Unit 15 SB3 Popular Youth Culture 全单元教案(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-14 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching aims:

Talk about youth culture and interests of young people

Read about voluntary work

Practise presenting ideas

Integrative language practice

Write an survey and a report

Special focus:

Improve students’ reading skills and enlarge vocabulary.

A. Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;

B. Guide Ss to learn to use the following words and expressions:

voluntary, annual, acknowledge, breathless, dizzy, beneficial, straight away, satisfaction, worthwhile, starve, fit in/ with, due to, casual, adolescent, whereas, possess

C. Improve the abilities of using language by integrative language practice.

Writing skill:

Practise writing a report concerning a survey

Teaching methods and tools:

Multi-media method, acting etc. computer, recorder

Period 1 Words and expressions


1. Ensure the students to pronounce the new words and expressions correctly.

2. Learn the words and their usages by heart.

Teaching procedures

Step One Greeting

Greet the students as usual.

Step Two Lead in

Read aloud all the words and expressions to make sure the students can pronounce them correctly.

Step Three Comment on the usages of the key words & expressions

( Cf the ppt files )

1. voluntary adj. (非强迫的或无报酬的)自发的,自动的,自愿的

voluntarily adv. involuntary adj. 非自愿的,非本意的

involuntarily adv. volunteer n. 志愿者,自愿参加者

Are there any volunteers for the event? 对那件事情有没有自愿要帮忙的人?

Vt. 自动申请去,自愿提供,自动请求去做 ( volunteer to do)

The young man volunteered to stop the drunken men from fighting.

vi.自愿, 自动申请 (volunteer for)

I volunteered for his election campaigns. 对他的选举活动我自愿助一臂之力。

2. acknowledge

vt. 认…, 承认…

Do you acknowledge your fault?

I acknowledge your statement as / to be true.

= I acknowledge your statement is true.

Vt. 告知收到(信等)

Did you acknowledge his letter? 你有没有告诉他来信已经收到?

Vt. (对赠品,好意等) 道谢,

She acknowledged his help in her book. 她在书中对他的帮助表示谢意。

Vt. (对…)打招呼

He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. 他举帽向我致意。

acknowledgement. N. 自认,承认

in acknowledgement of 承认…,感谢…,以…表示谢意

3. benefit n. 利益,好处,恩惠,益处,

I got a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language.

vt. 对…有益,有利益(恩惠)于

The new hospital benefited us enormously. 这家新医院使我们收益匪浅。

The sea air will benefit you. 海洋空气对你有益。

vi. (因…) 得到利益,收惠

I benefited enormously from my father’s advice.

beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的,有帮助的

beneficially adv. 有益地

be of benefit to 对…有益,有好处

for the benefit of 为了…的利益)

4. starve vi. 锇死

They got lost in the desert and starved to death.

vi. 挨饿

What time is dinner? I am starving! 什么时候开饭?我饿坏了!

Vt. 使挨饿; 使饿死

She’s starving herself trying to lose weight. 他正在节食,试图减肥。

Vt. 渴望,想得不得了,极需要

She is starving for attention. 她渴望受到照顾。

I’ve been starving to see you. 我一直很想与你见面。

starving adj. 挨饿的 starvation n. 挨饿

be starved of 缺乏…,渴望

starve to death 饿死

5. fit. 使…贴合…; 使…适合…;(新加入者)处得融洽

She doesn’t fit in with the rest of the class. 她和班上其他同学处得不好。

Wherever she went she fitted in. 她无论去哪里都能适应。


Doctor Jones can fit you in on Thursday afternoon.


6. due adj. (借款等)应该付给得的;(票据等)到期的

The bill is due on June1. 这张单据六月一日到期。

He didn’t pay the rent when it was due. 他房租到期,却未付租金。

adj. (尊敬,感谢等) 应给的,应得的

Our respect is due to old people. 我们应尊敬老人。

The parents’ care is due to their children. 父母亲应给予孩子照顾。

adj. 归因于,应归功于, 应归咎于

Her world-wide fame is due to his support.

