高一Unit 15 The necklace 语言知识教学案(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-6-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

一. Words:

1. 宿舍

2. 识别;认出

3. 相必;确实;

4. 钻石

5. 解释;说明

6. 舞会

7. 首饰;珠宝类

8. 继续;

9. 访问;号召;

10. 好看的;可爱的

11. 拿回来;使恢复 12. 日日夜夜地

13. 还清(债务等); 付清

14. 债务;欠款

15. 宝贵的;珍爱的

16. 至多

17. 肯定的;积极的

18. 出席;参加;上(大学等)

19. 赚得;挣得

20. 演讲;讲课

21. 缺乏常识;傻的22. 蚊子 23. 蝙蝠;球拍

24. 作者

25. 把…表现出来,把…付诸行动

26. 此外;除…之外

27. 轮廓;要点;概要

28. (小说)情节;结构

29. 品质;质量;

30. 梯子

31. 吓人的

32. 预演33. 足迹

二. Words and expressions:

1. recognize vt. 认出,识别;认可

e.g. I recognized my old friend at once.

I couldn’t recognize him at the beginning, for he has changed a lot.

※ be recognized as 被承认是

e.g. Tom ___________________ the best footballer in the school.

这本书现在是一部公认的经典著作。 _________________________________.

1) My Uncle from Hong Kong has changed so much that I could hardly _____ him at the airport.

A. understand B. realize C. know D. recognize

2) Charlie Chaplin successfully developed a manner of acting which was _______ his own.

A. accepted B. recognized as C. regarded D. thought of

2. explain vt. & vi. 解释;说明

explain sth./ sth. to sb./ (to sb.) that / wh-clause

explain oneself

explanation n.

e.g. She explained that she couldn’t come because she was ill.


He explained _________________.他为什么迟到

※ explain 不能接双宾语,即不能说explain sb. sth. ,只能说explain sth. to sb.

e.g. He explained the reason to me.

不能说:He explained me the reason. (╳)

有这样用法的单词还有introduce/ suggest/ report/say等

1) ---- I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.

---- There is no _______ for this while you are on duty.

A. reason B. excuse C cause D. explanation

3. continue vt. & vi. 继续


※ continue + doing/ to do 继续做某事

e.g. They continued to work/ working after a short rest.

continue + that 继续说道

e.g. “We must finish the task tomorrow.” he continued.

(2 ) vi.

e.g. The fighting continued for a week.

4. call on 访问;号召

e.g.1) An old friend called on me the day before yesterday.

2)政府号召人民帮助那些需要帮助的人们。 ____________________________


call for call at (some place) call up

call back call in call out

call (up)on call on sb. to do call off

66. I’ll call ___ you at seven if you’d like to go to see the film this evening.

A. on B. up C. for D. out

67. They didn’t stop talking until the teacher called ___ silence.

A. in B. out C. down D. for

68. The headmaster called ___ the football match because of the rain.

A. back B. up C. out D. off

69. When we called ___ Mr. White’s, he had gone to the countryside to call ___ his cook.

A. up ; upon B. on ; upon C. at ; on D. upon ; on

5. bring back 带回来;使恢复

e.g. The music brought us back to the old happy days.

The doctors’ careful attendance brought him back to health.


bring about bring down bring in

bring out bring up

70. I felt something was wrong with me. I ___ most of what I had taken.

A. brought up B. brought out C. took up D. took out

71. His parents died when he was young, so he was ___by his uncle.

A. taken up B. brought up C. brought out D. grown up

72. She does morning exercises every day in order to bring ___ her weight.

A. up B. off C. about D. down

73. She _______ to believe that money is the most important thing in life.

74. The sale _________ over $200.

75. Science has _____________ many changes in our lives.

76. Hearing the song _____________ happy memories.

6. at most= at the most 最多,至多

at least= at the least 最少,至少

e.g. I can pay you 10 pounds at (the) most.

It will at least five hundred francs.

1) It may not be beautiful but ________ it’s cheap.

A. at most B. at least C. besides D. what’s more.

Key points in each part

§ Warming up

1. act out 把……表演出来

act as 充当……角色;担任……工作

e.g. Act out the dialogue ________ your partner.

