人教版高三Unit 10 American Literature

发布时间:2016-6-17 编辑:互联网 手机版


1、 话题:Talking about American literature

2、 词汇:garbage, maid, prince, outcome, penny, grocery, bakery, weep, furnish, shabby, mailbox, bell, rag, rare, garment, worn, carpet, barbershop, haircut, anecdote, booklet, mutton, stove, baggage, pale, prayer, approve, anyhow, shave, comb, tortoise, flash, simplify

3、 功能:预测和描述故事(Predicting and describing a story)

What would be an interesting story?

What characters would likely appear in it?

What would the characters be like?

Where would the story take place What would be an exciting plot?

When would the story take place?

Would you like to read a story or a novel?

4、 语法:复习动词时态的用法(Review al the verb tenses)

5、 词组

1. at a time 每次, 一次(性)

at no time 在任何时候都不

at all times 随时,总是

at one time 曾经一度

at this time 此时此刻

at the time 在当时

at any time: 无论何时, 随时

2.a furnished flat 提供家具的公寓

3.attend to 处理,料理,照顾,接待

4.buy sb. sth =buy sth for sb.

5. be worthy of…值得……的,

6.take pride in =be proud of…

7. lose its colour 失去了光彩

8.pull down 拆掉(毁),使某人衰弱,

9.do up 束起, 重新整修, 收拾齐整, 疲乏, 包好

10. stand still

11. hair goods of all kinds 各种发制品

12.with a practised hand 熟练地

13. search somewhere for sth.

14. inside out 彻底地, 里面翻到外面

15.be right for 适合

16.be anxious about 渴望,担忧 17.do one’s hair 整理头发

18.make coffee 煮咖啡

19.on the back of 紧跟着

20.on the corner of the table 在桌角

21.at the corner of the street

22.turn pale 变得苍白

23.have a habit for doing sth.

24. step in 走进来

25.be burdened with…负载着,背负着

be burdened by 被…所困扰,承受…的负担

26. fix one’s eyes upon/on 眼睛盯着

27. stare at 盯着

28. cut off 切断, 断绝, 剥夺继承权

29.live through 度过,经受过

31. out of love for you 出于爱你

32. make a mistake about sb. 误会某人

33. tear at 撕扯

34. give a scream of joy发出一声欢欣的尖叫

35. at length 最后,终于

36.put away 放好, 储存...备用,

37. in the way of: 关于…方面

6、 句型

1) Three times Della counted it.

In the hall below was a mailbox into which no letter would go.

Many happy hours had she spent, planning for something nice for him.

Twenty –one dollars they took from her for it., and she hurried home with the 87 cents.

For there lay the Comb- the set of combs that Della had been looking at so many times …

Down flowed the brown cascade.

2) …,and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.

3) Twenty dollars a week does not go far.

4) It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.

5) There was an electric bell that did not work, with a card next to it bearing the name “Mr James…”

She looked at several barbershops, and finally stopped at a sign that read:” Madame Sofronie…”

There was an expression in them that she could not read.

6) With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company.

7) It was not anger, nor surprise, not a look showing that he did not approve, nor horror, nor any of the feelings that she had been prepared for.

8) Be good to me, for it went out of love for you.

9) Shall I put dinner on, Jim?

10) The dull precious metal seemed to flash, as if reflecting her bright spirit.

7. 部分知识点讲解

Pennies saved one or two at a time... 句中的at a time 是“一次”的意思。

He often eats two eggs at a time. 他经常是一次吃两个鸡蛋.

注意 at a time和以下这些短语的区别:

at one time: (过去)有个时期, 一度She wanted to leave school for business at one time.

at any time: 无论何时, 随时You can come here to ask me at any time if you have any questions.

at the time of: 在……的时代 There appeared many famous writers at the time of Renaissance.

attend to: give practical consideration to sb./sth.

Are you being attend to?

A nurse attends to his needs.

worthy of: deserving sth. or to do sth.

Their efforts are worthy of your support.

There were two possessions of the Jimes Dillingham Youngs in which they both took great pride.

1) 句子中的in which 引导一个定语从句, 指前边的先行词two possessions. 如果把后半句变成一个单句的话, 则是: they both took great pride in the two possessions.

2) take pride in为……感到自豪 We take pride in our responsibility as a new generation in our country.作为国家的新一代, 我们为肩负的责任感到自豪.

do up: fasten a coat/skirt with buttons/a zip

She asked me to do up her dress for her at the back.

Down flowed the brown cascade. = The brown cascade flowed down.

In came an old man with glasses.

Out rushed the boy.

search… for: examine or go over sth./sp. carefully in order to find sb./sth.

The police searched the woods for escaped prisoners.

turn… inside out: make the inside face outwards

She turned all her pockets inside out looking for her keys.

With that chain on his watch, Jim might be…

with + Object + O.C. (adj./v.- ing/p.p./pre.-phrase)

It is not polite to speak with your mouth full.

He lay on the grass with his arms crossed under his head.

He was seated on the bench, with his arms resting on his knees.

be burdened with: 负重 Industry is heavily burdened with taxation.

fix one’s eyes upon: 全神贯注于; 凝视 Her eyes were fixed on/upon the gun.

tear at: 撕扯 He flew in to a rage and tore at the letter.

as well: 除…这外;也;还 Are they coming as well?

in the way of: 关于…方面 There isn’t much in the way of entertainment in this place.

at length: 经过一段长时间以后; 最后

At length the bus arrived, forty minutes late.

couldn’t have done… without…

We couldn’t have finished the difficult task in time without your timely help.

seem to do… = It seems that

He seemed not to have heard about it. =It seemed that he had not heard about it.

I don’t think… I don’t think it’s going to rain.

…as if doing… /to do…

He stood there as if (he was) waiting for someone.

She opened her mouth as if (she were) to say something.