The accident is due to your careless driving.

adj. 预定(到达)的,预定做---的

The train is due to arrive in Beijing at 3 p.m. 火车预定下午三点到达北京。

He is due to start this evening. 他预定今晚出发。

n. 应得物,正当报酬,应得权益

He has received the recognition which is his due. 他得到了他应该得的褒奖。

in due course/time 到适当时候,及时地 due to 由于…的原因

7. melt vi.& vt. 融化,使融化,熔解,溶解

The snow melted in the afternoon. 雪在下午融化了。

vi. (颜色,声音等) 逐渐变成…

The sky melted into the sea on the horizon. 地平线上,海天相连。

a melting voice 迷人的声音

melt away 溶化掉, 消失,melt down 使(金属)溶解,熔毁

8. fashion n. 流行,时髦,时尚,款式,方式,作法

Wide trousers are the latest fashion. 宽阔的长裤是最新流行款式。

She arranged flowers in her own fashion. 她以自己的方式插花。

fashionable adj. 流行的,时尚的,上流社会的

a fashion show 时装表演 fashionably adv.

in fashion 正流行 out of fashion 过时,不再流行

follow (the)fashion 赶时髦 set a/the fashion 开风气之先;领导潮流

9. whereas conj, 然而,却,另一方面,反之(=while)


He was poor, whereas his brother was very rich.

He is ill, whereas I am only a little tired.

10. possess vt. 拥有,持有,(东西,资产), 具有(性情,特性), (强烈的感情,恶魔等) 缠附,疯狂的

The little girl possesses great courage. 那个女孩有很大的勇气。

She was suddenly possessed by/with fear. 她突然感到害怕。

possessed adj. 被(强烈的感情,恶魔等)缠附的,疯狂的

possession n. 拥有,占有;(pl,)所有物,财产

possessive adj.占有欲强的

possessor n. 所有人,拥有者

be in possession of 拥有… be in the possession of 被…拥有

come into the possession of get(gain, take)possession of 拿到…, 占有…

Step Four Reinforcement and assignment

1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.

2. Exercises on Page 258 Testing your skills

Period 2 Reading

Young Volunteers

Step 1. Warming up

Enable the students to discuss the questions on Page129.

Step 2. Reading:

Part A:

Complete the chart, each blank with not more than 3 words

76. _____ Lu Hao Lin Ying Meng Yu

What activity 79.__________ scheme of the Youth volunteer Community Development Project Go West Project 81. _________ the Communist Youth League of China 84. _______

organized by Meng Yu and her classmates

When Every Tuesday and Friday 82. ________ During weekends

Where In the old man’s house In a 83. _______

of southwest China In Canada

77. ____ An lonely old man Some poor kids 85. ______

78. ____ Mr zhao doesn’t feel lonely any more; his health has been improved; he feels more 80. _________ These kids become eager to learn; the pass rate has greatly improved; the children will get rid of the poverty and has a bright future. Make the children get rid of starvation and live a better life.


76. Items 77. Whom to help 78. Benefits to others

79. “1 helps 1” 80. energetic and optimistic. 81. organized by

82. After graduation 83. remote rural school 84. An event

85. Starving children

Part B:

Read the passage and choose the best answers

1. Volunteers refer to _______. D

A. people who are willing to help others

B. people who devote their time to helping others

C. people who donate their money to help others

D. all of the above

2. Volunteers do voluntary work in order to ______. B

A. make money B. make a contribution to society

C. kill time D. become healthy

3. ______ volunteers are mentioned in the text C

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

4. Paragraph One mainly tells us _______. C

A. voluntary work is interesting

B. voluntary work is demanding

C. voluntary work can make a difference not only to the helped people but also to the volunteers themselves whatever kind it is

D. how to do voluntary work

5. From Paragraph One we can infer that voluntary work is worth doing for ____. D

A. only young people B. healthy people

C. people with knowledge D. almost all people

Step 4. Further Reading

Read the passage once again to get the main idea the writing purpose.

