unit 11 Key to success 教案学案一体化讲义(教师版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Unit 11 Key to Success

高三英语备课组 主 备:陈晓燕 2006, 10, 25

Teaching Aims.

1. Talk about social behavior and social relations.

2. Talk about teamwork and success.

3. Practice presenting ideas.

4. Grasp some new words, phrases and sentence structures.

Important new words and phrases.

criterion, criteria, stick with, through thick and thin, pull out of, summary, summarize, frequency, reputation, suspect, for the sake of, in reality, temporary, uncertain, expectation, compromise, excite, regulation, take … into account, dynamic, shortcoming, embarrass, contradictory, explosion, ambitious, ambition, as a whole, congratulate, once again, combination, live up to, accommodate, decline.

Important sentence structures.

1. Do you stick with your friends through thick and thin?

2. While working there you discover that the manager does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene and safety of the food products that are prepared in its kitchens and will be delivered to the customers.

3. Especially at school, it sometimes feels as if we are being asked to work in teams for the sake of just that.

4. No matter how hard that you try, working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there.

5. Each offers gifts and processes that complement the others, contributing in a unique way to the qualitative functioning of the whole, whether the “whole” is a team, a class, a family or society.

Teaching procedures:

Period Ⅰ Word Study

1. pull out of 从……退出

(1) They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone. 他们正把部队调离战区。

(2) The expense of the project is so much that we have to pull out.


(3) Once you are trapped in it, you can hardly ____.

A. pull out B. pull down C. pull away D. pull up

(4) The tree is hard to pull ______.

A. out B. up C. over D. off

(5) He jumped onto the train just as it was pulling ______.

A. up B. off C. away D. down

(6) The special train pulled _____ at 10 am...

A. off B. away C. out D. in


pull out of the fire 使转败为胜 pull apart 扯断,撕开; 找出……错处,批评

pull away  开动,离开 pull down 拆毁

pull in (车)进站; (船)靠岸 pull off 脱(衣,帽等); 把车开到路边;努力实现

pull on 穿戴(袜子,手套等);继续拉或划 pull over 把…拉过来; 把…开到路边

pull through (使)渡过危机(险); 使恢复健康 pull back 阻力,逆境; 撤回

pull up 使停下,拔起(树,草等);阻止,斥责

2. suspect (suspected, suspected) adj. suspicious n. suspicion

suspect sb. of sth. (doing sth.) 怀疑某人(做某事)

eg. What made you suspect her of having taken the money? 你凭什么怀疑她拿了钱?


  They suspected him of the murderer. = They suspected him to be the murderer.


She suspected that he was lying. 她认为他在撒谎.

(1) We ______ him ______ giving false information. That would be terrible.

A. suspect; of B. suspect; with C. suspect; from D. suspect; in

(2) Nobody wants to make friends with the boy ______ money.

A. suspected of having stolen B. suspecting to steal

C. suspected having stolen D. suspecting to have stolen

3. sake n. 缘故(仅用于成语)

for the sake of 为了……    for any sake 无论如何

without sake 无缘无故   for safety’s sake 为安全起见

for God’s (goodness’, pity’s) sake (加强祈使句)看在上帝份上;务请

eg. (1) They fought for the sake of their country.= They fought for their countries sake. 他们为国而战.

(2) For God’s sake, stop quarrelling. 看在上帝份上,别吵了.

(3) I’ll help for your sister’s sake. 看在你姐姐面上我帮你.

  (4) Students must make it clear that they don’t study for teacher’s sake but for the sake of their own. 学生必须弄清楚,他们不是为了老师学习而是为了他们自己.

  (5) The couple only stayed together _____ the children.

A. in the hope of B. for the purpose of C. in the name of D. for the sake of

4. uncertain adj. 不确切的,无把握的.  反 certain

n. (1) 确凿的,无疑的

It is certain that …… be certain of

It is certain that two plus two makes four. 2加2等于4是确切无疑的.

He is certain of their honesty.      他毫不怀疑他们的诚实.


eg. She is certain to do well in the examination. 他这次考试肯定能考好.

Are you certain that you’ll get there in time. 你有把握及时感到那里吗?

(3) 可靠的

There is no certain cure for this illness. 这种病尚无可靠的疗法.

