1.知识目标: 能听懂会读下列单词, thirty eighty ninety. ? 学会在实际生活中运用句型 “How many... are there?” “There are...” ?

  2.能力目标: 能够用英文从1数到100. 通过游戏和实际情景能用句型 How many...are there?询问数 量,并懂得用 There are 来回答。 ?forty fifty sixty seventy 情感态度目标: 培养学生团结友爱和小组合作的良好品质。


  教学重点:句子 How many...are there?的运用和回答。





  3.PPT 课件。




  Warming-up Greeting T:Hello boys and girls.Are you happy today? Ss:Hello Miss Li. I am happy. ? Sing a song T:Let’s sing a song together.If you are happy.One two begin.


  Leading-in ? Free talk T:What’ s the weather like today? T:Look at group

  1. How many boys / girls are there?

  2.呈现新句型 --How many ...are there?-- There are... T:This is today's new sentence we are going to learn.I think is easy for you.

  3. T:Now I'm a reporter.(教师拿一个和话筒差不多的`东西走到要问的同 学面前,问完问题请一个学生来问其他同学。) How many people are there in your family? How many rooms are there in your house? How many pencils are there in your pencil-box? How many books are there in your bag?


  Play a game (课本上第39页第三题 Practice 的图片 ) PPT 出示数量的词,让他们造句。

  T:You ,look at the number ,use the sentence How many ...are there? ask she or he. And the other student should use There are...answer.


  Watch a video(Module 10 Unit 1 的动画版)

  T: You all did a good job.Let’s watch a video.(可以复习单词和 初步接触课文)

  T:Read after the video.(跟读重点句型)

  T: Let’s translate the sentence into Chinese. Who went to try?(PPT 出示图片和句子等学生翻译好了出示中文)


  Practice. T:Good ,read after me. T:I think you can read it.(分组朗读)


  Homework Find the nubers in the TV,show with us tomorrow.


  Module10 Unit1 There are fifty children in my class. 4 3 2 1 --How many...are there...? --There are...

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