Main idea:

The text relates the three students’ experiences as volunteers. It shows that

“… each contribution… no matter how small it is… can make a difference.”

And it also shows that voluntary work benefits not only the people helped

but also volunteers. It encourages us students to volunteer to make a

contribution to the society.

Writing Purpose:

By retelling the three students’ experiences as volunteers, the writer tries to

make us learn about some voluntary work and realize that voluntary work

benefits not only the society but also those volunteers. He calls on and

encourages us students to take part in voluntary work so as to improve

ourselves, get the job we dream and make the world more beautiful and


Step 5. Homework

Finish all the exercises on Language Practice on p131-133.

Period 3 Integrating Reading Skills

Denim Jeans

Step 1. Revision

1. Check the Ss how further they understand the voluntary work.

2. Check the homework.

Step 2. Scanning

Read through the passage and find out what happened in the years:

In 1870s: A shopkeeper in San Francisco succeeded in selling denim work trousers.

In 1930s: Many young American men bought jeans and dressed like their cowboy film stars.

In World War Two: American jeans were introduced by the soldiers to the world.

After the war: American teenagers started to make denim jeans their own unique item of fashion.

In 1950s: The school ban on students wearing jeans made jeans even more popular.

Between 1950s and 1990s: The jeans have been through many different changes in style.

In 1990s: Jeans were made more stretch and even tighter over the bottom and legs.

More Recently: Wearing jeans that looked very old became popular.

Step 3. Choose the best answers

1. The idea of blue trousers called jeans came from______. A

A. Europe B. America C. Asia D. Africa

2. People began to buy jeans for fashion besides for work ______. C

A. in the 1900s B. in 1930 C. in the 1930s D. in the 1920s

3. ______ introduced jeans to the world. B

A. American government B. American soldiers

C. American cowboys D. American workers

4. From the text we can infer ______. C

A. jeans will be less popular B. jeans will disappear

C. jeans will still be popular D. jeans will be out of fashion

Step 4 Discussion

Read the last paragraph and tell us what it’s about.

It’s a survey report on jeans and fashion in the UK.

Step Five: Homework

Finish the close test and the reading comprehension on Pages 259-263.

Period 4 Reinforcement

Teaching aims:

1. Review the key points of the unit

2. Comment on the workbook exercises

3. Practise writing a report concerning a survey

Teaching aids: computer system

Teaching procedures

Step One: Revision of the unit

(Cf: the word files)

Review some important long and complex sentences.

The people here are poor, but they have big hearts and made me feel very welcome.

I really feel I’m doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it.

Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.

Many schools in the USA did not approve of students wearing jeans to school and they forbade them.

Deal with some language points and difficult points if necessary. If possible, guide the students to analyze.

Review the phrases in this unit

1. by design 故意地,有计划地

2. provide for 支持,供养

3. at present 现在,目前

4. for the present 就目前来说,暂时

5. up to the present 直到现在,至今

6. make a present of sth. to sb. 把某物赠送给某人

7. ever since 从那时起一直到现在

8. since then 从那时以后,从此以后

9. long since 很久以前,早已

10. apply oneself to 致力---

11. apply one’s mind to 专心于---

12. apply for 申请,请求

13. go straight 直走,(口语)改邪归正,正经做人

14. straight away = straight off 立刻,马上,

15. fly off the handle 发怒,失去自制

16. in effect 正在实行,实际上

17. take effect 开始实行,开始生效

18. have an effect on 对---产生影响

19. offer sb. comfort 给人以安慰

20. give comfort to 安慰

21. live in comfort 生活舒适

22. take a while 用一些(一段)时间

23. make a contribution to 对--- 做贡献

24. make a difference 对-产生影响

25. graduate --- from 从--- 毕业

26. as a consequence 结果是

27. have a reputation for 因--- 闻名

Step Two: Comment on the workbook exercises

Refer to the workbook exercises from Page 258- Page 264.