I don’t understand their language; you’ll have to __________ the interpreter.


2. What is missing?

辨析missing, lost & gone

三者的共同点:都是adj., 都有“丢失”的意思。


missing 强调“失踪了、不见了”,有可能还找得回来。

lost 强调“失去的,丧失的”,一般指找不回来了。

gone 强调“过去的,不见了”,但只能做表语。

e.g. My English-Chinese dictionary is missing.

They have found the ________ child in the forest.

It’s no use crying over the lost chance.

My pen was __________ so I had to buy a new one.

My fever is ________ but I still have a cough.

The days are ___________ when the workers lived a hard life.

1) On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace _________.

A. missed B. losing C. gone D. be stolen


3. I am sorry, but I do not know you.

(1)句中I do not think I know you.是否定转移的用法,

不能说:I think I do not know you.

主语为第一人称,谓语动词为 believe, expect, guess, imagine, suppose, think且含宾语从句的复合句,在变否定句时要进行否定转移。

I do not believe he has worked out the difficult problem. 我相信他还没有解出这道难题。

I do not suppose they’ll be back tonight. ___________________________。

But I do not think we can go. ____________________________。

I did not imagine that they would say anything. 我想他们不会说什么。

(2) but

but 永在表示歉意的话语后,可引导一个句子,常不能译作“但是”,可以不翻译。

e.g. 1) I am sorry, but I do not agree with you. 不好意思,我不同意你所说的。

2) Excuse me for breaking in, ____ I have some news for you.

A. so B. and C. but D. yet

※ 以上句子在变反意疑问句时,疑问句部分中的动词和主语应和宾语从句中的动词和主语保持一致,若陈述部分的主句的主语是第二,三人称,则疑问句部分应与陈述部分的主句一致。

I did not think he was happy, was he? 我认为他并不幸福,是不是?

I do not suppose that he cares, __________? 我认为他并不关心,是不是?

You did not think he can finish the work, _________? ____________________________

4. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you.

1) (04-30) My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ____half of it.

A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed

2) (津04-28) - What were you doing when Tony phoned you?

- I had finished my work and_____ to take a shower.

A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting

3). Hello, I ____ you were in London. How long _________ here?

A. don’t know; were you B. hadn’t known; are you

C. haven’t known; are D. didn’t know; have you been

5. Well, I would rather not tell you.

would rather do sth. 宁愿,愿意做某事

would rather not do sth. 不愿意做谋事,宁可不做谋事

would rather + 从句(常用一般过去时表示现在或将来的情况)

would rather do A than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B

would do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B

e.g. I would rather stay here and have a good rest.

I’d rather you started off right away.

I would rather go skating than stay at home.

=I would ______________ rather than _________ at home.

=I prefer to ___________ rather than __________ at home.

=I prefer going _____________ to ___________ at home.

6. But, just this one. After all, this ball is important.

after all 毕竟,终究

It has turned out to be a nice day after all.

So you see I was right ______________.


I know he hasn’t finished, but, after all, he is very busy.

I know he hasn’t done his work, but, ______________, he’d done his best.

辨析 after all, first of all, in all , at all

after all 毕竟,终究

He is certain to come. After all, he’s already accepted the invitation.

first of all 首先

First of all, let me introduce myself to you.

in all 总共,总计

There are thirty in all at the party who will travel to Lanzhou.

at all 常和否定词连用,表示“根本(不)”

I don’t understand it at all.

1. The passenger was tired and walked more slowly but he got home _____.

A. after all B. at all C. above all D. in all

7. It was worth five hundred francs at most.

worth adj. 值得的

be worth + 价格 值……钱

be worth + doing 值得做

e.g. This book is worth 20 dollars.

The film is (well) worth seeing.

※ 注意比较worthy adj. “值得的,配得上的”的用法

be worthy + of sth. 值得, 配得上

be worthy + of being done 值得做

= be worthy to be done

e.g. The teacher is worthy of respect.

These old churches are worthy ____________ visited.

= These old churches are worthy __________ visited.

= These old churches are worth ____________.