(4) 某一,某种,一定的,相当的.

on certain condition 在某些条件下   for a certain reason 为了某种理由

to a certain extent 达到某种程度   a man of a certain age 相当年纪的人

pron. 某几个,某些

for certain 肯定的,确凿的

I don’t know for certain. 我不很确切地知道.

make certain (of/ that ) 把……弄确实;弄清楚

Make certain when the train leaves. 去弄清楚火车什么时候开.



两者都能用于“be sure/certain + about /of短语”句型中,表示“对(某事)有把握”。主语必须是人,about/of之后多跟名词、代词。

I am sure/certain of his returning. 我确信他会回来。

He is quite sure/certain of /about it. 他对这事很有把握。

两者都能用于be sure/certain to do sth句型中,表示“一定会做某事”,主语可以是人,也可以是物。

Spring is sure/certain to follow winter. 冬天过后一定是春天。

They are sure/certain to come. 他们一定会来的。

两者都能用于“be sure/certain +从句”句型中,表示“确信……”,主语只能是人,而不能是物。

Tom is sure/certain that I put the key on the table. 汤姆确信我把钥匙放在桌子上了。

We are sure/certain that the book will be of great help to us.


两者都能用于“make sure/certain +从句”结构中,表示“确定;弄清楚”,主语只能是人。 You must make sure/certain when the bus will leave. 你必须弄清汽车何时出发。

He made sure/certain that he had turned off the gas. 他确信他关掉了煤气。


“I ' m sure…”与“I ' m certain…”均可译为“我深信(确)信……”,但两者的含义却不同。前者表示一种主观上的判断或感觉,事实并不一定如此。后者强调的则是客观事实,意为主语已经知道后面的内容是既定的事实。试比较下面一组句子:

I'm sure he didn't steal it. He isn’t that kind of person. 我确信他没偷,他不是那种人。

I'm certain he didn't break the cup. I broke it myself.



It isn ' t certain whether he will give us a report next Monday.



The letter was sent by a sure hand. 信已由一位可靠的人寄出了。

He made a sure answer. 他回答得准确无误。

A certain person called on me yesterday. 昨天有个人来找过我。


Be sure and remember what I told you. 千万要记住我对你讲的话。

Be sure to write and tell me all the good news. 务必写信告诉我所有的好消息。

口语中,sure常作副词,用在肯定答语中替代surely,这时与of course,certainly意思相当,而certain不可作副词用。

-Would you please turn down the radio a little bit? 请你把收音机音量拧小点,好吗?

-Sure. 当然可以。-Do you still remember our first fishing trip?

-I sure do. 你还记得我们第一次去钓鱼吗?当然记得了。


sure certain

表示判断 主观上的 客观上的

It作形式主语 不可用 可用

作定语的意义 可靠的;无误的 可靠的; 某一;某些;某种;一些

在祈使句中 常用sure 不宜用certain

作副词用 可以 不可

5. excite vt. 使兴奋;使激动 n. excitement


The news of her arrival excited the crowd.她到达的消息使人群激动起来。

The children were very excited by the program.孩子们看了节目非常兴奋。

vt. 激发某人的情感

The recent discoveries have excited great interest among doctors.


His great success excited his friends’ envy.他的巨大成就引起了他的朋友的羡慕。

exciting adj.(事物)令人兴奋的 比较:excited(人)感到兴奋的

At the exciting news, He was too excited to say a word.

















eg. The puzzled look on his face suggested that he didn’t know how to deal with the puzzling situation. 他脸上(感到)困惑的表情说明他不知道如何对付这一令人困惑的处境。

6. congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺

congratulate vi. 祝贺,向……道贺;庆幸,高兴

congratulation n. congratulator 祝贺者

常用句型 congratulate sb./oneself on(doing)sth.

We congratulated her on the birth of her daughter. 我们祝贺她生了个女儿。

She congratulated herself on having thought of such a good idea.


n. congratulations, 注意复数词尾后面的介词搭配仍是on 。

Congratulations(to you)on winning the prize! 祝贺你获奖!