1. Testing your skills on P258-259

2. Cloze Test on p263

3. Translating on P 264

Step Three: Assignment

Writing Practice

一位中学生在自己班级就校服问题进行了调查(survey). 下面是调查统计表。请参照该表写一篇100词左右题为 Report on the survey about our school uniform 的报告。

Groups Opinions Percentage Reasons

A like 60 很帅, 颜色很好;整洁平等;不赶时髦

B dislike 30 不舒服;颜色不好, 不好看;太过时, 样式单调

C no idea 10

注 意:报告须包含调查表中的主要内容,可以适当增加细节, 使内容连贯。

Sample writing:

Report on the survey about our school uniforms

I did a survey about our school uniforms, in which I asked some of my classmates what they thought about our uniforms. Opinions differ.

The majority (60%) of the students like it. They think it’s fashionable and has a nice color. Besides, it’s neat and tidy. At the same time, when they wear school uniforms, they feel equal to others and no need to follow fashion.

However, another 30% don’t like it. They feel it’s uncomfortable to wear it and the color is too dull. Moreover, they consider it old fashioned and simple-styled. The rest of the people I surveyed, i.e. 10%, have no idea about it.


Supplementary explanations

1. no matter

与what/ who/ when/ where/ how/ whether 等连用,表示“无论…,不管…”等意,引导让步状语从句。

No matter what he says, I won’t believe him.

No matter what difficulties you may meet, come to me for help.

He failed again and again no matter how hard he tried.

He left a bad name no matter where he stayed. 不管到哪里,他总是臭名远扬。

当whenever, however, whatever, whoever等从属连词引导让步状语从句时,可以用 no matter when, ( how, what, who )等代替

Whoever wants to visit the museum, he is allowed.


另外 whatever, whoever 等还可以引导主语从句,宾语从句等。这时不能被no matter what (who) 来代替。该主语从句相当于 anything that--- , anyone who---- 等。

Whoever wants to go there can sign here.

= Anyone who wants to go there can sign here.


If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _____ great it is.

A. whatever B. however C. wherever D. whenever

It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

2. likely---- possible----probable

likely 常用词,指“ 从表面迹象来看很有可能”。



probable 语气比possible 强,指“有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,


likely之后常跟不定式(be likely to do sth.), 而possible, probable之后

通常不跟不定式;likely的主语可以是人,而possible, probable的主语不能是人。

Success is possible, but hardly probable. 成功是有可能的,但把握性不大。

She is not likely to come next month. 她下个月很可能不来。

3. a little, a bit等用于肯定句,表示程度较轻,可翻译为“有点儿,有些,稍微”

This book is a little easier than that one for us to read.


She arrived a bit earlier than expected. 她到的比期待的早点。

much, a lot, rather, by far, far等用于肯定句,可翻译为“--- 得多”

He is much older, but much more energetic than I am.


She speaks English far better than her classmates.


注意:如果比较等级前面没有the那么by far 需后置;如果比较等级前面有the,那么by far 常前置。by far 也可以用于修饰最高级,其位置可前可后,且不与than连用。

The Pacific is by far the largest ocean / the largest ocean by far and covers half

of the total ocean area. 太平洋是最大的洋,占整个洋的二分之一。

even, still, all the等用于肯定句,表示“更加;甚至”。even常用于与另一事物比较,still常用于自身比较。

That book is interesting, but this one is even more interesting.


The patient looked still worse today than yesterday.


As a result, the rich became all the richer. 结果富人更加富裕了。

no, not any用于否定句,疑问句,表示“一点也不,不比”。常见的结构有no longer, no more than, no less than等。

We went no farther than the gate. 我们走很近距离就到大门了。


The river is two hundred meters longer than that one. 这条河比那条长200米。


The hall is three times larger than that one. 这个大厅是那个的3倍。


The population of China is two fifths larger than that of that country.


This year we plan to produce 20% more computers than we did last year.


more之前用数词或no, some, a little, any, many等来表示“再,又,还”。

There are six more people waiting outside. 还有6个人等在外面。

There was failure, a little success, a little more failure, a little more success.


Some people are against the plan, but many more support it.
