2011届高三英语一轮复习教学案 (译林牛津版高三英语必修四教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-21 编辑:互联网 手机版


序号:018 课题:M4U3

编写人:孙雪雪 审核人:裴如东


1.real (adj.)→ really (adv.) → realize (vt.) → reality (n.)

2.deliver (vt.) → delivery (n.) 3.burn (vt.) → burnt (adj.)

4.announce (vt.) → announcer (n.) → announcement (n.)

5.industry (n.) → industrialize (vt.&vi) → industrial (adj.)

6.employ (vt.) → employer (n.) → employee (n.) → employment (n.)

7.satisfied (adj.) → satisfy (vt.) → satisfactory (adj.) → satisfaction (n.)

8.imagination (n.) → imagine (vt.) → imaginable (adj.) → imaginary (adj.) → imaginative (adj.)

9.determine (vt.) → determined (adj.) → determination (n.) 10.guide (vt.) → guidance (n.)


1.He thought her perfect, but in reality (real) she was selfish and vain.

2.There is a radar station monitoring (monitor) enemy planes at the top of the mountain. .

3.Their proposal (propose) to build a new building has finally been rejected.

4.I left him, determined (determine) never to set foot in that house again.

5.He hasn’t much imagination (imagine).

6.Last night I was watching TV in the sitting room when I smelt something in the kitchen burning (burn).

7.He watched the children’s performance with great satisfaction .(satisfy)

8.I didn’t get much of an impression (impress) of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.

9.Are the children safely (safe) fastened into their seats, darling?

10.Her idea is of central (center) importance in the development of the theory.


1.传递 pass on 2.与…相连接 be connected to

3.发出(气味,热等) give out 4.提出(观点,议案等) put forward

5.最后的但同样重要的 last but not least 6.被控告犯……罪 be accused of

7.关闭,使停止,使倒闭 close down 8.发现,(偶尔)遇见 come across

9.传达 get sth across 10.以…为背景 be set in


1.reality n. 现实,事实

1) In reality/ …, (实际上) he is not completely wrong.

2) We must make the most of our time to turn our dreams into realities/ realize our dreams/ live our dreams/ make our dreams come true.(实现我们的梦想)

3) The failures in his career brought him back to reality. (工作上的失败使他面对现实)

拓展: realization n.实现;明白,认识,体会

The next year saw / witnessed (见证) the realization of all my dreams.

= The next year, all my dreams came true/ were realized / were turned into realities.

2.proposal n.[C]


The government put forward/ came up with a proposal (提出建议) to improve public transportation.


receive a proposal from sb. make a proposal to sb.

propose v. 建议,提议

注意:proposal和propose后接从句表示“建议”时,从句要用(should) do的虚拟语气。

1)The proposal that public transportation (should) be improved (improve) was accepted by the government.

2) He proposed that the book (should) be banned (ban).

3.give out

1) 分发The teacher gave out the examination papers.

2) 发出(气味,热,信号,叫声等)The roses gave out a sweet perfume.

3) 宣布He gave out the news in an excited (excite) voice.

4) (人)身体垮;(机器失灵)Tom’s legs gave out and he couldn’t run any farther.

5) 被用完,耗尽We had just reached home when the petrol gave out / ran out/ was used up.

Our food had C , and we had to return to the camp.

A. given in B. given away C. given out D. given up

4.deliver v. delivery n.

① The postman delivers letters (送信) every day.

② The doctor delivered Mrs. Jones of twins.

③ He delivered/ made/ gave an important speech (作了一个重要的演讲) at the meeting.

④ deliver …from… = save/ rescue …from… 把…从…解救出来

5.impress vt.

① impress the words on the cloth 在布上印字

② △ impress sb. The book didn’t impress me at all. (根本没有给我留下什么印象)

△sb. be impressed by / at / with

我被他的表演深深地打动了。 I was deeply impressed by his performance.

△ 使某人牢记某事 impress sth. on sb. impress sb. with sth

He impressed the importance of the work on me /on me the importance of the work /me with the importance of the work. (他使我牢记这份工作的重要性。)

impression n.

leave / make an impression on / upon sb. =leave sb. with an impression 给某人留下…的印象


The beauty of the city left/ made a deep impression on me.

The beauty of the city left me with a deep impression.

6.responsible adj. responsibility _ n. 责任,职责 the sense of responsibility/ duty_ 责任感

① It isn’t I who am responsible for (负责) the accident.

②The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance (出席).

③Give the job to a responsible man.

7.employ vt.雇佣;使用

1) We employed him as a cook. (雇佣他做厨师)

2) He employed / spent all his free time in playing.

be employed in / employ oneself in = be engaged in 忙于、从事某活动

他从事英语教学工作。 He was employed/ employed himself in teaching English.

employer n. 雇主,老板 employee n. 雇员

employment n. 雇佣,就业 unemployed adj. 没有工作的,失业的

in / out of employment 有工作/失业

8.accuse vt. 控告;指责

accuse sb. of sth. / sb. be accused of sth. charge sb. with sth. sue sb. for sth.控告某人某事

他被控告偷了钱包。 He was accused of/ charged with sued for stealing the wallet.

punish / scold / criticize / praise / thank / admire sb. for sth.

9.rescue vt. / n. 解救,援救

vt. rescue / save / deliver sb. from sth. 从…中把某人解救出来


The firefighters rescued ten children from the burning house.

n. a rescue team 营救队 come / go to one’s rescue 来 / 去援救某人

10.come out; come about; come back; come down; come in; come from; come on come up with

①When will his new book come out ? ②The price of the oil has come down dramatically.

③The passage she quotes comes from Shakespeare. ④The whole poem is coming back to me now! ⑤How did this dangerous situation come about?

11.put forward

① The idea that you put forward / came up with (提出)at the meeting is wrong.

② May I put your name forward as the Chairman?

③ Put / Set the clock forward by ten minutes.


1.not only…but (also) 当此结构连接两个句子,且not only分句放在句首时,not only后面的句子要用部分倒装,但but also后面的句子仍用陈述语序。

I think not only does he work faster (他工作得更快), but also he works better.

A people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.

A.Not just will help be given to B.Only help will be given to

C.Not only will help give D.Help will be given only to

2.It’s ( about / high ) time that sb. did… / should do…“是该做…的时候了” (从句常用虚拟语气。)

该到我们努力学习的时候了。 It’s (about/ high) time that we studied/ should study hard.



A 1.--- Why was Mr. Green fired by the shop?

--- He was ______ of cheating customers.

A. accused B. complained C. announced D. claimed

B 2.My cell phone is old and it is high time that I ______ a new one.

A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. am going to buy

A 3.Many a quarrel ______ through a misunderstanding. So you should talk more with him.

A. comes about B. comes across C. come about D. come up

B 4.It has been that the 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London. .

A. accepted B. announced C. appointed D. assured

A 5.--- Lily, my beautiful flower died.

--- It ______ for a long time.

A. hadn’t been watered B. hadn’t watered C. hasn’t been watered D. hasn’t watered

C 6.Not only ______ about the food, but also he refused to pay for it.

A. the customer complained B. complained the customer

C. did the customer complain D. does the customer complain

C 7.He _____ the suggestion that the working time should be shortened to eight hours a day, but was refused by his leader.

A. put aside B. put through C. put forward D. put out