He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.他庆幸自己在空难中幸免于死。

7. live up to 依照……行事;做到;不辜负(期望)

live up to one’s reputation不负盛名

Do live up to your parents’ expectations. 别辜负父母的期望。


without much expectation of success 对成功不要抱太大的指望

our team has every expectation of winning我队胜券在握

contrary to /against expectation(s) 出乎意料(副词)

beyond expectation(s) 出乎意料(副词,形容词)

come/ live up to one’s expectation(s) 符合某人的期待

in expectation of 预计会有……

eg. (1). In expectation of a traffic jam,, I decided to walk 预计会交通堵塞,我决定步行

(2). a young artist with great expectations 有远大前程的青年艺术家

(3) The WTO can’t live up to its name _______it doesn’t include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though

(4). We will live _______ what our parents expect us.

A. on B. in C. up to D. with

Live 相关短语:

live a happy (miserable/ hard) life 过着幸福的(悲惨的/艰苦的)生活

live apart 夫妻分居 live by 靠……维生

live down 使慢慢淡忘 live for 为……而活;盼着

live in 住校,在工作的地方吃住 (反)live out

live on 靠吃……生存,以……为主食;靠……(收入)生活

live with 和。。。住在一起;接受(不愉快的事物)

Period Ⅱ Reading

Teaching aims.

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: temporary cooperate, uncertain, expectation, shortcoming, embarrass contradictory,for the sake of, keep an eye on, take something into account.

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to realize that it is important to learn to co-operate.

Teaching difficult points:

1. How to improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases and sentences.

What if ……? feel as if, for the sake of, keep an eye on, take sth into consideration.

Teaching methods:

1. Skimming and Scanning methods

2. Individual, pair work or group work

3. Discussion.

Teaching procedures.

Step I Lead in

T: I want to move this desk to the 4th floor. But I can’t do it by myself. Who can help me?

(a student comes) we two did this job together and what we can call the job?

-----it is team work.

T: where else do we need team work?

-----football, basketball, rugby, working…

Step 2 Fast-reading

1. In sports games, a player .

A. often changes his role B. has a clear role

C. feels that players with different abilities make different contributions to the team.

D. accepts the same expectations and responsibilities as the other players

2. The author takes for example to show how a team can work well.

A. the sports team B. the project team C. the rugby team D. a dynamic team

3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 7?

A. How a project team is different from a rugby team.

B. How a project team works.

C. In a project team, people who have different abilities and personalities have different roles into team.

D. How the tasks of the group are divided depends on personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group.

4. According to the text, which of the following statements is not right?

A. The coach of a sports team is not counted as a team member, so he is less important.

B. social relations are important within the team.

C. the atmosphere in the group affects the performance of the team.

D. It’s not necessary for all team members to be friends.

Step 3 Careful- reading

1. Why are people sometimes made up a team to finish a job?

2. What is coach’s job in a sports team?

3. Why is working in groups at school an opportunity to learn about teamwork?

4. What does the task division for the group depend on in a team?

5. What will the lack of recognition of differences in human functioning lead to?

Suggested answers:

1. Because the job cannot be efficiently or effectively completed by any member of the group alone.

2. A coach in a team needs to discuss strategy and make decisions about the composition of the team.

3. Because group work makes up aware of the role that is most suitable for each of us. Practice also brings the benefit of getting experience working with other people. It teaches us to be patient and to respond to different personalities.

4. How the tasks of the group are divided depends on the personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group.

5.The lack of recognition of differences in human functioning will lead to much misunderstanding, conflict, and waste of energy.

Step 4. Summary

Ask students to divide the passage into 5 parts.

Parts Main idea

Part 1( Paras.1-2) What is a team.

Part 1( Paras.3-4) Sports team.

Part 3(.5) Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about teamwork.

Part 4( Paras.6-7) Project team.

Part 5( Paras.8-10) How to make teams function well.

The passage is mainly about the importance of teamwork. It tells us that teamwork is necessary and important because some work in our life cannot be accomplished by someone alone. Working in teams at school is a preparation for our future. To make the team function well, all team members should help, respect and support each other and be clear about their roles. On the other hand, it is important to know every member’s strengths and shortcomings, because different personalities and abilities can fit different requirements in the society and can help us avoid embarrassing other team members. In this way, we can make the best of working with team members.

Step 5. Language points.

1. be counted as 被认可,被认为有效。

count … as 认为……有效 regard … as 认为……是

treat… as 把……当作……对待 consider… (as/ to be) 认为……是

look on… as 认为……是 think of … as 认为……是

honor…as 授予……的称号

(1). A few lines of words aren’t counted as poem. 几行字不能算是诗。

(2). Janet was counted as one of the greatest magician over the world.


