How are you?教案设计及反思

时间:2021-06-11 12:54:42 教案 我要投稿

How are you?教案设计及反思


How are you?教案设计及反思

  Unit2How are you?



  1、Teaching material:

  Students Book:Module1 Unit 2Activity1, 2, 3

  2、Teaching aim and demand

  Using Ability task: Using “hello”to greet others.


  How are you? I’m fine, and you? I’m fine, too.

  4、Teaching difficulties: Some words in picture 2 are difficult to know.

  5、Teaching aids

  Tape recorder,


  1、Warm up

  Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss

  2、导入 (Leading )

  (1)1 T:Hello hi I am ……

  Ss use “I am……” to talk about them.

  3、 T:Hello hi I am ……

  How are you? I’m fine

  4、 操练 ( Practice )

  S open their books, first look at the pictures and listen and point

  5、 巩固(consolidation)

  Teach a song “Hello Hello”


  Listen and point P5 and review the song




  Step1: Review the words and phrases.

  Step2: Teacher talks about the important structure

  Step3: Act out the dialogue show.

  Play the game: Do and guess.

  Do and say.

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