You’d better go to bed. There isn’t anything on TV worth ________ up for.

A. getting B. staying C. rising D. waiting

1) 我的金项链花了2500 元。

I bought the gold necklace for 2500 yuan.

My gold necklace cost me 2500 yuan.

It took me 2500 yuan to buy the gold necklace.

I paid 2500 yuan for the gold necklace.

I spent 2500 yuan on the gold necklace.

Ex: 1) --- What ________ you the chance to see the film?

--- Attending the meeting.

A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid

2) ---- How do you find the British Museum?

---- Great! It’s ______ worth _______.

A. very, visiting B. well, a visit C. quite, being visited D. very much, visiting


can/ may/ must 表示推测的用法:

1) must的语气最肯定,指“一定,必定,”只用于肯定句中。

Must do (be doing)…(对现在情况的推测)

2) can/ could“可能;会”; may/ might “或许;可能”, 其中can/may语气肯定,could/might语气不肯定。

3) may( might) + do…(推测现在或将来)

4) may(might + have done…( 推测过去)

5) could have done….(1)可能干(指对过去的推测)(2)本可能干某事却未干(过去)


1) --- Is John coming by train?

--- He should, but he _______ mot. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. need D. may

2) --- there were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.

--- It _________ a comfortable journey.

A. can’t B. shouldn’t be C. must have been D. couldn’t have been

3) Sorry I’m late, I _________ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

A. might B. should C. can D. will

4) Naturally,after I told her what to do,my daughter __________ go and do the opposite.

A. can  B. must C. may D. need

5) (2002北京)-I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

-It __________true because there was little snow there.

A. may not be B. won’t be C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be

6) (2003上海春招) My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.

Who __________have taken it?

A. should B. must C. could D. would

三.完形: 辽宁卷(秋)英语

The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world . 36 springs and streams sometimes means control , particularly in the 37 areas like the desert . The control is possible even without possession of large areas of 38 land . In the early days of the American West , gun fights were not 39 for the water resources (资源). And laws had to be 40 to protect the water rights of the 41 and the use of the water resources accordingly .

42 is known to us all , there is not 43 water in all places for everyone to use as much as he likes . Deciding on the 44 of water that will be used in any particular period 45 careful planning , so that people can manage and use water more 46 . Farmers have to change their use of or demand for water 47 the water supply forecast (预报).

The 48 water supply forecast is based more on the water from the 49 than from the below . Interest is 50 in the ways to increase rainfall by man-made methods , and to get water from the winter snow on mountain 51 . With special equipment , some scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain snow can be 52 , and with the help of a repeater station , they send the 53 data (数据) to the base station . The operator at the base station can get the data at any time by 54 a button . In the near future , the forecast and use of water 55 probably depend on the advance knowledge of snow on mountains , not of water underground .

36.A.Using B.Holding C.Owning D.Finding

37.A.dry B.distant C.deserted D.wild

38.A.fine B.beautiful C.rich D.farming

39.A.unlawful B.unacceptable C.unpopular D.uncommon

40.A.made B.designed C.signed D.written

41.A.winners B.settlers C.fighters D.supporters

42.A.That B.It C.What D.As

43.A.plentiful B.enough C.any D.much

44.A.type B.quality C.amount D.level

45.A.requests B.requires C.means D.suggests

46.A.effectively B.easily C.conveniently D.actively

47.A.leading to B.due to C.owing to D.according to

48.A.correct B.further C.average D.early

49.A.clouds B.sky C.air D.above

50.A.raising B.rising C.building D.lasting

51.A.rocks B.tips C.tops D.trees

52.A.taken care of B.made use of C.piled up D.saved up

53.A.picked B.produced C.used D.gathered

54.A.touching B.knocking C.pressing D.turning

55.A.might B.can C.will D.should



at most pay off bring back would rather after all come up with try out

(1) The Smiths borrowed a lot of money and they’re still _______ their debts.

(2) The old photographs _______ memories of his happy childhood.

(3) ------How old are you, Ann?

------ I _______ not say.

(4) Well, the story is too much for Lucy. She can’t understand. ______, She’s only two.