(3) The government has ______ him ______ a model worker.

A. honored; as B. honored; for C. honored; with D. been honored; like

(4) Waste is ______ as a crime.

A. regarding B. regarded C. considering D. taken

2. There are few occasions when members are confused or uncertain of their roles.


when 引导定语从句,先行词occasion还原到句中作状语。

(1) Wedding is an occasion when bride is the most beautiful. 婚礼是新娘打扮得最漂亮的时候。

(2) There are few occasions when he is at home. 他很少有在家的时候。

(3) There was ______ time ________ I hated to go to school.

A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when

(4) I will never forget the days ______ I used to work in that factory.

A. that B. which C. when D. what

3. attach… to… 将……系在……上面;依附某人;将……派给(去执行某任务);使隶属于

(1)Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗?

(2) You’ll be attached to this department until the end of the year. 你在年底前将暂属于这个部门。

(3) I attached myself to a group of tourists entering the museum. 我随着一群游客混入博物馆。

(5) The porters attached a label to each piece of baggage. 搬运工在每件行李上都加上了标签。

4. take … into account 计及;斟酌;体谅;考虑;将……考虑在内

Take… into account= take account of=take into consideration

(1) We must take local conditions into account. 我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。

(2) We must take account of the interests of the State. 我们必须考虑到国家的利益。

(3) When judging his performance, don’t take his age into account.


(4) What he did was excellent in the examination. We must _____ his age.

A. take into account B. pay attention to C. considering that D. take account for

(5) I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into ______ when judging my examination.

A. regard B. account C. thought D. observation

复习 account

(1)I bought the bike on account. 我赊账买了这辆自行车。

(2)We could not go on account of the rain. 因为下雨我们不能去。

(3)On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals.


(4)It is a matter of great account. 这是一件重要的事情。

(5) No one could account for the disappearance of the money. 谁也说不清楚这些钱丢失的原因。

(6) Smokers account for 20 percent of the whole population in the world. 烟民占世界总人口的20%。

(7) She gave an account of what he saw in China. 他描述了他在中国看到的事情。

Period Ⅲ Integrating Skills

Step 1 Lead in

Most of us are studying here aimed at going to universities. Is it the only way to succeed?

Step Ⅱ Fast-reading

1. Li Yonghong had an opportunity to go to university, but she gave it up. (F)

2. The writer is trying to tell us that people who can’t go to university can also achieve great success. (T)

3. The story of Li Yonghong is rare. (F)

4Life at high school is very important because it’s easy to get to know ourselves while at school. (F)

5. The writer thinks we should always listen to our teachers and parents. (F)

6. Many people dream of going to university because they think a university degree is the ticket to success. (T)

7. The little experiment shows us that everyone can succeed through hard work. (F)

8. People have different personality types and each is of equal value. (T)

Step Ⅲ Careful- reading

The structure of the text:

Part 1(1-2): Li Yonghong succeeded through hands-on experience

Part 2(3-6): Two pieces of advice for high school students.

Part3(7-8): People have different personality types and each is of equal value.

Main idea: This passage tells us that to go to university is not the only ticket to success. Instead we should choose the job that makes the most of our special talents and interests.

Step Ⅳ Language points.

1. as a whole 作为整体,普遍说来,一般说来

(1) Will the collection be divided up or sold as a whole? 这批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖?

(2) The population as a whole is in favor of the reform. 全体人民普遍拥护改革。

on the whole 总的说来,一切都在考虑之内

(3) On the whole, I’m in favor of the proposal. 总的说来,我是支持这个提议的。

(4) _______ I’m quite satisfied with the experiment.

A. As a whole B. On the whole C. As the whole D. On a whole

(5) We must examine these problems.

A. as a whole B. on the whole C. as the whole D. on whole

2. in demand 非常需要,受欢迎的,吃香的

(1) Good interpreters are always in demand. 好的翻译总是很吃香的。

(2) She is in great demand as a singer. 她是十分受欢迎的歌手。


in store 储藏着 in need 需要

in business 经商 in public 公开的

in secret 私下的,秘密的 in difficulty 处于困难中

in ruins 成为废墟 in tens 十个一组,十个一包

in groups 成群的

(3) At that time, they were short ______ money, that is, they were ____ need of money.

A. with; a B. for; for C. by; with D. of; in

(4) The store has no more red shoes _____, so Mary chose brown ones instead.

A. in demand B. in store C. in need D. in existence

3. accommodate

a. 供给某人住宿或房间

(1)This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 这个旅馆可供达500位来宾住宿。

(2) I will accommodate my plans to yours. 我修改一下计划以便和你的计划相适应。

b. accommodate sb. with … 准予或提供某人……

(3) The bank will accommodate you with a loan. 银行将贷给你一笔钱。

c. 帮某人的忙,施恩惠于

(4) I shall endeavor to accommodate you whenever possible. 只要有可能,我将尽全力帮你。

d. 顺应……; 考虑到

(5)accommodate the special needs of minority groups 照顾少数团体的特殊需要

n. accommodation 房间,住所 accommodations 住宿,膳宿

adj. accommodating (指人)随和的,乐于助人的

4. No matter how hard, working towards a career for which you are not …

… contributing in a unique way to the qualitative functioning of the whole, whether the “whole” is a team, a class, a family or a society.

No matter how hard和 whether 在此均引导让步状语从句。

a. No matter how 在引导让步从句时可与however互换使用,而在名词性从句中只用however.

(1) 不管天气多冷,他总是去游泳。

She always goes swimming, however cold it is.

She always goes swimming, no matter how cold it is.

(2) 无论是谁触犯了法律都将会受到惩罚。

Whoever breaks the law will be punished.

b. whether conj.

名词性从句和状语从句中只用whether,(动词后的宾语从句可与if 互换)


(3) 到底是真是假还是个问题。

Whether it is true remains a question.

宾语从句:if 和whether在宾语从句可互换,但在介词后只用whether

(4) 我不知道他是否能来。

I don’t know whether/ if he will be able to come.

(5) 我担心是否伤了他的感情。

I worry about whether I hurt her feeling.


(6) 使我们担心的是我们是否有足够的时间把此事准备好。

What worries us is whether we have enough time to get it ready.


(7) 这个是非问题得看情况而定。

The question whether it is right or wrong depends on situation.

(8) 是否要去见他由我一个人决定。

The decision whether (I am ) to see him was mine alone.


(9) 你必须做这件事,不管你喜欢不喜欢。

Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.

(10) We will resolutely wipe out the intruders whether they come from the land, the sea or the air.


(11) 不管他是乘火车来还是开汽车来,他总会准时到达。

  Whether he drives or takes the train, he’ll be here on time.


1.what if 倘使……会怎样 2.in groups 成群的

3.for the sake of 为了…… 4.in reality 事实上

5.be familiar with 对……熟悉 6.be counted as 被认可,被认为有效

7.make decisions about 作出关于……的决定 8.on the other hand 另一方面

9.attach to 将……系在……上面;依附某人;将……派给(去执行某任务);使隶属于

10.be aware of 意识到…… 11.be suitable for 合适……

12.keep an eye on 照料……

13.take … into account 计及;斟酌;体谅;考虑;将……考虑在内

14.depend on 依靠,依赖于 15.lack of 缺少

16.make the best use of 充分利用 make the most of

17.have … in mind 记住 18.congratulate… on.. . 祝贺……

19.as the years went by 随着时间的流逝 20.in demand 非常需要,受欢迎的,吃香的

21.live up to 依照……行事;做到;不辜负(期望) 22.dream of doing 梦想着做

23. in the eyes of … 在……看来 24. suspect of doing 怀疑……

25. make a contribution to 为……作出贡献



1. The police suspect him______ with the murder.

A. to be involved with B. of being involved with

C. of involving D. to involve

2. His private actions are ______ direct contradiction ______ his publicly expressed opinions.

A. in ; with B. with ; to C. into ; to D. of : with

3. Although he didn’t like the job, he took it _____ his family.

A. regardless of B. for the sake of C. as a result D. for sake of

4.Though they have nothing in common , they are able to live ___.

A. for harmony B at peace C. in harmony D. without harmony

5.Working at the barber’s shop is ______ experience for her.