(5) The teenagers are fond of pop music; they don’t enjoy the local opera _________.

(6) John has few friends;______ 10 people came to his party last night.

(7) The boy couldn’t ______ an answer why his teacher asked him why he was late.

(8) The idea sounds wonderful but we need to ________ it ________ in practice.


Pierre Loisel used to work in a government office. One day he and his wife Mathilde ____1___ an invitation to a ball at the palace. Mathilde spent 400 francs on a new dress but had no more money for jewellery. She borrowed a beautiful ___2_____ from her friend Jeanne. The couple had a very ___3____ time at the palace. But at the ball Mathilde ____4_______ the necklace. They borrowed money to buy a new diamond necklace ___5_____ Jeanne. A necklace that looked exactly the same as Jeanne’s ___6______ them 36,000 francs. ____7____ they returned the necklace, they had to work day nad night for ten years to pay back the money they had borrowed. When Mathilde met Jeanne again, she had changed __8____ much Jeanne could not ____9___ her. She did not know until then that the necklace she had borrowed was not made of diamonds. ___10____ had been worth 500 francs at most.

3)Complete the following using the given Chinese:

1. Some students often make some noise in class. __________________________________


2. They worked together in a factory, and _________________________(相互很了解).

3. We have met each other for a long time, but where have you been ________________


4. Maybe you have worked very hard in the past few years. You _____________________


5. You can’t keep secret, so I _________________________(宁愿不告诉你).

6. Many students were present at the English evening because they __________________

(被邀请)the day before yesterday, and they ________________________(接受这个邀请).

7. A new car _____________(要花) a lot of money, so I can’t afford it.

8. We are so busy, _____________(毕竟), this meeting is very important, so we decide to

attend it finally.

9. He is _______________(唯一的人)in our school who won the prize.

10. John’s sister, Rose, _______________________________(嫁给了一个有钱人)last year.

11. We have many friends, and often ________________(拜访)them.

12. He offered us a lot of problems, which _____________________________(难理解).

13. I saw a lovely diamond necklace _______________________________(中心有块大蓝宝石).

14. We ________________(赶回到)the palace and looked for the necklace.

15. We asked everyone there ___________________________(是否发现)the necklace, but ________________(不幸没发现).

16. They had worked hard ___________________(日日夜夜) for ages and __________________ (还清所有债)last year.

17. The diamond necklace he bought yesterday____________(值)five hundred francs _____________(最多).


1. is recognized as this book is now recognized as classic. D B

2. 把自己的意思解释清楚can you explain the reason for the failure? Why he was late. B

4. The government called on everyone to help those who need help.

call for call off call at (some place) call up

需要,要求 取消 访问(某地) 打电话;召集;使想起

call back call in call out

回电话;回想起;召回 召集 大声喊叫 CDDC

5. bring about 造成;带来(变化等)bring down 使降低;使倒下

bring in 收获(庄稼等);提出,引进bring out 出版,生产;使显现

bring up 抚养;提出(议题等);(船等)停下;呕出

ABD was

6. B

1. with act as

2. missing, lost , gone, gone C

3. 我像他们今晚不会回来了。  但是,我想我们不能去。  C does he did you


4. 注意该句中的didn’t的用法。此句的意思是“我刚才没有认出你来。”即现在已经认出来了,所以用的一般过去时,不能用一般现在时或现在完成时。 DDD

5. go skating, stay, so skating stay, skating, staying

6. after all, after all A of being to be visiting B C B


完形:Keys: 36-40 CACDA  41-45 BDBCB 46-50 ADADB 51-55 CBDCC


8. paying off 9.brought back 10. would rather 11. After all

12. at all 13. at most 14. come up with 15. try …out

短文: received necklace good lost, for, cost, after, so, recognize it


1. I don’t think they are right 2. knew each other very well 3. all these years 4. look older than your age 5. would rather not tell you 6. were invited to, accepted the invitation 7. has to cost 8. after all 9. the only person 10. married a man with a lot of money 11. call on 12. are difficult to understand 13. with a big blue stone in the center 14. rushed back to 15. if they had found, without luck 16. day and night, paid off all their debts 17. was worth, at most