A. a quite B. quite an C. much D. a much

6. Will you please _____ it that all the windows are well locked.

A. attend B. make sure C. see D. see to

7. Since these two shirts are ____ the same size and color you may take _____.

A. in ; neither B. of ; either C. of : none D. with ; both

8. She decided to ____ her studies after obtaining her first degree.

A. pursue B. gain C. supply D. go on

9. I have never learned ____ much maths in my life as ___ last year.

A. as ; I do B. as : I did C. so ; I learn D. so ; I have learned

10. Her first sop was started 3 years ago and ever since she ______.

A. hasn’t looked up B. hasn’t looked back C. didn’t look back D. didn’t look into

11. People have been stocking up on water , food and candles ___ the terrible day.

A. in preparation for B. in preparations for C. in the preparation for D. with preparations for

12.What made the boy unhappy was ___ to go fishing with his father.

A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed

C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed

13.He is a person of few words. It is hard to ___ his thoughts.

A. learn B. study C. read D. master

14. He is writing a book ____ the Chinese history.

A. relating to B. concerned C. concerning with D. related with

15. _____ all the good things about online communication is not easy .

A. Named B. Called C. Calling D. Naming

16. She has milked a large part of the sheep , the rest ___ eating grass.

A. was B. were C. is D. are

17. The cattle kept on this farm are as good as ____ imported from abroad.

A. ones B. these C. that D. those

18. A tall wall is being built to ____ the place against thieves.

A. prevent; from B. guard ; from C. keep ; out D. leave ; off

19. They are warned there are many dangers ___.

A. avoiding B. being avoided C. to avoid D. to be avoided

20. There is no point _____ her change her mind.

A. to try and make B. in trying to make C. for trying making D. but try to make

第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


School was over and I was both mentally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of my 21 to get home. Sitting at the front makes you 22 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.

Janie, the driver, tries to break the 23tmosphere by striking the match of 24 I try to mind my manners and 25 listen, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day, 26 , her conversation was worth listening to.

“My father's sick,” she said to no one in 27 . I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes. With a sudden change of attitude and interest, I asked,“What's wrong with him?"

With her eyes wet and her voice tight from 28 he tears, she responded,“Heart trouble.”Her eyes lowered as she 29 “I've already lost my mum, so I don't think I can stand losing him.”

I couldn't respond. I was 30 . My heart ached for her. I sat on the old, smelly seat thinking of the great 31 my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, _32__ still is, for her. I wouldn't like anyone to go 33 that.

Suddenly I realized Janie wasn't only a bus driver. That was 34 her job. She had a whole world of family and concerns too. I had never thought of her as 35 but a driver.

I suddenly felt very 36 . I realized I had only thought of people as 37 as what their purposes were in my life. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as 38 .

For all I know, I'm just another person in 39 else's world, and may not even be important. I __40 not have been so selfish and self-centred. Everyone has places to go, people to see and appointments (约会) to keep. Understanding people is an art.

21A. anxiety B. determination C. decision D. attempt

22A. find B. make C. think D. stand

23A. unpopular B. uncomfortable C. unusual D. unforgettable

24A fire B. topic C. conversation D. discussion

25A. politely B. devotedly C. carelessly D. sincerely

26A. however B. therefore C. thus D. otherwise

27A. surprise B. common C. silence D. particular

28A. fighting B. avoiding C. clearing D. keeping

29A. told B. lasted C. repeated D. continued

30A. for sure B. at ease C. in shock D. in despair

31A. mercy B. pain C. pity D. disappointment

32A. but B. yet C. and D. or

33A. over B. round C. through D. without

34A. almost B. nearly C. ever D. just

35A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

36A. sad B. embarrassed C. selfish D. worried

37A. far B. long C. much D. well

38A. unfit B. unselfish C. unnecessary D. unimportant

39A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. no one

40A. must B. may C. can D. should


The sky is a large place, and though it had been carefully examined for centuries, new features still turn up. Last March it was the reigns of Uranus, and last week astronomers announced what may turn out to be a new planet, though a very small one, in the solar system.

The object was first sighted last month by Charles Kowal, an astronomer at the Hale Observatories in Pasadena, Calif. Mr Kowal detected a faint trail of light on photographic plates, indicating that something was moving in relation to the background of stars. Other observers have confirmed the discovery.

The“mini-planet”, identified for the time being as“Object-Kowal”, appears to be about 1.5 billion miles away, between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, and its diameter has been estimated at between 100 and 400 miles. Its orbit has not been determined yet, but if the orbit proves to be roughly circular, like that of the major planets, the new object world probably take 66 to 70 years to make a circuit of the sun.

Some astronomers have speculated that Mr Kowal's discovery may be the first indication of an asteroid belt beyond Saturn.

41. According to the first paragraph, in the solar system.

A. a large new planet may have been found B. a small new planet may have been found

C. a new planet has been found D. a large object may have been found

42. Paragraph 2 .

A. gives a different theory about the object B. states the main idea

C. reports the new object D. describes how the object was found

43. The object is located .

A. between Saturn an Uranus B. on Saturn

C. on Uranus D. on Venus

44. What field of study is this article reporting on?

A. Industry. B. Astronomy. C. Spaceflight. D. Agriculture.


Let's pretend we're sailing down the Rhine River on a pleasure boat. The Rhine is one of the main waterways of Germany, and the river traffic is heavy. It's interesting to watch the many boats going up and down the river. But the river traffic is not nearly so interesting as the beautiful scenery along the banks and hillsides. The boat is passing many old castles. We can see people working in the vineyards (葡萄园) on the hillsides. There are vineyards as far as the eye can see. Wine from the Rhine Valley is famous all over the world.

Suddenly our boat slows down and begins to turn a little. We are coming to a sharp bend in the river. On our right we can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high. At first it looks quite ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about it. There are many stories, poems, and songs about the cliff. We are looking at the Lorelei.

The someone on the boat begins to sing in German, the song of the Lorelei. It is a song about a beautiful siren (美女) who has lured many sailors to their deaths.

The siren is supposed to sit on the rock combing her long golden hair and singing. The sailors who hear her forget to steer, and the current of river hurls their boats on the rocks and dashes them to pieces.

Soon other people on the boat begin to sing. The beautiful song adds to special magic to the moment, and you begin to realize why so many people have made this trip down the Rhine to see the rock of the Lorelei.

45. The more interesting thing to those who are sailing down the Rhine River on a pleasure boat is .

A. to watch many boats going up and down the river

B. to see the beautiful scene along the banks and hillsides

C. to hear a song about beautiful siren

D. to see a beautiful siren combing her golden hair

46. Which of the following is famous all over the world?

A. The Rhine River. B. The River Traffic.

C. Wine from the Rhine Valley. D. The Lorelei.

47. We can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high .

A. on our right when coming to a sharp bend B. on the Rhine hillsides

C. from the Rhine Valley D. on the boat

48. The song of the Lorelei is about .

A. The Rhine wine B. a rocky cliff

C. the beautiful scenery along the Rhine River D. a beautiful and dangerous woman genie


In the 1960s, medical researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Negative events like “serious illness of a family member” were high on the list, but so were some positive life-changing events, like marriage. When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stress - it only shows how much you have to deal with. And we now know that the way you handle these events dramatically affects your chances of staying healthy.

By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions of Americans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow, the research got boiled down to a memorable message. Women’s magazines ran headlines like “Stress causes illness!” If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy, the articles said, avoid stressful events.

But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous, many - like the death of a loved one - are impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription (处方) for staying away from opportunities as well as trouble. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child, take a new job or move.

The notion that all stress makes you sick also ignores a lot of what we know about people. It assumes we’re all vulnerable (脆弱的) and passive in the face of adversity (逆境). But what about human initiative and creativity? Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental vigor than they had before. We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom, and physical and metal strain.

49. The result of Holmes-Rahe’s medical research tells us __________.

A) the way you handle major events may cause stress

B) what should be done to avoid stress

C) what kind of event would cause stress

D) how to cope with sudden changes in life

50. The studies on stress in the early 1970’s led to _________.

A) widespread concern over its harmful effects

B) great panic over the mental disorder it could cause

C) an intensive research into stress-related illnesses

D) popular avoidance of stressful jobs

51. The score of the Holmes-Rahe test shows ________.

A) how much pressure you are under B) how positive events can change your life

C) how stressful a major event can be D) how you can deal with life-changing events

52. Why is “such simplistic advice” (Line 1, Para. 3) impossible to follow?

A) No one can stay on the same job for long.

 B) No prescription is effective in relieving stress.

 C) People have to get married someday.

 D) You could be missing opportunities as well.





